
The New International Encyclopædia/Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph

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Edition of 1905. See also Friedrich Christoph Oetinger on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1312918The New International Encyclopædia — Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph

OETINGER, ẽ'tĭng-ẽr, Friedrich Christoph (1702-82). A German theologian. He was born at Güppingen, in Württemberg, and studied at the University of Tübingen, where he devoted himself to the philosophy of Leibnitz and Wolf. He also became intimate with Bengel, Francke, Spangenberg, and Zinzendorf. After traveling extensively he was appointed reader of theology in the University of Halle. In 1738 he was appointed pastor at Hirschau and became the leader of the Pietists in that part of Germany. About this time he became an earnest student of the writings of the mystic Bohme, and also an ardent disciple of Emanuel Swedenborg, some of whose writings he translated into German. In 1765 he published a treatise entitled Earthly and Heavenly Philosophy, which, with his translation of the works of Swedenborg, brought upon him the reprehension of his ecclesiastical superiors. Yet he was protected by the Duke of Württemberg, and was nominated to the superintendence of the churches in the district of Weinsberg, afterwards in that of Herrenberg, and subsequently appointed prelate at Murrhardt. His works, about seventy in number, were edited by Ehmann (11 vols., Stuttgart, 1858-63), and his autobiography by Hamberger (ib.. 1845). Consult his Life by Ehmann (Stuttgart, 1859), and Auberlen, Die Theosophie F. C. Oetingers nach ihren Grundzügen (Tübingen, 1847).