
The New International Encyclopædia/Pfleiderer, Otto

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Edition of 1905. See also Otto Pfleiderer on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1377027The New International Encyclopædia — Pfleiderer, Otto

PFLEIDERER, pflī'dẽr-ẽr, Otto (1839—). A German Protestant theologian, born at Stetten, near Cannstatt. He studied theology at Tübingen and for some time was superintendent and professor at Jena. In 1875 he was called to the chair of systematic theology at the University of Berlin. Through his writings and his lectures, he became known as one of the most influential representatives of liberal theology. His lectures in London (1885) and in Edinburgh (1894) were afterwards published in English: Lectures on the Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity and The Philosophy and Development of Religion (1894). His principal works are: Die Religion, ihr Wesen und ihre Geschichte (1869-78); Religionsphilosophie auf geschichtlicher Grundlage (1878-93); Zur religiosen Verständigung (lectures, 1879); and Geschichte der Religionsphilosophie von Spinoza bis auf die Gegenwart (1893).