
The New International Encyclopædia/Rate (ship)

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Edition of 1905. See also Rating system of the Royal Navy on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

RATE (OF. rate, from ML. rata, fem. sg. of Lat. ratus, fixed, settled, p.p. of reri, to think). In the United States Navy the titles of petty officers are termed rates or ratings, which are synonymous with rank as applied to a commissioned or warrant officer. Ships of this navy are by law divided into classes called rates. Vessels of the first rate have a displacement tonnage in excess of 8000 tons; second rate, from 4000 to 8000 tons; third rate, from 1000 to 4000 tons; and fourth rate, of less than 1000 tons. Converted merchant vessels which are armed and equipped as cruisers are of the second rate if of over 6000 tons, and of the third rate if of over 1000 and less than 6000 tons. Auxiliary vessels such as colliers, supply vessels, repair ships, etc., if of over 4000 tons, are of the third rate. Auxiliary vessels of less than 4000 tons — except tugs, sailing ships, and receiving ships which are not rated — are of the fourth rate. Torpedo-boat destroyers, torpedo boats, and similar vessels are not rated. Ships of the first rate are commanded by captains; of the second rate, by captains or commanders; of the third rate, by commanders or lieutenant-commanders; of the fourth rate, by lieutenant-commanders or lieutenants. Vessels not rated are commanded by lieutenant-commanders, lieutenants, ensigns, or warrant officers.