The New International Encyclopædia/Vermont, University of

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Edition of 1905. See also University of Vermont on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2013556The New International Encyclopædia — Vermont, University of

VERMONT, University of. A coeducational institution of learning at Burlington, Vermont, founded in 1791. The Vermont Agricultural College, chartered in 1862, was incorporated in 1865 with the university, under the title of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College. The work of instruction is organized in (1) the Department of Arts, with a classical course leading to the B.A. degree, and a literary-scientific course, leading to the Ph.B. degree; (2) the Department of Sciences, including courses in civil and sanitary, mechanical and electrical engineering, chemistry, and agriculture, all leading to the degree of B.S.; (3) the Department of Commerce and Economics; and (4) the Department of Medicine, leading to the degree of M.D. The master's degree in arts or science is conferred on graduates of two years' standing. Certificates from preparatory schools are accepted in place of the entrance examinations. The curriculum is partially elective. Military theory and drill are required of male students. The university offers a number of scholarships and prizes in different departments and maintains a loan fund for the benefit of needy students who are residents of the State. In 1903 the students numbered 570, and the faculty 64. The library contained 65,000 volumes. The endowment was $584,000, with an income of $97,000.