The New Student's Reference Work/Tecumseh

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Tecumseh (tē-kǔm′sě), a famous chief of the Shawnee Indians, was born near the site of Springfield, O., about 1768. Elskwatawa, his brother, the prophet, preached against the use of the white man's liquor and food, and about 1805 Tecumseh tried to gather all the western Indians into a confederacy against the whites. As a result, 400 gathered at Greenville. In 1811, while the chief was away urging the Seminoles and Creeks to rebel, General Harrison marched oil his encampment to demand that plunder be given up and that the warriors go back to their tribes. The prophet decided to fight, but was worsted and his prestige among the Indians destroyed in the battle of Tippecanoe. On the outbreak of the War of 1812 Tecumseh led a large force to the support of the British in Canada. He was made a brigadier-general in the English service, and fought bravely in several battles. He was wounded at Maguaga and also while bravely defending a ford on General Proctor's retreat before General Harrison. At the siege of Fort Meigs, where he and Proctor held joint command, he saved the lives of the American prisoners. At the battle of the Thames in Canada he believed he would be killed. So he laid aside his general's uniform and sword, and, dressed as an Indian warrior, fought desperately till he was shot (Oct. 5, 1813). It is believed that he was killed by Richard Mentor Johnson. See Life by Benjamin Drake.