The Passionate Pilgrim

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For works with similar titles, see Passionate Pilgrim.
Versions of
The Passionate Pilgrim
attributed to William Shakespeare, edited by William Jaggard

The Passionate Pilgrim (1599) is an anthology of 20 poems collected and published by William Jaggard that were attributed to "W. Shakespeare" on the title page, only five of which are considered authentically Shakespearean. These are two sonnets, poems I and II, later to be published in the 1609 collection of Shakespeare's sonnets, and three poems extracted from the play Love's Labour's Lost: poems III, V, and XVI. Internal and external evidence contradicts the title-page attribution to Shakespeare. Five were attributed to other poets during his lifetime, two were published in other collections anonymously, and the remaining eight cannot be attributed to Shakespeare on stylistic grounds. In 1612 Jaggard published an augmented edition with poems he knew to be by Thomas Heywood.

The final six poems (XV–XX) were grouped into a sub-section titled Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Music.

2718616The Passionate PilgrimWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616)William Jaggard
Versions of The Passionate Pilgrim include:

See also
