The Child's Own Music Book/Cradle Song (Brahms)

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For works with similar titles, see Cradle Song.

The lyrics here are the traditional English translation

1595870The Child's Own Music Book — Cradle Song (Brahms)Johannes Brahms


J. Brahms

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 3/4 \key d \major \tempo "Andantino" \partial 4 <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative f' { \stemUp
  fis8 fis | a4.^\p^\( fis8\) fis4 |
  <a fis> r fis8( a) |
  <d g,>4^\(^\< cis4. b8\)\! |
  b4^\(^\> a e8( fis)\! |
  g4^\( e e8[ fis]\) |
  <g cis,>4 r e8( g) |
  cis8^\(^\< b a4\) cis4\!^\< |
  <d fis,>4\! r d,8 d |
  d'2^\p^\( b8 g\) |
  a2^\( fis8 d\) |
  g4^\(^\< <a fis>\!^\> <b g>\)\! |
  <a fis d>2 d,8 d |
  <d' g,>2^\p^\( b8 g\) |
  <a d,>2^\(^\< fis8 d\) |
  <g d b>4^\dim^\( <fis d a>\! <e cis>\) | d2 \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative f' { \stemDown
  s4 fis2 s4 s2.*2 d2 s4 cis2. |
  s2. g'2 fis8( e) | s2. g2 d4 d2 s4 |
  d2. s s2 d4 } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " Lul -- la -- by and good -- night, with ro -- ses be -- dight, _ With li -- lies be -- _ decked is __ ba -- _ by's wee bed; Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slum -- ber be blest, Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slum -- ber be blest. }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " Lul -- la -- by and good -- night, thy moth -- er's de -- light, _ Bright an -- gels a -- _ round my __ dar -- _ ling shall stand; They will guard thee from harms, thou shalt wake in my arms, They will guard thee from harms, thou shalt wake in my arms. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major 
  r4 | <d a>2 r4 | q2 r4 |
  b4( a4. g8 | g4( fis) r | <a, e>2 r4 |
  <a, a>2 r4 | a,2( a4) | d4 r r |
  b2( g8 e) | fis4( d) a |
  b,( a, g,) | d,( d) r |
  b2( g8 e) | fis4( d) r |
  g,( a,) <a, g> | <d fis>2 } >>