The New Student's Reference Work/Wilson, Woodrow

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1410170The New Student's Reference Work — Wilson, Woodrow

Wilson, Woodrow, twenty-seventh President of the United States, was born in Staunton, Va., Dec. 28, 1856. Graduating from Princeton in 1879, he studied law at Virginia University and practiced in Atlanta, Ga. Before entering the service of his alma mater, first as professor of jurisprudence and politics, and, later, as president, he had held professorships at Bryn Mawr and Wesleyan. His college career was distinguished not only by rare scholarship and capacity as a teacher, but for unusual executive ability and his successful determination to make the University more democratic. His capacity for larger public service was so evident that he was induced to run for governor of his state. and in that office established important legislative reforms in opposition to the “machine” element of his party. His distinguished record as governor indicated him as the logical candidate of the reform element of his party, and aided by the powerful support of Mr. Bryan, he was nominated at the Convention of 1912. Out of 544 electoral votes cast he received 435. On account of his character and record for public service, no president ever assumed the difficult duties of his office with greater respect and good will on the part of the people regardless of party. As a historian and writer on political and economic questions he occupies a distinguished position. His writings embrace George Washington:; Congressional Government: a Study in American Politics; The State: Elements of Politics; Division and Reunion; and History of the American People.