The Recluse (Cook)/Heart Symphony for Dare

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The Recluse
edited by William Paul Cook
Heart Symphony for Dare by Kenneth Vrest Teachout Orton
4341359The Recluse — Heart Symphony for DareWilliam Paul CookKenneth Vrest Teachout Orton

Heart Symphony for Dare

By Vrest Orton

There is no balm that time brings with the years…
The dullard days cure not my own dull pain,
When only thoughts of you do still remain.
Ah, ’tis a jest to allay children’s fears,
To say that time will right the heart’s arrears.
Why do they mock me? Can the heart contain
Your presence multiplied? Can I refrain
From crying lie…when such a lie appears?

Under glare of tropic sun,
Crowded sidewalk we
Stood upon. And no one passed,
No one jostled me.

Now you are gone. Oh words as few as four,
To think that they can carry such a power
To transmute light to darkness, yet no more
Than four small words to you. Oh for one hour!
What would I change for just one hour again?
I feel you as I see arbutus show,
I feel you in the warmth of summer rain,
You are in autumn colours, when they go
Somewhere, I know not where, yet would that I
Could, after you are gone return to you,
As after winter’s blight they blossom new
Into the spring again. I wonder why
To you no more than four small words are they…
They’re on my lips so many times a day.

In no dream I ever miss
You and I together,
Soft cheek, first kiss,
Light as a feather.

Before me is a picture that was you,
But only can I see your parted hair
Was short like mine. You could not then know who
Would once possess it and if you had known…
But then, it does not matter…it is true
Your lips are tight, your eyes are full of care.

In studio, late one night,
We thought to say good-bye.
You back to be a wife,
I home to die.

Gone is the life from beauty since you went,
It is no more than just a shining row

Of buttons that I push because I like
To push the buttons, though the cells are dead,
And nothing rings or answers for my work.
Though you are gone I know that you still live,
But in a different world than this sad world.
I feel that I am dead and you alive,
Or else I dream and you are not asleep,
But far away and doing what you think
You ought to do. Well, you will come to me,
Some day when you are tired, some sad long day
When you are tired and worn and buffeted
By this stern task-master, your other self.
Oh yes, you’ll come and I awaiting be,
In a far silent land you do not know,
Where everlasting hills and valleys are,
Where only those who ever love may go…
Into its realm of peace where only love
Is king. What use is heaven
When life can be as sweet as life can be?

You used to sit watching sails,
Out beyond……go by
And turn from the harbour view,
With a sad little cry.