The Works of Alexander Pope (1717)

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The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope (1717)
by Alexander Pope
Published in 1717, this is the first collected edition of Pope's works to that point in his career. In addition to previously published works, it contains 11 pieces published here for the first time. [Based on Alexander Pope: A Bibliography Volume 1, Part 1 (1922), by Reginald Harvey Griffith, pp. 65-70.]
There are a number of discrepancies between the titles of poems as listed in the table of contents and what is printed at the beginning of the poem (e.g. the ToC has the 'Gardens of Alcinous' being from the 9th book of Homer's Odyssey, but the title has the 7th. The ToC refers to 'Odysseis' but the titles have 'Odysses', etc.). Where such differences exist, the title at the head of the work has been adopted.
4059208The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope1717Alexander Pope










Hæc studia adolescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant; secundas res ornant, adversis perfugium & solatium præbent; delectant domi, non impediunt foris; pernoctant nobiscum, peregrinantur, rusticantur.


Printed by W. Bowyer, for Bernard Lintot
between the Temple-Gates. 1717.



Preface (not in original TOC)
On Mr. POPE and his Poems (not in original TOC)
To Mr. POPE (not in original TOC)
To Mr. POPE on his Pastorals (not in original TOC)
To Mr. POPE on his Windsor-Forest (not in original TOC)
To Mr. POPE, in Imitation of a Greek Epigram on Homer (not in original TOC)
To Mr. POPE (not in original TOC)
To Mr. POPE, on the publishing his Works (not in original TOC)

A Discourse on Pastoral Poetry, p. 1.
Spring, the first Pastoral, p. 11.
Summer, the second Pastoral, p. 18.
Autumn, the third Pastoral, p. 24.
Winter, the fourth Pastoral, p. 30.
Messiah, a sacred Eclogue, in imitation of Virgil's Pollio, p. 36.
To the Right Honourable George Lord Lansdown, p. 47.
p. 73.
The RAPE of the LOCK,
An Heroi-comical Poem. The first Canto, p. 121.
The second Canto, p. 130.
The third Canto, p. 138.
The fourth Canto, p. 148.
The fifth Canto, p. 158.
p. 167.
January and May, or the Merchant's Tale, from Chaucer p. 199.
The Wife of Bath, from Chaucer, p. 245.
Sapho to Phaon, an Epistle, from Ovid, p. 271.
Vertumnus and Pomona, from the fourteenth Book of Ovid's Metamorphosis, p. 287.
The Fable of Dryope, from the ninth Book of Ovid's Metamorphosis, p. 294.
The first Book of Statius his Thebais, p. 301.
Part of the thirteenth Book of Homer's Odysseis, p. 349.
The Gardens of Alcinous, from the ninth Book of Homer's Odysseis, p. 365.
Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia's Day p. 371
Two Chorus's to the Tragedy of Brutus, not yet publick, p. 373.
Chorus of Athenians, ibid.
Chorus of Youths and Virgins, p. 382.
Verses to the memory of an unfortunate Lady, p. 385.
To Mr. Jervas, with Fresnoy's Art of Painting, translated by Mr. Dryden, p. 390.
To a young Lady, with the Works of Voiture, p. 395.
To the same, on her leaving the Town after the Coronation, p. 400.
On a Fan of the Author's design, in which was painted the story of Cephalis and Procris, with the Motto, Aura veni, p. 403.
On Silence, in imitation of the style of the late E. of R. p. 404.
Epitaph, p. 407.
Prologue to Mr. Addison's Tragedy of Cato, p. 408.
Epilogue to Jane Shore, p. 411.
Occasion'd by some Verses of his Grace the Duke of Buckingham, p. 414.
Eloisa to Abelard, an Epistle, p. 415.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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