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/* ProofreadPage extension specific */
self.layout_overrides_have_precedence = true;
/* Hebrew Fix ? - false seems to whack dynamic layouts */
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/* CharInsert specific */
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window.charinsertCustom = {
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//	if(window.updateEditTools) window.updateEditTools();
 * WikiEditor specific
 * Custom buttons ONLY when Prefs set to - Enable enhanced editing toolbar - is selected,
 * Enable wizards for... - must not be selected. Show [old]edit toolbar - should be off.
 * based upon -
var iconPathWE = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/';
var iconPathPRP = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/ProofreadPage/modules/page/images/';
var fileNamespace = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[6];
var customizeToolbar = function() {
$( '#wpTextbox1' )
//	.wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'help' } )
//	.wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'characters' } )
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						'post': "</u>"
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						'periMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-strikeout-example',
						'post': "</s>"
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				'action': {
					'type': 'callback',
					'execute': function() {
	} );
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
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		'group': 'insert',
		'tools': {
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						'periMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ilink-example',
						'post': "]]"
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				'type': 'button',
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				'offset': [-70, 2],
				'action': {
					'type': 'encapsulate',
					'options': {
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						'periMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-xlink-example',
						'post': "]"
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				'type': 'button',
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				'offset': [-70, -142],
				'action': {
					'type': 'encapsulate',
					'options': {
						'pre': mw.config.get( 'wgWikiEditorMagicWords' ).redirect + ' [[',
						'periMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example',
						'post': "]]",
						'ownline': true
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				'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-signature',
				'label': 'Your Signature',
				'id': 'signature',
				'filters': [ 'body.ns-4, body.ns-talk' ],
				'type': 'button',
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				'offset': [2, -1872],
				'action': {
					'type': 'encapsulate',
					'options': {
						'pre': '— ~~~~'
//			},
//			'ocr': {
//				'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ocr',
//				'label': 'OCR',
//				'id': 'ocr',
//				'filters': [ 'body.ns-104' ],
//				'type': 'button',
//				'icon': '//',
//				'action': {
//					'type': 'callback',
//					'execute': function(context) {
//						     ocr()
//					}
//				}
	} );
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
	'sections': {
		'emoticons': {
			'type': 'toolbar', // Can also be 'booklet'
			'label': 'Emoticons'
			// or 'labelMsg': 'section-emoticons-label' for a localized label
		'shortcut': {
			'type': 'toolbar', // Can also be 'booklet'
			'label': 'Shortcut'
			// or 'labelMsg': 'section-emoticons-label' for a localized label
    } );
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
		'section': 'emoticons',
		'groups': {
			'faces': {
				'label': 'Faces' // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above
	} );
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
		'section': 'emoticons',
		'group': 'faces',
		'tools': {
			'smile': {
				label: 'Smile!', // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above
				type: 'button',
				icon: '//',
				action: {
					type: 'encapsulate',
					options: {
						pre: ":)" // text to be inserted
	} );
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
		'section': 'shortcut',
		'groups': {
			'faces': {
				'label': 'Faces' // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above
	} );
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
		'section': 'shortcut',
		'group': 'faces',
		'tools': {
			'smile': {
				labelMsg: 'Smile!', // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above
				type: 'button',
				icon: 'sc',
				action: {
					type: 'encapsulate',
					options: {
						pre: "{{s|", // text to be inserted
						post: "}}"
	} );
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
		'sections': {
			'info': {
				'type': 'booklet',
				'label': 'Info'
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	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
		'section': 'info',
		'pages': {
			'colors': {
				'layout': 'table',
				'label': 'Colors',
				'headings': [
					{ text: 'Name' }, // or use textMsg for localization, see also above
					{ text: 'Temperature' },
					{ text: 'Swatch' }
				'rows': [
						'name': { text: 'Red' },
						'temp': { text: 'Warm' },
						'swatch': { html: '<div style="width:10px;height:10px;background-color:red;">' }
						'name': { text: 'Blue' },
						'temp': { text: 'Cold' },
						'swatch': { html: '<div style="width:10px;height:10px;background-color:blue;">' }
						'name': { text: 'Silver' },
						'temp': { text: 'Neutral' },
						'swatch': { html: '<div style="width:10px;height:10px;background-color:silver;">' }
	} );
/* Check that the required modules are available. Then, customize */
if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), [ 'edit', 'submit' ] ) !== -1 ) {
	mw.loader.using( 'user.options', function () {

		if ( mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) == 1 ) {
//				mw.loader.using( ['ext.wikiEditor.toolbar', 'schema.Edit'] ),
				mw.loader.using( ['ext.wikiEditor'] ),
			).then( customizeToolbar );
	} );