User:SnowyCinema/Dickinson unknown date

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  1. A darting fear — a pomp — a tear —
  2. Alone, I cannot be —
  3. An Hour is a Sea
  4. As if I asked a common Alms,
  5. Awake ye muses nine, sing me a strain divine,
  6. Away from Home are some and I —
  7. Before He comes we weigh the Time!
  8. Best Gains — must have the Losses' Test —
  9. By a flower — By a letter —
  10. Could I — then — shut the door —
  11. Fitter to see Him, I may be
  12. For largest Woman's Hearth I knew —
  13. Give little Anguish —
  14. Gratitude — is not the mention
  15. Great Caesar! Condescend
  16. Her breast is fit for pearls,
  17. His Feet are shod with Gauze —
  18. How well I knew Her not
  19. I could not drink it, Sweet,
  20. I have a Bird in spring
  21. I stole them from a Bee —
  22. I would distil a cup,
  23. I'll send the feather from my Hat!
  24. If she had been the Mistletoe
  25. Is it true, dear Sue?
  26. It is the Meek that Valor wear
  27. Let others - show this Surry's Grace
  28. Life is death we're lengthy at
  29. Like Flowers, that heard the news of Dews,
  30. Like her the Saints retire,
  31. Nature and God — I neither knew
  32. No Prisoner be —
  33. No Rose, yet felt myself a'bloom
  34. Not all die early, dying young —
  35. Not "Revelation" — 'tis — that waits,
  36. Perhaps you think me stooping
  37. She sped as Petals of a Rose
  38. Should you but fail at — Sea —
  39. Sic transit gloria mundi
  40. So glad we are — a Stranger'd deem
  41. Soto! Explore thyself!
  42. "Speech" — is a prank of Parliament —
  43. Teach Him — When He makes the names —
  44. The Definition of Beauty is
  45. The Guest is gold and crimson —
  46. The Juggler's Hat her Country is —
  47. The lovely flowers embarrass me
  48. The Wind didn't come from the Orchard — today —
  49. There is another sky
  50. "They have not chosen me," he said,
  51. Tho' my destiny be Fustian —
  52. Through lane it lay — through bramble —
  53. To my small Hearth His fire came —
  54. To this World she returned.
  55. Truth — is as old as God —
  56. Unable are the Loved to die
  57. We can but follow to the Sun —
  58. We'll pass without the parting
  59. What care the Dead, for Chanticleer —
  60. When Continents expire
  61. When Katie walks, this simple pair accompany her side,
  62. Where I have lost, I softer tread —
  63. Whose cheek is this?
  64. Would you like summer? Taste of ours.