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/* global $, mw, pathoschild */

 * Add several tools useful when proofreading pages in the Page: namespace.
 * @see

 * Add several tools for editing typography like diacritics and letter case.
 * @see

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
	** Register scripts
		// stuff I routinely do at the start (Page ns only)
		{ name: 'hws', script: hws, forNamespaces: 104 },
		{ name: 'hwe', script: hwe, forNamespaces: 104 },

		// stuff I only do via shortcuts; if I could create these shortcuts without adding them to the sidebar, I would.
		{ name: 'center', script: makeCenter, accessKey: 'c' },
		{ name: 'right', script: makeRight, accessKey: 'r' },
		{ name: 'SIC [?]', script: sic, accessKey: '/' },

		// stuff I do at the end (Page ns only)
		{ name: 'uc', script: uc, forNamespaces: 104 },

		// stuff I can do any time
		{ name: 'author (surname first)', script: surnameFirst, accessKey: ',' }
	** Define scripts
	 * Convert text to title case.
	function _titlecase(text) {
		// split text into individual words and examine them one by one
		var textArray = text.toLowerCase().split(" ");
		for (var i in textArray) {
			switch(textArray[i]) {
				case "a":
				case "an":
				case "and":
				case "as":
				case "at":
				case "but":
				case "by":
				case "etcetera":
				case "etc.":
				case "for":
				case "from":
				case "in":
				case "nor":
				case "of":
				case "o'":
				case "on":
				case "or":
				case "the":
				case "to":
				case "with":
				case "versus":
				case "vs.":
				case "v.":
				case "yet":
					break; // don't capitalise articles, "to" as part of an infinitive, prepositions or short conjunctions
				default: // capitalise everything else
					textArray[i] = textArray[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + textArray[i].substring(1,textArray[i].length);

		// capitalise first word regardless
		textArray[0] = textArray[0].substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + textArray[0].substring(1,textArray[0].length);

		// capitalise last word regardless
		var last = textArray.length-1;
		textArray[last] = textArray[last].substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + textArray[last].substring(1,textArray[last].length);

		// reconstruct title
		var titleCase="";
		for (i in textArray) {
			titleCase += textArray[i];
			if (i < last) titleCase += " ";

		return titleCase;

	function surnameFirst() {
		var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
		var selStart = editbox.selectionStart;
		var selEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;
		var name = editbox.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);

		// If name is all in capitals, convert target to title case.
		var target = name;
		if (target == target.toUpperCase()) {
			target = _titlecase(target);

		// split text into individual words
		var nameArray = name.split(" ");

		// put last first, followed by a comma, then all the rest preceded by spaces
		name = nameArray[nameArray.length-1]+",";
		for (var i=0; i<nameArray.length-1; i++)
			name = name+" "+nameArray[i];

		var linked = '[[Author:'+target+'|'+name+']]';
		editbox.value = editbox.value.substring(0, selStart) + linked + editbox.value.substring(selEnd);
		editbox.setSelectionRange(selStart+linked.length, selStart+linked.length);

	function makeCenter() {
		var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
		var selStart = editbox.selectionStart;
		var selEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;

		editbox.value = editbox.value.substring(0, selStart) + '{{center|' + editbox.value.substring(selStart, selEnd) + '}}' + editbox.value.substring(selEnd);
		editbox.setSelectionRange(selStart, selStart+11);

	function makeRight() {
		var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
		var selStart = editbox.selectionStart;
		var selEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;

		editbox.value = editbox.value.substring(0, selStart) + '{{right|' + editbox.value.substring(selStart, selEnd) + '}}' + editbox.value.substring(selEnd);
		editbox.setSelectionRange(selStart, selStart+10);

	function sic() {
		var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
		var selStart = editbox.selectionStart;
		var selEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;

		var selText = editbox.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
		editbox.value = editbox.value.substring(0, selStart) + '{{SIC|' + selText + '|[' + selText + ']}}' + editbox.value.substring(selEnd);
		editbox.setSelectionRange(selEnd+8, selEnd+8);

	//wrap first word in hwe template
	function hwe() {
		var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
		var to =\W/);
		if (to == -1) to = editbox.value.length;

		var pre = editbox.value.substring(0, to);

		var post = '{{hwe|'+pre+'|…'+pre+'}}';
		editbox.value = post + editbox.value.substring(to);

	//wrap last word in hws template
	function hws() {
		var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
		var from = editbox.value.lastIndexOf(" ");
		if (from == -1) from = 0;
		else from = from + 1;

		var pre = editbox.value.substring(from);

		if (pre.slice(-1) == "-") pre = pre.slice(0, -1);

		var post = '{{hws|'+pre+'|'+pre+'…}}';
		editbox.value = editbox.value.substring(0, from) + post;

	function uc() {
		var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
		var matches = /\{\{[Uu]c\s*\|\s*([^\}]+)\}\}/g.exec(editbox.value);
			while (matches) {
				editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(matches[0], matches[1].toUpperCase());
				matches = /\{\{[Uu]c\s*\|\s*([^\}]+)\}\}/g.exec(editbox.value);
// </nowiki>