Worcester women clearing the field of fire outside Worcester after the siege of 1643

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Worcester women clearing the field of fire outside Worcester after the siege of 1643 (1643)

Report on Worcester women cleared the field of fire outside the city walls after the Siege of Worcester (1643).

source: Willis-Bund, John William (1905), The Civil War In Worcestershire, 1642-1646: And the Scotch Invasion Of 1651, Birmingham: The Midland Educational Company, p. 96–97, <https://archive.org/details/civilwarinworce00bundgoog>.  citing Townsend MSS., cited by Nash, Supplement, p. 37.

2337966Worcester women clearing the field of fire outside Worcester after the siege of 16431643Townsend

the ordinary sort of women, out of every ward of the city, joined in companies, and with spades, shovels, and mattocks did begin to work on Tuesday last, the 30th day of June, who were to the number of 400 on a day, going in a warlike manner like soldiers, and did so behave themselves there in levelling all such fortifications as were left by the Earl of Essex, and throwing down ditches, that by their own industry and free service in imitation of the citizens of London, as they within one week perfected the levelling of the same, which was done the rather by the reason some of them were killed in the siege, though casually; also to ease the soldiers, who, being weary of their late hot service, desired some rest, and to prevent Sir William Waller's approach near if he should return suddenly against them.