Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/879

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 28, 29, 30. 1855. 839 my land-office in the State of Missouri, in such quantities, agmeably to in Higsourithin the United States surveys, as the claimants may desire, zi quantity of "“° ‘" land subject to private entry, not exceeding eight hundred arpens for each of the three persons first above named, and twelve hundred arpens for said Colligzm, in lieu of; and in compensation for, a. claim of that quantity allowed to them by the board of commissioners appointed for the final adjustment of private land claims in the State of Missouri, and gpnfirincd to them by "mi act confirming claims to land in the State of Missouri, and for other purposes," approved July fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six; and the register or registers of the land—ofiices aforesaid shall receive the proper applications and proofs, and shall issue the necessary certificate or certificates, on return of which to the General Land-Oiiice, with proofs sufficient, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, to establish the right of the claimants as such legal representatives, a patent or patents shall issue, as in other cases. hunt °°is*`·¤°· Approved, January 12, 1855. Cimr. XXVIII. —An Actjbr the Reliqfqf the Heirs and Representatives of Uriah Jan. 12, 1855. Prewitt, deceased. *•····;*‘—‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of American, in Congress assembled, That the heirs and legal repre- Hm? tt"'? N}. sentntives of Uriah Prewitt, deceased, be, and they are authorized to Egzjitto locate on any unapproprizmted public lands in the State of Louisiana, the nutlwrized t<>15>» quantity of four hundred and twenty-our acres; and on obtaining a prop- §J‘f:i;i;;°'°s ‘“ er certiiente of such location, from the local land-office, under the instructions of the Commissioner of the General Land-Oiiice, a patent shall P=‘~¤¢11W>iSS¤€~ issue to them. Arpnovnn, January 12, 1855. CHAP. XXIX. —An A.ctfor the Reliqfq];¥zeLHeirs and Legal Representativesqf William Jan. 12, 1855. 60 "S. '*";""—` Bu it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the heirs and legal represenmtives of William Weeks be, and they are hereby, confirmed in their _ claim to a. tract of land, containing two thousand and thirty arpens, situ- coggndegligm ated in the parish of West Felicismzw., State of Louisiana, being the same hBh.;m,:,,d ,.3 rc, granted to said lvilliam Weelas, by an order of survey of “Grand Pre," spnmtives ofhiilthen governor of West Florida, on the thirty-first clay of May, one thou- 1mm W°°k" sand eight hundred and six, according to the survey made by Ira C. Kneelzmd, deputy-surveyor, under commission from said governor, on the twenty-second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and six, of record in the office of the register of the land·0iIice at Greensburg, Louisiana, and 2. patent shall issue therefor: Provided, That this act shall be held and taken only as u relinquishment on the part of the United States. Approved, January 12, 1855. CHAP. XXX. —-An Act jbr the Relzqfqf Parser Francis B. Stockton. Jan. 12, 1866. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting oiheers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Francis B. Stockton, u, purser in the United States navy, out B. gzgzlgltgn of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of °fm‘ of ,11 Sixty-seven dollars and fifty-seven cents, being the amount of loss claims. sustained by him by reason of making his deposits of public money in