Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/4

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iv LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page P bl' La d M ‘ nesota and Dakota. An a.ct_to extend the tinre for the payment of pre-emptors on u wcerttasn pnihlic lends in t11e,Sta.te of Minnesota- and Territory of Dekote. June) 12,11879 . 11 Mail contracts. An act to extend the time of special postal service unt1l se1v1ee cen e 0 anne y 11 advertisement. June I2, 1879 ------ --·- -·--· ·· -·--·-·- · ·--·· · ···· · ······ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '‘‘‘‘ "" H Post-routes. An not to establish post-routes. Junc‘12, 1879 c ... _ . -:. -. E . . . . Ohoctawlmtchcc River. An act to correct an error m An act making appropria/uonshorb e consdrpction, repair, preservation, and completion of certain works on rivers ond or ors, en V or 20 other purposes " approved March third eighteen hundred and seventy-nine. June 14, 1&>7·J. Vinegar factories. An act relating to vinegar ihctomes estebhshed and operated prior to Merch first, R0 eighteen hundred and suv0n1g`-nine- June 151, 1879 , . . ._ .. . . .. ~ Baltimorepost-ojiicc. An not to eu onze the Secretary of the Treasury to negotiate for therpuichase nt private sale, or, if necessary, procure by cpndcmnetion, at site for u. post-ofiiee in the · city of Baltimore, State of Maryland. June 18, 1879 .. 5.. .. . L . zzl Posvroutcs. An act supplemental to "An act to establish post-routes. _June 18, 1819 . . . . .. . J1 Chippewa Bi-ver. An not to authorize the Secretary of War to use certain moneys epproprmted b y act of Con s approved Merch third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, for the protection of thegliigh send-banks on the Chippewa. iRiver ", ng the completion and protectwn of un- I provements in and near the mouth of send Chippewa, River. June 19, 1879 ._ . . . . 2.3 . District of Columbia, church property. An act to relieve the churches of the District of Columbia, mid to clear the title of the trustees of such property. Juuc_21, 1879 .. .. . 23 Legislative, executive, and judicial expenses appropriations. An act making a.pproprm.tions_for the legislative, executive, end judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June th1r- ticth, eighteen hundred and eighty, and for other purposes. June 21, 1879 ;. - . . . . .. 23 Militmjy service appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the iiseaml year ending June thirtieth, eighteen undrcd end eighty, end for other purposes. J uno go 23 1879 . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .---- - ---··---- i District oy Columbia. An act authorizing the _ Commissioners of the District of Columbia. to extend ghe area for the taking up and impounding of domestic animals in the District of Columbia. L nno27 1879 . . .. .. . . . . id Public Bincgngi An act providing for the binding of the Internal Revenue Laws and Manual. J uno ir 27 179 . . ---.. ... . . . . . Io Territorial assemblies. An not concerning the legislative assemblies of the several Territories of the L UnitedStates. June.27 1879 . . . . . . ..-..--. .--.. .. ii of Columbia, taxes. At act fixing the rate of interest upon arrenrages of genera.] taxes and assessments for special improvements now due to the District of Columbia, and for 2. revision ‘ of assessments ior special improvements, and for other purposes. June 27, 1879 . . . 345 Omzway National Bank. An act authorizing the Conway National Bank of Conway, Massachusetts, to change its location and nemo. Juno 27, 1879 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. , . 36 Miaaisa•ip_piR·i1:er Commission. An act to provide for the appointment of a. "Mississippi River Com- Lmss1ion" for the improvement of said river from the Head of the Passes near its mouth to its ea waters. une 28 1879-. . . . . ,,_,,.,.. . ..., . , ,_____ 37 Post-routes. An act to estalilish post—roa.ds in certain States therein named. Juno 28, 1879 H . 38 Postal service appropriations. _An act making additional appropriations for the service of the Post 0fEce Delpartment for the fisce.1 years ending June thirtioth, eighteen hundred and seventy- nine, am June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eight , and for other purposes. J unc 28, 1879. 40 Ferry-hjoat Jggeciggk, jr. An act to change the name ol the ferry-boat James Fisk, jr., to Passaic. une . . - . . . - . . . . . ... . . . 41 Propclger Nglépqéignn act to change the name of the steam-propeller Nupha. to Metropolitan. _11D0 _ r... .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 41 Courts on Comtecuouti An act changing the tirne of holding the November term of the United States _ dI8h1ct court in the distmct of Connecticut. June 0, 1879 _ _________ __ ____ _ _ _________ _ _____ 4] Bndgcl;]or]¢;cit;rg1tasltIRzvcr§0 $9eot to authorize the construction of a. railroad bridge across the Wzi· S . une ..-.»--. . ~...· . .-.-· . . · ---·- · -----·---.. . . Steamer B. P. Cheney. hot to amend section one, page two hundred and thirt -four, volume 42 _ twenty, of the United States Sta.tutes_a.t Large, Iforty-fifth Congress. June 1879 ..., . 4:: Judimal cxpensca,appropa·zatzcns. An act xnnking appropmetions for certain judicial expenses for the government for the nscnl year ending June thu-tieth, eighteen lnmdred and eighty and for I l other ;;upp0pgB_ Jung 30, 1879 ______ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _____ ____ _____ Z _ __ __ 43 gzzgizgzvzggléepanagg. Ain aezet the rielicf ot;1Wi1liem Nephew King, junior. June 30, 1879 . 44 h _ g . ie .4. ing o vesse s‘not prope ed by sailor mterna.1 motive power of pmbZ.§‘r§JZ“y£.td f‘j{',,°'i{2‘$.’ £,“‘P‘¥f‘— J`?? ‘€’ M ‘‘‘‘‘ { we ‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘‘ " 9; .;,;,;‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘· 4* . . an orize e em: tary ‘ _ United States to the people of the State of Ne; York? Jug 33,110B?g??.f?.. { ?1}(??-t)f_.1i1}8 44 Storehousgtatfpglalza. An act to amend the oct entitled " nn_a.ct meking eplproprietions for the sup; po {oh l e Army fer the fiscal year ending June tlnrtieth, eighteen undred and eighty, and or 0 e1 purposes _, amppioved June twenty-thu·d, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, bv · correcting `BWQ glen;;;),] gypgpg therein, Jung 30, ]_81Q_ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _-; 45 EhzgemcI¢3_rn&>Gr({2ag)t§1£;»}yAr a§tup;o:§dig7g9 nlling vacancies in the Oinee of Chief of Engineers, 4P Cm4,rf,9 em _Kg1;tqLc]gy_ AD act to pl-Gsgpjbg the t' N nf- -1;-id:" -.-U-`.--zu nn H'-- -:--D `_" _-". U P M_ Iinitggl Stgttes iptthe district of Kentuclrlyfas Jhly 13 lgg dmtnct courts of the 45 u to an : _ nec o mnt ztdd't' 1ht t h 5 I--- -``` B nt"`- ```` Y` _ road hmits in the Sdaetes of Llissggrshgid idrliainzgg. w;g1;eH?8r;9(T.?ili1}?.$1.I}t1. .Ylt¥]}D ml- 46 Natwnal Board_0f Healthn An act to provide office—room for the National Board of Health and _ the publication of its reports end papers, and for other purposes. Jul 1 1879 , 46 Diat1·•c;nqg{'tgpla:11!r-Sea. thAn a.ct_to providehfor the conveyance of the low g]S0|.lDgSl,11 the _ er e provisions o the act f C h- ‘ · _ enth, eighteen hundred and twenty-two.0 J11(ly€fB1?§790. f zfi Y.? . if sev, 47