Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1183

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cxxxiv nmnx. Pasco, Wash., P•l•· PawcaturlgRiver, R. and Conn., _ Past. acquirltgg site for public building at, au- 879 appropglation for improvement of; mam- 802 onsed ... ance ... Pau Caoallo, Ter., Pawnee Indiana, Okla. dauonfrim rvvement fchannol priati frfulfi1hng' treati 529 """°"r.»__}»..rr riecgom .. ?. .é). so p;’;;’§‘g;u., °d _ » w°“b"fld_ change clmme m Aruxs inrmgsi an erec u c ui n P _ Eiuthorglzegtopassby Port 0’Counor: 214 Pmq at, I\ldl0‘li%d..ET€.I: ... 874 came ver, . ., •y,Armg, ’ uonfor rovem ntof ... m4,&)5 priati f r .. . 571,706 for rmpmvemenlgg abovsfliontclair and mercy sinlprtiaprintion for. . 601, Greenwood Lake Railroad br$e... ,204 619, 623, 919, 935, 938 for im rovement of Newark Bay 446 and emoluments forfeited by su rior Passenger gleam Vesgluig, _ of officer responsible nga: na in tanks motor detached servi o tiicer y _ 650 during continuatixce thereof. . 571 Paasenga Vessels (ass Steamboat Inspection). oBcers may designate payee of check by Pauports, _ _ mdorsement on monthly pay ac~ - termination of treaty with Rum afectmg, count . - ... _ ... _ 577, 710 P ratilied ... . 627 paymfdelrit of check to be acqmttauce ign 710 rpprqsusoh re? im rovement or and p Cla·l:s»-A·m•y ``'``````` `i·"ym" ```` · ’ enmen m n•1r§»m6.B;.§£&--& me W Cleiks),f6r W ° l1mina.ry' enmina °on e ti 7lB "'° channel in . 225 "’IT.'J’E,3.’2,.,.??K we P•:a•¢ 0[ué0I:tg•:r Department, _ E pay of, retired . . for examiners, etcai _ §9 7, 775 Pnofurtbe;·vappoiiitinenis•t7i>·be~rnadc;; III: 7111 P¥®¤¤d. UYIGDUET books, Corp: ao , fo etc¥l,i._ .. k 398, 775 ugumbeglof oécers increased; limit for iis- 3% r wee y anne o ps ; wmgzm year , . .. · etc . ,775 P D¢parmmu,Am•y, for in c _ 393, 775 zyprmpdation for pay of the Army 571 for expenses, ternatmnal Bureau or dlicers; longevity .. 571 Berne 998, 775 for pay ori officers; longevity 574 for steelbookstacks for library .. 453 odlce establishment merged into Quarterfor printing weekly rnue of patents, etc. 481 master ... 591 forprintmg, etc. Officxal Gazette ... 481 consolidated wr Quarwrmaswr Corps; binding montbly volume oi patents details, etc .. L . 591 tm .L“.*€.'lE2¤‘2.?£°»L‘.“°.?1'a‘§.;’$»?£°§‘,;.;.;a‘;r;.; ‘“‘ "L’;;,,...,r. ““‘L§l."i;; rem. ... 1%,% . . . 948 men . . , conunision lcfaated w prepare plans, etc., dézigcy appropriation for 619, 624, 935, 938 for new building for 883 Pay, Navy, emp?ent&tBtecbmcal, ekorghservgces 883 appropriation for ... gg, gg upervinng iter: .. . or mrsce1lan' eous .. . .. , additional to regular force ... . . 883 f co¤tangen` t ... 331, 893 investgtion of administration, etc., of, to deiugisncy appropriation for .. 603, .¤“’“.,r5..’;1’.“°°“°”"‘“" ”"‘“°"°’ .43 r ..,· 2... 2% 2%% 2222* wt? ... . ... or eous , , , reports and recommendations to be nb- for William H. Bolming, designated nntted by December 10, 1912 ... 643 benedciary of . . 922 Pa“»; Gt;>3l£or expenses ... 643 allotment foagymasteri, etc.,clerks, 1912, _ , _ _ ‘ _ _ amen ... t .. 3 appropriation for printing and.b1ndmg... . 481 increase of 35 per cent to officem demilod binding m%ntbtly vogrme rg pgents and 481 P R01 lon aviation duty .. 892 i_ ca ons, rscon nu . ay , P.¢en¢a,g)€cm€a•imnaL tobe ,tc.bad" ' tippmprtigiioin for, aiaistant, exsminerséw 775 h b:re3i1s in lexzlcgaiiggtdt e .. .. , pnrtm gn t, ` designated on commission topreparelplsns, clerks? {I? . 375 etc., for new building or stent 883 Payette Na¤omlfFore•{,‘Iduho, of _ ()iiice_ . . prntron ormnmte , uz., .. 284,841 Pauhna Forcrngrncy., tc of 284 841 Pmw Gmygr 0piesjm;Sa: Bepartment propnauon or ance, e ., .. , see

£¤h¤l;s¤ izfnhndtsglumodzed with pl-vm, 200 Xpgiyxf lQ‘;¤·¤¤'¤¤¤¤¤¢r Corps,

W¤ W1 -·-- · ···- - —····-· · ···~ ¤PP|'0P¤¤ 0¤ 0l'€ €|‘ . eil! .. 387 Paupers, Q., _ Paymaafeff Clerka, Afmy_(ae¢ also Psy Clerks, . approjanatxon for transportation of .. 175, 969 Army), PWM , MMG-. _ _ appropriation for pay 575 approp&mn&r;£; use of property at Kiln- 263 for tpl? of, retired . I , 5 75 m . r ve · ‘ p...e.,¤7&fi., _ ’ °,.,¢  ??F?.‘i:ii:;;; 232 duty ¤¤ un¤d¤5¤-·; ---·.- - --·~--~------- 5 deficnency appropriation for commutation reciprocal duty m Lanada on . 8 of quorum _______ ____ ____________ 623, 919