Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1093

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 10?;9 _ x   Q3.-—N.£"?IGA`TION' ANJ

rnéficns and Surveys authoriied by law shall be reviewed By thé ge Boaril of Engineer; for Rivers Hand Harbors as provided for lc is {hg grecadiug éoétimz and all special reports. ordereg by pt (·,»;,ig;·{;g,; shall, in tht} diS¢reti<>¤r of the _ Chiéi of Engineers, bg Hl;·i{·‘wod ily like mmnnérl by said board ;· and the said mam u Mau also, gm request by 1·¤.wl¤tiou_ of the Gomnritteg oxrpourq HW.-? ot the S€hn’ll@`91° the Gvmmiliteé cu Ilivgrs/and Harbors. sw My gm House of Rqui¢Se¤t8.§iveS, submitted. to tho Clrigfu of 0:

;;;_fil;€*9!’S, cxnmihé mad 1‘8Yicw_`th¢ report of any examination 'lr

or ~m·v<»·y· made gursuant to ani Act or rmclutzion of Congress, 1 tam} ;—l—pm·t thereon through the Chief ot Engiruoers; United _Di Salim; Amay,.who shall submit¤clusi0¤s thereml in ¢< U{5‘H»;~`{—;;sos: Prcrided; '1‘hat·in'¤0 case shall thayboard, ir; its f< yl-; art thus (Billed fol‘ by C0m¤itt#&§_1‘€S0llltion, éxtendrthe sgope ,*3} Hi mp project contémélutcd in the origiiml· report upon which / IT gal oxzlinirmtion and review has been requested, or in the pro- fl r§¤~i<>:1 of low authorizing the original examination or survey. B el 31};r,l4, 1913; tr. 144; 5-4, 31 Stst.f826.) _ —_ _ _ t<

 Employmezgt of civil .wgi¤acrs cn rvcsigrn and north- R

wgslem rivers.—·'.l?he Ol1ief_ of Engineers may, with the rip! b' pqllvrzl of tho Secretariat ‘War, employ ·$ll(?h‘· cjvil ehgineers,_ ¥ gw; oxroeding tivajn number, for the purpose of exeouting the _` .» ;,mw»;·;·s and improvements of wcéztern and xgorthwestcm rivers, ll } {Qi-¢~lr·z·od by Congress, als may be xrgeegsary to· the `proper and h _¢lil&¤r~n_l; prosecution of the éame; and (he 'porsons so empl0yed_ H z,mu;r be- ollowed ll reasonable compcxlszition for their Servigcs, 3lH{ to oxceed the som of $3Q000 an year. (R.- S. § 5253,}) _ “ ’ ° Sill. Employment of retired =o&ccrs of Army or Navy.5—-Sec- E xml G2 of chapter 1 of Title `5,. Exmctrmvs I)EP'A§'IlMENTS Ann. H {S4?-`l.l2NMi·2NT Orrxcvzas Am: Exrnovmrss,-shall not be So construed H as m ,prr·vent tho €·mp1oymont_,of any retired otlivcr of tlié * ‘.\rzl;;· or`N:1vy to dowork under the direction of tlré Chief of llimzm ms of the Unit<jd'Statos Army hi C•)I1ll€CtiOIl with the it isz»;lr=·x·<·1ng2j2t of river? and harbors of the Unit0d'States, or the {_

;5.jzf;·—nt by the proper officerpf the Treasury of any mnouutsh
‘:·;r;·vl upon ag conzpvusatioh for such. vlnployment; (June It

.l*~il·¤¥. <·. 314, §'7,l29 Stat. Zia?.) H » · _ tl 513,, Ifrolimiuary examinations and reports; survéysrgone ii touts of report to Congress gcncrnlly.·——··In all casés, whore 'I.

=ary <—xm£xir_mtions and su`rveys`are authorized a pro- I4

l·im%m1·;· €’}i{lllllll21tii)H of the river, harbor, or ’other_ propo.»;od , i, im;-r<»s·¤·m¤·ut mk;u'tiom·d shall ilrst be made and a report {LS. “ all zlrr mlx·isal;ilit;· of its lngprovcarlout shall he submitted unless 1. 2: F¥ll`l't‘}'/` or ostinmte is erprérssly dirc~ctcd." 5If 1ilJou·‘suCh ( l=r··lsm§:::u·y examination the proposed i_ ;11p1’i:>V•;·nlex1t· is not lm-ml·l~l :zdv§sa,ble, no further action shall ·bo takonr thereon q o _%*<i%ll·>ut tho fm·lher direction of Congress`; llut ih case the ,I· ¢¤·;<3r€ slmll be favomblo to such grroposcd improvement, or { lim il _>~·m·x·ey_gnd eegtlmznto should be nnaclo to detcrlflllxe the d

z<m»zlll$lity of improvcn1ox1t,'tl1é Séé~retary’of Wzxr is· HUUXOYQ S

im!. in his discretion, to cause surveys to be made, and the os: mall mlvieagbillty to be reported to oCongress. And such ta

·~·;l··a·ls ematalnliog plans ond estimates shall also contain 11 S

>»¥¤¤l4·lsz<·ut ag to the rate at which the work Shilllld bf: lli0S€·· rl <·sm·<l·t Provided, That every roport sulsmzlttcd to Congress, in (· mllliaion to full information regarding tlI€¤[)l'€‘S€X1lg and prospec? 3 I mo lmmnxorvial importanlre of the project ·covérel1'by the report gl Mil the l¤_·m·ti'; to mmmlyree likely to result; from &r)y·`i1l‘0DOS¢d o WM: ot lmprox·o;;;{ml;, shall also contain surlrd&ta 8S it may {gr M l»rra<·ti<::1l>lo to secure ix? regard to the following: subjoctsz g. ul) The existence and ostal>li»;lm1czn£ of both fprimtoaud a lmhlisz tczrmimal aud.trm1sferhfaq·llltles contiguous to the navl¥ cl xzzllltz qmtcr proposecl to be improved, aud, if wator t£‘I`Ill'lIl£1lS° § l.:xv<;,ll>geI1 cgonstmcted, the general lQ(!l1ti()ll,A deaserlption, and xm mmlo of the szzlxnc, with rm opinion as to their mloqnmcy *1 will rill<;ilem·y, wllotlaor private or public; "If no public tor-; Q h mmlls have been constructed, or if they are izmcluquzite in` lf; number? there shall beolucluded in the report an opinion in I tl

, . —i· . » Dv··NAVIGAB\LE wAmnsf §· _550». eheral terms as, to the necessity; number, and egpropriete mation of `thesame, and else the neceseery lreletionsnof such ropoeed terminelsto, the development of commerce. ,, (b)”The dterelopment f1lild~UtHiZ&ti0Il of·.weter power for _,_ 1_dustriel_m1d eommercielp11rposes._ Q’ ~‘ ‘ .’ ` .i(c) Such other subjects es méy he properly.conneeted with 3 uch projecti Provided, That ih_;ne·i¤veet1geuee_ end study f these questions ponlsideretion shell he given only to their earing upon the iniproyemeut of naivigeticm, to the possibility rid. desirability of ttheir being coordinated in e logical and roper manner with ixnprovements for- navigation -to lessen tl astof ·sueh"_improvemeni*s,,and to compensate the Gorernment xr expenditures made; in the interest of navigation, and to

1eir relation to the development and regulation efeemmerce:

’r0vi8ed· f$£!’¢h67;,` That the inve.sti§nt1en· and stmt? of them uestions may, upon reviei$v» by the Beergitot, Engineers for- i livers end Harbors when called for as provided hy law, be ex· ·- !Ild€d· t0` any work of improvement under why, and to any rcelity the examination dndfsmwey of whieh has heretofore eeryor may hereafter be, authorized by Congress., (Mar. 4, 313,‘e.‘144,.‘§ 3, 37"Stzt. 825.) _ _ _ " , ._ ‘ 546, Investigation of stream Bow and- watersheés; surveys . 1 connection with dams.-Phe surveys ot `navigable streams ereiuor hereafter authorized shelf incluge such .streem·¤ow xeasurements and other investigations of the; watersheds as, my be necessary for, preparation of-plzmsot improvement end proper consideration of all uses of the streem afeeting navietion,`and whenever necessary similar investigations ,mey be _ madein connection with all navigable strearusunder improve? rent, Whenever permission- for the construction of dems in » evigebléstreezns is_grantied,’0r is under consideration by Cony· ress,»euch,_surveys and iuves"tigations of the sections of the . » treains`eHeg:ted may be made esereneeessery to secure oem ormity withwationgrl plans for the imnrovernenf of the streams or navigation. (June 25, 1910, e. 382, §_3, 36 `Stet. @39.) 547. Reports as tolecal bene§`ts of `itupreveméntwaud recom- — - nenidations. as to local cooper·ation.-Blvery report_“,;·sebseitted 0 Congress in pursuance of any provision of law for 3 surrey, , n `addition Ito' other information which the Gougress has di- rr ected shell be given, shell contain a` statement of special or meal beneiitawhieh will accrue to localities effected by such ‘ improvement and .e. statement of general or notional heeueflts, vith re<;;ommentlotions,as to what local coogmrutiou should heequirerl, utf any, on account! of suc·h_‘spet:iel or local benefit. June,5, 1920, c.» 252, § 2,"41 S_tat.‘1010/.) - ~ ~ 548, Reports on discontinuance or curtailnnent efj projects.- Jhe Chief of Engineers} is director! to make e report upon all iverhngl harbor projects adopted, priorhto _Meroh 3, 1925,·the urther·fimpr_0vement of which under 'nresent eohditions is-_uulesireble or in which··ct1rteil'ment of the plans or projects hould be made, = (Mer. 3, 1925, c. 467, § 7, :43 Stef; 1191.) ·‘ - 549.. Report of deterioratioxrin'improrements;~'Flze Serie- e ery of Wer¥sh:1ll cause the" Chief of Engineers of the United

tetes,Army, ing submitting his annual reports to Congress with

egaird,to works of river and herhor improvement; under his herge, to state what deterioration, if eny, has taken piece by estruction, Qdecey, obstructions, or otherwise, in connection with any of such works,. together with an estlrnete of the cost f rebuilding or.rep:1~iri1xg,suel1 iworks, or removing sueh ebtruotiopns; and he shellelso reuse the suicl Chief of Engineers u recommend, with his reesoxzsighierefor, the`dlscontinm,me,e of pproprietions for euy river an harbor work which he iuey eem unworthy of further improvement., (Mer.3, 1899, e, 425, 7,30 Stat, 1150.) n ‘ » · 550. Report on weter terminal; and transfer faeilitiesZ—¢—— ihe Chief of Engineers, United States Army, shall- indicetein is annual reports the chnreeler of the terminal and transfer uoilities existing on every hzirhor or weterwey Yinder meinenenee or improvement by the United States, and state whether