Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1618

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‘ .i . ‘ ‘ \ __ § 567 TITLE 48.-TE1zR11*01z1Es2 Am Héve -re?éid<-ad in the .Havzaiian` Islimds poi less than three ‘ years and be qualified to vote for senators in gba district from [E which" hé or she ‘is elected. (Apr. 30, 1900, of 339, § 34, 31 ` Stat? 147; Sept. 1§, 1922, c,_ 315, 42 Stat.844;) __ ‘ · · - ° ,1 567. Vac:ncics.——Vacang:ies caused by deatlig resignation, or \ otlwrwiée shall be iilled for the` unexpired term at general pr 1 special elections. (.Ap1·: 30;·’19()0, c. 339, § 31, 31 Stat. 146.) 568, Disti·icts.;—For ighe purpose of representation in 'thén t lsqxm te, until otherwise provided bi law, the Territory is di- ( vidediinto the following "sen_a§0rial districts, namely: ` " Fipst district: Thgisland of Hawaiii » _ · _' · I: Second district: The islands of Maui; Molokai, Lanai, and _§ Kahculawef" { . *· ; '* _ ’ , "Third district: The island of Oahu. . ` ._ , _ Fourth district: The, islands of Kauai and Niihau. (Apr. 30, 5 1900, c. 339, §_ 32, 31[Stat. ·14’p) · . _ ‘_ " ‘ » 1 _569.‘App0rti<mmc1it· qi " senators.-5The electors in the Said _: districts shall lyeentitled to elect senators as follows: D In the Erst di$frict, fb\1l‘;‘ ‘ · ‘ V, ‘ In the second. district, t1n·0c ;*_ In the third district, six ;.; _ V - · In the_fou1•th district, two., (Apr,. 39,-.1900, c. 339, § 33, 31 Stat;147.) " ” " . . _ _ . . .- · 570.`H¢mse of representatives: numlgérq-The house of representativw fshall be compdscd buf thirty members, elected, -ex— gcptwas §i'·0vidéd irrthis chapter. every skecond year, _(Apr.·_30, · 1900, c. 339, § 35, 31 Stat. 147.>_ I `. _ - ~— `571. Same;,qualiiicatinns.—Inn order tb pe pligihlc to_ be a I member of the `housgvof 're_pre,sc11tativj¢s the- person gshall, at' ‘1 the time of electi0i1¥—- . _ A · ‘ Huve.aitaiuu·d the agc._0ftv¤*e1xty-Hsje years; I Bé a citizen of the United States; s _ ·_ i Have resided in the Hawaiian Islands not less than ilnyee 'yearsgmd shall be qualified tp vote for represgeutattvés in tho idisffiét from which he 01* bhe is elected. (Apr. 30, 1900, c. _] 339,-5 40, 31 Stat. 148; SeptQ‘15,-1922, c. 315, 42 Stat. 844.)] ` 572. Term of 0@cc.—-—Thé term of qmce of the ‘represeuta- '-• tiiics elected at any general or special election shall be- until ‘ ihé next general election held themafterl (Apr. 30, IWO, c, i 339, § 36,31 Stat._.1i7.) · _ 1 ‘ X ._ 573. VI¢IH¢i¢l.*—i7°&C811Ci£*S in the ·_ ofiicc of .. representative W ‘ `caused by death, (resignation, or otherwise `shall be iilled ffori I théuuexpired taérm at special elections; (Apr. 30, 1900, °c. 339; ¤ 537, 31'Smt. 147.), _ _ _ ’ - V _ ] 574. Districts,-¥··Fo1* the purpose df representation in the 1 house of tgprescutatives, until otherwise provided by law, the J Territgry is divided into the following representative districts, `uamely: · . _- ·. · _ n 1 First districp: That portion of the island of Hawaii known as W Puma, Hilo, and Hgmakqn. '· · · · · · » I ` Second district; '1‘hu§‘pcrticu ct the island of Hawaii kudwn _ as Kau,·K0:1a, and Kohala. ~ ‘ · · · b · Tbitd district: The tslm1dé*’0f Maui, Molokai; Lanai, 'and Kah¢mlawcL \ _ L ·_ . · " ·` [ · Fourth district :‘ That portion ot the island ot Oahu lying east gxxdécutlx of Nuuauu Street. and • H·I`1B`dl'&W¤ in exten-- sion thereof from thp Nuuaim._Paii‘t0 Mokapu Point:. T Fifth district: That portion ot the islnind of Oahu lying west and north of the fourth districh » · ' · · Sixth district: '.1f1,_1e {shinds nt Kauqi mid Niihux. Y(APr. 30, 1900,_ <:.·-339. § $#5, 31 Stat. 147,) X · - · · _

 575. Appertic;1¤mé¤t.——€[‘11e electors in the sdld districts shall

be entitled to elaét representatives as follows: - In the hrstilistricé, tour; . ’ In the scmuddidxict, tour.; _ In the third district, six; In the fcigrth district, six; In than ilftii district, iix;

•.‘ , . I _ ~ D INSULAR POSSESSIONS" -1604 `Ip the sixth district, four. (Aprf 30, 1900, c. 339, § 39, 31 §tat.148.)"· 1, _~ · ._ ·_ - 576. Date for” regular session; durgtion; adjournment.- Regular, sesslpus of the legislature Shall be held. on the thi1=d· Wednesday in" February, biem1ia1ly,»in odd-numbered yearg, in _’ Hpnldlulni. _ · —` _ _ _· " ` .: . ', — Each sessicm of the legislature shall continue not longer rhau slxtyfdays, excluding Sundays and hblidays, but the govzrnor may extend such éessiqujor mit more tlmu thirty days. The governor may convene the legislaturejr or the senate alone, in speeial session, aud, in case the seat et. gbverrlment _ . shall be, nnpsafe-_fr0;ri an. enemy, “ri0t, or lnsurrectiim, er anny ` ilaugemus dlSé8Sc, direct that any»regular—or' special session · shall be held aetspme other than the regular plave; l -_ ‘ Neitller li0use_-shall adjourn diirixig gny·sessi0p fer more than three days, or sine diefwitheut the consent pi the other. (Apr; .· ·. 30, 1900, c. 339, §§ 41, 42, 43,.31 Stat. 148.) " , -- . l 577. Enacting ,élduse; pméeedings iq English la¤g¤age.=—— The enacting clzupsefof all laws shall be, “Be it enacted by the legislature of the Tei·rit01*y of· Hawhil;" . ·

 All legislative- pr dings shall. be conducted inlthe English ’

mngimge. · (Apr. 30, 900, @2. 339. S 44; 31 Stat; 148.) ‘ 578. Subject and le of laws.—Each law shall embrace but mge subject, which hall be expressed in its title. (Apr, 30, 1900, c. 339, §.j15, 3 Stat.-148.) . ·_ " _ _ . — ‘ { 57-9. Passage of.bills;.reacli¤gs; vote on Enal .passage.——-A hill in order to become at lmsj shall, except as, provjided .in this `chgpte1·,;pz1Ss tl1ree.1=eadi11gs in each house} on `separate xlays, the iiuél passage df wl1ich in each héuse shall be by e umjgirity vote of all the membcrés to which such -h0`use is en- , tiitlecl, taken- by {l,Y€SrA8lld 1i0es_aud_ entered upon its` journal. (Apr. 30,‘1900, 0.,339, § 46,Q31 Stat. 148.) _ U ~ l _ 580._ Bills passed by one house certi6ed· tc 0tlnei·.·-—Eyery bill when pzzssed‘ by the house in which it originated, or in which amendments thereto shall have originated, shall immediately ‘be»¢ertliled py thepresicllng officer and clerk and sent fo the other house for consideration.- (Apr. 30, 1900,- c.. 330, 547. 31 Stat. 149.) " · I 0 581. Approval or veto of appropriation bills.e--Evemy bill which lshall havepassed thejlegislature_sl1all be certmed by the presiding offlpers and `clerks"0t b0th_ houses, end shell thereupon `be presented to the g0verum·." It he approves it. he shall sigu` it, and it shall become _ l&w._ It the governor does, not approve suchebill, he may return it, with l1is»,0b·· jecticms; to the legislathré. 1 ‘ ‘ _ . _ _ He may veto any sfnecitlc item oi, ltems in any bill which approprmtes iucmey for specific purposes; but shall veto other 1 bills, if at all, only as a whole. . (Ap;. .30, 1900, c. 339, § 40, _ B1 Stat. 149.) ‘ · _ 0 · __ ‘ · .· 582; Signature of goyctnenj.-—Except as provided in this chapter, -ell bills; passed by the legibluture shall, `in order to " be·‘velid,—`l>e_ signed `by .the_g<»v€m<>l‘.` (ADI'- $0. 1900. G- 3·39· § 48, 31 `Stat_._.149.‘) · _ ` _ _— ~. 583. Procedure on receipt of vet0.—··-Upon the retselpt of u veto message `fr0m~tl1e.govern0r·e¤ch lmuese of the legislature shall enter the same at large upon its journal and proceed to tecoixslder sueh blll, or part. ot e bill, and hgelxn vote upon_ it by ayes and does, whléh shallhe entered upon its·jourua1.· It utter _ sucl1 rec01;1siderati0¤· such bill, or part ot a bill, shall bé approved by a two~thirds· vote ot all the- members to which each house is_.e¤tltled, it: shall thereby become law. (Axi? 30, 1900, c. 839, § 50, 31 Stat. 149.) ‘ _' · 584; Failure of governer te sign, veto, er remm--bill.--ilf the governor: neltl1er`,sIgus`m>;· `kvctces a bill. Y•·itbl¤·` ten days h atterw it is `delivered to him it shall become a- Thw `Wlt}I0llt_ his signature, unlem the legislature adjoums sine die prior to the expiration of such ten days. `