Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/419

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405 a*12·1,;1 16.--ION 170 of this tltlc, to hear the evidence lntroduicd, and li he is I of opinion that probable cuuso is shown for holding tho pérson { so charged for trial, shall cause such person to be safely cou- n .,,»;,·0¢_1 to a secure place of coufiuomoxrt within the jurisdictioh ,1] uf the United States district (}()1lI`ffol"t1l8_,d1Stl`i(!t of Montana, b and certify a transcript of the record ofllis proceedings and 0 mv testimony in tho case to- said court, which courtshall have D _;m·isdiction of thocasc. The said commissioner shall grant H mil in all cases bailal·>lo.umler thé laws of the Ugxited States V ,.¤· or said State.- {Aug. 22, 1914, c. 264, §_ 7, 38 Stat. 700.) _ a 174, Same; commissioner; process directed to marshal; ar- t, rest without pr0cess.———All process issued by `the‘cu1x1missi011or· c_ wililu be directed to the marshal of the United States for tho S, .g3rz;·ict of Montana, but nothing herein contained shall ~l>o__so 't_ mlstruml oath prevent tho—urresfby any officéror omployeo H ey?. the; Govornmicnt, or any person employed by tho United V, Smwa ih the policing of said reservation, within said bound-· _S,

,;-15, without process, of·ai1y·'porso;1 taken in the act of ty

t-mlatixlg tho law oxisoctions 163, and "168 to·177, inolusive,-_of t; mis title, or the regulations pEroscribod‘ by said Secretary as t,

1‘..»·»»;=ai4l. (Aug. 22, 1914,jc] 264, § 8, 3S‘Stat. 701,) B

175.. Sahte; commissioner; salary; residehcé; fees.--The oom- S lllziasimzcr in Glacier INatiouu1 Dark shall be paid an annual ‘q >`:¤i..zry as appropriated for by Congress, payable quarterly. He t; mall ri·si<le.witl1iu the exteriorbuumlm·ics__of said ·Glacicr ,0 National Park, at_a place to be designated hy the court making S, meh 8]l[)0i!ltl11Cllt.°fAu Joes, costs, and expenses collected by nt; the commissiotnor shall be disposed of us.provldcd in section 6 , 176 of this title. (Aug. 22,*1914, c. 264, § 9, 38 Stat. 701; Feb. 7 `zzz, 1925,`c.-364, 43 Sul. i028.)`. ‘ · ° ~, . · tt 176, Same; Enos and costs iiupcsed and collectedidepositod C with clgrk.—·—>·All hues and costs imposed and colloctedhimll be t. deposited by said commissiorier of the United States or the :8 marslxsal of the United States coll0cting»'the;·samé with tho q clerk of the United States district court for thoddistrict of E Montana. (hug. 22, 1914,4:. 264,- {@11, 38 Stat. 701.) · 1 · 0 l_77. 8amz;` foes. costs, and expenses; how certihed sind "‘¤ paid.-y-All tooo, mats, and expenses arising in cases under this H _socti6h‘ahd sections 163 and 168 to 176 of this title and properly S chargeable to the Uultod States shall be cortlhcd, approved, Q ‘&¥ldID8ld as are llko foes, oostsysnd expenses in ttm courts of é me United States. (Ang. 22, 1914, c. 264, 5 10,*38 Stat, 761,) 0 , 178. Same; hotel, operated under regulation *j»rosoribed,—-——-—‘ a Any hotel erected on the load aoldhntl conveyed to the Glacier 0 Park Hotel Company under authorltjr of the Act ot.March 2, p 1917, chapter 147, Thirty-ninth Statiutos, bago·90~1, shall be op·¤_ g mated by tho said Glaclor Park Hotel Company, its successors 1; and assigns xmdér auch rules and rogttlaitions as tho Secretary 1; of the Interior may prescribe for the cohdugt and. operation of ';· bowls within the Glacier National Park.? (Mar. 2, 1917, c. as 1:17, 39 Stat. 994.)* 4 · 4 I » t· 179. Sage; donations of btiildiass other property.-=··'J2ho a Secretary ot tha Iutorlor la authorized, Alu his dlacrotion, to] tl mgcopt l»ul_ldl1gs;· mouoys, or other property which- may be ¤so·` tl ful in the DBCEEIZIBBIIC of the administration and amtlrs ot the r Glaeler_Natloual‘Park uhdér ]1iB\Bl1]}¢1‘¥l1B10,I.l,#Kl1(1 which maybe sl donated for- park -pumosos. Hs may accept patantsh lands 1) or rights of way over patented lands in tha Glscisr .Natiohs.l tl Park that may be donated for park bnirpum (Juno 12, 1917, cl c. 27, l 1. Stat. 151·;_Ju 1y 1, 19.16, c, 309, S 1, & Stat. tt 180. Saws; proceedgubf sw other reruns: covered ‘a into tho Traasary.——A.1,1”p rocé¢ • or other rarormm ph that may be derived from any source cohhsctod with Glaaar s National Park shall be covered into the Treasury- of that ;t1

  • Unit& Statg to the credit of (Mir, tl

4,-,1911, c. 285, { 1, 36 Stat, 1421; Jguts 12, 1917, ¢. 27, S 1, I 40 Stat. 153.) 1 q \

lsuzzmwolv § 191 IROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIQNAL PARK 191. Rocky Mountain National Park; establishment; reolanation p1‘0ject.-—-The tract of land in the State of Colorado »articu1nr1y_ described by and included within mgjgs and oumls las follows, to wit: Beginning nt.the southeast corner f section 34, township 3 nortl:i,“rnng,e 73 west of the sixth rincipnl merlfiian, Colorado, thence north along the section mes t0` the nonthenst•o0rne1*_0f section 3, said township; thence rest to; the northwest corner of said section; thence, north long the section lines to the northeast] corner of section 16, ownship 4 north, range 73 west} thencewest to the northwest oruer of said section; thence north to the northeast corner of ection 8, said township; thence west along the section lines 0 the northwest corner of 1 section 7, said township; theme orth to. the northeast corner of township gienorth, 'rzmge 74 rest; thence westalong the iirst correction li11e· north, to the · outheast corner of section township 5 [north, range 74 west; hence north nlongl the range line to the northenet corner of he southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 13, said ownship; thence west to the northwest corner of the soothnst quarter of the southeast quarter of section 14, sold town? hip; thence north °to the northwest corner of the northeast

l1&I‘tE!.‘ of the southeast quarter of section 11,‘Said~ township

hence east to the northeasf corner of the northeast qnnrter lt- the southeast quarter of section 12, sold township; thence onth, along the range line to the southeast corner ofsnid sec¥ . lon; thence east nlong the section linen to thesoutheast corner f the southwest quarter of section 10, township `5 north, range 3 west; thence north ·to the northeast corner of the south- o vest quérter of said section; thenge east to ··the southeast orner of the northeast qnarter of said section.; thenee north 0 _ the northeast corner of snid section; thence ant to the outheast corner of the oouthwxt quarter ot the muthwest

unrter of section 2, snldétewnshin; thence north to the northnst. corner ot the southwest quarter ot the southwest quarter

»t said section; thence east to the S0§1Uk¢l8£—¢é1’&l’ 04. the northeast quarter ot the aonthwmt quarter, said motion; thence lorth to thetnortheast corner ot the northeast qmnrta ot the ` outhwest quarter .0t skid section; thence east to the southnst corner ot the northeast quarter of section 1, uid townhip; thence north along the range line to thB`BG1fthélet corner , { section » 36, township 7 north, range 73 t non; west long thesection lines to the intersection with the west hunk o { the Big South Cache '1n·Pondre Biier in township 7 north. ange 75 west ;` thence sontheeoterly along 7 the. wmt bnni ot aid river to the mouth ot •· trthntary ot said river, probnhly n section 1, vtownehlp 6.north, range 75 west; sold tributary lending ot Poudre Bess in secdm: M, township 6 north, enge 75 véwt; thence southwesterly elem the woot hook ot nid trlbnthry to its head: thence ncroee the Continental Divide. o the hendwntern of the North Fork ot Qrnn<l‘Biver, which Iso hehcloat Lu Pondre P s; theniie down the of he North Fork ot the. Grnnc$_River to its intersection with he section line between eeotions -29 and 30, township 6 north, nnge 75 west; thence south along the section lines, to the onthennt corner of section 18, township 5 north, range 75 rest; thenm mgmt along the eeotion line to its internecuon with be wentkbenk ol the North Fork ot the. Grand River: thenee own the west bank.`0! the North Fork ot the Grand River o its 'lntermtion. with the pection line between. sections -25 nd_l88, towlgwhlp 4 ®1‘¢b» KMISS 76 `njest; thence east to tho orthennt corner io! eootion. 36t mid township; thence eonth lon: range line to the southeast corner of new township;

 mt along tho’townehlp`   to the northenst,eorner__of

ho; northwest quarter ot -4, township 8 north, range, 5 woot: thence south to the nouthwmt corner ot the northeset

 of section 9, enid town8hiP& thence west along, tho