Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/67

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_ 53 1lITLE”.§.~EXEOUT1¤V'E( DEPAl£TM2‘% 444, Assistant rfc Judge (Advocate ¥.Genera1.-—-—An eflicer?. ._A, of " " G ,;,,\ line of the NaYyY01*(Mari¤e'.Cerps_inay` bedetailed as assist- (q1 gm to the Judge LA<lv0¢§té .··V Gcnéral..0f.`the‘Nay(y, who\-shall, as (miler sirnilar conditions to th0se·,prescribed inesection .445, ntl '_,,,.,-t.;—;n the duties Fof the Judge Advocate General. " (aug. ,29, bi

ns1(;,c.41Y, 39··Stnt."558§)".° ( _, _ ` * . ( . · · p1

44:3, Ass—is¢¤m¤·t¤ chiefs of bureau`s·; Yards and Docks and eel (gqagtiruction. and Repair.-?Au( officer of the Corps, of \Cii.·i_le.Engi- lh 'l§·:·<.·l‘Sl may be detailed as assistant to the»_Chief of the Bureau. . at Yards and Docksland (anfofficer -~ofY_tl1_e_ Corps. of Naval Gon-` . 62 rrruetors as assistant tot the ,Chief.o£_ Bureau, efrgousttgugtion purl Ptepairfand, iil(C&S€»0f_`dQiliLll, .resignation,lj’absen.ce; er_;(N cit-kness of the chief ofbureau, .shull, unless, otherwise gdirected r 91 i llgvjtlte President, as provided (by section 6-of this title, .perferm(_ -I¤ the tlutieyof such chief until hislsugcessor is appo(inted._.or such T ·_ (essence or sickness »shall.cease.'r (Aug. 29, .1916, 417, -,39 in smt..558.·)  » ( A . , j * - _ j M r· n` ‘ A1 446; Navigation.-——An.officer or the N_ayy.not__ below the rank (Pl of ·c;nnnnander.i_n1ay {be ldetailed as(_.assi’stant r to the`. Chief of. c me Bureaudof Navlgationsin thevNavy((De;iartnne1it, and, in- th msu ef-thedeath, resignation-, absence, or sickness of the chiei ,1** of the bureau, shallQ-unless otherwiseljdirected by the »,President,l St as prerided by section 6-*ofTtl1is··title,. perform theduties Qof §uch_ th chief until his;successor§is. appointed or such abseneéror sickness shallccase. {Mar. 3, 1893, c. 212,.§ ,1, 27iSt-at. 717.) O. 4 (ui

447. Ordnance.-5-A line officer or the (Naw may he detailed fm

ttimporarilynsQa_ssista_nt-_ to the Chief or-1 the Bureau of Ordi" * m nance in the(_Navy Department, and in the ceasefor the death, th resigrnation, tu;se¤¢e,·.or sickness of thelchlef _, of the bureau be shall, unless otherwise.-.directed(A by the_1’resident,`as‘ provided, qi (hy section-B of this`title,_(perform_the duties of such ~ chief until ( l . , his. successor- is appointej or such .»`· absence _ or- sickness shalli Bs cease, provided that, in caseyof the jdeath, sickness, or absence, re on duty of the chief. of the burcaiiand the meant thereto, the plmicfpclerk shall act, as chlef.._of the (bureau. (May 4, 1898, lc; m Ziliél. § 1,30 Stat. 373.). _ » a t if ( ,_ _ C ., p df .4},8. Engineering.-¥—Aline officer of the Navy may. be detailed ` sg assistant- to the Chic! of -the·Bureau of Engineering in the ·. Jsiavy Departnient, and in casenof death, resignation, absence, WI er sickness of the chiefiof the bureau shall, unless otherivise directed by the President, as provided by section"6 of.fl1,is title, W ‘gu pt·rf·»i·in the duties of such chief__ynti(l hissuccessor is appointed ( m __<»r such absence or sickness shall. cease. ('Mar.`3, 1905, (c. 1481, NI 5132 Stat,r111l;#June 4, 1920, c._22§, 41 Stat. 828.) i ( - ( M C 4749; Supplies and~Acceunts.-——An officer of the (Supply Corps Of ul. the{¥avy may be detailed as assistant to the Chief of the ge Iiurcau ot Supplies and Accounts in the Navy Department, and suclrofficer shall, in case of the death, 1YCSigllilti,QH,"&bS€llC€, St t>r~si_t·kness of the chief of the bureau, unless otheru*·isc'dirccte<1 C by the President, as provided by section`.6 of this title, perform N, the duties of such chiefuntil his successor tis; appointed or 101 su•·h( absence (or sickness shall cease. o , (July 26, 1894, c. 165,x`m;, t 2;% Stat. 132; Julylll, 1919,_c. 9, 41 Stat. 1-17.) U " ( _ _ . (iu / 4230. Civilian assistant to Chief of Bureau Hof Supplies and th Acceunts.+··¤·There shall be a civilian assistant, to the Chief of CO the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, who shall perform the dig duties of chief c1erk,,and in case of the deat&jreslgnati0u, W1 ~i<·kn•.·(ss, or -ahsenee,of_ both the Payxnaster General of the 1;,* Navy and his assistant, unless otherwisel directed*·b§} the Ja i'l‘esl¢h~nt, as provided by sectinn 6 lefr this title, such civilian resistant shall, become the"acting chlci of the.°bureau.. (Mar. A] 18. 1901,c. 716, 5 1, 33 Stat,121.) _ ( 2 pq 451{-eAssistant to,Burcau of Medicine and Surgery.%·—-Asur- sh iftmn, assistant surgeon, or passed assistant surgeon,·n1ay be. (ce _ dctallctl as assistant to the Bureauof Medicine and Surgery.. ( (lt. S. §-.1375;) ( ( C ( Ns

'S,`,OFFICERS, AND; ,EM`l§tLOYEES * §i’ 460 452. Assistant;,Chief of Bureau of Aeronautics.#-——An oflicero E" the active`1ist.of the N&VY,hQ1'l Marine Corps, may he; detailed scassistant Chiefiof the Bureau or Aeronautics, aat1,=m, case of ie death, resignation, absence,. or sickness of the chief of the ureau .—shall, until ‘otl1er5vise, directed “ by the 4 President, as rl rovided by section 6 of it-his title, perfor-in the duties-of such _, 1ietuntil= liis_»successor is appointed or such absencegor ess shall. cease. . (July 12, ,1921, c.»44,,§ 8, 42 Stat. 140.),, 453. Pay .of_;a.ssist,ants to chiefs. of bureaus and Judge Advo- nte.Gene_ral.¥4iAuy officer crime naval servicewlio is, pursuant »g law, detailed todutyl asjassistant to a chief of bureau of the avy --Department’ or~as assistantto. the Judge Advocate Gen- 9

  1. 211 of the Navy,`#`shal:l,‘while so servingfreceive the highest

sy »qf,1¤is rink. (Mar. S4, 1925, c,,536, § ‘15,;»43 stat. 127;.) 454. Bureau of Supplies? and Accounts; duty as toaccounts ld !‘€P61'¢8·+—It Shall be at duty of the Bureau of Supplies and eeounts to cause prope_rtyaccounts to be kept of all the sup-- ies pertaining to the Navy'Establish·1net3t, and toreport amm- Lly to Congress the moneyjvalueof the supplies. on hand at le variousstations at the beginning of the nscali year, the dis-· >si_tions*thereof,· andfiof thepurchases, and_ the expenditures of npplies for the year; and- the balances remaining on hand at le send thereof. -.(,Mar,i2, 1889, c. .371,`§ 1, ,25. Stat. 817.) 455. Bureau of _,__ Aeronautics; duties.¢eTl1e·-Bureau. of aeroautics shall be·°charged,with matters; pertaining to naval- aerocuties as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, maxi or the ou_t1ese¤r;san1 bureau .sna11,`¤e.perrormeu mater; lelauthorityof the ·Secret‘ary` of the~Navy, and itsorders shall !_`C0l1Sl(l€g·éd—e£IS exn‘anat_ing;`fromhim, andlshall have full force id effecthas such. _ (July 1?Q .1921, lc.44, 58, 42 Stat, 140.,) 456; 5 Detail of officers._ to Bureau or iAerenautics.+—eNot to zceed`30 percentnnxl of the iofficers in`each’grade» below? that of, !ll1‘..`8`.(l1I1ll‘&l who failto qualify as aircraft pilotsor as airaft observersfwithin one yearafter the date ot their detail , to the Bureau of =Aeronautics shall be permitted ito remain _ atailedin ans bureau. tsl ly ,12, ,1921, c. at-1,.—.i2`·Stut. lll.-)§ ‘ " e .u—H10 ormcu 457. Establishment rand duties.---Theres shall be -a` tHy•lr0·` ·a‘phic t)fllce·.attached to the Bureau of Navigation injthe avy Department, fortheimprovement of the means for navi· . Lting safely the vessels of the Navy and bf the mercantile arine, by providing, under the authority of the Secreturyaof the ary, accuratétaint cheap- nautical chairtsjsailing, directions, nvigators, and rnanuals of instructions for the use ofall vessels B the United States, and for the benetit and use"of navigators »¤em11sy._ tn. s, § 431; my 4,*1sas;;_,e. 224, so sm, sn; ar._4,_ 1913,·c._1—lS, 37 Stat. 899; _'J`uue 30, 1914, c. E30, 38 iat. 408.ll ,t V _, y 458. Saleof maps, charts,.and books.—#—The Secretary of the avy is authorized to cause to be prepared, at the Hyclrographic tlice attached- to the Bureau of Navigation, in the Navy Departent, maps, charts, and uauticalbookri relating to-andjrequired navigation, and to publish andfurigsh them to nayigators at e cost of. printing and paper, and to purchase the plates and pyrights oflsuch existing maps`, charts, _ navigators’ sailing " rections and Instructions, as he may consider necessary, and · s hen he may deem itexpedlent to do so, and-Lunder such regui ‘ tions".and.lxxstructions as he may tprt~se¤1¤e.~ (R, S. §.,l32; m.12,,18%, c. 23, §·77,_ 28 Stat, 621.) ., Q e e .. · ti 459. Disposition ofreceipts from sale of maps, charts, etc.——¥- .1 su1¤§ received from the sale of maps, charts, andother pub-, cations lssu by the Hydrographic Otiice after _June 30, 1921, all be eove:€<.l into the Treasury of the”United States as mis-, llaneous receipts. (May 29, 1920, c,·214,_§·1, 41 Stat. {165.) 460; Branch liydr0§i’apl\l€` 0$C€8Q····vTllB Secretary of Yllxe_- ivy is authorized to establish branch hydrographic »otlit·es at