Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/675

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mm, ar w iw wr 3 » Gi ,4,,- mvantoi mmwg, is as Em-

 at       {gg z i y t   BL Q, st;.  Q  

{gcnm, m&w¤tm; ¤ ¢ €h¤lib¢é%¢dv~¤fd. (B, ·%,§49®.)

 53,%% t    Whmvet  ¤¤ysw11t¤rpwcmma by srhm the   is       sis

gmrty aa- as www br # ~ t·¤ and every qvmcrvmi in exgcutmgjt, bc a vimstor at tm laws ci

im-   mm than thrm   z '¤¤d— and at the

di:¤*!`€£$0£ ct tbcccisrt. (B. V5. Q 406%)- _ _ ‘ ‘ `

,1e:; £V$l$l.-—&B‘,tYY<8 shall not a;§dy» to any use where the persc¤‘@im.w¤¤m the process

 is ta citimn ar   M   Sgtesyih  

gggyiagg  ;$:~ ; r w Qi Q , [@ tk is { ¢, M ; ° a wt he entered tipdn such &1'ViéE§` mir wm amy to any mss ¤·héreth¢`9e&¤g¤1ww1wtBcé;st iSi&uedish t domestic wrvaut ci or a me nam at-the Savant bu, befure t;® thereof; been registemd in tm` Demrmwt ét Stabennm ww ttad by·thz

 ot Stntevtc the marsml ai the District bt  

wm shui uma thaw? same in wma "wb1ic plane aka. A3! mmm mal have rasqrt tc‘t¤·!1st"c1 names m pcéul in t¤c»ma@l’s owes, iuid may without ine, (B./S. if ·w$§.) t j * 255. ctc., who ¤wuuits,Vstr1kei,t wwu imwisvqs, as in any qmcr manga

 to   ci   m tv   7 01:* ar h mmie

minister, of. the ki of Qs immiscmd ,·1m·¤·z>tmcmewa¤_thmeyar¤,dud·B¤ed,attMdis¤;r%ot awcoéart, (·R§S.§·i9@) . '· "‘ j `_,·, £¢$¤¢§»·····`W W8l’ it ip at www tha mx £m‘clm_;¤¤t\® the mmm 1, rim cr mama: as M agents mt ucl: exclusive 1  »#¤· ~ ·» dt

   or~:diéa·    at ses mr in  

watm or ports oi tbs Nmém, b¤~ the or uwaexs agro: Bauman my éf the wew·them·-

 sQcez·,   shall ba etmuted  

mfmwd within tm > » ·» ~ at United in the two milcsvingicctions Bat hetero this mum shall nm: as to M any smh tam.; smh the U&t>m_$tat¤, thé Pmmdmt mall bé Hm that t= t www havatpesv muh iq: cxseutiw oi smh by the cttw mutrscuns mrtyj md mm his{ar0dnm¤®t¤thatc6¤pt, riMthts9wti<mt0b¤i¤

  • £vr<:éssto•¤&·u•£ic¤. (B.;B.§ :4 t ‘ _ _

57. M spam; L “ tt t t M  ;-·--1n, mam _di¤r£ct mn, = t t _ · t at


¤! thavspd, to we Mt Q w e is of the mw as mp':  » at ¤¢ rmi;

trzozrs arm Ewrnzoooonsa J §» 261 Bored to be about to withdraw himrott, tr or me control and

 of the master and 0%:cra of the ovwsei, or that he

¤aurd@orisabonttordwe,,toanom1ttowaooey the 1 kwin! jnrwicgion of sack consular or authority in thepromim;andfnr@rs~tatiMandcerti£yimthat,tome

 bat ot the knowledge and béiot of tha o&cer certifying, each

perm is not a citizen ot me Uniteé Snch appimtion

 be in rvtiqng and dnlyanjcltmtimtcd by the consular or,

. omni;} meh conn, judge, or·

 conamtsoionu   his warrant for me mw: oi the person

so complained ot, directed to the of the United Statm {ortho awropriats or inbis to any person, being a citizen ot the United Statm, no may weciatly deputc for the ,pn , reqmrim am` perm to be bronghf bdorehimtororaminationatacertaintimandplm. e (B. S. 2&. Gonntitnmt and &scharge.-4-It, on nomination, it ia_mado`to appear that the person ao arrwted ta • citizm or the United Statw,·he shall beeiorthwith discharged trom arrest, 1 and snail be.1eft,to·`the ordinary coarse of law. ·Bnt it this is not nude to appmr,-and or o.¤ BE1’· Buds, upon tm paperain theprecmim awtion rcferrw gte, a snmcient prima facie case that tim matter eoneerns only tho internal order and discipiine of anon foreign remel; or, rsnetmr initanaturc civil or criminal, the exeention of the Hwa of the Swtu, or the rights amodnttn ot any` citizen oi the Uni States, he forthwitn, by his warrant, commit smh perse,-?to prison, where » ra unéer

 a court ot the nited Statm may beixwtnlly com ‘

-mttted,or,i¤hisdkcretio¤,to thems.¤.eror&te£o§cero! mn comm rmx, to be www mane mimi mma ·— and ”diadpi1¤@‘¢f.s¤ch mter or emu omeexyand. to tm Mjurisdictionoiitba conaular xntkortty oi to inch wasnt to gn  ; t hg my ggghqg-gy or j¤ris¢1ictiw`i¤`®, %lm‘o£ the Unitx mater or wnte __thmt. No person bé tnnntwo ¢twh3s•r¤¤,bm`nttho_@¢lofth;ttim_&¤l1bcs$at likcrty sm anal! notmin be for » ot the erupt and tna ol the puma m sr-

   by IM  owns   tm appu-

.ah•.Il the arrest or or sm- J, m¤¤&tl&ore¤rm with`@tion or ramen moon; an the umm amos aaa. rmnmm aaa

 that-zo!. and tho·c¤ow·•ti¤¤.» aid. and protection
og     xg authorities in   saw   or im-
 _(R. S, { éwl;   4, 1915,1:. 153, if 16, 17, 38
St¤t.1184.),   4   e ‘ ·
 1.4-mirnnuartonram BUREAIIS, cozmnmna,

U see. 5 * T U, U 231. Poltgno to settlement ot disrpateg and dim U t; zest P t’; ta mwmmoa;1. resmczm. 288. Slntirxatiml  » * _

 Bn   Union; €h·o¢tio»¤—~o4   ot moto, ,

1 265, M meant: for sswort ex 1’an'.!smBrie&¤ Union. U U oteonzrmaeg ot mvigtton; aonropru-,

 81.        nra    U or International Geooenc Association; rep-o

. m•¤¤tm.¤¢u¤t_¤¢au:a•. _ » n , In@t.i¤qa.l 3o¤§ S•s$m\; aku-ion; powers. .· .‘8£*_}‘1•P ll·*$l¢ttk$t9féi·QI¢& •»a1’a»-

 |;s,h@by_    _ M to be the Qouéy or the United

‘ to and nnttlarttx intermttonal _ démtes through

     or   in me one   may be naman;}
     R   wm     an diataror upon \g gona      Ma   the world, but tt mmm
 nodule uhm on   and thapwttnont •  
 mu tho   very ®tdersNo power max