Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/243

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NO. 3



��left home. On account of it the young girl grieved, because Long-Hair was dead. Here ends the story.


[The Virgin Birth; Abandonment of the Mother; The Child becomes a Prodigy, and Kills the Invulnerable White-Bear by a Shot in the Heel, and Frees the People.]

wo.wi-'git atlo"kagan na'kskwe

Here camps story. Young girl

be'ki-'nakskwe l wi-git'tka"samo medjr'mi pure girl ' was fond of swimming, always

kla'hama'wan neba'udodji wi-git'tka"samin advised her against so much fond of swimming

wi-ga'wus-al sala"kitc alambegwr'no'sis 2 her mother (said), "Some time Under- Water-Nymph 2

gama'dji'be'djip'hak'* a"tama djiksada'mu will put you in trouble," Not she obeyed,

pe'sagw-un eli-\vrgit'tka"s3rnit' sala"ki just the same so fond of swimming. At last

peba'mi-tka"samit' unafaga'zogun

once moving around swimming, as she waded ashore,

ni-we'lkwes-et una-'mi-han bo'kade'za' in front of where she was going she saw bubbles

moski-'lpdjik ski-'dabegwe amal'hi-na'wa coming up on the surface of water. She was*


nodjani-'gaba'win e'skwatelaba'mat sala"- then she stopped and looked. While looking, sud=

kife ma'djebi-'ta'ilak e'skwelaba'mat denly began gradually turning while looking

udli-na'wa ma'n-aba awa's-is na'ste ultimately it appeared resembling baby,

be'dji-no'lam'san manife skaula'm'soge then came a breeze. Then it blew towards her

bi'"te nozek'pa'ulagun noga'di- madje'- the froth. Then she got frightened. Then she*

p'howan gi-za'skwe nda"tegane wza'mr wanted to get away from it, already could not, too

1 A virgin.

1 A supernatural creature believed to live beneath the water.

��me'tsi- ki-s bi-"tes amo/te"ka7/gun much late already froth came into contact with her.

na'ste da'li-wa'nrle bi-"tes unat-aga'- Then it disappeared froth. She waded*

zogan noma'djin wi'gwomwak a'skamat' ashore, then she went home. Thereafter

a"tami-'na tka"sami- anelmi-'dabi-'lak not again swam. As time went on,

sala"kife madje'gan wa-'de nodi-'bgun all at once began to grow her belly. Then said

wi-ga'wus-al tanmi-'na kdli'dabi-'lan

her mother, "What more trouble has happened to= you?"

i-'dak na'kskwe nda'fegek' w ndli'dabi-'iau Said the girl, "Nothing ails me,

ke'gwuseb3gwa' wi-ga'wus-al' udi-'Jagun what for (why)?" Her mother said to her,

ga'madjga k3mal'hi-'nag w zi- ke'geme"si- "Very you look surprising why

madje'gak' ka'de e'lwe't se'n^be ki-'zi- grows your belly, it seems man already

be"sut'kpk' w i-'dak na'kskwe ni-'ga has been near you." Said the girl, "Mother,

e'sma ni-a' se'nabe nabe"

never me man came

sut'ka'go udi-'Jagun wi-ga'wus-al' ka'di near me." She said her mother, "You are trying to

naba"kadawi- kenu'gtc a'da ki-'zi-ka'bzi-yu deceive me, but also not you can hide yourself,

debane'tde kwe'wHa mala'm'te sala"ki- here soon you will be found out." Then at last

ki'na'p'skazu ne'mi-ho'go't ami-"tak' w sal' very large she looked. When he saw her, her father

udi-'bgun ga'matc kama'dji- p'he'namwi- he said, "Very you are bad woman,

a'nsaba r"kaska'mone gwa'sk' w taho'bba I have a notion if I did not hold in myself to strike* you dead.

nani'"kwup' yu't-etc wi-'gi-an n9gwi - "tci- Now here you will live alone,

ta'nt'e eli'bedji-'ian ni'"kwup' yu't'e whatever (fate) may come to you. Now here

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