Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/291

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NO. 4


��. aunt

��8. brother

��9. father

��5. E cex-a mot lier's sis- ter ; 10. ivacekzunt

5. C to-de, SW (a)-kin older brother, Cekil, SW kun younger brother; 10. hena brother; u. kanosa brother

5. N, NE -mee, S-tnen, SE -mek; n. mam, mawts ; 13. mama

10. grandmother 5 . N-tni-ka, C ka-tsf, S-

ka-tsen, SE-mii-xa mother's mother; io.ekak,ekac grand- mother 513. /CM, &7&j grand-

  • mother

1 1 . man 5 . E xak; 10. haakon man,

male; 13. xagu man, male

12. man' i . acans " person "; 5 . N

tea " person, SW fl/ca, C tcatc, S rt/on " man "; 6.

��V man, male; 7. //rt, //a;

9 . 5zV ; 15. icak

13. mother 4. atsia; 5. C /*</<;, S

-Icen, SE-rc; 7. cido-i, sito-i;

10. issa

14. mother' 3. Tonto ti-ti, Moh. W-

/fl/&, Dieg. taill, Kutchan talle, Cochimi, ka-tai ; 13. tai; 15. /

15. mother 5. E nixa ; 6. ni'na; 9. S.

ani (G); Ach. -ani(G); 13. S. F. Solano 6 naha

16. sister 5. S finnan younger bro-

ther, younger sister; lo.itla sister ; 1 5 . bilet sister

17. woman, to 4. to- woman; 5. E da

marry woman, NE dtffo; 10. ta-e to marry; 13. tayagu man marries, wife


��18. arm, hand 2. inoi 3.* ; 5. N, C,

S tana hand, SE atan; 6. dal- hand ; 7. b-itanpu ', /;- itcanpu arm, b-ilra, h-ita, b-itca hand, -/?;// hand ; 9. Ach. iV hand *itali) (S) ; 10. /;///a H

19. belly' 5. N M, E xo ; 12. /bx;

1 5 . koni

20. breast 3. Dieg. itctnkh, i. e. ztoA-

breast ; 6. tc'i' k!i female breast ; 9. Ach. f'tcit female breast (S), S itsikmilk, Ats. atciska milk; 10. yatcax breast ; 15. itsk breast

21. female breast 3. H'taiim n\cnial, Kiliwi

1. Cf. also Chumash(S. Yn.) /s/h/.v HUSBAND.

2. Moh. is.i/w HAND, Dieg. KiE/ are probably not con- nected with these words but are rather comparable to S. Porno Jfii, /I'IIH ARM, S. \V. iVa, N., C. ca, S. E. .ra/.

5. /> of C.himuiko iUni-pu is perhaps to be compa- red with Chumash fit ARM, HAND. 4. Cf. also Chumash (S. Buen.) qop BELLY.

��nemayo, Cochimi yamai; 10. nayoman ; 1 1 . AnA ; 1 2 . kinam; 14. ^an/

22. foot, leg " i. imils 8 ; 3. Moh. zm

leg, foot(K); 5. ; 7."

1 1 . / foot

23. heart " 7. h-usaan-lcei; 10. ja-

tsanan; 13 . AWfl/

5. Cf. also Chumash (S.L.O) Itiyu, (S. Yn.) te? MO- THER.

6. San Francisco Solano is an isolated, apparently Coa- huiltecan, dialect of which Swanton publishes a brief vocabulary.

7. Cf. also Chumash (S. Yn., S. Bar.) /-cm LEG, FOOT, possibly also (S. Cruz) n-ime-l LEG, FOOT with n- prefix (cf. note 17).

8. Chontal -ts is suffixed, as further evidenced by aniats EARTH (cf. Chimariko ama EARTH) and if mats EAR (cf. Chimariko -icani EAR).

9. Here probably belongs also Pomo mi- instrumental prefix v with the foot .

10. Perhaps Chimariko (///-/('('-instrumental prefix WITH THE FOOT belongs here.

1 1 . Cf. perhaps also Chumash (S. Yn.) uriu CHEST, HEART; this is more likely, however, to be cognate to Chim. b-usi BREAST.

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