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Frankland and Duppa on the Action of Sodium on Acetic Ether, by J. A. Wanklyn, 482.

Frankland (Dr.) on the Action of Sodium, &c., 467

Freckelton (W.) on Hydro-Carbon Colours, 243

Freeman (Edward A.) on "Dutch" or "Deutsch," 532

Frere (Sir Bartle) on the Runn of Cutch, 491

Fresenius' Analysis, 553

Freshwater Crustacea of Norway, 455

Fritzsche (Prof.) on the Action of Cold on Tin, 63

Fungi, Alternation of Generation in, 516

Gadolinite, Des Cloiseaux on, 246

Galileo, Private Life of, by G. F. Rodwell, 529

Gamgee's (Prof.) Process with Meat, 464

Gardner (Mr.) on China, 91

Gases, Outburst of, 636; Phosphorescence of, 637; Diffusion of, 641; of the Secretions, 62

Gaspé Fossils, Principal Dawson on, 93

Geikie (Archd.) on. the Meeting of the German Naturalists at Innsbruck, 22; on the Gold Fields of Victoria, 210, 233; on Canons, 434; on the Geology of the Holy Land, 509; Report of his Paper on the Geology of Central Scotland, 174; on the Geological Structure of some Alpine Lake Basins, 247

Gems, Artificial, 274

Geographical Society 117, 197, 392 491, 568, 615, 663

Geological Calculus, Letter by Mr. Dawkins on, 505

Geological Society of the West Indies, 220

Geological Society of London, 90, 222, 270, 344, 367, 490, 616, 662

Geological Time, Measurement of, by A. R. Wallace, F.R.G.S., 399, 452

Geology of the Holy Land, 509; of Ross-shire, 174; and Agriculture, by H. Woodward, F.G.S., 46

Geometry, Modern, and the University of London, 607

Germany, Science Education in, by Prof. Roscoe, 157

Giebel's Agricultural Zoology, 355

Gill's Chemistry for Schools, 329

Glaciers, Veined Structure of, 266

Gladstone (Dr. J. H.) on Faraday, 401

Glaisher (Mr.) on the Temperature and Humidity of the Air, 467

Glasgow Geological Society, 415; Natural History Society, 469, 569, 640; Philosophical Society, 368, 545

Glass, Coloration of, by the Solar Light, 147

Glatter (Dr.) on the Influence of Race Differences on the Vital Processes, 319

Glennie (J. S.) on the Principle of the Conservation of Force and Mr. Mill's Logic, 583

Glycerine Jelly, a Medium for Preserving Objects, 172

Goadby (E.) on Legislation and Nature, 648

Goethe's Aphorisms on Nature, by Prof. Huxley, F.R.S., 9

Gold Diggers in Thibet, 192

Gold Fields (The) of Victoria, by A. Geikie, F.R.S., 210, 233

Gonoplax Angulata, 296

Gore (George) on Original Experimental Research in Relation to Employment for Workmen, 623; on Fluoride of Silver, 319

Gosse's Romance of Natural History, 236

Gould (Dr.) on the Solar Protuberances, 203

Government Aid to Science, 279, 335, 385, 431; Mr. Wallace on, 288, 315

Government Science Teachers, 268

Graber (Prof.), Sexual Organs of the Locustidae, &c., 665

Graham (Prof.), Prof. Hofmann, of Berlin, on, 59, 316; Memoir of, by Prof. Williamson, F.R.S., 20

Granites of Scotland, 638

Grant (Prof.) and the Newton Controversy, 87

Grasses, Fertilisation of, 295

Grebe, Red-necked, Mr. Tuckwell on, 430

Gresham Lectures, the, 358

Grindon's Echoes in Plant and Flower Life, 380

Grove (W. R., Q.C.) on the Correlation of Colours and Music,314, 335; on the Apparent Size of Celestial Objects, 582

Gulf Stream, 640

Gull (Little), Letter on, by Mr. Cordeaux, 483

Guthrie (Prof.) on Approach caused by Vibration, 294

Hager's Microscope and its Use, 189

Hallier and Zürn (Drs.) on Parasitology, 165

Harcourt and Madan's Practical Chemistry, by Prof. Roscoe, 50

Hartog (Marcus M.) on Catkins of the Hazel, 583

Haughton's Country Walks of a Naturalist, 260

Haughton (Rev. Prof.) on the Labouring Force of the Human Heart, 255, 404; on the Geometrical Characters of Muscles, 297; on the Granites of Scotland, 638

Haviland's Geography of Disease, 504

Haze and Dust, by Prof. Tyndall, F.R.S., 339; Letter on, 405

Heart, Human, Labouring Force of the, by Rev. Prof. Haughton, F.R.S., 255, 404

Heat, Mechanical Theory of, 366

Heat Spectra, Prof. Magnus on, 28; Units, 606, 654

Hemiopsia, Transient, 445

Hereditary Genius, by Alfred R. Wallace, 501

Hereford Naturalists' Field Club, 544

Hering (Prof.), his Remarks on Respiration, 322

Herschel (Lieut.), Objects Crossing the Sun's Disc, 543

Highlands, West, and Skye, Geological Structure of, 368

Hildebrand (Prof.) on the Impregnation of Plants, 293; on Marsilea, 293

Hind (J. H.) on Temple's Comet, 58

Hofmann (Prof.), Paper on Chloral, 446; on Prof. Graham, 59, 316

Holborn Valley Viaduct, 171, 220

Hooker (Dr. J. D.,) on Vegetable Palaeontology, 48

Hope (W.) on the Cloaca Maxima, 243; on the Liquid Town Sewage, 506

Horse, Antiquity of the, 225, 274

Horticultural Society, 118, 295

Hudson (Dr.) on Physical Meteorology, 218

Humboldt's Memoir, 236

Husemann's Vegetable Essences, 403

Huxley (Prof.) on Goethe's Aphorisms on Nature, 9; on Triassic Dinosausia, 23; on Kant's View of Space, 314; on the Progress of Palaeontology, 437; on the Forefathers of the English People, 514; on Deep-sea Soundings and Geology, 657. Reports of Papers by: on Hypsilophodon, a new Genus of Dinosauria, 91; on Further Evidence of the Affinity between the Dinosaurian Reptiles and Birds, 91; on Triassic Dinosauria, 146

Hydrophobia, 618

Ice, Formation of Ground, 555; Pfaundler on the Regelation of, 116

Ice, Prismatic, Letter on, by Mr. Bate, 556; by Mr. Pengelly, 627

India, Isthmian Way to, 111

Indian Total Eclipse, 536

Ingleby (Dr.) on Transcendent Space, 289, 314, 360, 407; on Sir W. Thomson and Geological Time, 507; on the Apparent Size of the Moon, 556

Innsbruck, Meeting of German Naturalists and Physicians at, by A. Geikie, F.R.S., 22; Abstract of Papers, 293, 318

Insects, Colour of, 636

Institution of Civil Engineers, 91, 199, 296, 346, 445

Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, 346

Iowa, Mammals of, 418

Ireland, Climate of, 630

Irish Academy. (See Dublin.)

Irish Lepidoptera, 237

Iron-ores of the North-East of Ireland, 270

Isthmian Way to India, 111

Italian Institute of Science and Letters, 297

Italian Mineral Waters, Analyses of, 88

Jackson's (Rev. S.) Our Dumb Neighbours, 236

Japanese Sea Shells, Mr. Jeffreys' letter on, 383

Japanese Shells, 329

Japanese, The, by C. Chessar, 190

Jeffreys (J. Gwyn), Deep-sea Dredging Expedition, 135, 166; on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 192; on the late Professor Sars, 265; on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 315; on Japanese Sea Shells, 383

Jelineck (Dr.) on Meteorological Observations, 649

Jevons (Prof.), Deductions from Darwin's Theory, 231; Mechanical Performances of Logical Inference (Royal Society), 343

Johnson Memorial Prize, 387

Johnston (Dr. Keith) on the Gulf Stream, 640; on Dr. Livingstone's Discoveries, 336; on the Sources of the Nile, 607

Johnston's Physical Geography, 380

Jones (Dr. Bence), his Life of Faraday, 142

Jones (Prof. Rymer) on Deep-sea Dredgings from China and Japan, 198

Jupiter, Changes in, Mr. Browning's Letter on, 138