Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/503

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The true office of religion is to bring out the whole nature of man in harmonious activity.

The true religion of Jesus Christ our Saviour is that which penetrates, and which receives all the warmth of the heart, and all the elevation of the soul, and all the energies of the understanding, and all the strength of the will.

Religion is not mere truth, gained by study, and retained by watchfulness in the soul. It is truth translated into actions, embodied in life.

A religion that never suffices to govern a man, will never suffice to save him. That which does not distinguish him from a sinful world, will never distinguish him from a perishing world.

John Howe.

No man's religion ever survives his morals.


Religion is the best armor in the world, but the worst cloak.


Religion is not a perpetual moping over good books. Religion is not even prayer, praise, holy ordinances,—these are necessary to religion—no man can be religious without them. But religion is mainly and chiefly the glorifying God amid the duties and trials of the world; the guiding of our course amid adverse winds and currents of temptation by the sunlight of duty and the compass of Divine truth, the bearing up manfully, wisely, courageously, for the honor of Christ, our great Leader, in the conflict of life.