Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/64

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46. SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. CHS. 96, 99. 1908. ¥¤·¤=h 24. 1908- CHAI'. 98.—~An Act To ca. into effect the international convention of Decem- [S· 'mu ber twenty~fu·sL, nineteen huurgred and four, relating to the exemption in time of [Public, No.62.] war of hospital ships from dues and taxes on vessels. . P'°""“’*°· Whereas a convention providing for the exemption of hospital shigs in time of war from the payment of all dues and taxes imposed for the 1w,p.1ss4. benefit of the State was signed at The Hague on December twenty- firsit, nineteen hundred and four, by the plenipotenbiaries of the United States of America Germany, Aust,ria—Hungary, Belgium, China, Korea, Denmark, gpain, Mexico, France. Greece, Ital? Japan, Luxemburg Montenegro, The Netherlands, Peru, Persia, ortugal, Roumsmia, kussia, Servia, Siam, and Switzerland; and Whereas the said. qouventicn was duly ratified by the Government of the United States of America. by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and was proclaimed by the President of the United States May twentyéirst, nineteen hundred and-seven: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and Hbwe ofRq>reae1atatives of the United c¤f;°;Q{mm;§*P;x°;; States of America in Congress assembled, That hospital ships, concern- . m.,1¤¤m¤:v¤. ing which the conditions set forth in articles one, two, and three of the convention concluded at The Hague on July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, for the adaptation to maritime warare of V°‘·”~P·”*°· the prmcxples of the Geneva. ccnventmn of August twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, are fulfilled, shall, in the ports of the United States and the possessions thereof, be exem ted, in time of war, from all dues and taxes imposed on vessels by gm laws of the

   United States, and fr0m a]l pilotage charges.

n_*;;°;£;g*eg •*°¤¢· Sec. 2. That the Premdeut of the United States shall by proclama- ' tion name the hospital ships to which this Act shall apply, and shall incgcatg the time when the exemptions herein provided for shall begin an en . Approved, March 24, 1908. .

    increase the efficiency of the persdrmel of the Life-Saving

Public, N0. 63. [ 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreaentat2h:es oft/Be United 16sms::é¤;g s $w;c;; States of Angerzca in Congress aagembled, That from and after the m,de,,,, em ’° pass?e of thm Act the conxpensamqu of district su erinteudents in . cmw¤¤¤ i¤· the U1tBd States Lxfe-Saving Scrvnce shall be as ilcllowsz For the supemntendents of the hrst, second, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth districts, two thousand two hundred dollareper annum each; for the superintendents of the third and nmth dmtrncts, two th0usand dollars per annum each; for the supenntendent of the enghth district, one thousand nine hundred dollars per annum. That the pay of keepers of lifesaving stations shall be one thousand dollars per annum each, and that the pay of the num— ber one surfmuu in each of the crews of the life·savin¤· stations shall be at the rate of seventy dollars per month. D R¤¤i<>¤¤. Sec. 2. That, ever! keeper of a life-saving station and every surfman ID tlge Llfé-b8VlHg bervxce of the United States shall be entitled to recewe one muon per day or, m the discretion of the Secretarv of the Treasury, commutation therefor at the rate of thirty cents-per ratnou. ""‘· "· P· 5* 81:0. 3. That section eight of the Act of Ma fourth ' hundred and eightyztwoz entitled “An Act be prolxxote the, e(lli$;l1;§g; 0f the L1fe;§aving Service and to encourage the saving of life fronh

         shipwreck, IS hereby amended to read as follows;

mcmb“gfmw¥j° Sec. 8. That 1f any keeper or member of a. crew of a life-Savin

  1. 1;;; gg%mé&g£ stagcu shall hereafter d10 by reason of perilous siervice or any wgung

£;:§.;,¤dem mam or injury recclv ed 01* disease contracted 1u the Llfe-Saving Sm-vice in