Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/4

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. V . . . . . P · Bndge, Mmwngahela Rwer. An act to authorize the Umon R.a1lroa,d and Dock Compan to con- age gnéct andlgpgaige a. bridge across the Monongahcla. River in the State of West {Hrginia. 6 ¤1M'Y , . --. . ..--. 195 Br·:ZdgebCurre¥%Biver. Eh; act tciguthorizc Clay County, Arkansas, to construct 2. bridge across _ urrcn wer. e mary , 1910 .,,,,..,.,.,_,_.,.,,,,,___.,,,,,____,,______,,_ 195 Bndge, Mcnangahela River. An act to authorize the Wilson and Glassport Brid 0 Company to const-*1ct a bridge across the Monongahela. River between Wilson and glassport boroughs, _ Allegheny Qounty, Pennsylvania. February 16, 1910. ... . . 195 Bndgc, _A{·z1€_pz River. _ An act to extend the time for the coméaletiou of bridge across the Mismsmpp;6 at Sami; Louis, Missouri, by the Saint Louis lectric Bridge Company. Feb- !'UB·‘lkY , ... — .. ; ... - . - 196 Cheyemw iver and Standing Rock reservations, school sections. An act to amend sections seven and gight of the act of May twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled "An act to author- 1ZB the sale and disposition of a. portion of the surplus and unallottcd lands in the Che enne River and Standing Rock Indian reservations, m the States of South Dakota and Klorth Dakota;} aggomaking appropriation and provision to mrry the same into cf£0ct." Feb- ‘ 1*1813 .. 196 Dzlstrict of 0lu;n.b¢h, hhways plan. A11 act to authorize certain changes in the permanent system of h¥hwa.ys plan, 'ct of Colmnbin. February 19, 1910 J . . - 197 Bridge, ug River. A11 act to authorize the Thacker Coal Mining Comgany to construct a. footbmdgc across Tug River, at Thacker, Mingo County, West Virginia. cbruary 19, 1910 ._ . , 197 Bnklge, Miasoun River. A11 act to amend an act authorizing the construction of a. budge across the Missouri River at Kansas City, February 19, 1910-_ _ ... 1 98 Brhlgc, Tug Fark, Bay Sandy River. An act to revive an act to authonzc the coustmctnon of a. bridge across Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, Wgst Virginia. February 19, @910 .. I. . . 198 Brélge, Black River. An act to authorize the construction, maintenance, and operatmn of a bridge across the Black River near Pnroquct, Arknnsu. February 19, @910 . : -- 198 Bridge, Saint Francis River. An act to authorize the construction, mamtenancc, and opomuon of n bridge across the Saint Francis River near Parkin, Arkansas. February @9, 1910. - 2 . . . 199 Brilgc, W7ritet§i*vcr. A11 Rnct. to autgorize the constructing, gnainterigngc, and opera.tion of a budge 199 across e 'uo 'ver, at ugusta. . e mary 91 .. District of Oolumlnh, Q street. An a.cQ to prbvidc for the removal of present grade grossing and cqnstruction of a new grade crossing on the line of Q street northeast, Dmmct of olumbm. 199 February 21 1910 . ---- Distrhzt of Columbia, Park place. An act to authorize the extension of Park place northwest. Feb-· 199 runry 21, 1910 ... . .. Dislrict of Columbia, Franklin street. A11 act. for the extension of Franklin street northeast from its present. easwm terminus mst of Twenty-fourth street to the Bladensburg road. Feb- 900 mary 21 1910 .. . .. .. Distrid of Cobimbia, Newton phzce. An act to provide for the extension of Newton placqnorthwest from New Hampshire avenue to Qeorgm avenue, and po connect Newton glaca m Grass subdivision with Newton lgnlnce in Wlnting Close subdivmon. February 21, 910 200 . District of Columbia, Mghwaga p . An act an orizing certain changes m phe plan for the permanent system of hig ways for that pomon of the _D1st,r1ct of Columbm lying wqst of Rock Creek park, 1£_01i)th of Klinfsgoroad, east of Connectxcut avenue, and south of Elhcott street 201 nh est, e rua.ry21 . . . Unitedngtatg courts, judge Margland diatricg. gin act to qgovido for the appointment of an additional district judge in and for the dxstnct of Mary nd. February 24, ;l910 ... _. . . 201 United States courts, judges Ohio northern cmg! southern dutncts. An_ncQ grovxding for the s§>p0mtment of an additional district judge m and for the northern ]ud1c1nl_d1str1ct_of the tate of Ohio; andlgnbadditignal district judge ID and for the southerm judxcml dmtnct of the State 202 f Oh` . 4, 191 ·· . -.·--.-...·..··-.--.-·-·----------------- Arrny,(;anb:§’certa(;nr:>1;i1aycrc. An act to correct the lineal and relative rank of certain 0&icers of the Uuim States Army. Februagy 24, 191% .. I . Z. .. ; - - Z- 202 A ’ z‘ td ficwn' ms. I1 act ma ing appropriations to supp y nt e cummcs m ppr0€;€rqz;’;1€ntQ§‘g§§c5: the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, and gor other purposes. 202 5 __,_____,... . ... . · Thirtemigb gm, rchedules. An act. to amend section eight of an act tp provide for the Thirteenth and subsequent decennial ccusnses, approved July second, nmateen hundred and nme. 227 F b 2', 1910 . .. . ·---------------·---------·------··-------·-- ; · · · Bridge, gazggitacst River. An act authorizing the construction of 2 bridge acrom the Counecucut River, in the State of Connecticut, between the towns of Old Saybrook and Old Lyme. 228 F b 26, 1910 ··-··---·-·---·--------·-··--·-·------·-----··-·--·---- _ ---·---·------ Bnligc, grams River. An act to au_th0rizc gba Fort Smjth and Van Buren district to construct sa. bridge across the Arkansas Rxver at Wan Buren, m the State of Arkansas. February 26, 229 1910 - .. - -·-------·-- - ----·--·---·------~--·- · ···—----···---·-----·--· District C Z bah, W h' t , S Ss¢mdGretta Railroad. An acttoamcndnnactauthoriz‘i{.g‘{r.1'”w,rhi¤“%,}.§‘?S$ $@35 arm Railroad eompgry, ofMary1nnd, to mm me District of Colum 1a, w1t.h1a;1§)cndmeuts, approved February exghtocnth, mneteen hundred 229 d - F bl'¤¤1’Y 26, --·--·--·-·-·--·---·-------------·-· - ·--··-----·-··------ Jam ;fpZ°kZ°2.4 cfu. cm. An act xm me muer of John w. Duh and c. M. cox. February ze., 229 19].0... ..- .- ··-- - ---···-·-- · ··•—·-······ · ··············•··• · ·•·• ···; •···• "‘* Aasdvaomilk National Cemetery Ga. An act authorizing the acca tance by the Umwd States Government from the Worrnufg Relief Corps, auxiliary to the grand Army ci tire Republic, » at • proposed oi umd ccnuguous to the Auderscnvxlle Natrona! Cememery, m me Sme qf6ggggh, 1. 2, 1910. . ...·- . 230