Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1167

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, 1153 r It 1*Il*L¤».s4. M. me cmrrt for the sal?. ¤¤d to imvresthe sgme, with` propel- F ·,»r¤lm·s as to the tighé and mmmcr of-selling tho camo. l It shall. s

 gd, ,;,,4 uuty of the ¤§Rl'8Ml ¤> $0 transfer the property, Nand· y

1,,.,.,, ,,1ml soil the Same i¤ like m¢¤¤%1‘88 lf thepropcrty .welje ~E iu his own district; and —M shhll deposit the gross proceeds of t me me with the Treasurer of the United Statcsiuor public ‘n <l¤~y¤»éil:¤ry nearest to the place of sole, subject to the order of "_s ,4,,- mu¤·t in which the gdjudicatioh lg pgg$il¤g_ Thg I ,,,.,-,~,m·y expenses `attelldiuz iihé iémlriug, transferring, Sreceiv- .E im:. meping. and selling the property shgll bo` a charge uponlt G mln upon the proceeds thereof; cud whomycr shy such! expense c ` is paxil in cdvaixcc by the marshal, and he isnot. repaid from ·s me ;m¤·¢—od:·=, any uméullt hud; 80, repaid shall bg allowed cto ] gllim. as in case of cipeuses ixlcurrgcd in in which the j l ;;,,m·u stiztos ié a Party,. The Sccrctary of the Navy mgy, ln 4 ·;{k,· mmancr. either by a genérgltrogulatiop or by spéclaldiroerim in :my__causc, require a ·m¤!‘3hal-to transfer anyprizc }

y from thé district in which thejudicial proceedings are (
 ,,,,,,.15;% xo any other district for sale; and thosamo proceed- ,
,,;· shall oc had os if ouch transfer hadlseea made py order ,

vf rl¤i_ci»urt. (R. S. Q 46%; Mayw, 192),}:, ,214, 41 _Stat. 654.) ( 1146. Appeals and amendment; in prize cases,-The clrcult 4 , ,-mm of appcals may, if, in ltsludgment, the purposes- ot 1

·¤~rit·t· roquiro it, allow imyfomemlmont, clther in form or _]

'>ut»<t:an0c. of-any appeal ln for allow a priho appegll _ I/¥¥Z('}°(*iH. it it :i_ppcars` that any {notice of xappceil or of intention I m_n;,;»¢»;¤l was tiled withthe clcrk of the district court within ’, · ;%,_i¤·z.g.· dufs next aftertbé rendition of the llnal dccroctllcrcin. .-1 lla. 1006,_4&6;` Mu. 3,-1911, c. 231, { 128, _36 Stat. ‘1133;" 1 }·,-mzz. 1925,c._229, 43 sm. oss.) » . · U · ~ __ · ‘ 1147, Powers of court `nfter ¢¤p€al.¢—l¤l0twithstand— ·, lng any appczll, the·district~-court, may `mako ond ciocutc all , 2 nm-¢.·<5m·y orders for custody ‘é11d_-disposal of ,the. prize 1

·ty. (»R.·ST"§"'@7; Mlar. 3, 1899, -c, 413, 30 Stati 1007; ·,

Aim-. 3, 1911, c. 231, _§ 128, 36 Stat. 1133; Feb. 13, 1925, c. 229; I 43 2<:_gnt.!»l38.) _ `_ ,· , 1 , l ° - ` 1148. Security for cms.-7-The court may reqlilré any party, an my getagc ot the CiR1&,`,8!1d on claimfng an appcalfto give _s{·<·urit;; for costs. (R. S, { _ . , 1149. Costs and cxp .-·-glllcosta and all cfpcnscs incl- g (xml; to the bringing lu, custody, D¤'¢§¤rvi1tion, insurance, salc,` _ of exhgr disposal otlprlze property,-when allowed by the court, .1 > za: c a_ charge upon such property, and shill be paid from _, \ my proceeds thereof, lmlcss th; court shall cdocrcq restitution 1 · —fr•·l· from slick charge. ;(B.’S. |_463Q.)- . · _ ( , 113Q. Payment ofcxpégsscs from prize ·tu¤d.———-No payments , 3 shall hc made for any brisk fund, except ixpon the order of. ; lhs· court.- All cbarjes for work and labor; materials fur-I 1 1.,;,2,,-,1. or money wa, emu ’ no supported by, amoaéln or . t·,.,,,·1u·¤·>:. The coort may, at any time,-'ordcr the poyméut, , fl‘<•m the deposit amgde with the ,0!'.l)l.lbu¢ hépbfii? V l¢¤‘J~’ in the muse, of any costs or charges accrued uid hllilwcd. ‘: lllmn tlw, cause is Lnpglly di ot, tho court shallmnkc ,1 Hs <·r•lor or ordorg on the Tmnsurér i0l‘ pdbliébdélklsmiryg Y0 ni my tho costs {and charged Allowed and unpaid; aud in case .1 ·_llw final decree shall be for restitution; or lh case there shall `: to lm~‘n1¢»l1@yAsl1bjc€Ift0_ the order of the court. in the cause, ¤ Mw msts or charges allowed by the court, and not paid by' ‘ lng claimants, shall be {charge upon, and be paid outot, the 1 Q1 lzml- for detraylug the cxpcnscs of suits ih which the United ililazzs S E party or lutérestxf (R. § 4640,; May 29, 1920, ` •‘ *· _» ’ t8,t._$54._) ‘ · A. 1. » 1 1191. Payment o{.·priz¢· mmgoj,-Thé_ act procoorls of All ·

.¤,;¤·rtycc<>ntlcm¤cd as prim shall be decreed to the .U,nltcd 1

»l=`u:m~¤, and shall bc ordered by the court to bc mild into the ; ’1¤·:¤s¤¤ry_ot tho Uxiimd state;. (R. S. |§ 4630, 4641, 4752: `l M(=¤rL3, 1899, q, 413, Q 13, 80 Stat, JQ07.) Y i , { — · l -ll:>2. Accouxiti of clerks of court;.-——-The clerk ot »: ¢*={<·11 dlzstriot court shall render, to the Secretary of thi-3 T1‘®#18· L _ 86270°j———26·-——73 _ ~ c `

.-NAVY J § 1158 l try and fhe Secretary of the Navy, a semiannual statement ei lll the sums! allowed by the court, and ordered to be paid, within the previous .hal£_year, to__ the prize commissioners for services; and he shall, in all 'prize causes in the district, for che purpose of the dual decree, ascertain- and keep an account lf the amount dépositedwitlr the.Treasurer or public depositary;. » mbject to the order of the eoart, in each prize caase,' andythe amounts ordered. to be naid therefrom as ¢0Sts and eharges ;·_and ‘ shall. send copies of all Baal decrees to the S~ec·retary` of the Preasuxy and the Secretary? ot the Navyi and shall dra-w the · rrders of,the court for the payment of all eostsand allowances, und for the disposition of the residue. " »(R.°S. § -4644; May 28, l896, c. 252, § 6, 29-Stat.179; lliara 3] 1%), {13; 30 Stat. 1007; Feb. 26, 1919; c. 49; § 1, 40·Stat. 1182; May 19,.192tL e. €14,’ l_1Stat.654Q). . ‘ ‘· ` 1158. Allowances and éommissions to marmala.—-The marshal shall be allowed his actual and neéessary expenses for .tho mstody, gate, preservation, insurance, eale, or other disposal 1f the prize property, and for eiecutlng any order ot,the court espeeting the same. No charges of the marshal fer expenses yr disbursements shall be allowed, except upon his oath that .

he same have been actually and necessarily incurredior the

purpose stated. —'(R. S.-<§ 4645; may 28, 1896,-'e. 252, § 6, 29 Stat. L79.)`¤ _— · ‘ _ ~ 1154. Compensation of priie com`missioners.—Tl1e prize commi.·;s1mm·S,”=excep¢’tue’._¤gva; odlcer, shaH_be allowed a just and suitable comjlensation. Ldrtheir respective Services in each prizecause, to he adjusted and determined hy the court. and to-be paid as·~costs in the eause. (R. S. § 4646.) .' . " -1155; Accounts of prize ;:0mmissi¢mers.—Each prize commissioner, except the naval officer, shall render 1:0 the Attorney General an aminlal aceeunt of all sums he shall have received for all sereices in prize pauses within, the previous year; and each such prize commissioner shall be allowed to retain a sum not exceeding $3,000 a year, which shall be in full fer all his odiciar services ·in prize causes; and any exeese ever those respective amounts shall be paid by the omeer- receiving the same into the Treasury of the United States, and shall he ` credited to the fund for paying naval pensiona; (R. S. {46:17; ‘ May 28, 18%, c.` 252, § 6, 29<»~Stat. 179.) l · .` . ‘ 1156.;Ce§nmissioas ef; auctieaeers.-——The auetioaeersi employed to nllake sales of prize property shall be entitled to re· C!€iV€`(‘0I11@SSi0DS by a scale to be established by the ”S£*<2·re=’ tary of thel? "ary,` not to exceed, In any mieeyone-half of 1 per uentum' on guy sum-_ exceeding $1.0,000 on_vesse1s,‘— ner 1 per; centmryon that sum on other prize property, which shall be in full, for‘expensesQ_ as well as for servicw; and ia ease no such scale shall be. established, they shall belentitled to receivelsuch compensation. as `the court shall deem just under the —eireum— 1 stances; df‘eaeh_case. (HKS. 5 4d50.) c 1157. Paymentijof witness f¢€S.·····\¥;ll9B€\`€‘P`t}1Q’C0\1f{ slmll allow fees toany witness in a prize cause, or fees for taking evidence lout of the district in which the court sits, and there ls do money subjectto its! order in the cause, the same shall be paid by the`_marshal; and shall be repaid to him fromany money deposited to the order of the? eeurt in,the cause; and any_ amount not so repaid ithe marshal shall he allowed as witness fees paid by, him in cases in which the United States ls ajparty. '(R. S. ·§. 4651.) ° ` 1158. Recapturea; award of salvage. tests. and expenses.¤—· When, any vessel or etl1er_property shall hare been "captured bylany `force hostile to the United`States, and shall be recaptured, and it shall appear to the court that the samehml not been condemned as prize before its reeapture, by any*eompetent agithor·lty,_ the eeurt shall aware a meet and eompetent sum as si1lvage,`_aeeortlirmg`to the circumstances of each ease. It the eaptured— propertir belonged to the United ‘ States, lt shall herestored to the United States, and there shall he paid {rem' the Treasury of the ‘United Stateés gthe eoets,