Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/82

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
082:001 When the sky is damaged. Itha alssamao infatarat
082:002 And when the planets are scattered. Wa-itha alkawakibu intatharat
082:003 And when the seas burst. Wa-itha albiharu fujjirat
082:004 And when the graves are laid open. Wa-itha alqubooru buAAthirat
082:005 Then the soul will know what it has brought forth and what it has left behind. AAalimat nafsun ma qaddamat waakhkharat
082:006 O man, what has turned you arrogant against your Lord, the Most Generous; Ya ayyuha al-insanu ma gharraka birabbika alkareemi
082:007 The One who created you, then evolved you, then made you upright? Allathee khalaqaka fasawwaka faAAadalaka
082:008 In any which picture He chooses, He places you. Fee ayyi sooratin ma shaa rakkabaka
082:009 No, you are but deniers of the system. Kalla bal tukaththiboona bialddeeni
082:010 And over you are those who watch. Wa-inna AAalaykum lahafitheena
082:011 Honourable scribes. Kiraman katibeena
082:012 They know what you do. YaAAlamoona ma tafAAaloona
082:013 The pious are in Paradise. Inna al-abrara lafee naAAeemin
082:014 And the wicked are in Hell. Wa-inna alfujjara lafee jaheemin
082:015 They will enter it on the Day of recompense. Yaslawnaha yawma alddeeni
082:016 And they will not be absent from it. Wama hum AAanha bigha-ibeena
082:017 And do you know what is the Day of recompense? Wama adraka ma yawmu alddeeni
082:018 Then again, do you know what is the Day of recompense? Thumma ma adraka ma yawmu alddeeni
082:019 The Day when no soul possesses anything for any other soul, and the decision on that Day is to God. Yawma la tamliku nafsun linafsin shay-an waal-amru yawma-ithin lillahi