1836 (34) Marriages. A bill for Marriages in England/Schedules

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Schedule (A.)


To the Registrar of the District of Stepney,

I hereby give you Notice, that a Marriage is intended to be had, within Three calendar Months from the date hereof, between the Parties herein named and described; (that is to say),

Name. Condition. Age. Dwelling Place. Length of Residence.
James Smith Carpenter Of full Age. High-street 23 Days.
Martha Green Spinster Minor Grove Farm More than a Month

With consent of the () of the said () of the Parents of the said Martha Green.

Witness my hand this 6th day of May 1837.

(signed)James Smith.

I, Thomas Brown, of Park-street, do hereby certify, that the abovenamed Parties are known by me, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are herein truly described.

(signed)Thomas Brown.

Schedule (B.)


No. 14.

I, John Cox, Registrar of the District of Stepney, do hereby certify that I have duly entered in the Marriage Notice Book of the said District, the Notice delivered to me of the Marriage intended between the Parties herein named and described; (that is to say),

Name. Condition. Age. Dwelling Place. Length of Residence.
James Smith Carpenter Of full Age. High-street 23 Days.
Martha Green Spinster Minor Grove Farm More than a Month

With consent of the () of the said () of the Parents of the said Martha Green.

Certified as a true description by Thomas Brown, of Park-street, who is known by me.

Witness my hand this 6th day of May 1837.

(signed) John Cox,

The italics in the Schedules (A.) and (B.) to be filled up as the ease may be.]

Schedule (C.)


A. B., Superintendent Registrar of
to C. D. of and E. R of

Sendeth Greeting:

"WHEREAS ye are minded, as it is said, to enter into a contract of Marriage, under the provisions of an Act made in the Sixth year of the reign of His Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled, [here insert the title of this Act] and are desirous that the same may be speedily and publicly celebrated.

I do hereby grant unto you full License, according to the authority in that behalf given to me by the said Act, to proceed to celebrate such Marriage, and to the Registrar of the District of to register such Marriage according to law: Provided that no impediment of kindred or alliance shall appear, nor any other lawful hindrance to the said Marriage: Provided also, that the said Marriage be publicly solemnized in the presence of the said Registrar, within Three calendar Months from the date hereof in the [here describe the building in which the Marriage is to be celebrated, according to the registry thereof], between the hours of Nine in the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon.

Given under my hand this day of

One thousand eight hundred and

(signed) A. B.
Superintendent Registrar.