1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Lucerne (plant)
LUCERNE, Purple Medick or Alfalfa, known botanically
as Medicago sativa, a plant of the natural order Leguminosae.
In England it is still commonly called “lucerne,” but in America
“alfalfa,” an Arabic term (“the best fodder”), which, owing to
its increasing cultivation in the western hemisphere, has come
Lucerne (Medicago sativa), 1/2 nat. size.
1, Flower, enlarged.
2, Half-ripe fruit, 3/4 nat. size.
3, Fruit, enlarged.
into widening usage since the introduction of the plant by the
Spaniards. It is an erect perennial herb with a branched hollow
stem 1 to 2 ft. high, trifoliolate leaves, short dense racemes of
small yellow, blue or purple flowers, and downy pods coiled
two or three times in a loose
spiral. It has a characteristic
long tap-root, often extending 15
ft. or more into the soil. It is
a native of the eastern Mediterranean
region, but was introduced
into Italy in the 1st
century A.D., and has become
more widely naturalized in
Europe; it occurs wild in hedges
and fields in Britain, where it
was first cultivated about 1650.
It seems to have been taken
from Spain to Mexico and South
America in the 16th century,
but the extension of its cultivation
in the Western States of
the American Union practically
dates from the middle of the
19th century, and in Argentina
its development as a staple crop
is more recent. It is much cultivated
as a forage crop in France
and other parts of the continent
of Europe, but has not come
into such general use in Britain,
where, however, it is frequently
met with in small patches in
districts where the soil is very
light, with a dry subsoil. Its
thick tap-roots penetrate very
deeply into the soil; and, if a
good cover is once obtained, the
plants will yield abundant cuttings
of herbage for eight or ten years, provided they are properly
top-dressed and kept free from perennial weeds. The time to
cut it is, as with clover and sainfoin, when it is in early flower.
In the United States alfalfa has become the staple leguminous forage crop throughout the western half of the country. Some idea of the increase in its cultivation may be obtained from the figures for Kansas, where in 1891 alfalfa was cultivated over 34,384 acres, while in 1907 the number was 743,050. The progress of irrigation has been an important factor in many districts. The plant requires a well-drained soil (deep and permeable as possible), rich in lime and reasonably free from weeds.
See, for practical directions as to cultivation, Farmers’ Bulletin 339 of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, by J. M. Westgate (Washington, December 1908).