1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Missolonghi

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See also Messolonghi on Wikipedia; the 9th edition; and our 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica disclaimer.
For works with similar titles, see Missolonghi.

MISSOLONGHI, or Mesolonghi (Μεσολόγγιον), the chief town of the monarchy of Acarnania and Aetolia, Greece. It is on the N. side of the Gulf of Patras, about 7 m. from the coast; pop., about 8300. The place is notable for the siege which Mavrocordato and Botzaris sustained in 1822 and 1823 against a Turkish army 11,000 strong, and for the more famous defence of 1825–26. Byron died here in 1824, and is commemorated by a cenotaph and a statue.