1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Owosso

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OWOSSO, a city of Shiawassee county, Michigan, U.S.A., on Shiawassee river, about 79 m. N.W. of Detroit and 28 m. N.E. of Lansing. Pop. (1900) 8696, of whom 1396 were foreign-born; (1906 estimate) 9369. It is served by the Michigan Central, the Grand Trunk, and the Ann Arbor railways, and is a division point of the last. It is situated in the coal area of Michigan, and has various manufactures, including beet-sugar, for which Owosso is an important centre. The value of the city’s factory products increased from $2,055,052 in 1900 to $3,109,232 in 1905, or 51·3%. The municipality owns and operates its water-works. Owosso was settled about 1834 and chartered as a city in 1859.