1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Palitana

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PALITANA, a native state of India in the Kathiawar agency of the Bombay presidency. Area, 289 sq. m.; pop. (1901), 52,856, showing a decrease of 15% in the decade. The chief is a Gohel Rajput, with the title of Thakur Sahib. Gross revenue, £42,000; tribute jointly to the gaekwar of Baroda and the nawab of Junagarh, £700. The capital of the state is Palitana; pop. 12,800. Above the town to the west rises the hill of Satrunja, sacred to the Jains. On this hill, which is truly a city of temples, all the peculiarities of Jain architecture are found in a marked degree. Some of the temples are as old as the 11th century, and they are spread over the intervening period down to the present. The hill is visited by crowds of pilgrims every year.

See J. Burgess, Notes of a Visit to Satrunjaya Hill (Bombay, 1869).