1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Paulinus, Gaius Suetonius

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20835621911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 20 — Paulinus, Gaius Suetonius

PAULINUS, GAIUS SUETONIUS (1st century A.D.), Roman general. In 42, during the reign of Claudius, he put down a revolt in Mauretania, and was the first of the Romans to cross the Atlas range. He subsequently wrote an account of his experiences. From 59–62 he commanded in Britain, and, after a severe defeat, finally crushed the Iceni under Boadicea (Boudicca). A complaint having been made to the emperor that he was needlessly protracting hostilities, he was recalled, but he was consul (for the second time) in 66. During the civil war he fought on the side of Otho against Vitellius, and obtained a considerable success against Aulus Caecina Alienus (one of the Vitellian generals) near Cremona, but did not follow it up. When Caecina had been joined by Fabius Valens, Paulinus advised his colleagues not to risk a decisive battle, but his advice was disregarded, and Otho (q.v.) was utterly defeated at Bedriacum. After Vitellius had been proclaimed emperor, Paulinus asserted that it was in consequence of his own treachery that Otho’s army had been defeated. Vitellius pretended to believe this, and eventually pardoned Paulinus, after which nothing further is heard of him.

See Dio Cassius lxii. 7–12; Tacitus, Annals, xiv. 30–39, Histories, i. 87, 90, ii. 23–41, 44, 60; Pliny, Nat. Hist. v. I; Plutarch, Otho. 7, 8.