1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Peru (Indiana)

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27758691911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 21 — Peru (Indiana)

PERU, a city and the county-seat of Miami county, Indiana, U. S. A., about 75 m. N. of Indianapolis, on the Wabash River. Pop. (1910 U.S. census), 10,910. Peru is served by the Chicago Cincinnati & Louisville, the Lake Erie & Western and the Wabash railways (each of which maintains shops here), and by electric lines to Indianapolis, Warsaw and other cities. The city has a Carnegie library, a railway Young Men's Christian Association, and a hospital for the employés of the Wabash railroad. There is a city park on the river, and 9 m. east of the city is Boyd park, an amusement resort. Peru is an important grain and produce market, and has various manufactures. In 1905 the value of the factory products was $1,703,417 (27·3% more than in 1900). Petroleum is found in the vicinity. Peru was settled in 1834 and was chartered as a city in 1867.