1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Pozzuoli

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POZZUOLI (anc. Puteoli, q.v.), a seaport and episcopal see of Campania, Italy, in the province of Naples, 7½ m. W. of it by rail. Pop. (1906), 17,017 (town), 22,838 (commune). It is situated on and at the base of a hill projecting into the bay at Pozzuoli, separated from the main portion of the Gulf of Naples by the promontory of Posilipo. Its mineral baths are frequented in summer; and the volcanic pozzolana earth (also found near Rome), used now as in Roman times for making cement and concrete, derives its name from the place. In the middle ages Pozzuoli was frequently sacked and also damaged by the natural convulsions of 1198 and 1538. To the north-east of the town is the Solfatura, a half extinct volcano crater in which sulphurous gases are exhaled.