1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Westphal, Rudolf

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20739981911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 28 — Westphal, Rudolf

WESTPHAL, RUDOLF (1826–1892), German classical scholar, was born at Obernkirchen in Schaumburg on the 3rd of July 1S26 He studied at Marburg and Tubingen, and was professor at Breslau (1858–1862) and Moscow (1875–1879). He subsequently lived at Buckeburg, and died at Stadthagen in Schaumburg-Lippe on the 10th of July 1892. Westphal was a man of varied attainments, but his chief claim to remembrance rests upon his contributions on Greek music and metre. His chief works are. Griechische Metrik (3rd ed., 1885–1889); System der antiken Rhythmik (1S65), Hephaestion’s De metris enchiridion (1866); Aristoxenus of Tarentum (translation and commentary, 1883–1893, vol. ii. being edited after his death by F. Saran); Die Musik des griechischen Altertums (1883), Allgemeine Metrik der indogermanischen und semitischen Volker (1892). He made translations of Catullus (1870) and of Aristophanes' Acharnians (1889), in which he successfully reproduced the Dorisms in Plattdeutsch.