1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June/BB

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1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June
the United States Copyright Office
20559201977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June — BBthe United States Copyright Office



One iiorld. Pt. 2. By Mollie Hunter (Maureen Mclliiraith) (In Ihe Born book magazine, Feb. 1976, p. 32-38) 6 Mollie Hunter; 26Jan76 (in notice: 1975); BB50 465.


Doctor Milton Friedm thing as a free lunch- . — -- Hillsdale collegian, Hillsdale Colleg There •s no such ver!" (In The

B8. 1977

(MI), Dec. 4, 1975, p. 6-8) Appl. au: Daniel K. Bright 2nd, Albert L. Jordan £ Elizabeth Bals. C Daniel K. Bright 2nd, Albert L. Jordan fi Elizabeth Bals; 4Dec75; BB51556.


From the names. By H. Scott Momaday. (In The American poetry review, Nov. /Dec. 1976, p. 47) e B. Scott Momaday; lDec76: BB53034.


Byandotte vouchers probed; surveyor estimates mileage. By Gregory S. Beeves 6 Bichard Hood. (In The Kansas City (MO) star, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire, e The Kansas City Star; 3Dec76: BB53035.


Mystery at lindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris 1. Schnaufer. (In Capper's yeekly, lopeka, KS, Sept. 7, 1976, p. 19-20) e Iris L. Schnaufer; 7Sep76; BB53036.


Mystery at Bindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's neelcly, lopeka, KS, Sept. 14, 1976, p. 19-20) e Iris L. Schnaufer; 14Sep76; BB53037.


Mystery at Bindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's iieekly, Topeka, KS, Sept. 21, 1976, p. 17, etc.) © Iris L. Schnaufer; 21Sep76; BB53038.


Mystery at Bindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris I. Schnaufer. (In capper's weekly, lopeka, KS, Sept. 28, 1976, p. 21, etc.) e Iris L. Schnaufer; 28Sep76; BB53039.


Mystery at Bindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's weekly, lopeka, KS, Oct. 5. 1976, p. 17, etc.) Iris L. Schnaufer: 50ct76; BB53040.


Mystery at Bindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In capper's weekly, Topeka, KS, Oct. 12, 1976, p. 17-18) e iris L. Schnaufer; 120ct76; BB53041.


Seashell Christmas wreath; artwork. (In communique, Dec. 1976. p. 1) O Corpus Christi Independent School District (in notice: CCISD) ; 13Dec76; BB53042.


How safe is Alaska's pipeline? By Jeffrey «. Tucker. (In Florida trend, Sept. 1976, p. 24, etc.) O Trend Publications. Inc.; lSep76; BB5J043.


Pidge, McCoy and the gutsy lady. Illus. by Paul Hoffsaster. (In Defenders. Oct. 1976, p. 328-331) Appl. au: Helen Bard Gall. O Helen Bard Gall; 180ct76: BB53044.


That which we call a rose by any other word. Illus. by Paul Hoffmaster. (In Defenders, Dec. 1976. p. 408-410) Appl. au: Helen Bard Gall. O Helen Bard Gall: 1Dec76; BB53045.


After the flood: line drawing of bedraggled young woman trodding a rough fi weary upward road. (In Bater Pollution control Association of Pennsylvania maqazioe, Jan-Feb. 1973, werso of fcont covec) Appl> an: Leslie C. JSarbucger. Leslie C. Harbucqer: 1Jan72 (Id notice: 1973) ; BB530it6.


Craq. Art: Duane Hanson, story: Hill Frank, pseud. o£ Jon Sutec & Hichael Vance, pseud, of Michael Lail. (Id Olclahajia advertisec, Ada, Nov. 3, 1976, p. 5) Hichael Lail; 3Nov76: BB530it7.


Ccaq. Art: Duane Hanson, story: Hichael Vance, pseud, of Hichael Lail £ till Fraujt, pseud, of Jon Suter. (lo Oklahoaa advectisec. Ada, Nov. 10. 1976, p. 9) O Hichael Lail: 10Nov76: BBS3048.


To Haaa/froD Leo. (In Froto a regional perspective. Nov. 1976, p. 4) Appl. au: Francis B. Francois. Francis B. Francois: 19Nov76: BB53049.


Triality. Chap. 1-4. By Albert Busso. (In The Hidatlantlc reviek, fall 1976, p. 36-66) Albert Busso; 21Dec76; BB530 50.


BI chooses aanager. By Haqqie Henard. (L-a-t-e-s-t) (In Quad-city times. Davenport, lA, Dec. 22. 1976, p. 1) Appl. au: The Quad-City Tiaes, eaployer for hire. The Quad-City Times; 22Dec76; BB53051.


Prayer Is a daily habit for aany In Nebraska; Nebraska poll. (In Oaaba Korid-hecald, Dec. 25, 1976. p. 1) Appl. au: Hichael Kelly. O Oaaha Uorld-llerald Coapany; 25Dec76; BB53052.


Society of saaplers. By yillard Fojc. (Fo< tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune, Boklinq Green, OH, Dec. 30, 1976. p. 4) Uillard Fox; 30Dec76; 0853053.

80530 54.

Nectar. (In Bardic echoes, Dec. 1976. p. 79) Appl. au: Nancy Esther Jaaes. Nancy Esther Jaaes: 10ec76: BB53054.


Studies in blue and vhite — a haiku cluster. (In Bardic echoes, Sept. 1976. p. 68) Appl. au: Nancy Esther Jaaes. Nancy Esther Jaaes; lSep76: BB53055.


Huseua treasures: the ultiaate. By Hartha Thoaas (Hartha Thoaas Sheppard) (Soundings) (In UITF-FH prograa guide, Jan. 1977, p. 4. etc.) Hartha Thoaas Sheppard; 23Dec76; BBS3056.


Locals vary in popularity, fakes abound. By Calvet M. Hahn. (Collecting G.S. locals, pt. 1) (In Staap collector, Oct. 9. 1976, p. 22-23) O Calvet H. aaho; 90ct76; BB53057.


Locals can be the prize of any philatelic gathering. By Calvet a. Hahn. (Collecting U.S. locals, pt. 2) (In Staap collector, Oct. 16, 1976, p. 14-15) Calvet H. Hahn; 160ct76; BB53058.


Perry broke ground in researching for D.S. locals. By Calvet H. Bahn. (Collecting O.S. locals, pt. 3) (In Staap collector, Oct. 23. 1976, p. 22-23) calvet H. Bahn; 230ct76; BB53059.


Auction records provide iaportant inforaation. By Calvet a. Hahn. (collecting U.S. locals, pt. 4) (In Stamp collector, Oct. 30. 1976, p. 16-17) Calvet H. Hahn; 300ct76; BB53050.


The American Printing History Asso- ciation letter. No. 1-8, 1974-1975 index. (In The APHA: American Printing History Association letter, no. 12, July-Aug. 1976 suppl. ) Appl. au: Susan fi. Bourla. O Susan B. Bourla; 17Aug76; BB53061.


Life or death--yours. By John D. Haaaker. (In Acres, U.S.A., Sept. 1976, p. 13, etc.) John 0. Haaaker; 1Sep76; BB53062.


Archie Goodwin's Vampirella. By Norma C. Terrell. (In Boomer. Sept. -Oct., p. 13-16) Norma Terrell; 25Sep76; BB53063.


Air Force blue. Hritten by Jaaes D. Gunnels. (In The Dally republic. Fairfield, CA, Sept. 26, 1976. p. IS) James D. Gunnels; 26Sep76; BB53064.


Byrd leads Zumwalt by 2 to 1 . by James Latimer. (In fiichmond times-dispatch. Oct. 25, 1976, p. 1) Appl. au: Bichaond Times- Dispatch. O Richmond Times- Dispatch; 250ct76; BB53065.


Pittsburgh glass— 1797- 1891: a history and guide for collectors. By Louell Innes. (In Antiques, Dec. 1976, p. 1306-1309) C Lowell Innes; 29Nov76; BB53066.


Louise Boqau: a bibliography of primary and secondary materials, 1915-1975. Pt. 1. By Jane D. Couchaan. (In Bulletin of bibliography and magazine notes, Feb.-Har. 197b, p. 73, etc.) C Jane D. Couchaan; 26Har76: BB53067.


Louise Bogan: a bibliography of primary and secondary materials. 1915-1975. Pt.

2. By Jane D. Couchaan. (In Bulletin of bibliography and aagazine notes. Apr. -June 1976, p. Ill, etc.) O Jane D. Couchaan; 6Hay76: 8853068.


Louise Bogan: a bibliography of priaary and secondary aaterials, 1915-1975. Pt. 3. By Jane D. Couchaan. (In Bulletin of bibliography and magazine notes, July-Sept. 1976, p. 178-181) C Jane D. Couchman; 22Sep76; 8853069.


Hore to young's choice than color. By J. F. TerUorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Dec. 22, 1976, p. 16-B) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit Bens — Universal Press Syndicate; 22Dec76; 8853070.


Bow do they aake artificial Christaas trees? (In The Detroit news, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 3-A) The Detroit Nevs; 24Dec76; B853071.


How do they sake things gloa in the dark? (In The Detroit news. Dec. 22, 1976. p. 3-A) O The Detroit News; 22Dec76; 8853072.

just isn't fair. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 17Dec76; 8B53073.


How do they make autoaatic elevators work? (In The Detroit news, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 3-A) C The Detroit News; 17Dec76; 8B53074.


Greatest gift: giving of one's self. By J. F. TerHorst. (in The Detroit news, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 24Dec76; 8B53075.

BB53 076.

Beady-to-use cedar boards make easy work of closet lining. By Lucille DeView. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit news, Dec. 24. 1976, p. 6-A) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire, e The Detroit News; 24Dec76: BB53 076.


Channel 9 in trouble? By Hichael F. Uendland. (C8 break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Dec. 19. 1976, p. 14-G) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 19Dec76; 8853077.


No pardons seen for Uatergate men. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Dec. 19, 1976, p. 10-E) Appl. au: The Detroit News, eaployer for hire. O The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 19Dec7b; 8653078.


Mow do they aake candied truit? (lu The Detroit news, Dec. 20, 1976, p. J-A) O The Detroit News; 20Dec7b; BB5J079.


Beal wood parguet job won't floor you with this simple kit. By Luciiie DeView. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit news, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 4-CJ Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. O The Detroit News; 17Dec76; 8853080.


In old Chicago: city planning versus the archeology of the talking machine. By Timothy C. Fabrizio. (In Journal of the American Phonograph Society, Apr. 1976, p. 4-10) O Timothy C. Fabrizio; 31Dec76; BB53081.


The Heritage factor. By Andrew £. Szucs. (In Skywrighter, Dayton, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 20-21) C Andrew E. Szucs; 17Dec76; 8853082.


Journey of a woman, a review. (In Hatrix: resources for women, Santa Cruz, CA, Nov. 16, 1976, p. 7) Appl. au: Kaeren Prochnow. C Kaeren Prochnow; t6No>76; BB53083.


Hoonjuice 2, review: an open letter to the poets of Hoonjuice 2. (In Hatrix: resources for woaen, Santa Cruz. CA. Dec. 14, 1976, p. 10) Appl. au: Kaeren Prochnow. Kaeren Prochnow; 140ec76: B8S3084.


Time. (In The Voyeur, Sept. 1976, p. 6) Appl. au: Jeanne Voege. O Jeanne Voege; 29Sep76; BB53085. BB53086.

Instant surgery. (In The Voyeur, Bay 1976, p. 6-7) Appl. au: Jeanne Voeqe. © Jeanne Voeqe; 7May76: BB530B6.


Three sea songs. By John Fuller, illustrated by Troy Hoaell. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan. 1977, p. 111-19) © on text; John Fuller; 10Dec76; BB53087.


Dakota winter. By J. Janda, pictures by Douqlas Tait. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan. 1977, p. 77) (© on text; J. Janda; 10Dec76; BB53088.


Never take a pig to lunch. By Susan M. Schmeltz. drawings by Fritz Beqner. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan.

1977, p. 53) © on text; Susan H. Schpeltz; 10Dec76; BB53089.


Who are you? By Susan Schoon Eberly, drawings by Marilyn Bafner. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan. 1977, p. 32-31) © on text; Susan Schoon Eberly; 10Dec76; BB53090.


"I wish," said Mrs. Gilliqan. By Norma Farber, illustrated by Friso Henstra. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan. 1977, p. 60-63) © on text; Norma Farber; 10Dec76; BB53091.


Moon of the goose. By J. Janda, pictures by Douqlas Tait. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan. 1977, p. 76) © on text; J. Janda; 10Dec76; BB53092.


Paradrop at the Bukrin bridgehead; an account of the Soviet Dnieper airborne operation. By Graham H. Turbiville, Jr. (In Military review, Dec. 1976, p. 26-40) C Graham H. Turbiville, Jr.; 1Dec76; BB530 93.


our present to you: a Christmas story for all Kentucky. By Robert P. Sexton, Jr. (In The Voice, Matthews, KY, Dec. 22, 1976, p 1, etc.) © Robert F. Sexton, Jr.; 22Dec76; BB5309l(.


Introduction. By Robin Morqan. (In Circle one. Mar. 1975, p. 3) Robin Morqan; 15Mar75; BB53095.

BB530 96.

The Game of disarmament. (In Sweden now, vol. 10, no. 5, 1976, p. 60-67) Appl. au: A1va Myrdal. © Alva Myrdal; 130ct76; BB53096.


Exclusive: the inside story of LBJ's strange stingy habits — and how he embarrassed people with practical jokes. By Frank Cormier. (In National enquirer, Dec. 21, 1976, p. 18) NM: text. © Frank Cormier; 11Dec76; BB53097.


Beadinq: mind over matter. By John Updike. (In Outlook (The Washington (DC) post), Dec. 19, 1976, p. B1, etc.) NM: text. © Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 19Dec76; BB53098.


A More-or-less crime. By Edgar Wallace. (In Ellery Queen's mystery magazine, July 1976, p. 69-77) Appl. au: Penelope Wallace. NM: revisions & additions. © Penelope Wallace; 7May76 (in notice: 1975); BB53099.


Kara and dry. By Edqar Wallace. (In Ellery Queen's mystery magazine, Nov. 1976, p. 111-118) Appl. au: Penelope Wallace. NM: revisions £ additions. e Penelope Wallace; 10Sep76 (in notice: 1975) ; BB53100.


Date book. Week of Dec. 19-25, 1976. Edited by The San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 19, 1976) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 17Dec76; BB53101.


Sunday punch, December 19, 1976- Edited by The San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 19, 1976) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 17Dec76; BB53102.


This world, December 19, 1976. Edited by The San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 19, 1976) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishing Company. 9 Chronicle Publishing Company; 17Dec76; BB53103.

BB53 1011.

Date book. Beek of Dec. 26, 1976-Jan. 1, 1977. Edited by The San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner a.id chronicle, Dec. 26, 1976) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Q Chronicle Publishing Company; 21IDec76; BB53104.


This world, December 26, 1976. Edited by The San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 26, 1976) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishrng Company. Q Chronicle Publishing Company; 24Dec76; BB53105.


Sunday punch, December 26, 1976. Edited by The San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 26, 1976) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing company, © chronicle Publishing Company; 24Dec76: BB53106.


5 cents- 10 cents-25 cents=$1 ,000 ,- 000,000: a history of the origin of the automated coin laundry. By Clinton H. Fuller, Jr. (In New era laundry and cleaning lines, Dec. 1976, p. 2, etc.) Q Clinton H. Fuller, Jr.; 15Dec76; BB53108.


Bugs Bunny. By Ealph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Nov. 1, 1976. p. 19-20) Appl. au: Harner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. e Warner Brothers, Inc.; 1Nov76; BB53109.


Bugs Bunny. By Ralph Heimdahl & Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Nov. 8. 1976, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Barner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Harner Brothers, Inc.; 8Nov76; BB53110.


Bugs Bunny. By fialph Heimdahl G Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Nov. 15, 1976, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Barner Brothers, Inc.. employer for hire, e Harner Brothers, Inc.; 15Nov76; BB53111.


Bugs Bunny. By Ealph Beimdahl 6 Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Nov. 22, 1976, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Harner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. O Warner Brothers. Inc. ; 22Nov76; BB53112.


Buqs Bunny. By fialph Heimdahl & Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Nov. 29, 1976. p. 19-20) Appl. au: Harner Brothers. Inc. . employer for hire. (9 Harner Brothers, Inc.; 29Nov76; BB53113.


Uinthrop Q. Thistlebaum? By James M. Ennes, Jr. (In Outlook (The Hashington post) Dec. 12, 1976, p. B3) © James M. Ennes, Jr.; 12Dec76; BB53114.


Hhen the narrow gauge was a railroad. By Mabel Fick. (In The Benzie County (MI) patriot, Aug. 18, 1976, p. 38) 6 Mabel Fick; 18Aug76; BB53115.


There once was a country fair. By Mabel Fick. (In The Benzie county (MI) patriot, Aug. 18. 1976, p. 5, etc.) & Mabel Fick; 18Aug76; BB53116.


Apple butter Sunday. By Mabel Fick. (In The Benzie County (MI) patriot, Aug. 18, 1976, p. 18, etc.) Mabel Fick; 18Aug76; BB53117.


Joe, the guardian angel. By Eubyann cooper Gaskin. (In Danville (KI) advocate-messenger, Dec. 24, 1976, p. B2. etc.) © EubyAnn Cooper Gaskin; 24Dec76; BB53118.


The color of Capitola. By Vern Hansen. (Heekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA. Aug. 31. 1976) Appl. au; Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. 3 Adz, Inc.; 31Aug76; BB53119.


Ford holds 7-point edge. By James Latimer. (In Richmond times- dispatch. Oct. 24, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Richmond limes-Dispatch. © Richmond Times-Dispatch; 240ct76; BB53120.


Our future years. (In Telegraph herald, Dubuque. lA. and East Dubuque. II, Jan. 2. 1977, 96 page insert) © Telegraph— Herald, Inc.; 2Jan77; BB53121.


Bookshelf railroads: 2. By Robert J. Lutz. (In Model railroader, Feb. 1977, p. 95-105) © Robert J. lutz; 6Jan77; BB53122.


Reducing the cost of production. By James H. Stone. (In Journal of management and business consulting, Nov. /Dec. 1976, p. 3-5) NM: additional text 6 editorial revision. 6 Stone Management Corporation; 9NOV76; BB53123.


Training equipment and its uses. By Robert C. Robinson. (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle, Dec. 1976. p. 46, etc.) Robert C. Robinson; 16Dec76; BB53124.


Questions and answers. (In The Objectivist calendar, June 1976. p. 2-3) Appl. au: Ayn Band, © Ayn Rand; 25Jun76; BB53125.


Questions and ansners. (In The Obiectivist calendat, iuq. 1976, p. 2) Appl. au: Ayn Band. iyn Band; 16iug76; BB53126.


Questions and answecs. (In The Obiectivist calendar, Sept. 1976, p. 2-3) &ppl. au: Ayn Band. Ayn Band; 26Sep76; BB53127.


CcDBent on the Presidential election. By Ayn Band. (In The Objectivist calendar. Oct. 1976, p. 2) O Ayn Band; 260ct76: BB53128.


Questions and ans»ers. (In The Objectiyist calendar, Dec. 1976. p. 2) Appl. au: Ayn Band. Ayn Band; 16Dec76; BB53129.


A Hall of separation. By Hillard fox. (fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune, BOKlinq Green. OB, Jan. 6, 1977, p. 51 O Hillacd Fox; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB53130.


Hope. (In The Felloaship of the Ci 1977, p. 3-6) 7Jan77; BB53131.


Lesser-known indexes noted as aids £or qenealoqists. By Noma Olin Ireland. (In Tri-state trader, Kniqhtstown, IB, Hov. 13, 1976, p. 45) Noma Olrn Ireland (nrs. David E.); 13llav76; BBS31J2.


Sooe ceaetery, church records conpiled but not printed. By llor«a olin Ireland. (Ill Tri-state trader. Kn iqh tstoao. IN, Nov. 6, 1976. p. 45-46) C Nona Olin Ireland (Mrs. David E.); 6Nov76; BB53133.


Nursinq survey reveals education qap in abuse/neqlect. By Haureen A. HcCabe. (In P. S.B.I, report, Oct. 1976, p. 1) Protective Services Besource Institute; 140ct76; BB53134.


This is "security"? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Dec. 16. 1976, p. 4) Shirley Baiter (Urs. frank B.); 16Dec76: BB53135.


A Bose by any other name. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Dec. 23, 1976, p. 4) e Shirley Halter (Urs. Frank B.) ; 23Dec76; BB53136.


football never meant for den. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. S, 1977, p. 4) O Shirley Halter (Hrs. frank B. ) ; 5Jan77; BB53137.


loth recalls niqhtmare o£ his iitp- risonnent in Yugoslavian jail. By Daniel Thomas. (In Triangle review, fort Collins, CO, Dec. 29, 1976, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Triangle Bevieu. 6 Triangle Beview; 29Dec76; BB53138.


International Socialist review. Editor: Caroline Lund 6 other editors. (In The Militant, New York, Jan. 14, 1977, p. 11-22) Appl. au: Militant Publishinq Association. Militant Publishinq Association; 6Jan77; BB53139.


The Squadron. By Patricia T. Graves. (Bare bird series) (In B/c sportsman, Jan. 1977, p. 18-19) Patricia T. Groves; 19Dec76; BB53140.


The Farmer revolt in Idaho, 1S14-1922. By Hugh T. Lovin. (In Idaho yesterdays, fall 1976, p. 2-15) e Hugh T. Lovin; 23Dec76; BB53141.


Sunday punch, January 9, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 9, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishinq company. Q Chronicle Publishinq Company; 7Jan77; BB53142.


This world, January 9, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 9, 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishinq Company. 3 Chronicle Publishing Company; 7Jan77; BB53143.


This world, January 2, 1977. Edited by the San francisco chronicle. (In San francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Jan. 2, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishinq Company. Ciironicle Publishing Company; 31Dec76; BB53144.


Date book. Ueek of Jan. 9-15, 1977. Edited by the San francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 9, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 7Jan77; BB53145.

BB53 146.

Date book. keek of Jan. 2-8, 1977. Edited by the San francisco chronicle. (In San francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 2. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishinq company. ti Chronicle Publishinq Company; 31Dec76; BB5314&.


Mothering puts men in charqe. By Dorothy Dinnerstein. (lo The tashington (DC) star, Oct. 24, 1976, section F, p. 1, etc.) Dorothy Dinnerstein; 240ct76; BB53147.


The Woman who talked to her teakettle. By Stella Terrill Hann. (In Unity, Feb. 1977, p. 17-22) O Stella leriill Mann; 10Jan77; BB53148.


Congressional reference cases m the Dnited States Court of Claims: a historical and current perspective. By Jeffrey M. Glosser. (In The American University law review, spring 1976, p- 595-630) Jeffrey M. Glosser; 22Nov76; BB53149.


Beached. (In University bulletin, California State University. Long Beach. Dec. 7, 1976, p. 3) California State University, Lonq Beach (Publications Department); 7Dec76; BB53150.


High side. (In Custom bike. Feb. 1977, p. 66) Appl. au: Jay Genow. C Jay Genow; llJan77; BB53151.


Anse on Island Creek. By Paul Curry Steele. (In The West Wirqinia hillbilly, Bichwood, June 19, 1976, p. 8-9) C Paul Curry Steele; 19Jun76; BB53152.


Stan Smithes Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Dec. 9, 1976, p. 59) e Stanley E. Smith; 9Dec76; BE53153.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Dec. 7, 1976, p. 14) e Stanley S. Smith; 7Dec76; BB53 154.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Boston herald American, Dec. 12, 1976, section 3, p. 44) c Stanley E. Smith; 12Dec76; BB53155. .


Stan Smith's Tennis tips. (In Detroit free press, Dec. 14, 1976, p. 5-D) O Stanley a. smith; 14Dec76; BB53156.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Dec. 16, 1976, p. 56) Stanley B. Smith; 16Dec76; BB53157.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Tlie Boston herald American, Dec. 19, 1976, section 3, p. 4 1) e Stanley B. Smith; 19Dec76; BB53158.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 21, 1976, p. 45) O Stanley B. Smith; 21Dec76; BB53159.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Readinq (PA) eagle, Dec. 23. 1976, p. 23) O Stanley R. Smith; 23Dec76; BB'jJlbO.


Stan Smith's Tenuis class. (Iti The Boston herald American, Dec. 2b, 1976, section 3, p. 41) U Stanley B. Smith; 26Dec76; BB531bl.


Countiy-style home; a house that demands a half acre site. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In The Bridqeport (CT) Sunday post, Dec. 5, 1976, p. 2-H) O John 0. Bloodgood; 5Dec76; BB53162.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 28, 1976, p. 42) e Stanley B. Smith; 28Dec76: BB53163.


Country-style home; a house that demands a half acre site. By John D. Bloodgood. (In The Boston herald American, Nov. 21, 1976, p. A38) O John D. Bloodgood; 21NOV76; BB53164.


Play better golt-with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Dec. 27, 1976, p. 9-F) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus i Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 27Dec76; BB53165.


Play better qolf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 40) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 24Dec76; BB53166.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (Id The Miami herald, Dec. 22, 1976, section AA, p. 8) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. C Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 22Dec76; BB53167.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 20, 1976, p- y^) Appl- au: Jack Nicklaus & Kea Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bouden; 20Dec76: BB53168.


Play better qolf-nith Jack Nicklaus. (In saint Petersburg (FL) times, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 2-C) Appl. au; Jack Nicklaus & Keo Boirden. 6 Jack Nicklaus t, Ken Bouden; 17Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53169.


Play better qolf-Mith Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, dgc^ 15, 1976, p. 72) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken BoMden. 6 Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken BoHden; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; BB53170.


Play better golf-yitli Jack Nicklaus. (In Ihe Ithaca (NY) iournal, Dec. 13, 1976, p. 21) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken BOHden. O Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 13Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53171.


NO more clutter. By John D. Bloodqood. (Your home: build to improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Dec- 19, 1976. section H, p. 2) John D. Bloodgood; 19Dec76; BBb3172.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 30, 1976, p. 40) O Stanley B. Smith; 30Dec76; BB53173.


Play better qolf-nith Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 31, 1976, p. 42) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bouden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bouden: 31Dec76: BB5317't.


Play better qoii-uith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Dec. 29, 1976, p. 5-r) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken BoBden. O Jack Nicklaus fi Ken Bouden; 29Dec76; BB53175.


Styled for informal li»ing. By John D. Bloodgood. (In Ihe Boston herald American, Oct. 24, 1976, p. A-26) John D. Bloodgood; 240ct76; BB53176.


Disappearing act. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home; build to improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Nov. 7, 1976, p. E-17) e John D. Bloodgood; 7Nov76; BB53177.


Space-saver. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build to improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Oct. 10, 1976, p. G-9) e John D. Bloodgood; 100ct76; BB53178.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec^ 1, 1976, p. 58) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bo»den. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 1Dec76; BB53179.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal, Dec. 6, 1976, p. 19) Appl. au; Jack Nicklaus fi Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 6Dec76 (in notice; 1977) ; BB53180.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 61) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. e Jack Nicklaus fi Ken Bowden; 3Dec76; BB53iai.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 8, 1976, p. 64) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. © Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 8Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53182.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In Saint Petersburg (PL) times, Dec. 10, 1976, p. 2C) Appl- au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bouden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 10Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53183.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Boston herald American, Dec. 5, 1976, section 3, p. 41) 6 Stanley fi. Smith; 5Dec76; DB53184.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, Dec. 2, 1976, p. 48) e Stanley B. Smith; 2Dec76; BB53185.


The Hhiteness of his shoulder blades. (In Friends review, 1975-1976, p. 29) Appl. au: Bobert Leuze. e Bobert Leuze; 10Sep76; BB53186.


Jimmy thinks I'm a fool. (In Friends review, 1975-1976, p. 58-60) Appl. au: Robert Leuze. 9 Bobert Leuze; 10Sep76; BB53187.


Ralph Vincent Hhite; black police honor Ralph V. Bhite; tenga un buen viaje, have a good journey. (In Ihe Hiami times, July 22, 1976, p. 7) Appl. au; Bobert B. Ingram. O Bobert B. Ingram; 22Jul76; BB53188.


If the shoe fits, wear it. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 11, 1977, p. 4) O Shirley Halter (ars. Frank B. ) ; 11Jan77; BB53189.


Bumble seat concept. By Billard Fox. (Fox tales) (In Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Jan. 13. 1977, p. 12) e Willard Fox; 1JJan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53190.

BB5319 1.

Autopsy. By Bruce Edmund Jacobs. (In Dialogue, Dec. 1976, p. 19) 6 Bruce E. Jacobs; 8Jan77 (in notice: 1976);



Echos; essay. By Linda D. Terrell. Add. ti: Buffalo essay for Tampa Bay sounding: "Echos." (In Tampa Bay sounding, Jan. 1977, p. 9-12) S Linda D. Terrell; 5Jan77 ; BB53192.


Personal slants. From James Holt acGavran. (In Ideas for better living, Jan. 1977, p. 15) © James Holt BcGavran; 1Jan77; BB53193.


Chess nuts. Puzzle no. 1. (In Ihe Verde independent, Cottonwood, AZ, Jan. 5, 1977, p. 23) Appl. au: John E. Nelson. e John B. Nelson; 5Jan77; BBS3194.


'78 speculation ends: Curtis uill not run. By Darwin olofson. (In Omaha world-herald, Jan. 10, 1977, p. 1-2) O Omaha Uorld-Herald Company; 10Jan77; BB53195.


Goodbye, old house: machinery is more than metal. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (In The village broadsider. Sandwich, aA, Jan. 13, 1977, p. 8) 8 Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 13Jan77; BB53196.


Rationalizing the rational man, and other titles. (Ex parte line) (In Res gestae, Jan. 1977, p. 7) Appl. au: Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. 6 Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 5Jan77; BB53197.


Constable "vacationing" in Belize: Johnson case investigation denied. By Bill Hester. (In Corpus Christi (IX) times, Jan. 14, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: corpus Christi limes. 6 Corpus Christi Times; 14Jan77; BB53198.


aan's rib or women's lib? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmodt, Jan. 13, 1977, p. 4) Shirley Halter (Hrs. Frank B.); 13Jan77; BB53200.


Am I okay2 are you ok? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 6, 1977. p. 4) © Shirley Halter (ars. Frank B. ) ; 6Jan77; BB53201.


Grain dealer has $3 million in life insurance. By Earl Golz. (In Ihe Dallas morning news, Jan. 8, 1977, p- 1A) Appl. au; Ihe Dallas Horning News. 6 The Dallas Horning News; 8Jan77; BB53202.


New treasures by an old aine- By Barbara F. Zahner. (Beekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Campbell. CA, Nov. 9, 1976) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. ©Adz, Inc.; 91)ov76; BB53203.


Police probe murder lead: teen in Beaumont claims he was with officer's killer. By Donnis Baggett 6 James Ewell. (In The Dallas morning news, Dec. 21, 1976, p.lA) Appl. au; The Dallas Horning News, e Ihe Dallas Horning News;

21Dec76; BB53204.


Li'l Bobby. By Robert Henry Bhiteside. (In The Boanoke (VA) tribune, Nov- 11, 1976, p. 2) e Bobert Henry Bhiteside; 11NOV76: BB53205.


Intaprobu. By Billard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH. Dec. 23. 1976, p. 11) 6 Billard Fox; 23Dec76; BB53206.


Bhy kids fail. By Billard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Dec. 16, 1976, p. 15) e Willard Fox; 16Dec76; BB5J207.


Homble. (In Bayne suburban news. Franklin Lakes, NJ. Nov. 23, 1976, p. 23) Appl. au: Richard H. Flaker. O Richard H. Flaker; 23Nov76: BB53208.


A Fijian firewalker fantasy. By Kent H. Keith. (Exchanges) (In Hawaii observer, Dec. 8. 1976, p. 7) © Kent a. Keith; 24NOV76; BB53209.


Living on the ocean. By Kent a. Keith. (In Hawaii observer, Dec. 22, 1976, p^ 17-21) © Kent a. Keith; 8Dec76; BB5321Q.


Another major industry for Hawaii. By Kent a. Keith. (Exchanges) (In Hawaii obserier, Jan. 27, 1977. p. 7) Kent a. Keith; 1JJan77: BB53211.


Craq; the hand that cocks the cradle. Chap. 1. ict: ouane Hanson, story: aichael Vance, pseud, of flichael Lail, 6 Bill Franlt, pseud, of Jon Suter. (In Oklahoma advertiser, Ada, No». 17, 1976, p. 51 Bichael Lail; 17So»75: BB53212.


Chicago lourns six-term mayor, Bichard J. Daley: photo. By James A. DePrec. (In Chicaqo sun-times, Dec. 22, 1976, p. 1) James i. BePree; 22Dec76: BB53213.


The Historical origins o of imprisonment for serious crime. By John B. Lanqbein. (In The Journal of legal studies. Jan. 1976, p. 35-60) O John B. Langbein: 20Feb76: BBS3214.


L'Anqlais influenz" ("gua trains mon arch") By Lee Baird, pseud, of Emmett T. Sulli»an. (In Best Liberty (lA) index, Oct. 21, 1976. p. 5) C E. T. sulli»an: 210ct76; BB53215.


Coffee: nhat's happening. (In Progressive grocer, Dec. 1976, p. 3, etc.) General roods corporation; 1Dec76; BB53216.


The Homan v ho taught Amelia to fly. By Shirley Barksdale. (People) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA, Nov. 2. 1976) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. O'Adz, Inc.; 2»ov76; BB53217.


As soon as you learn the number of the bus, then »e" 11 teach you how to countl Add. ti: Prime time greetings. (In The cycle, Cowley County Community college, Arkansas City, KS, Nov. 12, 1976, p. 6) Appl. au: Anthony A. Korte. O Anthony A. Kocte d.b.a. Prime Time Greetings; 12NOV76; BB53218.


The Free change of address kit. It makes your mail move with you. (In Cosmo- politan, Oct. 1976, p. 18it) Onited States Postal Service (in notice: O.S. Postal Service) ; 10ct76: BB53219.


Jobs bring bigger boost than tax cuts: economic priorities for new president. By Albert Shanker. (Bhere we stand) (In The New York times, Dec. 19, 1976, p. Ell) Albert Shanker; 19Dec76; BB53228.


Siuslaw Sammy. (In The Sluslaw news. Florence. OB, Aug. 19, 1976. p. 1) Appl. au: Oregon Coast Publishing Company The Siuslaw News, a subsidiary of Oregon Coast Publishing company: 19Attg76; BB53221.


On the first day of December my true love gave to me. By Hartha Thomas (Bartha Thomas Sheppard) (Soundings) (In BITF-FH 89.5 program guide, Dec. 1976, p. 4) e aartha Thomas Sheppard; 26Nov76; BB53222.


The Bord. By Irving Ballace. (In Ladies home journal, Har. 1972, p. 127- lUU) Irving Ballace; 22Feb72:


Lipkin. (In HcCall' etc.) Hack Lipkin Jan- 1977, p. 72, 18Dec76: 6B53224.


Longmont daily tines-call roundhouse, January 1977. (In Longmont (CO) daily times-call, Jan. 8, 1977, 40 page insert) Times-Call Publishing company; 8Jan77; BB 53225.


Just for fun. By Burt Hochberg. (In Chess life and review, Jan. 1977, p. 39-40) O Burt Hochberg; 1Jan77; BB53226.


These fictions are all characters. (In The Best Liberty (lA) index, Dec. 2, 1976, p. 6) Appl. au: Emmett T. Sollivac. C E. T. Sullivan; 20ec76: BB53227.


The Special children film project. By Connie McCarthy. (In sightlines, winter 1976/77, p. 13-16) Connie McCarthy; 7Jan77; BB53228.


Beyond the dream. By Janet Gregory vermandci, illus. : Charles Gehm. Appl. au: Good housekeeping, Feb. 1977, p. 179, etc. O Janet Gregory Vermandel; 18Jan77; BB53229.

BB53230. Black lov Essence, Feb. 1977, p. 48, etc.) NH: By George Davis. (lo Nn: text. O George Davis; 21Jan77; BB53230.


Uomen executives in the old-boy network. By Hargaret Henuig £ Anne Jardim. (In Psychology today, Jan. 1977, p. 76-81) NB: text. O Margaret Henniq £ Anne Jardim; 30Dec76; BB53231.


The Year the lights came on. By Terry

Kay. (In Sandlapper, Aug. 1976, p. 14-31) C Terry Kay; 8Aug76; BB53232.


Changing. By Liv Ullmann. (In McCall's, Feb. 1977, p. 130, etc.) C Liv Ullmann; 20Jan77; BB53233.


Earthly possessions. By Anne Tyler.

(In Bedbook, Feb. 1977, p. 181-203)

Anne Tyler; 20Jan77; BB53234.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IB) daily tribune, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 2) Babson's Eeports, Inc.; 17Dec76;



Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 2) Babson's Eeports, Inc.; 3Dec76;



Business and the stock market. By Babson's Beports, Inc. (In Chelmsford (HA) newsweekly, Dec. 9, 1976, p. 2, etc.) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 9Dec76; BB5323 7.

BB 53238.

Babson forecast optimistic; for new year 1977. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Dec. 31, 1976, p. 2-3) C Babson's Beports, Inc.; 31Dec76; BB53238.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 2) Babson's Eeports, Inc.; 24Dec76; BB53239.


A Life wasted: why did Gilmore do it? Des news exclusive. By Victor B. Cline. (Xn Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 18, 1976, p. A1, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 18Nov76; BBS3240.


Giimore's invitation to eternity. By Tamera Smith. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 18, 1976, p. A6-7) Appl. au: Deseret News. 8 Deseret News; 18Nov76; BB53241.


cellmate says Gary confessed he killed 4. By Dale Van Atta. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Jan. 17, 1977, p. A8) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 17Jan77; BB53242.


Uow much longer? Gary wrote to Nicole. By Tamera Smith. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Jan. 17, 1977, p. A9) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 17Jan77; BB53243.


Mother's elated. By Dale Van Atta. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 9, 1976, p. B1, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. O Deseret News; 9Nov76; BB53244.


Gary's death wish — why? By Dale Van Atta. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 10, 1976, p. Bl, etc.) Appl. au : Deseret News. O Deseret News; 10Nov76; BB53245.


Nicole bared heart to reporter. By Tamera Smith. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 17, 1976, p. Al, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. C Deseret News; 17Nav7b: BB53246.


Nicole: Giimore's gitltriend says he killed them so he wouldn't kill her. By Tamera Smith. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 16, 1976, p. Al, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 16NOV76; BB53247.


Borld polarized by Gilmore drama; Deseret news exclusive. By Victor B. cline. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 20, 1976, p. Al, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 20Nov76; BB53248.


Bhy did only Gary follow life of crime? Deseret news exclusive. By Victor B. Cline. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Nov. 19, 1976, p. Al, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. on text £ pictures; Deseret News; 19Nov76; 8853249.


Sunday punch, December 12, 1976. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 12, 1976) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 10Dec76; Bfi53250.


Date book. Beek of Dec. 12-18, 1976. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 12, 1976) Appl. au; The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 10Dec76; BB53251.


This world, December 12, 1976. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Dec. 12, 1976) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishlnq Coopany. @ Chronicle PubllshiDg Coupany: 10Dec76: BB532S2.


Hiss Costanza tries out President Carter's chair. Photo, by Tio Planning. (In Democrat and chronicle, Rochester, NY, Jan. 21, 1977. p. 1A) &ppl. au: Gannett Compauv, Inc. @ Gannett Company, Inc.; 21Jan77; BB53253.


flidqe Costanza ran a tour of the Bhite House for her Rochester friends yesterday. Photo, by Tim Uanning. (In The Tines- union, Rochester, NY, Jan. 21, 1977, p. 1C) Appl. au: Gannett Company, Inc. 6 Gannett Company, Inc.; 21Jan77; BB53251.


1977 can be a brighter time for all. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere ue stand) (In The Nev Jorli times. Jan. 2, 1977, section 4, p. 7) e Albert Shanker; 2Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53255.


Congress should bar employer pullout. Br Albert Shanker. (Uhere ue stand) (In The New York times, Jan. 9, 1977, section 4, p. 7) e Albert Shanker: 9Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; BB53256.


RI workers won't get inflation pay. By Haqqie Henard. (In The Quad-city times, Davenport. lA. Jan. 6, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. O The Quad-City Times; 6Jan77; BB53257.


I killed your son. By Daniel J. Foley. (In The Quad-city times, Davenport, lA. Jan. 10, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Quad-Cily Times, employer for hire. 6 The Quad-City Times; 10Jan77; BB53258.


What turns them off, Pawlov? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 18, 1977, p. 4) e Shirley .Halter (Mrs. Frank B.); 18Jan77; BB53259.


Just a sign of the times. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 20. 1977, p. 4) Shirley Halter (Hrs. Frank B.) ; 20Jan77: BB53260.


An Immodest proposal. By Aaron Uitchell Cohen. (In Eclectic, a regional review of the arts, science, history, education and religion, Jan. 1, 1977, p. 1) e Aaron Cohen: 12Jan77; BB53261.


Interpreting peak current let-through curves of current- limiting fuses. By Hermann H. Reichenstein. (In Electrical construction and maintenance, Dec. 1976, p. 70-74) Prev. reg. BB35419, July 1969. NH: additions & revisions. IB Hermann H. Reichenstein; 200ec76; BB53262.


Student radicals at the "Southern Branch": campus protest in the 1930's. By Nerwin Robert Svanson. (In Idaho yesterdays, fall 1976, p. 21-26) 6 Herwin R. Swanson; 23Dec76; BB53263.


He's ready to fight crime — or whatever: Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Her- schberger B Norman Hichael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (I L) graphic-clarion, Jan. 20, 1977, p. 1) C Harsha H. ledgin; 20Jan77; BB53264.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Uerschberger & Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-clarion, Jan. 20, 1977, p. 12) e Harsha M. iedgin; 20Jan77: SBS3265.


You'd better talk to Adam; cartoon. (In The Flame, Seattle, Jan. 11, 1977, p. 2J Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. Q Joann Haugerud; 14Jan77; BB53266.


Performance means expected results, must be spelled out in the code. By Milton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, chap. 16) (In Contractor, Jan. 15, 1977. p. 54, etc.) e Hilton Snyder; 15Jan77; BB5326 7.


Simple pictures are best. By Nancy Hillard, pseud, of Nancy Lindblooo, pictures by Tomie De Paola. (In Cricket, Nov. 1976, p. 5-11) e Nancy Uillard; 100ct76; BB53268.


The Christmas tree that cried. By Bette Hoore Hurst. (In Savannah evening press, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 3) 6 Bette Hoore Hurst; 24Dec76; EB53269.


Three HC coaches asked to resign. By Linda Schaffrina. Coach concedes making mistake 'to help a kid.' By Ted Battles. (In The Midland (TX) reporter-telegram, Jan. 12, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) © The Hidland Reporter-Telegram; 12Jan77; BB53270.


The Media; a guide to work with radio-TV, newspapers and magazines. Pt. 1: definitions. By Robert Vainowski. (In The Peninsula bulletin, Palo Alto, CA, July 31, 1976, p. 5) O Tresgatos Enterprises: 31Jul76: BB5327 1.


The Longer I live: poems in the celebration of old age. By Elise Maclay. (In McCall's, Feb. 1977, p. 87) 8 Elise Baclay; 20Jan77; BB53272.


Baskets. By Elise Maclay. (In Mccall's, Feb. 1977, p. 236) 6 Elise Maclay; 20Jan77; BB53273.

BB5327 4.

Just doing homework, not playing Garbo, Teasdale says. By John M. McGuire. (In Saint Louis post-dispatch, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire. © Saint Louis Post-Dispatch whose sole owner is the Pulitzer Publishing Company; 3Dec76; BB5327 4.


Pre-med diary: recently discovered memoirs of undergraduate plight. By Lawrence flare Vincent. (In Dialogue, Dec. 1976, p. 20-21) e L. M. Vincent; 29Dec76; BB53275.


Uoolly bears. (In Delaware state news, Dover, NOV. 12, 1976. p. 1) Appl. au; Harold f. Lane (ULane) Harold F. Lane; 12NOV76: BB53276.


0TB exchange rate "slush fund" is confirmed. By Paul Uestmoore. (In Niagara gazette, Niagara Falls, NY, Jan. 23, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: Niagara Gazette. S Niagara Gazette; 23Jan77; BB53277.


A Lasting sweetness. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (Goodbye, old house) (In The Village broadsider. Sandwich, MA, Jan. 20, 1977, p. 12) e Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 20Jan77; BB53278.


Poll on cold gets some warm replies. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Jan. 21, 1977, p. 1-2) © Saint Paul Dispatch: 21Jan77; BB53279.


A Store bought sleigh. (In The Big Sandy news, Louisa, KY, Jan. 19, 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: Francis £. Burgess. © Francis E. Burgess; 19Jan77; BB53280.


Collective bargaining: a rocky road; legislature considers again. By Kevin C- Endsley. (In Sagamore, Indiana Uni- versity — Purdue University at India- napolis, Jan. 24, 1977, p. 8-9) © Sagamore 6 Indiana University — Purdue Dniversity at Indianapolis (lOPUI) ; 24Jan77; BB53281.


Understanding I2t let-through energy of current-limiting fuses. By Hermann U. Reichenstein. (In Electrical construction and maintenance, Jan. 1977, p. 74, etc.) Prev. reg. July 1969, BB35643. NM: editorial revisions. O Hermann H. Reichenstein: iajan77; BB53282.


Coastal corralling. By John F. Hohmann. (In Coastlander, fall 1976, p. 26) John F. Hohmann; 31Aug76; BB53283.


The Guiding lights. By John F. Hohmann. (In Coastlander, fall 1976, p. 28-29) 3 John F. Hohmann, whose pseud, is Jack Hohmann; 3 1Aug76; BB53284.


The Tale of Lazy Lizard Canyon. By Doris Burn. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan. 1977, p. 67-75) © Doris Burn; 10Dec76: BB53285.


Reflections in a goldfish tank. By Theodore Isaac Rubin, photography by Michael Tcherevkoff. (In Ladies' home journal, Feb. 1977, p. P.S.4) © El-Ied Rubin, Inc. ; iejan77: BE53286.


Hindu evil. By levis Clyde Smith, illus. by Bernie Englum. (In Fantasy crossroads, Aug. 1976, p. 34-39) © levis Clyde Smith; 15Aug76; BB53267.


Prelude to victory; a commemorative ode to the gallant men of the historic Delaware crossing, Christmas night, Dec- 25, 1776. Hritten by Raymond U. Koehlec. (In The Belle media, Dec. 1976, cen- terfold) © Raymond a. Koehler; 22Dec76; BB53288,


Kids' talk. By Kay Adele Buri & Janet M. Hauser. (In Van Schaack views, p. 3) © Educational Creations; 12Jan77; BBS 3289.


Girtha. By Alfred Borelli 6 Stephen H. Yoken. (In Height watchers, Feb. 1977, p. 10) © Stephen H. Yoken t, Alfred Borelli (in notice: Al Borelli 6 Steve Yoken) ; 5Jan77; BB53290.


Thoughts on local control. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Jan. 27, 1977. p. 10) Appl. au: Hillard fox. Billard Foi; 27Jan77;



5C--10C — 25c = $1,000,000,000: a history of the origin of the autoaatic coin laundry. Pt. t. By Clinton B. Puller, Jr. (In Mew era laundry and cleaDinq lines, Jan. 1977, p. 21, etc.) e Clinton H. Fuller, Jr.; 15Jan77; BB53292.


Heph, the skunk. By Thomas E. fiuggler. (iiestuind Boods, chap. 9) (The Next generation) (In Michigan out-of-doors, Jan. 1977, p. 6il-e6) Hichigan Onited Conservation Clubs; 30Dec76 (in notice; 1977) ; BB532 93.


Ondrata, the luskrat. By Thoias E. Hugglec. (iestvind Hoods, chap. 8) (The Next generation) (In Michigan out- of-doors, Dec. 1976, p. 21, etc.) Hichigan Dnited Conservation Clubs; 28NOV76; BB5329U.


Tine to get rid of CB garbage mouths. By Hichael P. Bendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Jan. 9, 1977. p. 6-J) Appl. au; The Detroit Mews, employer for hire. The Detroit Ne«s-Uni versal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 9Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53295.


Hoa to build alth wood spindles. By Lucille OeVieii. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit nens, Jan. 7, 1977, p. 2-E) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit Neas; 7J«n77 (in notice: 1976); BB53296.


Congress told of inept HUD management. By Clark Hallas C David Ashenfelter. (HUD'S apartment blunder) (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 6, 1977. p. 1-A. etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. The Detroit Neas; 6Jan77; BB53297.


Troy officer tied to gunrunning. By Joel J. Smith & Bobert E. Goach. (In Tlie Detroit neas, Jan. 6, 1977, p. 1-A) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. O The Detroit Neas; 5Jan77; BB53298.


Young one of HUD defaulters. By Clark Hallas £ David Ashenfelter. (HUD's apartment blunder) (In The Detroit neas. Jan. 5, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. C The Detroit Neas; 5Jan77; BBS3299.


Hoa do they knov hoa people vote? (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 5. 1977, p. 3-A) O The Detroit Neas; 5Jan77 ; BB53300.


HUD mired in oan mistakes. By Clark Hallas e David Ashenfelter. (UOO's apartment blunder) (In The Detroit neas, Jan. U, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. Q The Detroit Neas; 4Jan77; BB53301.


Hoa BUD aasted tax cash; Hichigan has oan Uatergate scandal, losses in millions all across country. By Clark Hallas & David Ashenfelter. (HUD's apartment blunder) (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 3. 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Neas; 3 Jan77 ; BB53302.


Hoa do they make asphalt roads? (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 7, 1977, p. 3-A) C The Detroit Neas; 7Jan77; BB53303.


A $33-million housing aaste. By Clark Hallas a David Ashenfelter. (HDD's apartment blunder) (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 7, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Neas; 7Jan77; BB5330lt.


Hondale's role could set precedent. By J. P. TerHorst. (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 7, 1977, p. K-B) Appl. au; The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. e The Detroit Neas-Universal Press Syndicate; 7Jan77; 6853 305.


Hoa a bad deal ripped off HDD. By Clark Hallas £ David Ashenfelter. (HUD's apartment blunder) (In The Sunday neas. Detroit, Jan. 9. 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas. employer for hire. O The Detroit Neas; 9Jan77; 8853306.


A Fugitive's trail points to murder. By Don Ball. (Crime and punishment) (In The Sunday neas, Detroit, Jan. 9, 1977. p. 1-A. etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas. employer for hire. O The Detroit Neas; 9Jan77; BB53307.


Uoa do they make coffee liqueur? (In The Sunday neas, Detroit, Dec. 26, 1976, p. 3-A) O The Detroit Neas; 26Dec76; 8B5J308.


Carter code seen pitted by loopholes. By J. P. TerHocst. (In The Sunday neas, Detroit, Jan. 9, 1977, p. 8- E) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer tor hire. O The Detroit Heas-Uni versal Press Syndicate; 9Jan77; BB53309.


Hoa do they make Barbie's hair curl? (In The Detroit neas, Dec. 29. 1976, p. 3-A) O The Detroit Neas; 29Dec76; BB53310.


Falling sales could shut Hudson doantoan store. By Steve Kaufman. (In The Detroit neas, Dec. 28, 1976, p. 1-A. etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. The Detroit Neas; 28Dec76: BBS3311.


Hoa do they make smoke detectors? (In The Detroit neas, Dec. 27, 1976, p. 3-A) O The Detroit Neas; 27Dec76; 8853312.


Uoa to hit nails, not fingers. By Lucille DeViea. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit neas, Dec. 31, 1976. p. 2-E) Appl. au; The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. The Detroit Neas; 31Dec76; BB53313.


Uoa do they make billiard balls? (In The Detroit neas. Dec. 31. 1976, p. 3-A) O The Detroit Neas; 31Dec76; 8853311.


Uoa do they read the universal product code? (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 3, 1977, p. 3-A) e The Detroit Neas; 3Jan77; BB53315.


Hoa do they line up neaspaper type? (In The Sunday neas. Detroit, Jan. 2, 1977, p.


Finally, PCC is cited for bad job. By Hichael F. Uendland. (CB break) (Id The Sunday neas, Detroit. Jan. 2, 1977, p. 10-H) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas. employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Neas-Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 2Jan77; BB53317.


Carter planning 'born again deal'? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit neas, Jan. 3. 1977. p. 10-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. C The Detroit Neas-Universal Press Syndicate; 3Jan77; 8853318.


Teachers say money not sole strike issue. By Janice Martin. (In Hichmond times-dispatch. July 27, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Uedia General Neas Service, employer for hire. Media General Neas Service; 27Jul76; BB53319.


See. hear, and touch San Jose's past. By Anita Goldaasser. (Ueekend aanderer) (In potpourri, Saratoga, CA, July 27. 1976) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. potpourri. Adz, Inc.; 27Jul76; 8853320.


Acrylic on hyplar canvas; original aitaork. No. 2. By Joyce K. Duke. (In A/E concepts in aood design, Nov. -Dec. 197b, p. 1) O Joyce K. Duke; 10Dec7b; 8853321.


Acrylic on hyplar canvas; original dttaork. No. 1. By Joyce K. Duke. (lu A/E concepts in aood design, Nov. -Dec. 1976, cover) C Joyce K. Duke; 10Dec7b; B853322.


Observation or obligation? By Bobert E. Vansant. (Vansant's laa) (In A/E concepts in aood design, Nov. -Dec. 1S7b, p. 27) Eobert E. Vansant: 10Dec7o; 8853323.


Shank and Dimples. (In Unicorn, Feb.

1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Charles S. Hellman 6 Bobert i. liritilli. Charles S. Hellman £ Eobert A. Tiritilli (in notice: Hellaan-Tiritiili) ; 29Jan77 (in notice: 1976); B853321.


Misery loves company! By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 27. 1977. p. 1) Shirley Halter (Mrs. Prank 8.) ; 27Jan77; BB53325.


Better mad than glad? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont. Jan. 25, 1977, p. 1) e Shirley Halter (Mrs. Prank B.J ; 25Jan77; 8853326.


The "Bed General": Philip 8. Faymonville and the Soviet Union. 1917-52. By John Daniel Langer. (In Prologue: the journal of the National Archives, ainter 1976, p. 208-221) O John Daniel langer; 15Dec76; B853327.


Small majority in poll loaer ther- mostats. (Your opinion) (In saint Paul dispatch, Jan. 28, 1977, p. 1-2) Saint Paul Dispatch; 28Jan77: 8853328.


Crinkleroot. Nritten £ illustrated by Jim irnosky. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 5-a) e on illus. : Jio Srnosky; 10Jan77;



Xhe SaXainander. By Jonathan Levy, drawing by Fcitz Hegner. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 57) @ on text; Jonathan Levy; 10Jan77; BB53330.


Dragon watching in Japan. By Suzanne Bahn, illustrated by Hilary Knight. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 58-63) e on text; Suzanne Sahn; 10Jan77; BB53331.


English in 900 A.D. By Susan Schoon Eberly, art by Enrico Arno. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 72-7t) 6 on text; Susan Schoon Eberly; 10Jan77; BB53332.


Lone fox dancing. By Buskin bond, drawing by Pauline Baynes. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 75) S on text; Buskin Bond: 10Jan77; BB53333.


The San Francisco fox. By Barnaby Conrad, woodcut by Barnaby Conrad, 3rd. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 77-80) e on text: Barnaby Conrad; 10Jan77: BB53334.


Gerasin and the lion. By Celia Barker Lottridge, illustrated by Imero Gobbato, (In cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 82-88) C on text: Celia B. Lottridqe; 10Jan77; BB53335.


Acrylic monoprint on paper canvas. Mo. 2- By Joyce K. Duke. (In A/E concepts in wood design, Jan. -Feb. 1977, p, 4) U Joyce K. Duke; 20Jan77: BB53336.


Acrylic oonoprints on paper canvas. No. 1. By Joyce K. Duke. (In A/E concepts in wood design, Jan. -Feb. 1977, front £ back covers, p. 1 £ 40) <S Joyce K. Duke; 20Jan77; BB53337.


Defamation. By fiobert E. Vansant. (Vansant*s Law) (In A/E concepts in wood design, Jan. -Feb. 1977, p. 38J C Robert E. Vansant; 20Jan77; BB53338.


EDF: why not enjoy it? You paid for it. By Frank Slattery. (In The Bounty boating news, Jan. 1977, p. 4-5) 6 The Navigation coach; 19Jan77; BB53339.


The origins of the shuttle (according to Hunter) By Haxwell Hunter, 2nd. (In Earth/space news, Sept. 1976, p. 1-2) e Maxwell Hunter, 2nd: 1SSep76: BB53340.


The origins of the shuttle (according to Hunter) Ft. 2. By Maxwell Hunter, 2nd. (In Earth/space news, Nov. 1976, p. 5-7) e Maxwell Hunter, 2nd: 15Nav76; BB53341.


The Failure of the big dream. Ft. 2. By Conrad £. Cheatham. (In The Short line, Nov.-Dec. 1976 p. 3-5) O Conrad Cheatham: 23Dec76; BB53342.


The Singing bush. By Vivian Trollope- Cagle. (Fiction for children) (In Las Vegas sun scene magazine (Las Vegas (NV) sun) Oct. 3, 1976, p. 9D) 6 Vivian Trollope-Cagle; 30ct76; BB53343.


Just a minute. Add. ti: Just a minute — the stranger. (In Baptist messenger, Nov. 18, 1976, p. 2) Appl. au: Jack L. Gritz. 6 Jack L. Gritz; 18Nov76; BB5334 4.


Stolen diamonds returned by robber. By S. L. Frisbie, 4th. (In The Polk County democrat, Bartow, FL. Nov. 18, 1976, p. 1A) Appl. au: The Folk County Democrat. 6 The Folk County Democrat; 18Nov76; BB53345.


The Latent function of special education. By Geraldine Hord-Inniss. (In Commonwealth times, Virginj.a Commonwealth University, Bichmond, Oct. 22-28, 1976, p. 4-5) e G. Hord-Inniss; 220ct76; BB53346.

BB5334 7.

Joe Guy. (In The News-times, Banbury. CT, Oct. 24, 1976, p. B-14) Appl. au: James Irving Stenstrum. & James Stenstrum; 240ct76; BB53347.


Mysticism. By Geronimo Stephen, pseud. of Gary Stephen Johnson. (In A Dialogue, Apr. 1976, p. 1-2) 6 Gary Stephen Johnson (pseud.: GeronifflO Stephen); 30Apr76; flB53348.


fiaw silk. By Janet Burroway. (In Bedbook, Jan. 1977, p. 153-175) e Janet Burroway; 21Dec76; BB53349.


Darke County heritage; Bicentennial ed. Compiled by The Early bird. (In The Early bird. Arcanum. OH. June 29. 1976) Appl. au; Ball Publishing Company. C Ball Publishing Company; 29Jun76; BB53350.


Missing grain dealer believed alive. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News. O The Dallas Morning News; 23Jan77; BB53351.


Sensual, loving, free-finding your sexual self. By Penelope Hashbourn. (In Bedbook, Jan. 1977, p. 96, etc.) e Penelope Hashboum; 21Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53352.


How Dadoo got the call. By tilliam Allen, illustrated by Daniel Maffia. (In Audience, July-Aug. 1972, p. 94-108) S Hilliam Allen; 1Jul72: BB533S3.


Losing a loved one. By Albert Camus, translated by Ellen Conroy Kennedy. (In The New York times. Mar. 16, 1976, p. 35) Appl. au: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. NM: English language translation. Q Alfred A. Knopf. Inc.; 16Mar76; BB53354.


Seventeen self-portraits. Collected £ edited by Burt Britton. (In Harper's, Oct. 1976, p. 66-67) S Burt Britton; 21Sep76; BB53355.


That's me: 12 writers draw themselves. By Burt Britton. (In MS., Oct. 1976, p. 65-67) e Burt Britton; 21Sep76; BB53356.


Lesbianism and feainisa: synonyms or contradictions? By Bobin Morgan. (In The Second wave, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 14-23) Bobin Morgan: 20Jun73; BE53357.


Scenes from the hidden years. (In Time, Dec. 13, 1976, p. 24, etc.) Appl. au: James Phelan. Q on text; James Phelan, Gordon Kargulis £ Hell Stewart; 6Dec76; BB53358.


Costume careers. By Kathy Matthews. (In Ladies' home journal, Dec. 1976, p. P.S. 42) e Kathy Matthews; 23Nov76; BB53359.


Ford economist praises Jimmy Carter. By Lee Roderick. (In Manchester (CT) evening herald, Jan. 11. 1977. p. 6-A) Scripps League Newspapers. Inc.; 11Jan77; BB53360.


Carter should utilize Ford's wisdom. By Lee Boderick. (In The Daily chronicle, DeKalb, IL, Jan. 20, 1977, p. 4) © Scripps League Newspapers, Inc.; 20Jan77; BB53361.


The High stakes in South Africa. By Lee Boderick. (In Manchester (CT) evening herald, Jan. 6, 1977, p. 4A) S Scripps League Newspapers, Inc. ; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB53362.


New danger to union democracy. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New York times, Dec. 26, 1976, section 4, p. 6£) Albert Shanker; 26Dec76; BB53363.


Women office workers. By Louise Kapp Howe. (In New York affairs, winter 1977, p. 25-44) e Louise Kapp Howe; 15Jan77; BB53364.


The Young woman who ate parrots and keys. By Stella Terrill Mann. (Stories from life) (In Unity, Mar. 1977, p. 4-12) e Stella Terrill Mann; lFeb77; BB53365.


Democracy is our heritage, but survey finds the free world shrinking. By Albert Shanker. (Bhere we stand) (In The New York times, Jan. 23, 1977, section 4, p. 9) e Albert Shanker; 23Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BBS3366.


Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heiffldahl £ Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Dec. 20, 1976, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire, e Uarner Brothers, Inc. ; 20Dec76 (in notices: 1977, 1976) ; BB53367.


Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly. Dec. 13, 1975. p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire, e yarner Brothers, Inc.; 13Dec76; BB53368.


Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Dec. 27, 1976, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Harner Brothers. Inc.. employer for hire. e uarner Brothers. Inc.; 27Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; BB53369.


Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Dec. 6, 1976, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Harner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. © Narner Brothers. Inc.; 6Dec76; BB53370. BB53J71.

The FBI's war oa Sao Giancaoa. By Uilllaii Brashier. illus. by Bon Di Cianai.. (In Chicago. Feb. 1977, p. 85, etc.) e Wiliia» Bcashler; 21JaD77; BB53371.


"Good girls," growinq up and feoiDisa: legislative and Political Coamittee nay disband. By Marie Shear. (In Brooklyn NOW newsletter, Apr. -Hay 1976, p. 1-5, 2nd section) Harie Shear; 19tpr76: BB53372.


Hinter: a Vermont gage. (In Versonter (The Burlington (VI) free press) Jan. 30, 1977, p. 6-9) Appl. au: Seed B. Byrua. 6 The Burlington Free Press; 30Jan77; BB53373.


The Janes Francis Tulloch diary, 1875-1910; a Bicentennial special. Pt. 8. cospiled & edited by Gordon Keith. (In The Islands* sounder, Eastsound, HA« Dec. 29. 1976, p. 11. etc.) MH: coapilation, editing & additional text. Gordon Keith: 29Dec76; BB53371t.


The Janes Francis Tulloch diary, 1875-1910; an historical special. Pt. 9. Coapiled 6 edited by Gordon Keith. (In The Islands* sounder, Eastsound, HA. Jan. 12, 1977, p. 5-6) »«: conpilation, editing C additional text. 6 Gordon Keith; 12Jan77; BB53375.


Three candidates are in race to head C6l. By Bill Gaqnon. (Id The Pueblo (CO) chieftain, Feb. 3, 1977, p. 1 AJ Appl- au: Strar-Journal Publishing Corporation. O Star-Journal Publishing Corporation; JPeb77; B053376.


Trilogy. (In New horizons (Men York Aasterdan news), Feb. 5. 1977. p. O-t) Appl. au: Marian Frye. narian Frye; 3Feb77; BB53377.


Personal slants. Froa Jaaes Holt HcGavrau. (In Ideas £oc better living. Feb. 1977, p. 15) C Janes Holt IlcGavran; lFeb77; BB53378.


All about the Queen. By Bobert Lacey. <In The Nek lork tiaes aagazine (The New lork tines), Jan. 30, 1977, p. 28, etc.) O Bobert Lacey: 30Jan77; BB53379.


Sirtha. By Alfred Borelli C Stephen U. token. (Id Height watchers, Har. 1977, p. 62-63) Stephen U. loken G Alfred Borelli (in notice: Al Borelli & Steve roken): 5Feb77: BB533eO.


Tracks. By Elien Sotoviloff Hiller. art by June Hagaziner. (In loung life, Jan. 1977. p. 3-5) O Ellen Hotoviloff Hiller; 1Jan77; BB53381.


Don't play ganes with ae. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedaont, Feb. 1. 1977. p. «) O Shirley Halter (Mrs. Frank B.); lFeb77; BB53382.

BB533 83.

"Sour" pickle in the aiddle. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedaont, Feb. 3, 1977, p. U) Shirley Halter (Mrs. Frank B.); 3Peb77; BB53383.


Testt; quick quiz by Professor Testt. (In Dos Palos (FL) star, Dec. 23, 1976, p. 8) Appl. au: Bichard Earl Button. UM: additional text & pictorial natter. e Bichard Button: 23Dec76: BB5338V.


He's got class. Korean 6 English. (In The Oong-a ilbo. Los Angeles, Jan. 11. 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Bha-you Joh. Uha-you Joh; 11Jan77: BB53385.


The Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley. By Mirian Eldridge. ( Heekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Los Gatos/flonte Sereno, CA, Dec. 28, 1976) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. O Adz, Inc.; 28Dec76; BB53386.

BB5338 7.

There's new life in the old nint. By June Oxford. (Weekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, South Campbell, CA, Dec. 28, 1976) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. e Adz, Inc.; 28Dec76; BB53387.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Herschberger & Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-clarion, Feb. 10. 1977, p. 10) O Marsha M. Ledgin; 10Feb77; BB53388.


Talking to nyself; 6 to Bernadette Devlin. Hahalia Jackson £ some radio gangsters. By studs Terkel, (In Mother Jones, Feb. /Mar. 1977, p. 18, etc.) Portions of "My life in crine" section appeared in different forn in Chicago. studs Terkel; iejan77; BB5J389.


Merit selection country, and other titles. (Ex parte line) (In Ues gestae, Feb. 1977, p. 17) Appl. au: Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. O Paul H. Buchanan. Jr.; 2Feb77; DB53J90.


Bird who's ail thunbs at home-naking. (In The Suffolk tiaes, Greeuport, HI, Apr. 8. 197b, p. b) Appl. au: John LaFarge. O John F. LaFarge; 8Apr76; BB53391.


Bird with a domestic problea. (In The Suffolk tiaes, Greenport, SV, May 13, 1976, p. 6) Appl. au: John LaFarge. O John LaFarge; 13May76: BB53392.


Tardy bird resenting early bird. (In The Suffolk tiaes. Greenport. HI, Apr. 1. 1976, p. 6) Appl. au: John LaFarge. John F. LaFarge; 1Apr76: BB53393.


Doctors mast heal theaselves — now. By Constance L. Melaro. (Just ziogin' along) (In Tribune-review, Greensbucg, PA, Jan. 2, 1977 p. EU.) O Constance L. Melaro; 2Jan77; BB53394.


Persiaaons for everyone. By Eugene Griffith 6 M. E. Griffith. (Id The north Anerican poaooa, Jan. 1977, p. 73-814) C Eugene Griffith 6 M. E. Griffith; 5Jan77; BB53395.


Pleasures of the passing parade. By Helen Bard Gall, illus. by Paul Hof- faaster. (In Defenders, Feb. 1977. p. 51-54) C Helen Bard Gall; 28Jan77; BB53396.


The Slender Christmas tree. (In Memorial United Methodist Church weekly bulletin, Clinton. TN, Dec. 26. 1976. p. 4) Appl. au: Seth J. Bheatley. e Seth J. Uheatley; 26Dec76; BB53397.


Stan Smith's Tennis tips. (In Detroit free press, Jan. 6, 1977, p. 8-D) 6 Stanley e. Smith; 6Jan77; BB53398.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Jan. 4, 1977, p. 2-C) Stanley B. Smith; 4Jan77; BB53399.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bew Jersey Sunday herald, Newton, Jan. 2, 1977, p. 23) O Stanley 6. Smith; iJan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53400.


Play better golf. tilth Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (Nt) journal, Jan. 12, 1977. p. 16) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus t Ken Bowden; 12Jan77; BBS3401.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Jan. 9, 1977, p. 67) C StaDley B. Smith; 9Jan77; BB53402.


Play better golf. Bith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NV) journal, Jan. 7, 1977, p. 14) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 7Jan77: BB53403.


Play better golf. Hith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (Nt) journal, Jan. 10, 1977, p. 17) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 10Jan77; BB53404.


Play better golf. Bith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal, Jan. J, 1977, p. 18) Appl. au: Keu Bowden. U Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 3Jau77; 6853405.


Play better gait. Bith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal, Jan. 21, 1977, p. 14) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus S Ken Bowden; 21Jan77; BB53406.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Jan. 20. 1977, p. 35) U Stanley B. Smith; 20Jan77: BBS3407.


Stan Smith's Tennis tips. (In Detroit free press, Jan. 18, 1977, p. 6-D) C Stanley B. Smith; 18JaD77: BB53408.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner. Jan. 13, 1977, p. 53) Stanley B. Smith; 13Jan77; BB53409.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Jan. 11, 1977, p. 11) O Stanley B. Smith; 11Jan77: BBS3410.


Flay better golf. Bith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Jan. 5, 1977. p. 6-E) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 5Jan77: BB53411.


Play better golf. Bith Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Jan. 31, 1977. p. 45) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bowden; 31Jan77; BB53412.


Play better golf. Bith Jack Nicklaus. (Id Sac Firancisco examiner, Jan. 26, 1977, p. U9| appl. au: Ken Bouden. Jack Nicklaus a Ken Bovden; 26Jan77: BBS31I13.


Play better golf. With Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NX) journal, Jan. 24, 1977, p. 16) Appl. au: Ken Bovden. e Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bovden; 2ajan77: BB534ia.


Play better qolf. Bith Jack Nicklaus. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times* Jdn. 19«  1977. p. 2-C) Appl. au: Ken Bovden. Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bovden: 19Jan77; BB53415.


Play better golf. Hith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Jan. 17, 1977, p. 4-C) Appl. au: Ken Bovden. @ Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bovden; 17Jan77; BB53416.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Heading (PA) eagle, Jan. 27, 1977, p. 28) e Stanley R. Smith; 27Jan77; BB53417.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Jan. 29, 1977, p. 31) e Stanley B. Smith; 29Jan77; BBS3418.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Reading (PA) eagle, Jan. 25. 1977. p. 31) O Stanley H. Smith; 25Jan77; BB53419.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Reading (PA) eaqle. Jan- 16. 1977. p. 71) O Stanley H. Smith; 16Jan77; BB53420.


Command performance: it's the year of the cat. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Feb. 10, 1977, p. 4) O Shirley Halter (Hrs. Frank B. ) ; 10Feb77; BB53421.


Just hov is the state of the Union? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Feb. 8, 1977, p. 4) e Shirley Halter (Hrs. Frank B.) ; BFeb77; BB53422.


Container deposit backed: Dispatch poll results. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Feb. 11, 1977, p. 1, etc.) e saint Paul Dispatch: 11Feb77; BB53423.


"People mover" has most in dark. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Feb. 4, 1977, p. 1-2) e Saint Paul Dispatch; 4Feb77; BB53424.


Films: an annotated list of films. Section 4. (In Horal choices in contemporary society: courses by nevspaper source book, vinter 1977, p. 36-47) © Educational Film Library Association, Inc.; 20Jan77; BB53425.


Confessions of a personal advertiser. By C. A. Lee. (In Sojourner, Cambridge, HA. Feb. 1977, p. 6) 6 C. A. Lee; 1Feb77: BB53426.


Car buyer's "black cloud" formed follovinq crash. Local car theft ring probed by FBI. By Les Layton. (In Saint Paul dispatch. Feb. 11, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch, e Saint Paul Dispatch; 11Feb77: BBS3427.


Hov do they open bank vaults? (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 2, 1977, p. 3-A) e The Detroit Nevs; 2Feb77: BB53428.


Jerry Ford: gone but not forgotten. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Jan. 23, 1977, p. 8-G) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. @ The Detroit Ne vs-Uni versal Press Syndicate; 23Jan77; BB53429.

BB5343 0.

Crovdrng hurts nev channels. By Hichael F. yendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Jan. 23. 1977. p. 6-E) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Nevs- Universal Press Syndicate. Inc. ; 23Jan77; BB53430.


Hov do they imbed pebbles in floor tiles? (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 24, 1977, p. 3-A) e The Detroit Nevs; 24Jan77: BB53431.


Hov do they make electronic cash registers? (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 26, 1977, p. 3-A) © The Detroit Nevs; 26Jan77: BB53432.


Shanks' mare wins points for Carter. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 26, 1977, p. fa- B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Nevs-Uuiversal Press Syndicate; 26Jan77; BB53433.


Hill Carter's symbols veather time? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 28, 1977, p. 4-B) Appl. au : The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press syndicate; 28Jan77; BB53434.


CB's big problem is that TV inter- ference. By Hichael F. Uendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Jan. 30, 1977, p. 8-F) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. 3 The Detroit News-Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 30Jan77; BB53435.


Hov do they separate oil, vater after an oil spill? (In The Detroit news, Jan. 31, 1977, p. 3-A) 6 The Detroit News; 31Jan77; BB53436.


GOP missed a chance on Bell vote. By J. F. TerHorst. <In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Jan. 30, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. Q The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 30Jan77; BB53437.


How do they make computer pictures? (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 10, 1977. p. 3-A) e The Detroit Nevs; 10Jan77: BB53438.


Politics marks housing mess. By Clark Hallas S David Ashenfelter. (HUO's apartment blunder) (In The Detroit nevs. Jan. 10, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. S The Detroit News; 10Jan77: BB53439.


It's not all HOD'S fault, Detroit told. By Clark Hallas e David Ashenfelter. (HDD's apartment blunder) (In The Detroit news, Jan. 11, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. e The Detroit News; 11Jan77: BB53440.


Carter seen taking leaf from Lincoln. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Feb. 2, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit News-Universal Press Syndicate; 2Feb77; BB53441.


What to do for faulty fireplace damper. By Lucille Deview. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit news, Jan. 28, 1977, p. 2-G) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. Q The Detroit News; 28Jan77; BB53442.


Carter controls Democratic unit. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 21, 1977, p. 4-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs. employer for hire. © The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 21Jan77: BB53443.


Hov Carter can cope vith the press. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs. Jan. 12. 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs. employer for hire. O The Detroit News-Universal Press Syndicate: 12Jan77; BB53444.


Hov do they make false teeth? (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 12, 1977, p. 3-A) e The Detroit Nevs; 12Jan77; BB53445.


Hov do they obtain and classify fingerprints? (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 14, 1977, p. e-A) e The Detroit Nevs; 14Jan77: BB53446.


Carter's Viet pardon plan falls short. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 14. 1977. p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs. employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 14Jan77; BB53447.


One man's stroke is another's slap. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news. Detroit, Jan. 16. 1977, p. 6-G) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. 3 The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 16Jan77; BB53448.


So, you got a CB: nov you need base station. By Hichael F. Uendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Jan. 16, 1977, p. 8-K) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. © The Detroit News-Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 16Jan77; BB53449.


Hov do they check to tell if eggs are fertile? (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 17, 1977, p. 3-A) W The Detroit Nevs; 17Jan77; BB53450.


Carter called on to step, act briskly. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 19, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au; The Detroit News, employer for hire. C The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 19Jan77; BB53451.


How do they turn on street lights? (In The Detroit nevs, Jan. 19, 1977, p. 3-AJ e The Detroit Nevs; 19Jan77; BB53452.


Give windows louver look. By Lucille DeView. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit news, Jan. 21, 1977, p. 2-E) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, eaploycr for hire. O The Detroit Neu 21JaD77; BB53453.


"Redress" your chairs at honie. By Lucille Deyieu. (Things your Bother aevei. taught you) {In The Detroit news, Jan. lit, 1977, p. 2-D) ippl. au: The Detroit Ueus, eoiployer toe hire. 6 The Detroit Hens; 1l4Jao77; BB53154.


How do they Bake trick airrors? (In The Detroit news. Jan. 21, 1977, p. 3-A) e The Detroit News; 21Jan77; BB53II55.


Home aud training school threatened. By Star-Journal, Chieftain, Denver Bureau. (In Pueblo (CO) star-journal, Feb. 1, 1977, p. IB) Appl. au: Star-Journal Publishing Corporation. 6 Star- Journal Publishiog Corporation; 1Feb77; BB53456.


How the faraer's wife took care of things: a folk tale from Iceland. Translated £ adapted by Hary Buckley, illustrated by Jocelyn Hild £ Bobin Hild. (In cricket, Jan. 1977, p. 26-30) e on tejt, translation £ adaptation: Mary Buckley; 10Dec76: BB53457.


A narsh grows lu Brooklyn! Sierra Club evaluates future of Pluab Beach. Text £ photos, by Stephanie Foqel. (In New York State environoent, Albany, Dec. 1976, p. 6-7) O Stephanie Pogel; 7Dec76; BB53458.


Minchestec house of mystery. By Gerry o'Hara. (Ueekend wanderer) (In potpourri, Caupbell, CA, Jan. 4, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. Adz. Inc.: <ljau77: BB5314S9.


FilB preservation. By Harold Dorfaan. (Shop talk) (In HicrofilB technigues, Nov. /Dec. 1976, p. 7, etc.) Harold Dorfaan; 15Dec76; BB53460.


Treasurer's deputy admits personal trips. By Saa Attlesey £ Don Mason. (In The Dallas sorninq news. Feb. 2, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au : The Dallas Morning News. The Dallas Morning News; 2Feb77: BB53461.


Thin veneer. By Herbert D. Brody. (Slice of spice with Herb) (In Apple Valley (MN) free press, Nov. 17. 1976, p. 2) Herbert D. Brody; 17Nov76; BB53462.


Christmas is. By Al H. Bartel. (In Chilton (SI) tiaes-jourual, Dec. 23, 1976, p. 5. section 2) Al M. Bartel; 23Dec76: BB53<t63.


Let your perspective be your guide. (In Inscope, Nov. -Dec. 197U) Appl. au: Barry Arthur Faecher. C Barry Arthur Faecher; 22Dec7lt; BB53I16II.


fiespoDses to Mexican iaaigration, 1910-1930. By Sicardo Boao. (In Aztlan: international journal of Chicano studies research, summer 1975, p. 173-194) Bicardo Boao; 1Mar76 (in notice: 1975) ; BB53465.


The Spirit of the '76; a Bicentennial story as told by James Baswell, Dec. 1776. By Lillian De La Torre (Lillian De La Torre McCue) (In Ellery Queen's mystery magazine, Jan. 1977. p. 31-46) 6 Lrllian Oe La Torre, whose legal name is Lillian De La Torre McCue; 2Dec76; BB5J466.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Herschberger £ Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic- clarion, Jan. 27, 1977, p. 10) O Marsha M. Ledgrn; 27Jan77: BB53467,


Latin America: a petroleum profile. By Ewell £. Murphy, Jr. (In Vanderbilt journal of transnational law, summer 1976, p. 509-515) Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.; 240ec76: BB53468.


A Gift from Gertrude Stein. By Lloyd Alexander. (In Cricket: the magazine for children, Jan. 1977. p. 54-59) C Lloyd Alexander: laDec76: BBS3469.


Sunday punch, February 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Feb. 13, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 1 lreb77; BB53470.


This world, February 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Feb. tJ, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chioaicle Publishing Company: 11Feb77: BB53471.


Date book. Ueek of Feb. 13-19, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle, (lu San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, Feb. 13, 1977) Appl. au: The Curonicie Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 1 lFeb77; BBS3472.


Food costs rise 8.6 percent. By Elizabeth Schoenfeld. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake city, Oct. 11, 1976, p. B- 1 1) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 110ct76; BB53473.


Hard sell does convention job. By Joe Costanzo £ Hal Spencer. (In Deseret news. Salt lake City, Oct. 18, 1976, p. B-1, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. 6 Deseret News; 180ct76: BB53474.


McKay leading with 59.2 percent. By Maxine Martz. (Deseret news poll) (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Sept. 20, 1976, p. A-1, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 20Sep76: BB53475.


Mind as healer, aind as slayer. By Kenneth B. felletier. (In Psychology today, Feb. 1977. p. 35. etc.) C Kenneth B. Pelletier; 10Jan77; BB53476.


Preainger remembers. (In cosmopolitan, Feb. 1977, p. 118, etc.) O otto Preminger; 20Jan77; BB53477.


The Transcontinental Sailroad: what it was like for the first travelers. By Dee Brown. (In American heritage, Feb. 1977, p. 14-25) e Dee Brown; 25Jan77; BB53478.


Our man in Uashington. By Lee fioderick. (In The Enterprise courier, Oregon City, OB, Jan. 24, 1977, p. 12) Scripps



Longaout daily times-call roundhouse, February 1977. (In Longmont (CO) daily times-call, Feb. 5-6. 1977, 40 p. insert) d Times-Call Publishing company; 5Feb77: BB53480.


Mollie and Pretzel's dream comes to end. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, last adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Feb. 11. 1977, p. IB) C Buth Leslie Smith; llFeb77; BB53481.


Mollie and Pretzel escape the tidal wave. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 15th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Feb. 4, 1977, p. IB) O Buth Leslie Smith; 4Feb77; BB53482.


A Big tidal wave hits the diving sauces. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 14th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news. Jan. 26, 1977, p. IB) Buth Leslie Smith; 28Jau77; BB53483.


Pretzel escapes froa the guardian clam. By Buth Leslie Saith. (Look who's talking, 13th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Jan. 21, 1977, 1st section, p. 8) O Buth Leslie Smith; 21Jan77; BB53484.


The Oarfish gets his tail loose from pipe. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 12th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Jan. 14. 19 77. 1st section, p. 8) C Buth Leslie Saith; 14Jan77: BB534tt5.


Mollie, Pretzel meet the oarfish. By Buth Leslie Saith. (Look who's talking, 10th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 31, 1976, 1st section, p. 10J O Buth Leslie Smith; 31Dec76; BB534U6.


Jackals steal boat from lighthouse man. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 8th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 17, 1976, 1st section, p. 12-13) O Buth Leslie Smith; 17Dec76; BB53487.


Pretzel's crew visits the lighthouse. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 7th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 10, 1976, 1st section, p. 6) 6 Suth Leslie Smith; 10Dec76; BB53488.


flollie finds way out of the cave. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 6th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 3, 1976, 1st section, p. 8) Buth Leslie Smith; 3Dec76; BB53489.


Mollie rescues poor Pretzel. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 5th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Nov. 26, 1976, 1st section, p. 10) 6 Buth Leslie Smith; 26Nov76 ; BB53490.


Mollie, friends meet the cave fish. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 4th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, NOV. 19, 1976, 1st section, p. 10-11) O Buth Leslie Smith; 19Nov76; BB53491. Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking) (In 8aca Raton (FL) news, Oct. 29, 1976, p. 1-8) Euth Leslie Smith; 290ct76.



Hean jackals capture little white qoat. By Ruth Leslie Smith. (Look who'£ talking, 3) (In Boca Raton (FL) news, Nov. 12, 1976, p. 1-8) e Buth Leslie Smith; 12»ov76; 8853493.


& Letter to Jay Hubbell. By Ezra Pound, edited by Lewis Leary. (In Paideuma, winter 1976, p. 417-418) iS The Trustees of the Ezra Pound Literary Property Trust; 22Dec76; B853494.


Yo' is yo". (In The Middle Georgia penny pincher, aacon, Nov. 27, 1976, p. 8) 4ppl. au: Theodore H. Petrides. Theodore H. Petrides: 27Nov76; 8853495.


World champion. (In Suncoast golf and tennis monthly report, Sept. 1976, p. 2) Appl- aui James F. Lamont (Jim Lamont) NH: additional pictorial matter. e Jim Lamont; 1Sep76; BB53496.


Poll split' on legal gambling. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Jan. 7, 1977, p. 1-2) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 7Jan77: 8853497.


Friend reports seeing grain dealer. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news, Feb. 6, 1977, p. 1*) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News. O The Dallas Horning News; 6Feb77: BB53498.


To naoa/from Leo. (In from a regional perspective, Dec-Jan. 1976-1977, p. 16) Appl. au: Francis B. Francois. Francis B. Francois; 28Jau77; BB53499.


Culp believed choice for judgeship. (In The Midland (IX) reporter-telegram, Feb. 15, 1977, p. 1A-2A) Appl. au: Tom Butland. The Midland Reporter-Telegram; 15Feb77; BB53500.


Desert wanderer. By Kathryn Louise Boynton. (In Desert, magazine of the Southwest, Dec. 1976, p. 32-35) C on text; K. L. Boynton; 15Nov76; 8853501.


The Prairie rattler clan. By Kathryn Louise Boynton. (In Desert, magazine of the Southwest, Jan. 1977, p. 16-19) e on text; K. L. Boynton; 15Dec76: BB53502.


A Specialized course in construction cost estimating. By Benjamin E. Lazar. (In The Estimator, Feb. 1977, p. 9-12) e Benjamin E. Lazar £ American Society of Professional Estimators: 18Feb77; 8B53503.


Pat Ualker--pentathlete. By Jacqueline Cathcart. (People) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CS, Feb. 15, 1977) Appl. au; ADZ, Inc. d.b.a. potpourri. e ADZ, Inc.; 15Feb77: BB53504.


Teacher's rights. By Willard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 12) e Billard Fox; 17Feb77: B853505.


Angry failures. By Uillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel -tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Feb. 10, 1977, p. 9) e Uillard Fox: 10Feb77: BB53506.


"Plunder of tax dollars:" Boley to introduce bill limiting assessments by lobby organizations. By fiill Gagnon. (In The Pueblo (CO) chieftain, Feb. 15, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: Star-Journal Publishing Corporation. G Star-Journal Publishing Corporation; 15Feb77; BB53507.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. U,erschberger e Nojcman aichael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-clarion, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 14) O Harsha M. Ledgin; 17Peb77; 885350 8.


Santa Cruz Christmas faire. By Vern Hansen. (Weekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Campbell. CA, Dec. 14, 1976, p. 21) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. e Adz, Inc.; 14Dec76; 8853509.


It's award time for the big and little. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Jan. 5, 1977, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. C The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 5Jan77: BB53510.


Rosiua Lhevinne: a musical legend. By James L. Duncan. (In Pueblo (CO) star-journal & Sunday chieftain, Feb. 6, 1977, p. 11D) Appl. au: Star-Journal Publishing Corporation. C Star- Journal Publishing Corporation; 6Feb77; 8853511.


The Legend of Robert Da Hood. (In What's on, Jan. 8-15. p. 5-6) Appl. au: Kerry John Ryan (Kerry J. Ryan) 6 Kerry J. Ryan: 5Jan77; BB53512.


Toby and Tulip. By Charlie Folds 6 Wayne chandler. (In Editor and publisher, July 31, 1976, p. 63A) Appl. au: Toby and Tulip. Inc. Q loby and Tulip, Inc.; 31JU176; B853513.


Transition interview: Calder Willingham. (In Transition, Hillsboro, OS, spring 1977, p. 5-8) Appl. au: Calder Hil- lingham. C Calder Willingham; 11Feb77; BB53514.


Perpich rates "good" in area poll. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Feb. 18, 1977. p. 1-2) e Saint Paul Dispatch; 18Feb77j BB53515.


Hy life ahead of me. By Narilyn Davis. (In New dawn, Uar. 1977, p. 56) e Harilyn Davis; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); BB53516.


In 1887 we were here, when the city wondered, was the gravedigger Tinkin real? No. 7. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States item. New Orleans, Feb. 15. 1977. p. D-5) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Wilds. & The States-Item; 15Feb77; 8853517.


Sextet. By Paul Curry Steele. (In The Huntington (WV) advertiser. Feb. 17, 1977. p. 6) O Paul Curry Steele; 17Feb77; BB53518.


The Madison mural tour. By J. Wesley Miller. (In Madison select. Jan. 1977. p. 18-20) e on text e photos.; J. Wesley Miller; 3Jan77; 8853519.


The Hostages' ordeal: they were convinced they would die. By Lew Moores. (In The Cincinnati post, Feb. 14. 1977, p. 9) Appl. au: The Cincinnati I'ost. O The Cincinnati Post; 14Feb77; BB53520.


Coulter says he was inspired by "Roots." By Ken Bunting. (In The Cincinnati post. Feb. 14, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: The Cincinnati Post. 13 The Cincinnati Post; 14Feb77; BB53521.


A Recipe for bad water: welfare economics and nuisance law mixed well. 8y Peter 0. Junger. (In Case Western Reserve law review, fall 1976, p. 3-335) 6 Peter D. Junger: 16Feb77; BB53522.


NJ med schools set minority quotas. By Linda Pallotta. (In The Monday dispatch. Union City, NJ. Feb. 14. 1977. p. 1-2) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. 6 Hudson Dispatch; 14Feb77; 8853523.


CB'ers and law clash more than ever now. By Michael F. Wendland. (C8 break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Feb. 13. 1977, p. 9-H) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. lO The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 13Feb77; BB53524.


Press seen flunking 1st Carter test. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news. Detroit, Feb. 13, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. O The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 13Feb77; 8853525.


How do they identify viruses from before 1933? (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Feb. 13. 1977. p. 3-A) © The Detroit News; 13Feb77; B853526.


How to reinforce wobbly furniture. By Lucille DeView. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit news, Feb. 11, 1977, p. 2-D) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. 3 The Detroit News; 11Feb77; 8853527.


How do they process cheese? (In The Detroit news, Feb. 11, 1977, p. 3-A) 6 The Detroit News; 11Feb77; 8BS3528.


Umpteen hours crowd a Carter day. By J. P. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Feb. 11, 1977, p. 6-8) Appl. au; The Detroit News, employer for hire. © The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; l1Feb77; 8853529.


Humility fine but Carter's still chief. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Feb. 9. 1977. p. 6-8) Appl. au : The Detroit News, employer for hire. e The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 9Feb77; BB53530.


How do they make baseball gloves? (In The Detroit news, Feb. 9, 1977, p. 3-S) 6 The Detroit News; 9Feb77; 8853531.


How do they put permanent pleats and creases in clothes? (lo The Detroit news* Feb. 7, 1977, p. 3-i) O The Detroit Bens; 7Peb77; 8B5J532.


Lots of sunshine could burn Carter. By J. F. TerUorst. (In The Sunday neiis, Detroit, Feb. 6, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, eaployer for hire. The Detroit Hews — Universal Press Syndicate; 6Feb77: BB535J3.


How to keep vicker in shape. By Lucille DePieu. {Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit neiis, Feb. "t, 1977, p. 2-D) Appl. au: The Detroit Neas, employer for hire. O The Detroit news; 4Peb77; BB5353lt.


How do they train dogs in obedience schools? (In The Detroit nevs. Feb. <4, 1977, p. 3-A) The Detroit Hens; i4Feb77: BB53 535.


Ford's future seen steeped in green. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Feb. », 1977, p. 6-B) Ippl. au: The Detroit News, eaployer for hire. The Detroit Mews--Universal Press Syndicate: l4Feb77; BBb3536.


Base stations shouldn't be tyrants on busy channel 19. By aichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Feb. 6, 1977, p. 3-H) Appl. au: The Detroit News, eaployer for hire. O The De.troit Hews--Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 6Fob77: BB53537.


Music aakers: weekender congratulates winners of first All-star music poll. By Gregg Fales. (In The Horning call weekender. Alleotown, PA, Feb. 19, 1977, p. SO) Appl. au: Call-Chronicle Newspapers, The Horning Call Weekender. O Gregg Fales; 19Feb77: BBS3S38.


An Excerpt from A Book of common prayer. By Joan Didion. (In Hademoiselle, Feb. 1977, p. lite, etc.) Joan Didinn; lFeb77; BB53539.


Oliver's story. Ft. 1. By Erich Segal. (In Ladies' home journal, Har. 1977. p. 88. etc.) Erich Segal; 2ilFeb77; 8853540.


The James Francis Tulloch diary (1875-1910) Pt. 10. Compiled e edited by Gordon Keith. (In The Islands' sounder, Eastsound, NA, Feb. 2, 1977, p. 12-13) NH: compilation, editing & new text. Gordon Keith; 2Feb77; 8853541.


Parents' rights. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (Is The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Feb. 24, 1977. p. 9) O Uillard Fox; 24Feb77; BB53542.


You gotta wanna'. By Frederick Harvin Hannah, sr. (In Hilwaukee coamunity iournal, Feb. 24-Har. 1, 1977, p. 4) O F. Harvin Eannah ; ?4Feb77: 8853543.


IBS challenges expenses of state solons. By Bill Gagnon. (In The Pueblo (CO) chieftain, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: Star-Journal Publishing Corporation. O Star-Journal Publishing Corporation; 17Peb77; BB53544.


250 rebate plan draws skepticism. (In Saint Paul dispatch, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 1-2.) a Saint Paul Dispatch; 25Feb77; BB5354 5.


..Bank rewards sweeten deputies' pay. By John Triplett. (In The Coaaercial appeal, Hemphis. Feb. 10, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Hemphis Publishing Company (The commercial Appeal); 10Feb77; BBS3S46.


The Grandeur tbat was Burleigh. By Cecilia H. Holland. (In The Howard County times, Ellicott City, HD, Jan. 19, 1977, p. 1, etc.) NH: compilation £ photo. Celia H. Holland (Cecilia H.): 19Jan77; BB53547.

BB5354 8.

Accountability in education: toward a more functional test. By C. U. Fcttigrew. (In Committee for the humanities in Georgia newsletter, Dec. 1976, p. 1-2) O Committee for the Humanities in Georgia; 23Dec76; BB5354 8.


Accountability in education: an analysis of the concept and a response. By Uilliam T. Blackstoue. (In Committee for the humanities in Georgia newsletter, Sept. 1976, p. 1-3) Committee for the Humanities in Georgia: 220ct76; 8853549.


The Longboats of Pitcairn Island. By Edmund A. Donnan, 3rd. (In The Uoo- denboat, Nov. /Dec. 1976, p. 22-25) O Edmund A. Donnan, 3rd: iaDec7b: BB53550.


Toward a philosophy of inclusion. By Crystal A. Britton, illus. by David Gunter. (In Lovely Atlanta magazine, Nov. 1976, p. 30, etc.) C Crystal A. Britton; 4Dec76: BBS3551.


Learning handicapping. (In The Greyhound eacing Hecord, July 19, 1975, p. 14) Appl. au: Walter J. Buchele. Halter J. Buchele; 19Jul75; BB53552.


The Little rocking horse that wanted to fly. By George Dombrowski. Appl. au: Glendora (CA) press, Dec. 23, 1976, p. 17 C George Dombrowski; 230ec76: BB53553.


Santa in Arizona. (In Echoes from South Hountain, p. 3) Appl. au: Bay Beldy. Bay Eeidy; 2aDec76; BB535S4.


The Senate investigates Harpers Ferry. By Keith A. Sutherland. (In Prologue: the journal of the National Archives, winter

1976, p. 192-207) Keith A. Sutherland; 15Dec76; 8B53555.


Bugs Bunny. By &1 Stoffel C Balph Bcimdahl. (In N£A comic weekly, Jan. 3,

1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc., eaployer for hire. O Barner Brothers, Inc.; 3Jan77; 8853556.


Bugs Bunny. By Al Stoffel £ Balpb Ueimdahl. (In NEA comic weekly, Jan. 10, 1977. p. 19-20) Appi. au: Warner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire. e Warner Brothers. Inc. : 10Jan77: BB53557.


Bugs Bunny. By Al Stoffel 6 fialph Ueimdahl. (In NEA conic weekly, Jan. 17. 1977. p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc.. employee for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 17Jaii77; 8853558.


Bugs Bunny. By Al Stoffel £ Balph Heimdabl. (In NEA comic weekly, Jan. 24, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 24Jan77; 8853559.


Bugs Bunny. By Al Stoffel 6 Balph Ueimdahl. (In NEA comic weekly. Jan. 31, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc., eaployer for hire. C Warner Brothers, Inc.; 31Jan77: BB53560.


Business and the stock market. (Ia Seymour (111) daily tribune, Jan. 14, 1977. p. 2) O Babson's Reports, Inc.; 14Jaa77; BB53561.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Jan. 28, 1977, p. 2) C Babson's Beporti, Inc.; 20Jan77; 8853562.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Jan. 7, 1977, p. 2) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 7Jdn77; DB5J563.


Bu:.in«ss and the ^tuck market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tiibuno. Jan. 21, 1977, p. 2) O Bauson's Bepoits. Inc.; 2Uan77; BB53564.


Sunday punch, February 6, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chconicle. (in San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Feb. 6, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 4Feb77: 8853565.


This world. January 16, 1977. Edited by the San Franciscn chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Jan. 16, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 14Jan77; 8B53566.


See Sato in the funny papers. By Vance Bourjaily. (In The Iowa review, fall 1976. p. 1-52) C »ance Bourjaily; 24Aug76; BB53567.


Untitled illustration showing woman and man kissing in a frame of a heart and rectangle. Illus. by Emanuel Schongut. (In Double life. Feb. 1977, p. 2 of insert) Appl. au: Doubleday and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. O Doubleday and company. Inc.; 24Feb77; 8853568.


The Soutii's best chicken. By Jeanne A. Voltz. (In Woaan's day, Feb. 1977, p. 96, etc.) O Jeanne A. Voltz; 11Jan77; 885 3569.


Incidentally, what was your name before it was Birmingham? By Stephen Birmingham. (In Homent, Feb. -Bar. 1977, p. 10, etc.) Appl. au: Doubleday and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 2Mar77; BB53570.


Survival strategy in the mostly male office. By Hargaret Hennig & Anne Jacdim. (In Working uoman, Hac. 1977. p. 1)0-41) e Uarqaret Uennlq C Anne Jardim; 15Feb77:



Hot blood dOMn in Dixie. By Richard Petty, as told to Bill Libby. (In Sports illustrated, Feb. 21, 1977, p. 58, etc.) NH: text, e Bichard Petty £ Bill libby: 17Feb77; BB53572.


NHCA bulletin, March 1977. Editor: Dennis B. Borgaan £ other editors. (In American hairdresser/salon owner magazine. Bar. 1977, p. 11I-16N) National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Asso- ciation: 25Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : BB53573.


Euthanasia. By Philippa Foot. (In Philosophy and public affairs, winter 1977, p. 85-112) e Philippa Foot: 2"IFeb77: BB53571t.


Crinkleroot. Uritten £ illustrated by Jin Arnosky. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 5-8) e on text £ illus. ; Jim Arnosky; 10Jan77: BB53575.


The Loose tooth. By Tony Johnston, illus. by Cyndy Szekeres. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 30-34) 6 on text: Tony Johnston; 10Jan77; BBS3576.


The Loose tooth. By Tony Johnston, illus. by Cyndy Szekeres. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 30-34) 6 on illus.; Cyndy Szekeres: 10Jan77; BB53577.


Brandy Presidente con soda es pre- ^xdensoda sabroso! (In La Raza, Chicago, Nov. 17, 1976, p. 5) C Schenley World T. and I. Company; 17llov76; BB53578.


An Open letter to Amy's father. (Lee Roderick from Washington) (In Argus- Courier, Petaluma, CA, Jan. 25, 1977, p. 4) Appl. au: Lee Roderick. 6 Scripps League Newspapers, Inc.; 25Jan77; BB53579.


Santa Maria proves independence pays. By Lee Roderick. (In Manchester (CT) evening herald, Jan. 28, 1977, p. 4) © Scripps League Newspapers, Inc. ; 2SJan77; BB53580.


"Justice" in Taiwan. By Lee Roderick. (In Manchester (CI) evening herald, Feb. 7, 1977, p. 6A) e Scripps League Newspapers, Inc.; 7Feb77; BB53581.


Trading computers for caviar. By Lee Roderick. (In Manchester (CT) evening herald, Feb. 4, 1977, p. 4A) e Scripps League Newspapers, Inc.; 4Feb77; BB53582.


Tax on tuition help for faculty families? An anti-education proposal from IRS. By Albert Shanker. (Where we stand) (In The New lork times, Jan. 16, 1977, section 4, p. 9) S Albert Shanker; 16Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB53583.


Teachers demand equal treatment; EFCB should approve UFT contract. By Albert Shanker. (Where we stand) (In The New York times, Feb. 6,' 1977, section 4, p. 7) Albert Shanker: 6Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53584.


Sharper scrutiny needed: "career education" built on fantasies? By Albert Shanker. (In The New York times, Feb. 13, 1977, section 4, p. 9) e Albert Shanker; 13Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53S85.


Inspector Hector. By Vernoii E. Uerschberger £ Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-clarion, Feb. 24, 1977, p. 12) e Marsha M. Ledgin: 24Feb77; BB53586.


"Prepared" childbirth; everything you need to know from choosing the hospital to parenting with love. Edited by Frank Capian. (In Family health. Mar. 1977, p. 55-56) NM: text, e The Princeton Center for Infancy and Early Childhood; 1Mar77; BB53587.


The Man who invented Mister Dooley. By Barbara C. Schaaf. (In Chicago, Mar. 1977, p. 116, etc.) NM: text. 6 Barbara C. Schaaf (Barbara C. Shaaf) ; 23Peb77; BB53588.


Labor, civil rights, clergy join boycott launched for economic justice. By Albert Shanker. (Where we stand) (In The New York times, Feb. 27, 1977, p. 9-E) e Albert Shanker; 2 7feb77 (in notice: 1976) : BB53589.


A Bargaining law, yes — the NEA's, no; equal rights for public employees. By Albert shanker. (where we stand) (In The New York times, Feb. 20, 1977, p. 7-E) O Albert Shanker; 20Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53590.


The Snorer. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, June 13, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 3May76; BB53591.

BB5359 2.

The Salvage. By Benry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. May 30, 1976) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 19Apr76; BB53592.

BB5359 3.

Don't blame the travel agent. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. May 23, 1976) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 12Apr76; BB53593.


El Liberator. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. May 16, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. field Newspaper Syndicate; 5Apr76; BB53594.


Say it with words. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. May 9, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 28Mar76; BB53595.


The New member. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. May 2, 1976) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 22Mar76; BB53596.


The Whistler and his cat. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In field newspaper syndicated releases, Apr. 25, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 15Mar76; BB53597.


The Sticky wicket. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Apr- 11, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; lMar76; BB53598.


The Blue boy. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Apr. 4, 1976) @ Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 24Feb76: BB53599-


The Question. By henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In field newspaper syndicated releases. Mar. 21, 1976) Q Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 10Feb76; BB53600.


Learner's permit. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Mar. 28, 1976) e field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 17Feb76; BB53601.


The Early birds. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In field newspaper syndicated releases, June 20, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. field Newspaper Syndicate; 10May76; 8B53602.


Start the revolution without me. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) Add. ti: Yankee Doodle Dennis. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, June 27, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d. b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 17May76; BB53603.


Meowin* in the rain. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Sept. 5, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 26Jul76; BB53604.


The Voice of the turtle's owner. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, July 11, 19 76) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 31May76; BB53605.


The lasher. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Aug. 29, 1976) © Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. field Newspaper Syndicate; 19Jul76; BB53606.


The Story teller- By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Aug. 22, 1976) O Field Enterprises, Inc. d-c-a- Field Newspaper Syndicate; 12Jul76; BB53607-


Color my world- By Henry King Ketcham- (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Aug. 15, 1976) i3 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a- Field Newspaper Syndicate; 5Jul76; 8B53608. BB53609.

01' Doc uilson. By Henry King Ketchan. (DeDDis the jaenace) (In Field neuspaper syndicated releases, tug. 8. 1976) O Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Neaspaper Syndicate; 2eJun7e: BB53609.


View froa the corner. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Aug. 1, 1976) O Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Ijewspaper Syndicate; 21Jun76; BB53610.


Dp in Hargaret's room. By Henry King Ketchaji. (Dennis the uenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, July 18, 1976) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 7Jun76; BB53611.


Yankee Doodle Dennis. By Hepry King Ketchaa. (Dennis the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, July 4, 1976) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate: 24Hay76; BB53612.


It's survival o£ the fittest, okay! By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Feb. IS, 1977, pt. 1, p. U) O Shirley Halter (firs. Frank E. ) ; 15Feb77: BB53613.


5C--10C — 2Sc'^»l, 000,000.000: a history of the origin of the automatic coin laundry. Pt. 5. By Clinton H. Fuller. Jr. (In New era laundry and cleaning lines, Feb. 1977, p. 2, etc.) O Clinton H. Fuller, Jr.; 12Frb77; BD53611.


The Schooner Mary Ann. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (Goodbye, old house) (In The Village broadsider. Sandwich, HA, Jan. 27, 1977, p. 8) O Eleanor Preston Clarkson: 27Jan77; BB53615.


People will buy anything. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (Goodbye, old house) (In The Village broadsider. Sandwich, HA, Feb. 211, 1977. p. 5) Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 24Feb77; BB53616.


An inquiry into the influence of Yiddish on three Eastern European Hebrew sources. By Andrew ostrin. Yiddish, Hebrew £ English. (In Working papers in Yiddish and East European Jewish studies, Dec. 1976, p. 8-11) Andrew Ostrin: 28Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB53617.


Shivas tsiyon: Yiddish borrowings fron the Hebrew which have returned to the slang of modern-day Israel. By Yale J. Eeisner. English £ Hebrew. (In Horking papers in Yiddish and East European Jewish studies, Dec. 1976, p. 1-7) C Yale J. Reisner; 2ejan77 (in notice: 1976); BBS3618.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Feb. 2S, 1977, p. 2) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 2SFeb77;



Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Feb. 18, 1977, p. 2) 6 Babson's Beports, Inc.; 18Feb77:



Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Feb. 1, 1977, p. 2) e Babson's Beports, Inc.; «Feb77 ; flB5352 1.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Feb. 11, 1977, p. 2) O Babson's Reports, Inc.; 11Feb77; BB53622.


Held in darkness. By Jonathan Penner. (In Eedbook, Bar. 1977, p. 189-211) SU: revised text. D Jonathan Penner; 2UFeb77; BB53623.


Elephant seals at Ano Nuevo. By Jacqueline Cathcart. (Ueckend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA, Jan. 11, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. Adz, Inc.; 11Jan77; BBS3624.


Even the weeping stopped. By William Eisen, as told to Thomas Hineo. (In Friday forum (Jewish exponent, Phila- delphia) Dec. 21, 1976, p. 3, etc.) e Thomas flineo; 2tDec76; BB53625.


International socialist review. (Tn The Hilitant, New York, Feb. 4, 1977. p. 11-22) O Hilitant Publishing Association; 27Jan77; BBS3626.


Your servant is listeuiug. (In Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed. , Dec. 10, 1976, p. 3) Appi. au: William Hanger £ anonymous. V Uiiliam Hanger; 10Dec76; BB53b27.


Your servant is listening. (In Texas catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed. . Dec. J, 197b. p. 3) Appl. au: Uiiliam Hanger £ anonymous. O William Hanger; 3Dec7b; BB53628.


Your servant is listening. (In Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed. , Nov. 26, 1976, p. 2) Appl. au: William Hanger & anonymous. William Hanger; 2bNav76: BBS3629.

BBS363 0.

Your servant is listening. (In Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed. , Nov. 19, 1976, p. 2) Appl. au : William Hanger £ anonymous. 6 William Hanger; 19Nov76; BB53630.

BBS363 1.

Just zingin' along, "move it, brother, move it!" (In Greensburg tribune- review, Jan. 4, 1976, p. D2) Appl. au: Constance L. Helaro. O Constance L. Helaro; 4Jan76; BBS3631.


Burleigh: Hammond heritage manifested in Howard County. By Cecilia H. Holland, photo by the author. (In The Howard County times, Ellicott City, HD, Jan. 12, 1977, p. lA, etc.) NH: compilation £ photo. e Celia H. Holland (Cecilia H.); 12Jan77; BB53632.


North Shore's Skokie Valley route (interurban train, number 767 leading) (In Insight (The Hilwaukee journal) Dec. S, 197b, p. 41) Appl. au: Gilmore V. Seid (Gil Beid) Gil Pcid; 5Dec76; BB53633.


Chicago day express (doubleheader steam train, number 180 leading) (In Insight (The Bilwaukee journal) Dec. S, 1976, p.


The Porcelain cat. By Hichael Patrick Hearn, illustrated by Hichael a. Hague. (In Cricket, Feb. 1977, p. 50-56) e Hichael Patrick Hearn; 10Jan77; BB53635.


A Critical review of recent adoption, twin and family studies of schizophrenia; behavioral genetics perspectives. By Irving I. Gottesman £ James Shields. (In Schizophrenia bulletin, 1976, p. 360-400) O Irving I. Gottesman £ James Shields; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB53636.


Hait-Schreiter memo written. By Patricia Simas. (In Wisconsin state journal, Hadison, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Wisconsin State Journal. 6 Wisconsin State Journal; 25Feb77: BBS3637.


Now then. Hister Smith, if you marry and have children; cartoon. (In The Flame, Seattle, Nov. 9, 1976, p. 2) Appi. au: Joann Haugerud. Q Joann Uaugerud; 9NOV76; BB5363B.


Do you believe the essence of all religion? Cartoon. (In The Flame, Seattle, Oct. 12, 1976, p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. u Joann Uaugeiud; 12Uct7fa; DB53639.


Peace on Earth, good will to all listers and brothers; cartoon. (In The Flame, Seattle, Dec. 7, 1976, p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. U Joann llaugeiud; 7Dec76; BB 5364 0.


I now pronounce you woman and husband; cartoon. (In The Flame, Seattle. Sept. 7. 197b. p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. O Joann Haugerud; 7Sep7bi BB53641.


But can she preach? Cartoon. (In The Flame. Seattle. July , 1976. p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. Joann Haugerud; 6Jul7b; BB53642.


The Other side of heaven. w S. Haywood. m Walter King. (In Husic tempo. Oct. -Dec.

1975, p. 9) Prev. reg. EU597811. C S. Haywood £ Walter King; 10ct75; BB53&43.


Hetbane and propane as auto fuels. By Gerald Friedberg. (In Alternative sources of energy. Dec. 1976. p. 12-18) U Jerry Friedberg; 1Dec76; BB53644.


John Wesley Powell explores West. By Peter Wild. (Conservation pioneer, pt. 2) (In High country news. Lander. WY, Sept. 10, 1976, p. 6-7) O Peter Wild; 10Sep76; BB53645.


John Wesley Powell tests El Dorado. (In High country news. Lander, WY. Aug- 27,

1976, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Peter Wild. Peter Wild; 27Aug76; BB53646.


Steven Hather rescued languishing national parks. (In High country news, Lajider, WY, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 1. etc.) Appl. au: Peter Wild, a Peter Wild; 3Dec76; 6853647. BB53648.

DeVoto, the uriter most Utahns can't foEqive. (In High couotry nevs, lander, BY, Jan. 14, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appi. au: Peter Hild. 6 Peter Uild; 1UJaE77; 88536 48.


acCuskey's abstract company freeloader on taxpayers. By Noroan 8. Gallagher. (In The Belle (BO) banner, fiar. 2, 1977, p. 1, etc.) The Belle Banner; 2Har77; BB53649.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Herschberger & Noroan Michael Ledgin. (In The irthar (XL) graphic-clarion. Bar. 3, 1977, p. 10) e Marsha a. iedgin; 3tlar77; BB53650.


After a line from Hichard Hugo. (In The Voyeur, Oct. 1976, p. 3) Appl. au: Jonathan F. Eruay. @ Jonathan F. Erway; 290ct76: 8853651.


School PH push may violate law. 8y Henry Clifton Avery, 3rd £ Gail S. Uogan. (In West Texas times. Best Lubbock ed. , Feb. 18, 1977, p. 1, etc.) 6 Publication Service Company; 17Feb77; BB53652.


Salty community tanks. By Hilbur L. Hanford. (In Aqua-Land fish tales, Bar. 1977, p. 8-10) C uilbur L. Hanford; 1Mar77; DB53653.


Maybe, but yhat fish are you keeping? By uilbur L. Hanford. (In Aqua-Land fish tales, Feb. 1977, p. 11-12) ti Hilbur L. Hanford; 1Feb77; BB53654.


Incident in Olvera Street. By Alan Griffiths. (In Newsletter, Uriters Guild of America, Best, Bar. 1977, p. 12-13) O Alan Griffiths: 1Har77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53655.


Ex parte line. (In Bes gestae, Har. 1977. p. 97) Appl. au: Paul B. Buchanan, Jr. e Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 2Bar77; BB53656.


Emulsion orientation. (Shop talk) (In Blcrofilu techniques, Jan. /Feb. 1977, p. 8-9) Appl. au: Harold Dorfman. Harold Oorfian; 28Feb77; BB53657.


Shoeing. By Bobert C. Bobinson. (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle. Feb. 1977, p. 49, etc.) e Bobert C. Bobinson; 16Feb77; 8853658.


Shoplifting and retail hypocrisy. By Kent a. Keith. (In Hawaii observer, Feb. 10, 1977, p. 9) e Kent a. Keith; 27Jan77; BB53659.


The Greening of Hanoa Valley. 8y Kent M. Keith. (In Hawaii observer, Feb. 24, 1977, p. 29) e Kent M. Keith; 10Feb77; 8B53660.


A Subject index to astronomy articles in Scientific American magazine (1960-1976) (In Mercury, Jan. -Feb. 1977, p. 20) Appl. au: Andrew Fraknoi. 3 Andrew fraknoi; 22Feb77; BB53651.


Sauna — simple but satisfying. (In suralite, Feb. 1977, p. 18-19) Appl. au: Lucille Inez Curtis. 9 Lucille Inez Curtis; 1Feb77; BB53662.


Contemporary two-story home. 8y John D. Bloodgood. (In The Boston herald American, Jan. 30, 1977, section a, p. A34, ) 6 John D. Bloodgood; 30Jan77; 8853663.


Cape Cod home gets new look. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In The Albany Sunday times union, Jan. 2, 1977, p. C-11) John D. Bloodgood; 2Jan77; BB53664.

BB5366 5.

This home's expandable. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In The Boston herald American, Feb. 13. 1977, section 6, p. A16) e John D. Bloodgood; 13Feb77; BB53665.


Perfect planning provides plenty of living room. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Feb. 27, 1977, p. G-6) e John D. Bloodgood; 27Feb77; BB53666.


Adaptable split-level home. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In The Boston herald American, Jan. 16, 1977, section 7, p. A24) C John D. Bloodgood; 16Jan77; BB53667.


Poll shows backing for litter plan. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. Mar. 4, 1977, p. 1-2) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 4Mar77; BB53668.


Mutual accountability of the public and the schools for the provision and use of resources for public education in Georgia. By T. U. Mahler. (In Committee for the humanities in Georgia newsletter, Feb. 1977, p. 1-4) e Committee for the Humanities in Georgia; 23Feb77; BBS3669.


When I am a Zen teacher, 1*11 simply throw the pictures into the fire. Poem by Ellen Bass. (Shameless hussy news) (In City on a hill. University of California at Santa Cruz, Hay 27, 1976, p. 17) e Ellen Bass; 27aay76; BB53670.


1 will not be ashamed. By Ellen Bass. (Centering) Add. ti: This poem is dedicated. (In Peoples press, Santa Cru2. CA, Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 1976, p. 16) 6 Ellen Bass; 30Jan76 (in notice: 1975); BB53671.


Beethoven — he never flatters you. By Bartha Thomas (Martha Thomas Sheppard) (Soundings) (In UITF-FH program guide. Mac. 1977. p. 4-5) 6 Martha Thomas Sheppard; 23Feb77; 8853672.


Dtilizing the after tax discounted yield for investment analysis. By Nelson J, Kramer. (In Atlanta real estate journal, winter 1977. p. 99-108) iS Nelson J. Kramer; 3Bar77; BB 53673.


Kutgers' bias hits whites. By Linda Pallotta. (In The Tuesday Dispatch, Onion City, NJ, aar. 8. 1977. p. 1-2) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. 6 Hudson Dispatch; 8Mar77; 8853674.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In The New Jersey herald. Newton, Feb. 24, 1977, p. 14) 6 Stanley E. Smith; 24Feb77: BB53675.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley it. Smith. (In Eeading (FA) eagle, Feb. 22, 1977, p. 23) 6 Stanley B. Smith; 22Feb77; EB53676.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Feb. 19, 1977, p. 2C) & Stanley B. Smith; 19Feb77; BB53677.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Feb. 8, 1977, p. 27) e Stanley B. Smith; 8Feb77; BB53678.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Feb. 15, 1977, p. 25) e Stanley E. Smith; 15Feb77; BB53679.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Feb. 3. 1977, p. 28) e Stanley B. Smith; 3Feb77; BB53680.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Feb. 1. 1977, p. 29) e Stanley E. Smith; 1Feb77; BB53681.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Feb. 4. 1977, p. 2C) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden. Q Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 4Feb77; BB53682.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner. Feb. 7, 1977. p. 49) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 7Feb77; BB53683.

BB53 684 .

Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal, Feb. 11, 1977, p. 12) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 11Feb77; BB53684.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Feb. 14, 1977, p. 2-D) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 14Feb77: BB53685.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 43) e Stanley B. Smith; 17Feb77; DB53686.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley R. smith. (In Beading (FA) eagle, Feb. 10, 1977, p. 41) O Stanley B. Smith; 10Feb77; BB53687.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Feb. 2, 1977, p. 51) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. & Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 2Feb77; BB53588.


Flay better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Feb. 16, 1977, p. 50) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 16Feb77; BBS3689. BB53690.

Play better golf — iiith Jack Hicklaus. (In The Ithaca INI) journal, Feb. 18. 1977, p. 14) Appl. au: Jack liicklaus 6 KeD Bouden. Jack Nlcklaus £ Ken Boudeu; 18Peb77; BB53690.


Play better golf — Hith Jack Kicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NYI journal, Feb. 21, 1977, p. 16) ippl. au: Jack Micklaus £ Ken Bowden. 6 Jack liicklaus £ Ken Bovden; 21Feb77; BB53691.


Play better qolf — with Jack nlcklaus. (Id The Ithaca (NI) journal, Feb. 23, 1977, p. 18) &ppl. au: Jack Uicklaus £ Ken Bovden. C Jack Nlcklaus £ Ken Bovden j 23Feb77: BB53692.


Play better golf — vith Jack liicklaus. (In The Ithaca (Nil journal, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 16) &ppl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bovden. C Jack liicklaus £ Ken Bovden: 25Feb77: BB53693.


Play better qolf — vith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NI) journal. Feb. 28, 1977, p. 17) ippl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bovden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bovden: 28Peb77: BB5369I4.


Blisters. By J. £. B. Ladouceur £ Nell aoth. (In Fice nevs, Snithtovn, NI, Feb. 7, 1977. p. 2, etc.) O J. E. B. Ladouceuc £ Nell Both (in notice: Ladouceuc £ Eothi : 7Feb77; BB53b95.


Blob coilcs. (In lou. Mar. 1977, p. 81) l|ipl. au: Stuart Leeds. O Stuart Leeds; 28Feb77: BB5369b.


Understanding the logarithms of photography. By Jules Uilburu Bernard. (In The Professional photographer, Dec. 1976, p. UO-tit) C Jules U. Bernard; 27llov7e: BB53697.


Date book. Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco exaniner and chronicle. Jan. 3 0, 1977) O Chronicle Publishing Conpany; 28Jan77: BBS3698.


Sunday punch, January 30, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco ezaainer and chronicle, Jan. 30, 1977) o Chronicle Publishing Company; 28Jan77; BB53699.


This vorld, January 30, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco examiner and chronicle. Jan. 30, 1977) Chronicle Publishing Company; 28Jan77: BB53700.


And it all happened in February! By Linda Hillgate. (In Good housekeeping, Feb. 1977, p. 219) NS: compilation E editorial vork. C Linda Hillgate; iajan77; BB53701.


The Han vho vas afraid to cross a bridge. By Stella Terrill Hann. (In Unity, Apr. 1977, p. 20-28) Appl. au: Onity School of Christianity. e Stella Terrill Hann: tHar77: BB53702.


Kadzu strikes Plastic Pine Corporation, MAC rushes emergency aid. By Harilou B. Thompson. (In The Hemphis arts councilor. Har./Apr. 1977, p. 1) Harilou Thompson; 7Har77; BB53703.


In defense of the "nev realism" for children and adolescents. By Lee Sinsky E Boman J. Schveikert. (In Phi Delta Kappan, Feb. 1977, p. i472-i»75) C Bomao J. Schveikert £ Lee Einsky; 1Feb77; BB537011.


Cure yourself of unhappicess. By Barry Neil Kaufman. (In Family Circle, Apr. 5, 1977, p. 14, etc.) Barry Neil Kaufman; 5Har77; B65370S.


High skyline. (In Bervyn (IL) life, Har. «, 1977, p. 8) Appl. au; Eichard 0. loung. Pre». pub. 1975, i657147; 1976, BB50340. NM: revisions. C Bichard D. loung; 4Har77 ; BB53706.


City blocks. (In Bervyn (IL| life, Hac. 4, 1977. p. 6) Appl. au: Bichard 0. loung. Prew. pub. 1976. BB52458. NH: revisions. Kichard D. loung; 4Har77; BB53707.


Beasonable*: key to a canal treaty. By J. f. TorUorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 18, 1977, p. 4-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. C The Detroit Nevs-Uuiversal fress syndicate; 18reb77; BB5370U.


Hov do they name the stars? (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 14, 1977, p. J-A) O The Detroit Nevs; 14Feb77; BB53709.


By J. r. Terllorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 16, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer tor hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 16Peb77; BB5J7 10.


Uov do they make cough drops? (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 16, 1977, p. 3-A) The Detroit Nevs; 16Feb77; BBS37 11.


tiov to paint vith nev pads. By Lucille DeViev. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 18. 1977, p. 2-C) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. G The Detroit Nevs; 16Feb77; BB53712.


tiov do they grov seedless oranges? (In The Detroit nevs. Feb. 18. 1977, p. 3-A) O The Detroit Nevs; 18Feb77; BB53713.


Can't the FCC unsnarl that sideband mess? By Hlcbael F. Kendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs. Detroit, Feb. 20, 1977, p. 9-H) Appl. au; The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 20Feb77; BB53714.


Special interests still shape elections. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 20, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. e The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 20Feb77: BB53715.


Carter seen running 'strong Cabinet.' By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 23. 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer tor hir«. C The


Time is U.S. ally in Canada problem. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au : The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press syndicate; 25Feb77; BB53717.


Bureaucracy may be in for bear hug. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1977, p. 8-£) Appl- au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 27Feb77; BB53718.


CB static. By Hichael F. Hendland. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1977. p. 11-F) ippl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. The Detroit Nevs-Universal press Syndicate. Inc.; 27Feb77; BB537 19.


CB kids need help, not spanking. By »ichael F. Nendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1977, p. 10-F) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press syndicate. Inc.; 27Feb77; 8853720.


They that vould vorship as pilests must vorship in a male body and long dress; cartoon. (In The Flame. Seattle, Feb. 8. 1977, p. 2) Appl. au; Joaun Haugecud. O Joann Haugerud; 8Feh77; BB53721.


Thou Shalt not covet thy neighbor'^ house; cartoon. (In The Flame. Seattle, Bar. 8, 1977, p. 2) ippl. au: Joann Haugerud. O Joann Haugerud; Bllar77; BB53722.


BDF sveet and simple. By Frank Slatteiy, Add. ti: BDF bearings, sveet and simple. (In The Bounty boating nevs, Feb. 15. 1977. p.1U-21) O The Navigation Coach; 22reb77 ; BB53723.


Application of interactive graphics technology to the problem of standardizing diagnosis and therapy of schizophrenic patients. By Halter Sidoruk. (In Schizophrenia bulletin, vol. 2, no 4, 1976. p. 595-607) o Halter Sidoruk; 31Dec76; BB53724.


American textiles, an Listocical narrative: men and the machines they built. Chap. 12. By Hildred evin Andrevs. (In Southern textile nevs, Charlotte, NC, Feb. 28, 1977, p. 6, etc.) NH: compilation £ revisions. O Hildred Gvin Andrevs; 28Feb77; BB53725.


Has reading improved? By Uillard Fox £ Joseph Nemeth. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune, Bovling Green, OH. Har. 10, 1977, p. 15) Uillard Fox; 10Har77; BB5372b.


Variations on a theme by Haley. By Leonard Greenberg. (Perspective) (In The Beston (Vi) times, Feb. 24, 1977, p. A-b) e Leonard Greenberg; 24Peb77; BB53727.


Queen Elizabeth 2nd*s silver jubilee. (In The irmenian mirror-spectator, Hatertovn, Hi, Feb. 19, 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Anne Bishop (Anne AvakianBishop) o Antie Bishop (in uotice: Anne Avakian-Bishop) ; 19feh77; BB53728.


Tara and the birds. By tlairgacet Higham, drawinqs by ilia Aroosky. (In CcicKet, Bar. 1977, p. 1*6-17) o on text; tiarqaret Hiqham; 10rcb77: BB53729.


AJLario. By X. J. Kennedy. (In Cricket, Mar. 1977. p. 33) O on text; X. J. Kennedy; 10Feb77; BB53730.


The north Uiud Boy. By Steve Sheriaau. illustrated by Douglas Tait. (In Crichet, Har. 1977, p. 51-59) on text; Steve Sherman; 10Feb77; BB53731.


The Truth about toad. By Lois Thompson, illustrated by Carol Uay Leeson. (In cricket, Har. 1977, p. 30-31) on text; Lois Thompson; 10Feb7V; BB53732.


The Other side oii the coin. By Eric A. Kiuoiel. illustrated by Fritz Uegner. (In Cricket, Bar. 1977, p. 79-85) on text; Eric A. Kimmel; 10Feb77; BB53733.


tlili.brook and its mistress Patsy Jones Eppes. By John T. Hendricks & Patsy C. Ilendrickr.. (In The Faraville (V&) herald, Dec. a, 197b, It paqc insect) U John T. £ Patsy C. Hendricks; 8Dec76; BB53734.


i\a% Liupport niaqazine ordinance. (your opmiiju) (in ^aint Paul dispatch. Mar. n, 1977, p. 1-2) a Saint PauJ Dispatch; 11H.ir77; BB53735.


Family niqi.t. Dy Terry Reilly £ Mini Koiily. (Ill Marriage and lamily living. Mar. I'I77, p. 27-28) Hi Terry £ Birai Keiily: 10Feb77; BB53736.


Understanding 12t let- through energy of current-limiting fuses. Pt. 2. Hy lleruann M. Beichenstein. (In Electrical construction and maintenance, Feb. 1977, p. 72-76) Portions prev. req. July 1969, 8B356W £ Aug. 1969, BB35767. UK: editorial revisions £ additions. Hermann U. Beichenstein; 15Feb77; BB53737.


Fear of flying's Isadora King soars again — more outrageous thrfn ever. By Erica Jong. (Uhat*s going on) Excerpt from How to save your own life. (In MademoiSPlle, Har. 1977, p. lib, etc.) on text; Erica Jong; 15Feb77; BB53738.


Jodie's family Han-:s fund dispersed. By John H. Uylie 2ud. (In The Kansas City (HO)r star, Dec. 3, 1975, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas Cicy Star, employer for hire of John H. Hylie 2nd. O The Kansas City star; 3Dec7S: BS53739.


Date book. Week of Feb. 20-26, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Feb. 20, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. C Chronicle Publishing Company: ieFeb77; BBSJ710.


This world, , February 20, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Fob. 20, 1977) Appl. au: The Cliroiiicle Publishing Company. 3 Chronicle Publishing company; 18Feb77; BB53711.


Sunday punch, February 20, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Feb. 20, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company- O Chronicle Publishing Company; 18Feb77; BB53712.


lugniry on subcontractor bids. By Eobert 8. Collins. (In Saint Louis post-dispatch. Mar. 11, 1977, p. 1) Appl. aur Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire. Saint Louis Post-Dispatch (whose sole owner is the piilitzer Publishing Company); llHa)[77; BB53713.


The Ostropalean fungi. By Martha A. Sherwood. (In Mycotaxon, Jan. -Har. 1977. p. 1-277) O Martha A. Slierwood; 12Har77;



Where our treasure lies. (Id The Crown messenger. Mar. 1977. p. 3-6) Fel- lowship of the Crown r 9Mar77; BB53715.


<iather ye soapsuds as ye may. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Feb. 21. 1977, pt. 1, p. 1) O Shirley Halter (Mrs. Frank B.) ; 21feb77; BB53716.


Sure you only pass this way once? By Shirley Halter. (In Ureeuvill^ (SC) piedmont. Mar. 1, 1977, pt. 1. p. 1) O Shirley Halter (Mrs. Frank B.) ; IHar77; 8853717.


Uh, thanks for "frond" memories! By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Har. 3, 1977, pt. 1. p. 1) O Shirley Halter (Mrs. Frank B.) ; 3Har77; BB53718.


Disturbing the peace; or. If the music fits. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont. Feb. 17. 1977. pt. 1. p. 1) C Shirley Halter (Hrs. Frank B.> ; 17Feb77; BB53719.


Sunday punch. Karch 6, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Har. 6, 1977) Appl. au; The Chronicle Publishing Company. O chronicle Publishing company; 11iar77; BB53750.


This world, March 6, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (I |i San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Har. 6, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; »Bar77; BB53751.

88 53752.

Date book. Week of Mar. 6-12, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle, (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Mar. 6, 1977) Appl. au; The Chronicle Publishing Company. C Chronicle Publishing Company; 1Mar77; BB53752.


Date book. Week of Feb. 27-Har- 5, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Feb. 27, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O chronicle Publishing Comf>any; 25Feb77; 8853753.


Sunday punch, February 27, 1977- Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Feb. 27, 19 77) Appl. au: Tbe Chronicle publishing Company. Chronicle Puhlishing Company; 25Feb77; BB53751.


This world, February 27. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Feb. 27, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 3 Chronicle Publishing Company; 25Feb77; 8853755-


Bugs Bunny. By Ealph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In IjEA comic weekly, feb. 7, 1977, p. lS-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc., employer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 7Feb77; BB53756.


Bugs Bunny. By Qalph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. lla NEA comic weekly, Feb. 14, 1977, p. 19-20) , Appl. au; Warner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. e Warner Brothers, Inc. ; 11Feb77; BB53757-


Bugs Bunny. By Kalph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In KEA comic weekly, Feb. 21, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc.. employer for hire. O Warner Brothers. Inc.; 21Feb77; BB537S8.


Bugs Bunny. By Salph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly. Feb. 28, 1977. p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc.. employer tor hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 28Feb77; BB53759.


Uoundhouse. Longmont daily times-call, Harch 1977. (In Longmont (CO) daily times-call, Har. 5. 1977. lo'page insert) O Times-Call Publishing Company; 5Har77; 8853760.


Forgiven but still hungry: a portfolio of Joe Coleman. (In Bizzare sex, no. 5) e Joseph Coleman; 29Uov7b; BB53761.


Tercet. By Hyra Cohn Livingston. (Do you want to write a poem?) (In Cricket, the magazine for children. Mar. 1977, p- 31-36) O Hyra Cohn Livingston; 10Feb77; BB53762-


Leopold, "thinking like a mountain." (In High country news. Lander, til. Feb. 25, 1977. p. 6-7) Appl. au: Peter Wild. O Peter Wild; 25Feb77; BB5376J.


Factors modifying drug response. 5: elimination. By Nichael C. Gerald. (In Pharmacy world, Nov. /Dec. 1976. p. 8. etc.) Appl. au: Council of Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy. iQ Council of Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy; 110ec76; BB53761.


Factors modifying drug response, 6: the placebo and other nonspecific factors. By Michael c. Gerald. (In Pharmacy world. SOI. /Dec. 1S76, p. 13-15) Appl. au: Council of Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy. « Council of Ohio colleges of Pharmacy; 11Dec76; BB53765.


Claremont's Point of view: literature and graaaar. By Francesca Ciaremont, transcribed & edited by Jim Fitzpatrick £ Prances Fitipatcici. (In The K.A.H.I.A. quatteriv, fall 1976, p. 26-35) U Thomas LauqhliD: 1Dec76; BB53766.


The Ocaogutan. By Caroline Elli:al.eth Beckett. (In The Capital times. Madison. UI. dac. 7, 1977. p. 31) O Caroline Beckett: 7l!ar77: BB53767.


vhat*s up. Tiger Lily. By Heary King Ketchao- (Denois the Benace) (In Field Newspaper syndicated f;elcases« June 6. 1976) Field £a terpcises. Inc. d.b.a Field Newspaper Syndicate; 2bipc76; BBS376a,


Nun on tcial foe infanticide. By Catherine Breslin. Add. ti: Nill the tragedy of Sister flaureen challenge the Church on the issues of celibacy, abortion, and haaan weakness? (In Ks.. Mar. 1977, p. 68. etc.) C Catherine Breslin; 15Fet)77; BBS37A9.


Edmund Nilson: letters to John Dos Passos. (In The New lork review of books, aar. 3, 19/7. p. 13-16) Elena Uilson. executrix of the Estate of Edmund Hilson; 3«ar77; BB53770.


Fake "uarcotic" handstamps on series o£ 1911* documentary stamps. By Louis S. Allano. (In The American reveuuei, Feb. 1977, p. t9) C Louis S. Aifano; 21Feb7( (In notice: 1976); nuS3771.


A Now career. By;i. Cupid. (In I'otpuutri, east Cupertino. CA. Jan. II, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b-a. Potpourri. O Adz, Inc.; I1jau77; UBjH li.


na.l mayors. By Hillacd Fox. (Fox tales) (lu The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowling iSceen. OH. nar. 17, 1977, p. 10) O Uillard Fox; 17Mar77: BB5377U.


Half-breed witch. By Audrey u. Elliott. (In Uniteeu news. dar.-Apr. 1977. p. 3-6) O Audrey B. Elliott; 1SHar77; BB53775.


Performance code needs some "results expected" thinking. By Hilton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, chap. 18) (In Contractor. Bar. 15, 1977, p. tn. etc., O Hilton Snyder: 1511ar77; BB53776.


Seismic energy and planetary patterns. Pt. 1. By Buth 8ale Oliver. (In CAO times, autumnal eguinox. 1976, p. 36-45) Buth Bale Oliver; 2aar77 (in notice: 1976); BB53777.


Seismic energy and planetary patterns. Pt. 2. By Euth Bale Oliver. (In CAO times, winter solstice. 1976, p. 23-tii) O Ruth Hale Oliver; 2Har77 (in notice; 1976); BB53778.


The Old pear tree. (In The Big Sandy news, Louisa, til, Har. 2, 1977. p. 12) Appl. au: Francis E. Burgess. O Francis E. Burgess; 2llar77; BB53779.


Church, assemblies and Sunday: pastoral reflections and perspectives. By Joseph Gelineau, translation by Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. (In Celebration, Sept. 1976, p. 3-12) Translation of the article which originaily appeared as Eglise--asseBblees- -Uimauche: reflexions et perspectives pastorales, in La flaison-Dieu: revue de pastorale lltuigigue, no. 12il, 1975, p. 85-109. NH; translation. Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltiuorfc; 31Aug/6; BBS378U.


In 1889 we were here, when a daredevil's dive became a death leap. By John Nilds. (lu Ibe States-Item, New Orleans, Bar. 15. 1977. p. D-5) Appl. au: The Tines- Picayune Publishing corporation, employer for hire. O The States-Item: 1SNar77: BBS3781.


nr£. Gage in her bed of pain with a nice cup of gin. By Hilliam Eastiake. (In Hs.. nar. 1977, p. 78, etc.) i Uilliam Eastiake: 1SFeb77; BB53782.


Property of. By AUce Hoffman. (In Bs., Feb. 1977, p. 69, etc.) C Alice Hoffman; 18Jan77: BB53783.


Can bribery ever be deemed good? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Har. 2. 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. C The Detroit News-Universal Press Syndicate; 2nar77; BB5J78U.


Balance: key to environment versus Jobs. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Har. 4. 1977. p. il-b) Appl. au: The Evening News A:.socia tion. Inc.. employer tor hite. U The Evening News Association, inc. -Universal Press Syndicate; aHai77; BB5J7U5.


Ford-Carter economics dittet only bit. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Har. 6. 1977. p. U-U) Appl. au; Tne Evening News Association. Inc., employer tor hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. -Universal Piess Syndicate; 6Har77: UBS378b.


FCC proposal would ban illegal CB linears. By Bichael F. Uendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Har. 6, 1977, p. 9-F) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. O The Detroit News-Universal Press Syndicate. Inc.; 6Har77: BB53787.


Carter human rights stand a mirage? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. Hat. 9, 1977, p. b-D) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc.. employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. -Universal Press Syndicate; 9Har77: BB53788.


Phone-in gets high but limited marks. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Har. 11. 1977. p. 6-b) Appl. au; The Evening News Association. Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. -Universal Press Syndicate; 11Hdr77; BB53789.

BB53790. Obscenity is violence as well as sex. By J, F, Torhorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Mar. 13, 1977, p. 8-10) Appl. and The Evening News Association, Inc., emploter for hire. The Evening NEws Association, Inc. Universal Press Syndicate; 13Mar77; BB53790.


It's not true that 23's beat go-channel sets. By Hichael F. Nendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit. H..C. 13. 1977. p. 9-Hj Appl. au: Ihe Detroit News, employer tor hire. O Ihe Detroit Bcvs-Univetsal Press Syndicate. Inc.; 13Hat77; BB53791.


Saccharin rule calls for law change. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. Har. 16, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au : The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. C Ihe Evening News Association. Inc. -Universal Press Syndicate; 16Har77; 6853792.

beauty parlor: By J. F. TerHorst. (In Ihe Sunday news. Detroit, Har. 13, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc.- Universal Press Syndicate; l3Har77; BB53790.


A Sumner in the lit the stotics of 5 wome Louise Kapp Howe. (In Hs., Har. 1977, p.' 53, etc.) C Louise Kapp Howe; 15Peb77; BB53793.


president proposes impact aid cuts: disappointing start on funds for schools. By Albert Shanker. (Nhere we stand) (In The New York times. Har. 13, 1977. section », p. 13) O Albert Snanker; 13Har77; BB53794.


Bisking default to seize powei : big banks want 20-year control of city. By Albert Shanker. (Nhere we stand) (In Ihe New lock times. Har. 6, 1977, section <t , p. 7) O Albert Shanker; 6nac77; BB5J795.


Collectively speaking. lly Hicaelj Hasslmino. (In Cold (low>'i, Har.-Api. 1977. p. II) C Hlcaeld Bassimmo; lnar77; BB53796.


A Han he calls baoul. By Jell Colien C David S. Llfcon. (In New Times. Apr. I, 1977, p. 20, etc.) O David S. Litton t Jelf Cohen; 21Hai77: ttli'jiltl.


Kids' talk. (In Uhat's happening in Uoodmac. Feb. 1977. p. 6) Appl. au: Kay Adele Buri £ Janet H. Hauser. u Edu- cational Creations: 1SFeb77; 8853798.


Halting time for handguns. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Har. 18, 1977, p. 1-2) Saint Paul Dispatch; 1«Har77; BB53799.


blisters. By J. E. B. Ladouceur 6 Nell Both. (In Fire nvws. Smithtown, Ny, Har. 21. 1977, p. 9) O J. E. 8. Ladouceur 6 Nell Both (in notice: Ladouceur-aoth); 21Har77: 8853800.


Cora Fry. By Eosellen Brown. (In Hs.. Har. 1977, p. 81-84) O Eoseiicu Brown; 15Feb77; 8853801.


Ihe uunning man. By David Ely. pseud, of David E. Lilienthal. Jr. (In Ellery Queen's Hystecy magazine, Dec. 1976. p. 116-127) o David £. Lilienthal, Jr., whose pseud, is David Ely; SOct76; BB53802.


The Uarren Court critics: where are they now that we need them? By Isidore Silver. (In Hastings constitutional law guarterly, spring 1976, p. 373-452) O Isidore Sliver; 26Jan77: BB53d03. BB53804.

Start kfith a uocd. By Isaac Asimov. (In lalkinq book topics, Jan. -Feb. 1977, p. 1-3) 6 Isaac Asimov; 1JaD77: BB53804.


Mystery at Hindsleigb. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's seeicly, Topeka, KS, July 20-27, 1976, p. 17, etc.) S Iris L. Schnaufer; 20JU176; BB53805.


Mystery at Hindsleigb. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Ids L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's ueekly, Topeka, KS, Auq- 3-10, 1976, p. 17, etc.) « Iris L. Scbnaufer; 3Aaq76; BB53S06.


Mystery at Mindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's weekly, Topeka, KS,. Auq- 17-24,

1976, p. 17, etc.) e Iris L. Schnaufer; 17Auq76; BB53807.


Stuart Paterson, sailing in a race on Botany Bay, Sydney, Australia. Photos, by Bill Payne. (Helcone to our »orld. Instructor poster 7) (In Instructor, Mar. 1977, p. 86-9t) Appl. au: The Instructor Publicatious, Inc., eaployer for hire. o The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 17feb77; BB'i3808.


Tee talk. By Snow, pseud, of Donna Sno u Johnson. (In Cupboard news, Orlando, Mar. 1, 1976. p. 10) C Donna Know Johnson; laarV6; BB53809.


Johnson grain expulsion aired. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news, Feb. 20, 1977, p- 1A) Appl. au: The Dallas norninq News. C The Dallas Morning News; 20Feb77; BB53al0.


Texas-size gas leak costing millions. By Lyke Thompson. (In The Dallas morning news, Feb. 20, 1977, p. lA) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News. The Dallas Morning News; 20Feb77; BB53811.


Father Grieco's fall: why the bishop ousted him. By Doug Garr C Bruce Locklin. (In The Sunday record, Hackensack, NJ, Feb. 13, 1977. p. A-1, etc.) Appl. au: The Hecord. 6 The Bergen Evening fiecord Corporation d.b. a. The Record; 13Feb77; BB53812.


Daughters of the middle class. By Diana Trilling. (In Harper's, Apr. 1977, p. 31, etc.) 8 Diana Trilling; 21Mar77; BB53at3.


Corky Civella rises: top mob role soon? By Harry Jones S J. J. Maloney. (In The Kansas City (MO) star. Mar. 2il, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. Q The Kansas City Star: 2tllar77: BB538ia.


Cry havoc. By Davis Grubb. (In Ellery Queen's Mystery magazine, Aug. 1976, p. 69-76) e Davis Grubb; i»Jun76; BB53815.


Bull Pierson. By Davis Grubb. (In Ellery Queen's Mystery magazine, Feb. 1977, p. 114-119) e Davis Grubb; 21Dec76; BB53816.

iterpcetation and three phases 6f psychoanalysis. By Norman N. Holland. (In critical inguiry, winter 1976, p. 221-233) e Borman N. Holland; 22Dec76; BB53817.


A Plane for all seasons. By Patricia T. Groves, artwork: Bjorn Karlstrom. (Bare bird series) (In E/C sportsman, Oct. 1975, p. 32, etc.) <S Patricia X. Groves £ Bjorn Karlstrom: 18Sep75; BBS3818.


Selective neglect. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowling Green, OH, aar. 24, 1977, p. 8) 6 Billard Fox; 24Mar77; BB53819.


In 1885 we were here when the peacemaker meddled in a fight, and lost. By John Wilds, drawing by John chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Mar. 22, 1977, p. 4-8) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Uilds. 6 The States-Itea; 22Mar77; 6853820.


Contend earnestly for the faith. By Bobect Louis Passantino. (In Christian Apologetics: Research and Inforaation Service newsletter, Feb./Mar. 1977, p. 6-7) C Bobert Passantino; 15Mar77; BB53821.


Thought you'd like to know. By Pearl World. (In Senior citizen weekly, Sacramento, CA , Har. 23, 1977, p. 2) « Pearl World; 23Mar77; BB53822.


A Historian's perspective: American appeasement of Germany, 1941-51. By Bruce Kuklick. (In Prologue, the journal of the National Archives, winter 1976, p. 237-240) e Bruce Kuklick; 15Dec76: 6853823.


Asha Masih invites you to come to the fair! (Welcome to our world. Instructor poster 8) Add. ti: Instructor (welcome to our world) — Asha of India; Asha's world. (In Instructor, Apr. 1977, p. 86-96) Appl. au : The Instructor Publications, Inc., employer for hire. 9 Instructor, solely owned by The Instructor Publi- cations, Inc.; 15aar77; BB53824.


Improving school climate. By Eileen 6reckenridge, pseud- of Jayne Freeman. (In Phi Delta kappan, Dec. 1976, p. 314) & Jayne Freeman, whose pseud, is Eileen Breckenridge; 27Nov76; BB53825.


The Adventures of Ziggy Zebra- (In The Latrobe (PA) bulletin, Nov- 4, 1976. p. 12) ^ppl. au: George M. Lynch- 6 George M- Lynch, t.a- JCJ Publications; 411ov76; 6653826.


The Adventures of Ziggy Zebra. (In The Latrobe (PA) bulletin, Nov. 5, 1376, p. 11) Appl. au: George M. Lynch. George M. Lynch, t.a. JCJ Publications; 5Nov76; 6853827.


Henry Cowell state Park: a living cathedral; weekend wanderer. By Vern Hansen. (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA, Mar. 8, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b. a. Potpourri. O Adz, Inc.; 8HarT7; BB53S28.


The Lyndon Hotel; looking back. By Ina Gregory, (In Potpoutri, Campbell, CA, Mar. 8, 1977) Appl. au : Adz, Inc. d.b. a. Potpourri. ie Adz, Inc.; 8Mar77; BB53829.


New foul-up will cost taxpayers millions; HUD's apartment blunder. By David Ashenfelter t Clark Hallas. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Jan. 2, 1977, p- 1A. etc.) Appl. au: The Sunday News, employer for hire. e The Sunday News; 2Jan77; BBS3630.


Women wita a grip on success. By □argaret Hennig & Anne Jardim, photo, by sally Good. (In Chicago tribune. Mar. 20, 1977, section 5, p. 1, etc.) 9 Margaret Hennig £ Anne Jardim; 20Mar77; 6B53831.


Examples of the form. (In The New York times, Oct. 10, 1976, section 4, p- E7) Appl. au: David Abrahamsen. O on paragraph by David Abrahamsen; David Abrahamsen; 10Oct76; BB53832.


Inspector Hector. 6y Vernon E. Herschberger £ Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-Clarion, Har. 2ft, 1977, p. 14) flarsha a. Ledgin; 24Mar77; 8653833.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Herschberger & Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-Clarion, Mar. 10, 1977, p. 12j e Marsha a. Ledgin; 10Mar77; BB53834-

BBS3 835-

Case undecided after 2 1/2 years. By Eston Melton- (In Bichmond times- dispatch. Mar. 13, 1977, p. I) C Bichmond limes-Dispatch; 13Mar77; BB53835.


Edmund Wilson's letters: to and about F- Scott Fitzgerald. (In The New york review of books, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 3, etc.) Q Elena Wilson, executrix of the Estate of Edmund Wilson; 17Feb77; 6653836.


Edmund Wilson on writers and writing. (In The New York review of books. Mar. 17, 1977, p. 10, etc.) e Elena Wilson, executrix of the Estate of Edmund Wilson; 17Mar77; BB53837.


The Teacher's friend: continuity, religious lifeline. By Ruth Candida Palmer. (In Living light-teacher, Dec. 1976, Jan. /Feb. 1977, centerfold) 6 Buth Candida Palmer; 100ct76; BB53838.


De-bunking an inventor. 6y Mildred Gwin Andrews. (American textiles — an historical narrative, chap. 13) (In Southern textile news, Charlotte, NC, Mar. 21. 1977, p. 5, etc.) NM: compilation £ revision- 3 Mildred Gwin Andrews; 21aar77; BB53839.


Citizen complaints top 70: state begins TCO probe. By John Finnegan, Jr. (In The Catholic bulletin. Saint Paul, ilar. 25, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Catholic Bulletin Publishing Company. & The Catholic Bulletin a.a.d.o. the Catholic Bulletin Publishing Company; 25Mar77; 3B53840.


5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, $1,0- 00,000,000: a history of the origin of the automatic coin laundry. Pt. 6. By Clinton H. Fuller. Jr. (In New era laundry and cleaning lines. Mar. 1977, p. 6, etc.) O Clinton H. Fuller. Jr.; 16Bar77: BB53841.


fleet your author with ackaowledgeneots to Edvard Lear. By Joan Aikeu. (In cricket. Mar. 1977, p. 66-67) Joan lilteo Enterprises, Ltd.; 10Feb77: BBS3842.


BPLS, sother. By John Berrynan. (In Hinneapolis tribune, Dec. 1, 19714, p. 10) Kate Berry»an; 1Dec7it; BB5J843.


59X oppose Ball building plan. By Victoria Graiiaa. (Tour opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. Bar. 25, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch. Saint Paul Dispatch; 25Bar77; 8853844.


Letters to Natalie Barney, by Ezra Pound, edited with coB«entary by Bichard Sieburth. On writing and writers, translated by Ezra Pound. A Page without which, by Benry Swaliey. (In Paideuaa, fall 1976, p. 279, etc.) on On writing and writers fi guotations in A Page without which 6 Letters to Hatalie Barney; The Trustees of the Ezra Pound Literary Property Trust; 23Sep76 (in notice: 1975) ; BB53845.


Nostalgia notes. By Thurlow O. Cannon. (In At your leisure (Advance news, Ogdensburg, NI) Jan. 9, 1977, p. 5) O Thurlow 0. Cannon (In notice: Cannon); 9JaB77; 8853846.


"All aboard" for Mexico City with the Pliego brothers. Photos, by Erik Arnesen. (Helcoie to our world, instructor poster 6) Add. ti: Alelaodro and Bodriqo Pliego greet the balloon nan in Mexico city's Chapultepec Park. (In Instructor, Feb. 1977, p. 105-112) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc. , esployer for hire. O Instructor, solely owned by The Instructor Publications, Inc. ; 10Jan77: BB53847.


Emergency rooa work takes toll. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 8| (In The News Aierican, Baltiiore, feb. 7, 1977, p. 81, etc.) Jane B. Conroy whose pseud. is Kristen Kelly; 7Peb77; BB53848.


It's easier to cope when you help soneone. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 7) (In The News Aaerican. Baltiaote, Feb. 6, 1977, p. CI) C Jane B. Conroy whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 6Feb77; BB53849.


Beroin addict needs help to take edge off "cold turkey". By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 6) (In The News Aaerican, Baltiaore, Feb. 4, 1977, p. 6A) C Jane B. Conroy whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 4Feb77: BB53850.


Difficalt decisions must be aade. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 5) (In The News Aaerican. Baltiaore, Feb. 3, 1977, p. B1, etc.) Jane 8. Conroy whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly: 3Feb77; BB53851.


Chess-word puzzle. By Pal Benko C Charles Schafer. (In Chess life and


Chicaoo Socialist labo. activity in Texas, 1900-1920. By Eailio zaaora, Jr. (In Aztlan: international journal of Chicano studies research, suaaer 1975, p. 221-236) EBilio Zaaora, Jr.; 23Mar76 (iA notice: 1975); 8853853.


Beld in darkness. By Jonathan Penner. (In Eedbook, Mar. 1977, p. 189-211) JiM; revisions, e Jonathan Penner; 24Feb77; BB53854.


Sightings of sea serpents along the northeast coast of North Agerica. By Gary S. flaogiacopra. (The Gre^t unknowns of the 19th century, pt. 1) (In of sea and shore, winter 1976-77. p. 201. etc.) e Gary S. Mangiacopra; 1Dec76; B853855.


In 1694 we were here, when the aayor beat the iapeachaent rap. By John Hilds. drawing by John Chase. (In The States- itea. New Orleans, Mar. 8, 1977, p. D-20) Appl. au: The Tiues- Picayune Publishing Corporation, eaployer for hire of John Uilds. The States-Item; 8Bar77; 8^53856.


God's love. (In uinchester (VA) evening star, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 15) Appl. au: Sherwood Uedrick. O Sherwood Hedrick; 25Feb77; BB53857.


God's angels. 8y Buth Cole. (People) (In Potpourri, Caapbell, CA. Feb. 22, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. O Adz, Inc.; 22Feb77; BB53858.


Mhale watching. By Nicholas Bosa. (Weekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Caapbell, CA, Feb. 22. 1977) Appl. au: Adz. Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. Adz, Inc.; 22Feb77; BB53859.

885386 0.

The Diagnostic systeo: occlusal analysis By Lawrence F. Andrews. (In The Dental clinics of North Aaerica. Oct. 1976, p. 671-690) Lawrence F. Andrews; 120c t76: BB53860.


Creditors balk at paying missing grain dealer's wife. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas Borniuq news. Mar. 6, 1977. p. 29A) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News. C The Dallas Morning News; 6flar77; 8853861.


Flirting with mysticisa. By Sara Davidson. (In Ms.. Apr. 1977, p. 57-59) C Sara Davidson: 24Mar77: BB53862.


Officials fear rivalries in aob will result in 3 aore slayings. By J. J. Maloney & Barry Jones. Jr. (In The Kansas City (MO) star. Feb. 23. 1977. p. 1. etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, eaployer for hire. The Kansas City Star; 23Feb77; BB53863.

8853 864.

The Cracker factory. By Joyce Rebeta-Burditt. (In Uedbook, Apr. 1977, p. 237-259) Joyce Bebeta-Bucditt ; 22Mar77; 8853864.


Belp ahead ror handicapped, but new law also creates soae probleas. By Albert Shanker. (Uhere we stand) (In The New


Secretary Califano, please note: help foe disadvantaged, but not quotas. By Albert Shanker. (Where we staad) (In The New York times. Mar. 27, 1977, p. 9-E) O Albert Shanker; 27Mar77; 3853866.

8853 867.

Internationea socialist review, April 1977. (In The Bilitant. New York, Apr. 8, 1977, p. 11-22) C Militant Publishing Association; 31Har77; B853867.


Bescue. By Boberta Silman. (In Family circle, Apr. 5, 1977, p. 32, etc.) Koberta Silman; 8Mar77: BBS3868.


Historical tunings: an overview. By Martin B. Tittle. (Keyboard tuning, a brief history, pt. 1) (In The Piano technicians journal, Jan. 1977, p. 14-15) Martin B. Tittle: 1Jan77: B6S3869.


Teenage prayer. (In Pathways, North Floral Park, NY, Mar. 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Susan Andresen. O Susan Andresen; 7flar77; BB53870.


Sifting. (In The Voyeur, Feb. 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: J anne Voege. O Jeanne Voege; 7Har77; BB53871.


In 1892 we were here when the lights went out and the streetcars stalled. By John wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The Statcs-ilea, New Orleans, Mar. 29. 1977. p. B-8) Appl. au; The Times- Picayune Publishing Corporation, eflipioyer tor hire ot John Wilds. O The States- Itea; 29Mdr77; BB53872.


Flight fright. By Michael Norman Schlau (Hike Schlau) (In Montage '77, Hay 1977. p. 64-66) C Hike Schlau; lApr77; BB53873.


In 1684 we were here when the Lee statue almost came tumbling down. By John Wilds, drawinq by John Chase. (In The States- item. New Orleans, Mar. 1, 1977. p. 8-3) Appl. au: The Tines -Picayune Publishing Corporation, eaployer for hire of John Hilds. O The States-Item; 1Hat77; BB53874.


In 1900 we were here when the captain stole the Mardi Gras show. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States- item. New Orleans, Feb. 22, 1977, p. A-9) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Wilds. O The States-Itea; 22Feb77; 8853875.


Was it a murder in Coweta County? Pt. 2. By Ed LaBorwit. (In Fayette (GA) and Southside sun, Sept. 23, 1976, p. 4) £d LaBorwit; 23Sep76: BB53876.


Was it a aurder in Coweta County? Pt. 3. By Ed LaBorwit. (In Fayette (GA) and Southside sun, Sept. 30, 1976. p. 5) O Ed LaBorwit; 30Sep76; BB53877.


Slewing induced distortion in audio amplifiers. Pt. 1. By Walter G. Jung. (In The Audio amateur, Feb. 1977, p. 4-9) O Walter G. Jung; 21Feb77: BB53878. BB53879.

Personal slants. From James Holt HcGavran. (In Ideas for better living, Har. 1977, p. 15) e James holt HcGa»ran; 1Hat77; BB53879.


Earthly possessions. By Anne Tyler (Anne Tyler Modarressi) (In Bedbook, Feb. 1977, p. 181-203) e Anne Tyler Hodarressi iihose pseud, is Anne Tyler; 20Jan77: BB53880.


eas it a murder in Coneta county? By Ed Lafloruit. (In Payette (GA) and Southside sun, sept. 16, 1976, p. t) 6 Ed LaBorwit; 16Sep76: BB53881.


The Orchestration of chaos: verbal technique in Uilliam Burroughs' Naked lunch. By Michael Bliss. (In Enclitic, spring 1977, p. 59-69) Michael Bliss; 29Bar77; BB53882.


yysong soliciting plan alleged. By Joe Dirck 5 Tom Price. (In The Journal herald, Dayton, iiar. 31, 1977. p. 1, etc.) e The Journal Herald; 31ll_ar77; BB53883.


Bloominqton stadium site leads survey. (Your opinion) (In The Dispatch, Saint Paul, Apr. 1, 1977, p. 1-2) C Saint Paul Dispatch; 1Apr77; BB53881*.


Family night. By Terry aeiliy 6 Mimi Beilly. (In Marriage and family living, Apr. 1977, p. 29-30) Terry & Bimi Beilly; 10Bar77; BB53885.


Trivia for all ages. (In The Ledger, Kakefield, BA, Feb. ^1. 1977, p. 8) Appl. au: Catherine B. Stevenson. O Kay Stevenson; 1llFeb77: BB53886.


some dictating machine! By Battha Thomas (Bartha Thomas Sheppard) (Soundings) (In UITF-FM. 89.5, program guide, Apr. 1977, p. 2-4) C Bartha Thomas Sheppard; 28Bar77; BB53887.


The Perils of knitting new life. By Hare Alan lappe. (In The American biology teacher. Apr. 1977, p. 200, etc.) Bare Lappe; 25Bar77; BB53888.


Not exactly first class. By Patricia T. Groves. (Bare bird series) (In E/C sportsman, Feb. 1977, p. 12-1«) e Patricia I. Groves; 19Jan77; BB53889.


NO ioy in Java. By Patricia T. Groves. (Bare bird series) (In B/C sportsman. Bar. 1977. p. 39. etc.) C Patricia T. Groves: 19Feb77; BB53890.


Die rliegende Basierklinge von Fokker. By Patricia T. Groves. (Bare bird series) English. (In B/C sportsman. Apr. 1977, p. 22-23) 8 Patricia T. Groves: 19aar77; BB53891.


Date book. Seek of Bar. 27-Apr. 2, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Bar. 27, 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishing Company. 8 Chronicle Publishing Company; 25aar77; BB53892.

BB53893. the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Bar. 27. 1977) Appl. au : The Chronicle Publishing Company. S Chronicle Publishing Company; 25aar77; BB53893.


This uorld. March 27, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Bar. 27. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 9 Chronicle Publishing Company; 25aar77; SB5389H.


Date book. Week of Apr. 3-9. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr. 3. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle publishing Company. 6 Chronicle Publishing company; tApr77; BB53895.


Bogan versus Hoover: tBO "right" guys. By Barry Cunningham, Kith Mike Pearl. (Bister District Attorney, article 1) (In Ne¥ York post. Bar. 17, 1977. p. 27) e Barry Cunningham £ Mike Pearl; 17Bar77; BB53896.


Mister District Attorney: the Frank aogan story. By Barry Cunningham, Hith Bike Pearl. (In NeB York post. Bar. 14, 1977, p. 28-29) 6 Barry Cunningham £ Mike Pearl; 14Mar77; BB53897.


the Death of Murder, Inc.; the canary who was for the birds. By Barry Cunningham, iiith Mike Pearl. (Bister District Attorney, article 2) Add. ti: Mister District Attorney: the Frank Hogan story. (Ita Ne» York post. Mar. 15, 1977, p. 23) C Barry Cunningham & Mike Pearl; 15Bar77; BB53898.


A Parrot puts the talon on his oaner's killer. By Barry Cunningham, »ith Hike Pearl. (Bister District Attorney, article 6) Add. ti: Mister District Attorney; the Frank Hogan story. (In Neu York post. Mar. 19, 1977, p. 22) 6 Barry Cunningham 6 Hike Pearl; 19Mar77: BB53899.


The last laugh on Lenny. By Barry Cunningham, »ith Mike Pearl. (Bister District Attorney, article 5) Add. ti: Mister District Attorney; the Frank Hogan story. (In Ne» York post. Mar. 18, 1977, p. 35A) e Barry Cunningham S Hike Pearl; 18Mar77; BB53900.


The Great basketball scandals: playing cagey with the DA. By Barry Cunningham, with Mike Pearl. (Hister District Attorney, arUcle 3) Add. ti: Mister District Attorney: the Frank Hogan story. (In New York post. Mar. 16, 1977, p. 31) e Barry Cunningham 6 Mike Pearl; 16Bar77; BB53901.


My wife, Boz. By Frederick Brisson, as told to Helen Markel. (In McCall's, Apr- 1977, p. 194, etc.) S The Bosalind Bussell Memorial Fund; 22Mar77; BB53902.


Uheu children have psychic powers. By Samuel H. Young. (In McCall's, Apr. 1977, p. 204, etc.) © Samuel H. Young; 22Mar77; BB5390 3.


Sunday. January 25, 1976. (In The Voyeur, Feb. 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: Leonard Herczeg. S Leonard Herczeg; 7Mar77; BB53904.


Attorney decries character interviews. By F. U. Barrie. (On point) (In Opinion, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law. Mar. 17. 1977. p. 3. etc.) 9 F, a. Barrie; 17Mar77; BB53905.


LCHD chairman replaced: secrecy, Austin pressure spur departure. By Henry Clifton Avery, 3rd. (In West Texas times, Jest Lubbock ed. , Apr. 8, 1977, p. 1, etc.) 3 yest Texas Times; 7Apr77: BB53906.


The Bose murders. By Elizabeth i. Ferrars. (In Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, May 1977, p. 68-73) O Elizabeth X. Ferrars; 31Mar77: BB53907.


Dallas educators discover the world. By Constance L. Melaro. (Just zingin' along) (In Sunday tribune-review, Greensburg, PA. Har. 6. 1977. p. E-4) 6 Constance L. Melaro; 6Mar77; BB53908.


Some are more equal than others. By Constance L. Helato. (Just zingin" along) (In Sunday tribune-review, Greensburg, PA, Har. 13, 1977, p. E-6) S Constance L. Melaro; 13Mar77; BB53909.


Whatever happened to competition? By Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin' along) (In Sunday tribune-review, Greensburg, PA, Feb. 20, 1977. p. E-6) O Constance L. Melaro; 20Feb77; BB53910.


Immortal love letters for Valentine's Day. Selected by Antonia Fraser. (In The New York times magazine (The New York times). Feb. 13. 1977, p. 16-18) NM: introd. 6 compilation. Antonia Fraser; 13Feb77: BB53911.


Girtha. By Alfred Borelli 6 Stephen H. Yoken. (In Weight Watchers, May 1977, p. 6 2-6 3) e Stephen H. Yoken 6 Alfred Borelli (in notice: il Borelli 6 Steve Yoken): 1Apr77; BB53912.


Sunday punch, April 3. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Apr. 3, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 9 Chronicle Publishing Company: 1Apr77; BB53913.


This world, April 3. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Apr. 3. 1977) Appl- au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. S Chronicle Publishing Company; 1Apr77; BB53914.


How Eleanor Boosevelt forgave the "other woman." By Elliott Boosevelt 6 James Brough. (In Ladies' home journal, Apr. 1977, p. 84. etc.) e Elliott Boosevelt £ James Brough 22aar77; BB53915.


The Illogic of the straitened mind. By Kalman H. Silvert. (In Point of contact. Sept./Oct. 1976, p. 31-49) NM: text by Kalman Silvert. O Frieda Silvert; 15Aug76; BB53916.


When nurses wished they had padded cells. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Emergency room journal, pt. 10) (In The News American, Baltimore, Feb. 9, 1977. p. D1) Jane B. Conroy, whose pseud, is Kcisteo Kelly; 9feb77; BB53917.


Neighborhood vxoieDCe treated iD eaerqencr rooa. By Kristen Keiiy« pseud. o£ Jaoe 8. Conroy. (Eoecgency room ioucnal. pt. 2) (In The Ness Amecicao, Baltiaore. Jan. 31, 1977. p. B1) C Jane 8. Conroy* whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 31Jan77: BB53918.


Hockinq as a unit to save a life. 8y Kcisten Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaecgency room iournal, pt. 11, conclusion) (In The Hews Aikei:ican«  Baltiaore, Feb. 10, 1977, p. Bt) Jane B. Conroy, whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 10Fel!77; BB53919.


Saturday night speciality: all hell breaks loose. By Kristen Keily, pseud, of Jane 8. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 9) (In The News iaerican, Baltiaore. Feb. 8, 1977, p. 81-82) O Jane B. Conroy, whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 6Feb77; BB53920.


A Cool head is needed for all eiier- qeocies. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane 8. Conroy. (Eaergeocy coon journal, pt. 3) (In The News Aaerican, Baltiaore, Feb. 1, 1977, p. A6) C Jane 8. Conroy, whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 1Feb77; BBS3921.

BBS39 22.

Elierqency rooas can erupt at any ainute. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane 8. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 4) (In The Hews Aaerican. Baltiaore. Feb. 2, 1977. p. D1| Jane 8. Conroy, whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly: 2Feb77: BBS3922.


Unusual weekend cala squelched by city fire. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 1) (In The Sews Aaerican, Baltiaore, Jan. 30, 1977, p. Ill C Jane B. Conroy, whose pseud, is Kristen Keily; 3ajan77: 8853923.


"If I forget thee, Jerusalea." By Sondra Gordon I.angford. (Out of Zion) (In Horris Sussex Jewish news, Ledgewood, »J, Feb. 1977, p. 12-13) ua: additions 6 revisions. Sondra Gordon Lanqford; 15Feb77; 8653924.


Silly people attack the oarfrsh. By Suth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Jan. 7, 1977. p. 8, 1st section) e Bath Leslie Saith; 7Jan77; BB53925.


Hean oXe jackals are captured. By Guth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 24. 1976. p. 11-12, 1st section) Huth Leslie Smith; 2unec76; BB53926.


Druq probe focuses on businessmen. By Carl Freund & James Dwell. (In The Dallas morning news. Bar. 25. 1977. p. 1 A) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News, e The Dallas aorninq News; 25l]ar77: BB53927.


Beutal ills of Oswald confidant told. By Earl Boiz. (In The Dallas morning news. Mar. 20, 1977, p. lAJ Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News. O The Dallas Homing News; 20Mar77; BB53928.


Robots as household pets. By Bobert Bossuffl, pseud, of Nelson 8. binkle^s 3rd. (In Peoi'le's computer company, Jan. -Feb. 1977, p. 35-37) 6 United States Bobotics Society; 1Feb77; 8853929.


Lecoy Hason: methodical murderer or railroaded innocent? By Bobert Hancock Powell. (In Commonwealth times, Virginia Commonuealtn University, Bichiond, Apr. 5-11, 1977, p. 10-13) e Eobeit Bancock Powell; 5Apr77; BB53930.


Beautiful-wonderiake-Tahoe. (In Times observer, Los Gatos, C&. Feb. 1, 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: Benry Bloes. S Henry Bioes; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); BB53931.


Springtime of the soul. (In The Crown messenger, Apr. 1977. p. 3-6) O Fel- lowship of the Crown; 8Apr77: 8853932.


Consolidation: now they tell us. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green. OH. Apr. 7, 1977, p. 8) e Hiiiard Fox; 7Apr77; BB53933.


Chicanos in the Pacific Northwest: an historical overview of Oregon's Chicanos. By Bichard ». Siatta. (In Aztlan. international journal of chicano studies research, fall 1975, p. 327-340) O Sichard M. siatta; iaHar77 (in notice: 197b); 8853934.


The start ot the second aliyah. By Sondra Gordon Langford. (In norcis Sussex Jewish news, Ledgewood, NJ. Mar. 1977. p. 16) O Sondra Gordon Langtotd; 15nar7;; 8B53935.


Stocks owned by missing teacher sold. By Uayue gangstad. (In Saint Paul pioneer press. Mar. 26, 1977 p. 1) Appl. au: Saint Paul Pioneer Press. Saint Paul Pioneer Press; 26Mar77; B853 936.

885393 7.

Highrise lowlife. By Lee Harlan Poole, Jr. & John Jeffrey Tudor. (In The Daily tar heel. Chapel Hiil, NC, Apr. 7, 1977. p. 4) O Lee Poole £ Jeff Tudor; 7Apr77; B853937.


lour servant is listening. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed.. Feb. 4, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Hilliaa Manger. O Uilliaa Hanger; 4Feb77; BB53938.


Your servant is listening. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed.. Jan. 28, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Nilliam Hanger. G tfilliaa Hanger; 28Jan77; BB53939.

BB53 94 0.

lour servant is listening. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed., Jan. 14. 1977. p. 2) Appl. au: Uilliam Banqer. Uiliiam Hanger; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB53940.


your servant is listening. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed., Feb. 18, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Uilliaa Banger. C Hilliaa Hanger; 18Feb77; BB53941.


Stoffei. llu NEA comic weekly. Mar. 28, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc.. employer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 28Bar77; BB53942.


The Use of commodity futures in estimating long range construction projects. By Benjamin E. Lazar. (In The Estimator. Apr. 1977, p. 6-7) C Benjamin £. Lazar £ American Society of Profes- sional Estimators; 8Apr77; BB53943.


Adam Younqblood. By Halter K. Zakrzewski. (In The Gadfly, Bansfield. PA, Apr. 1977. p. 9) »> Halter K. Zakrzewski; 6Apr77; BB53944.


Law curbs power to remove prosecutor. By Lincoln Biilstein. (In Hartford courant. Apr. 10. 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Hartford Courant company, employer for hire. e Hartford Courant, a.a.d.o. Hartford Courant Company (in notice: Hartford Courant Company) ; 10Apr77; 8853945.


Besearch and exploration of stone settings. By Jonathan 0. Parry. (In Casting and jewelry craft, Jan./Feb. 1977, p. 4-27) O Jonathan 0. Parry; 23(lar77; BU53946.


Alligator. Add. ti: The American alligator. (la The Capital times. Hadison, HI, Har. 14. 1977. p. 17) Appl. au: Caroline Elizabeth Beckett. C on ail sketches; Caroline Beckett; 14Har77; BB5J947.


Controversy proves athletic over- emphasis. By Gordoji Uilkerson. (Scoreboard) (In Coronado crest, Coronado High school, Lubbock. TH, Dec. 3. 197o, y. 8) Coronado Publications; 30ec7t); BB53948.


Spreading the latest word. By Willard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Dally sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Feb. 3, 1977. p. 13) e Hiliard Fox; 3Feb77 (in notice; 1976) ; 8853949.


Adams and Jefferson: a revolutionary dialogue. By Merrill D. Peterson. 159 p. (In The Wilson ijuarterly, autumn 1976, p. 108-125) 6 The University or Georgia Press; 130ct76; 8B53950.


Cool Hand Dottie. By Shirley Barksdale. (People) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA, Jan. 25. 1977) Appl. au: Adz. Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. U Adz. Inc. ; 25Jan77; 8853951.


The Presidential gallery. By Marlene Freedaan. (Wandering) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA. Jan. 25. 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. d Adz, Inc.; 25Jan77; 8853952.


Pacific Grove's magnificent monarchs. By Douglas Davis. (Weekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA, Jan. 25, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. e Adz, Inc.; 25Jan77; 8853953.


I, too. grow old, Tom. (In The Voyeur, Jan. 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: William Herbert Brining (Bill Brining) e Bill Brining; 4Feb77; 8853954. BB53955.

Fear o£ parasites: Isadora meets her match. By Ecica Jong, illostratea by David itartin. From the novel How to save your o«D life. (In New lock. Har. Ht. 1977, p. 53-63) BH: text. Q Erica Jong; 1«llar77; BB53955.


The fieuards of patience. (In The Croun messenger* Feb. 1977, p. 3-6) Q Fel- loKship of the Cronn: 9Feb77; BB53956.


flajority finds 55 mph limiting. (In The Dallas morning ne»s. Bar. 21, 1977, p. 1A» e The Dallas Morning Hens; 211iar77: BB53957.


Dallasites sho« favor for pari-mutuel betting. (In The Dallas morning neus. Har. 14, 1977. p. U) C The Dallas HOEDing Nevs; 1«Har77: BBS3958.


Poll shows fondness for home gardening; third of Dallasites surveyed plan to groM vegetables this spring. (In The Dallas morning neu^, Har. 7, 1977, p. 6A) The Dallas Morning Ne«s; 7Mar77; BB53959.


The World of the secretary: double- space, double-time and double-talk. By Ingrid Bengis. (In Mother Jones. Feb. /Mar. 1977, p. 16, etc.) Ingrid Bengis: 1iUan77: BB53960.


Vested interest: a lobbyist's story. By Charles B. L-ipsen, uith Stephan Lesher. (In The Uashinqtonian, Apr. 1977, p. Ill, etc.) tf Charles B. Lipseu £ Stephan Lesher: UApc77: BB53961.


Judy Holliday. By Lee Israel. (In Ms., Dec. 1976, p. 72, etc.) Lee Israel; 18NOV76: BB53952.


Kant*s Thesis about being. By Martin Heidegger, translators: Ted E. Klein, Jr. £ William £. Pohl. (In The Southwestern lournal of philosophy, fail 1973, p. 7-33) Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc., employer for hire. Originally pub. in German as Kants These uber das Sein in Ezistenz und Ordnung. BM: English translation. 6 Harper and Bow, Pub- lishers, Ted E. Klein, Jr. fi Hilliam E. Pohl; 11Feb74 (in notice: 1973); BB53963.


BHCA bulletin, April 1977. Editor: Dennis B. Borgman £ other editors. (In American hairdresser/salon owner magazine, Apr. 1977, p. 1B-16a) S Bational Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Asso- ciation: 25Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53964.


The whooping crane. (In The Capital times, Madison, UI, Mar. 28, 1977, p. 17) Appl. au: Caroline Beckett. C Caroline Beckett: 28Mar77; BB53965.


The Leadbeater*s possum. (In The Capital times, Madison, BI, Har. 21, 1977, p. 13) Appl. au: Caroline Beckett. e Caroline Beckett: 21Mar77; BB53966.


Harkhor. (In The Capital tiaes, Madison, WI, Apr. 11, 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Caroline Beckett. Q Caroline Beckett; 11Apr77; BB53967.


Small world. By Joan H. Lexau, art by James H. Connelly. (In Cricket, Apr. 1977, p. 10-11) on text; Joan H. Leiau; 10Mar77; BB53968.


The Barnes of things. By Siv Cedering Fojc, drawing by Donald Carrick. (In Cricket, Apr. 1977, p. ilt-US) on text; Siv Cedering Fox; 10Mar77: BB53969.


Three tricltstecs and the pot of butter. A Turkish folk tale retold by Barbara K. Walker, illus. by Imero Gobbato. (In cricket, Apr. 1977, p. 51-58) C on text; Barbara K. Walker; 10Har77: BB53970.


chess- word puzzle. By Pal Benko & Charles Schafer. (In Chess life and review. Mar. 1977, p. 159) C Pal Benko; lMar77; BB53971.


The Dreamer. By Jim Slattery, pseud, of Dan H. Eiler. (The Slattery continuum) (In Dallas-Fort Worth singles news, vol. 1, no. 3, 1977, p. 10, etc.) C Dan H. Eiler, whose pseud, is Jim Slattery: lFeb77; BB53972.


Church, asseiablies, and Sunday: pastoral reflections and perspectives, pt. 2. By Joseph Gelineau. (In Celebration, Oct. 1976, p. 3-10) Appl. au: Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Originally appeared in La Haison-Dieu: revue de pastorale liturgigue, 1975. O on translation; Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore; 30Sep76; 685397 3.


Church, assemblies, and Sunday: pastoral reflections and perspectives. Pt. 3. By Joseph Gelineau. (In Celebration, Christmas 1976, p. 3-9) Appl. au: Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Originally appeared in La Maison-Dieu: revue de pastorale litur- gigue, 1975. 6 on translation; Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore; 30Bov76; B853974.


Perforaance codes need more data than normal 'basic principles*. By Hilton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, chap. 17) (In Contractor, Feb. 15, 1977, p. 83, etc.) O Milton Snyder; 15Feb77; BB53975.


Officials told to ignore 1972 peace pledge. By Hike Blankenheim £ Phillip Svann. (In The Diamondback, University of Maryland, College Park, Oct. 4, 1976, p. i, etc.) Appl. au: The Diamondback. The Diamondback; 'IOct76; BB53'976.


Albert leads Abbott iu survey: 39 per cent undecided. (Omaha poll) (In Sunday world-herald, Omaha, Har. 20, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: David Thompson. 6 Omaha World-Herald Company; 20Mar77; BB53977.


Bewsman's JFK tale doubted. By Dan Watson. (In The Dallas morning news, Apr. 2, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. aui The Dallas Morning Bews. The Dallas Homing Bews; 2Apr77: BB53978.


Stitchin* post. By Marsha A. Sch- loesser. (In South Florida horse sense, Apr. 1977, p. 7) O Marsha A. Schloesser; 1Apr77; BB53979.


Joshua and the conquest of Canaan. (In Light for the deaf, Jan. 1977, p. 5-12) Appl. au: Billy Leavell. i8 Billy Leavell; 12Apr77; BB53980.


Lovely picture of the future. By S. Jay Levy. (In Applied strategy package-the April universe, Apr. 1977, p. 5-7) S. Jay Levy; 7Apr77; 8853981.


Bugs Bunny. By Balph Ueimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In BEA comic weekly. Mar. 21, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 21Mar77; BB53982.


Bugs Bunny. By Ralph Heiadahl £ Al Stoffel. (In BEA comic weekly. Har. 7, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 7Har77: BB53983.


Bugs Bunny. By fialph Heimdahl & Al Stoffel. (In BEA comic weekly, Har. 14, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. e Warner Brothers, Inc.; 14Har77; BB53 984.


your motorcycle and you. (In Buy— lines press, Baldwin, B!, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 42) e B-L Press, Inc. : 7Apc77; BB5J985.


your home and you. (In Buy— lines press, Baldwin, By, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 57) B-L Press, inc.; 7Apr77; 8853986.


Giant animals. By Howard £. Smith. Jr., drawings by Fritz Wegner. (In Cricket, Apr. 1977, p. 22-27) BM: text. Howard Smith, Jr.; 10Mar77; BB53987.


Certain complications. By Luigi Barzini, illus. by Daniel Haffia. (In American heritage, Apr. 1977, p. 64-67) Luigi Barzini; 17Har77; BB53988.


The Young woman who lived by the stars. Pt. 1. By Stella Terrill Mann. (Stories from life) (In Onity, May 1977, p. 24-32) Appl. au: Dnity School of Christianity. Stella Terrill Mann; 10Apr77; BBS3989.


High country hiking; a trail guide for Boosevelt Bational Forest, Bocky Mountain Bational Park and Colorado State Park. Photos. £ stories by Hary Uagen. (In Triangle review. Fort Collins, CO, Apr. 13, 1977, p. lb-32b) Appl. au: Triangle fievieu McMillen Publishing Company, Inc. : 13Apr77: BB53990.


Introducing the Hockyf ellers. By Bans, pseud, of John fi. Schneider. (In The Geode, Apr. 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Mary Peeler £ Mary Tripp. Q Hary Peeler, Mar; Tripp fi Jack Schneider; 11Apr77; BB53991.


Dprooting the Haley family; a first for Betwork readers. By Bruce C Davis. (Xu Betwork, Apr. 1977, p. 4) 6 Bruce C. Davis; 1Apr77: BB53992.


Solving the puzzle of the mosquito. By Louis s. Alfano. (In The American revenuer, Apr. 1977, p. 56« etc.) Louis S. »l£ano; 1fl»pr77: BB5399J.


Id 1878 He uere bene when a ilsltor became the bride of the satfroo spectre. No. It. By John Hilds, dcavioq b; John Chase. (In The States-itea, New Ocleaos. Ape. 5, 1977. p. A-6) Appl. au: The Tiaes-Picayune Publishing Corporation, eoployec for hire of John Hiids. The States-Itea: 5Apc77: BB53994.


Hind floverinq. By Hiliacd Pox. (Fox taies) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune, Boulinq Green, OH, Ape. 11, 1977, p. 10) Millard Fox; 1tipr77; BB53995.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Siith. (In Beadinq (PA) eagle, aar. 3, 1977, p. <t1) Stanley B. Saith: 3Har77; BB53996.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Bar. 6, 1977, p. 29) Stanley B. Saith; 8aar77; BB53997.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. smith. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Har. 10, 1977, p. 49) C Stanley B. Saith; 10aac77: BB53998.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley a. Smith. (In San Francisco eiaainer, Har. 12, 1977, p. 30) O Stanley B. Saith; 12B«r77; BB53999.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Saith. (In Beadinq (PA) eagle. Bar. 15, 1977. p. 23) C Stanley B. Smith; 15Mar77; BB54000.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley a. Smith. (In Beadinq (PA) eaqle. Bar. 17, 1977. p. 119) C Stanley B. Smith; 17Har77; BBSIOOt.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Saith. (In Beadinq (PA) eaqle, Har. 22, 1977. p. 31) C Stanley B. Saith; 22aar77; BB54002.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beadinq (PA) eaqle. Har. 24, 1977, p. 62) C Stanley £. Saith; 24Har77: BBS«a03.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Saith. (In San Francisco exaainer. Har. 26. 1977. p. 29) C Stanley B. Saith; 26Har77; BB54004.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In San Francisco examiner, Har. 29. 1977. p. 48) Stanley B. Saith; 29Har77; BB54005.


Staa Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Saith. (In San Francisco exaainer. Har. 31, 1977. p. 61) Stanley B. Smith; 3iaar77: 8BS4006.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In Beading (PA) eaqle. Har. 1, 1977. p. 28) Stanley B. Smith; 1aar77; 8BS4007.


Booi; review. By Boy J. Katz. (In Fair Lawn, Elmvood Park, Saddle Srook (BJ) shopper, Har. 30, 1977, p. 14) C Boy J. Katz; 30nar77; 8854008.


£x-Uehr aide's story! "Did private vock on county payroll." By Daniel J. Foley. (In The auad-city times, Davenport, 14, Apr. 1. 1977. p. 1-2) Appl. au: The (Juad-City Times, employer for hire. The Ouad-city Times; Upr77 (in notice: 1976); BB54009.


Haryland defying kepone test. By Nicholas Brown e Herrill Brown. (In Bichmond times-dispatch, Apr. 10, 1977, p. 1-2) e Bichmond Times-Dispatch; 10Apr77; BB54010.


Play better golf — with Jack Bicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Har. 2, 1977, p. 55) Appl. au: Jack Bicklaus e Ken Bowden. O Jack Bicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 2Har7 7; BB54011.


Play better golf — with Jack Bicklaus. (In Miami herald, Har. 4, 1977, p. 9-F) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus C Ken Bowden. Jack Bicklaus C Ken Bowden; 4Har77: 8854012.


Play better golf— with Jack Bicklaus. (In The Ithaca (BI) journal, Har. 7, 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 7Har77; BB54013.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Sau Francisco examinei, Har. 9, 1977, p. 4S) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 9Har77; BB54014.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (in The Ithaca (NY) journal, Hac. 11. 1977, p. 16) Appl. au: Jack Bicklaus e Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus e. Ken Bowden; l1Har77: BB540 15.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal. Mar. 14, 1977, p. 22) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 14Mar77; 8B54016.


Play better golf— with Jack Nicklaus. (In Sau Francisco exaainer. Har. 16. 1977, p. 59) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. O Jack Bicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 16Har77; BB54017.


Play better golf— with Jack Nicklaus. (In Sail Francisco exaainer, Har. 21, 1977, p. 46) Appl. au: Jack Bicklaus £ Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 21Har77; 88540)8.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco exaainer. Har. 23, 1977, p. 57) Appl. au: Jack Bicklaus £ Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 23Har77; BBS4019.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The New Jersey herald, Bewton, Har. 28, 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 28Har77; B654020.


Play better golf — with Jack Bicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Har. 30, 1977, p. 51) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; J0Bar77; BB54021.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IB) daily tribune, Har. 18, 1977, p. 2) O eabson's Beports, Inc.; iaHar77;



Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Har. 25. 1977. p- 2) O Babson's Beports. Inc.; 25Bar77; BB54023.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IB) daily tribune. Har. 11, 1977. p. 2) C Babson's Beports. Inc.; 11Har77; BB54024.


Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune. Har. 4, 1977. p. 2) O Babson's Beports. Inc.; 4Har77; BB54025.


Sunday punch, April 10, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr. 10. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 8Apr77; BB54026.


Archi tecture rgy Qter "the concept of the buildluq as a static. Ideal object lu space" will yield in tlie process. By Bichard u. Stein. (lu tIA journal. Apr. 1977, p. 42-45) ti Bicliard G. stein; 5Apr77; BB54027.


I know my truck will never run again. By John Jerome. (In The Hashington (DC) star. Jan. 2, 1977, p. C-1, etc.) O John Jerome; 2Jan77; BB54028.

to end student failure: most can learn under right conditions. By Albert Shanker. (Uhere we stand) (In The New lork times, Apr. 17. 1977. p. £-11) C Albert Shanker; 17Apr77; BB54029.

685 4030.

The Condition of education: Government report bares school facts. By Albert Shanker. (Uhere we stand) (In The New lotk times. Apr. 3, 1977, p. E-9J O Albert Shanker: 3Apr77; BB54030.


Lily-of-the-valley. By Helen Nencka. (Tender conscience) (In The Hartford ( UI) times-press. Apr. 14, 1977, p. 10) Helen Nencka; 14Apr77; 8854031.


Still with us. (In The Voyeur, Jan. 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: Don A. Boyt. Don A. Hoyt; 4Feb77: BBS4032.


Baking your own throwing knife. By Hichael J. Fallon. (In Black powder times, Hount Vernon, U A, Apr. 1977, p. 10-11) O Hichael J. Fallon; 1Apr77; BB54033.


The Hystery of the golden fish. By Gregory Edward Steele (Gregg Steele) (In The Devil's pulse. Judson Junior High School. Longview. TX. Apr. 1. 1977, p. 5-6) Gregg Steele: 1Apr77; 8854034. BB54035.

illeqed Oswald letter checked for its authenticity by FBI aqeots. B? Earl Golz. (la The Dallas moraiaq Qeas, Feb. 6, 1977, p. SA) Appl. au: The Dallas Mocoing News. e The Dallas Horninq Kens; 6Feb77; BB54035.


The Souad of the hounds. (In The Biq Sandy news, Loiisa, KY, Apr. 6, 1977, p. 3) ippl. au: Francis J. Burqess. © Francis E. Burqess; 6»pr77; BB54036.


BSSU chancellor's post narrowed to 2 candidates. By Mark Baqenveld. (In Winston-Salea (HC) journal, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 1-2) e Binston-Saleo Journal; 13Apr77; BB54037.


Car traffic noise turns 'em off. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Apr. 15. 1977, p. 1-2) e saint Paul Dispatch: 15Apr77: BB54038.


Personal slants. From James Holt ncGavran. (ID Ideas for better living, Apr. 197 7, p. 151 e Jaaes Holt ncGavran: 1Apr77; BB54039.


This world, April 10, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr. 10, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. & Chronicle Publishinq Company; 8Apr77; BB54010.


Date book. Heek o£ Apr. 10-16, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examinee and chronicle, Apr. 10. 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishinq Company. O Chronicle Publishinq Company: 8Apr77; BB54011.


The windward Islands. By Alfred Andersch, translated from the Gorman by Balph Nanheim. (In Fiction, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 30-32) Appl. au: Doubleday and Company. Inc.. employer foe hire of Etalph nanheim. NH: translation. C Doubleday and Company. Inc.; 11Apc77; 8B54012.


City students in 3 qrades score 'below averaqe. ' 'By Art Kaul. (Grading our schools) (In Messenqer- inquirer, Owensboro. KY. Har. 29. 1977, p. 18) Appl. au: Owensboro Publishinq Company, d Owensboro Publishinq Company d. b.a. Messenqer-Inq uirer (in notice: Owensboro Publishing Company) ; 29(lar77; BB54013.


Variation deviation; the continuing series of "where are we?" By Frank Slattery. (In The Bounty boating news. Apr. 1977. p. 6-9) C The Navigation Coach; 2Apr77: BB54011.


Philadelphia row house: is it peculiarly American, or even uniquely Philadelphian? By T. Kaori Kitao. (In Swarthmore Colleqe bulletin, Apr. 1977. p. 6-11) S T. Kaori Kitao: 15Apr77; BB54015.


In 1881 we were here, when starvinq Sicilians immiqrantd ended a nightmare voyage. By John Qilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Apr. 12. 1977, p. A-9) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Bilds. e The States-Item; 12Apr77; BB54016.


Not from the side of the angels. By Donald Meiklejohn. (The challenge of virtue) (In The Daily oranqe, Syracuse. NY, Mar. 30, 1977, p . 3) 6 The Daily Orange corporation; 30Mar77; BB54017.


Students, ethics and the "outside" world. By Catherine Covert. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange, Syracuse, BY, Mar. 28, 1977, p. 3) 6 The Daily Orange Corporation; 28Mar77; BB54018.


A Challenge to study ourselves. By John U. McCombe & Barrel J. Fasching. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange, Syracuse, NY, Mar. 23, 1977, p. 2) O The Daily Orange Corporation; 23Mar77: BB54019.


To educate is to induce conversation. By Manfred Stanley. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily oranqe, Syracuse, NY, Mar. 21. 1977. p. 3) S The Daily Orange Corporation; 21Mar77; BB54050.


The Doubtful condition of teaching virtue. By Stewart Thau. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange. Syracuse, NY, Bar. 25, 1977, p. 3) e The iJaily Orange Corporation; 25Mar77; BB54051.


A Contribution to moral consciousness. By Michael Novak. (The Challenge of virtue) (In The Daily orange, Syracuse, NY, Mar. 29, 1977, p. 2) 6 The Daily Orange corporation; 29Mar77; B854052.


Densitometers. By Harold Dorfman. (Shop talk) (In Microfilm techniques, Har. /Apr. 1977, p. 13, etc.) C Harold Dorfman; 20Apr77;. BB54053.


Testing violates privacy. By Hillard Fox. (FOX tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Apr. 21, 1977, p. 11) e Hillard Fox; 21Apr77; BB54051.


Intonation and truss rods. 8y John S<:ott. (John Carruthers' Guitar workshop) (In Guitar player, April 1977, p. 12, etc.) Appl. au: John Carruthers. 6 John carruthers; 15Mar77; BB54055.


In 1891 we were here, when a 11-day drouth left the cisterns dry as dust. By John Uilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Apt. 19, 1977, p. D-20) Appl. au: The Times- Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Bilds. e The States- Item; 19Apr77; BB54056.


Surgeon says he thinks Connally was not struck by Kennedy bullet. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news. Apr. 21. 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News, e The Dallas Morning News; 21Apc77; BB54057.


The Osprey. By Caroline Beckett. (In The Capital times, Madison, BI , Apr. 18, 1977, p. 21) O Caroline Beckett; 18Apr77; BB54058.


Your car and you. (In 8uy-lines press, Baldwin, NY. Apr. 20, 1977, p. 5) e B-L Press, Inc.; 11&pr77; BB54059.


Black magnetism; doinq battle with the evils of electricity. By John Jerome. (In Car and driver. Jan. 1977. p. 80-81) e John Jerome; 3Dcc76 (in notice: 1977); BB54060.


Tracinq 200 years of Olney's history; 200 years in Olney. By E. Guy Jewell. (In The County coQrier, Damascus, MD, Oct. 20, 1976) e The County Courier; 200ct76; 8BS1061.


Arthur; or. The Boy who didn't like ice cream (a modern fable) (In The Sandpaper letter, Feb. 1977) Appl. au: Marianne T. Miller. Marianne I. Miller; 15Mar77; BB54063.


Patient call system. (In Civil Air Patrol Fairfax flyer, Feb. 1977} Appl. au: Billiam Michael Zimnerman/aichael Zimmerman. @ Michael Zimaerman; 2Feb77i BB54061.


The Story of Damascus retold. By E. Guy Jewell. (In The County courier, Damascus. MD, July 21. 197t. p. B2-B15) NM; editorial revision & updating. Q The County Courier; 21Jul76; BB54065.


The Telephone comes to Long Beach, California. By Mary Louise Lynott. (In Los Fierros de Bancho Los Cerritos, June 1976, p. 1-12) KM: additions £ com- pilation. 6 Mary Louise Lynott; 30Juii76: BB54066.


The Apocalypse of Beckett's Endgame. By Thomas D. Eisele. (In Cross currents, spring 1976, p. 11-32) 6 Thomas D. Eisele; 150ct76; BB54067.


Charge Jordan extorts loyalty. By Michael Crowley. (In The Thursday dispatch. Onion City. NJ, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. f) Hudson Dispatch (The Dispatch) (in notice: The Dispatch); 17Feb77; BB54068.


The Gay rabbi. By Alan Ebert. (In Christopher Street, Har. 1977, p. 25-31) e Alan Ebert; 1Mar77; BB54069.


Have countians solved the world's energy crisis? By B. Bobert Ballis. (In The Aegis, Bel Air, MD, Apr. 7, 1977, p. A-1) e B. Bobert Ballis; 7Apr77; BB54070.


You gotta wanna. By Frederick Marvin Hannah, Sr. (In The Milwaukee community journal, Apr. 20-27, 1977, p. 20) t. Marvin Hannah, Sr. ; 20Apr77; BB51071.


Behr aide — does he earn salary? By Daniel J. Foley fi Jeffrey Kummer. (In The Quad-City times. Davenport-Bettendorf , lA, Apr. 19. 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. O The Quad-City Times; 19Apr77; BB54073.


Green aoom closed, sheriff imposes news ban. By Andy Dauzo. (In The Tuesday dispatch. Onion City, NJ, Apr. 26, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. The Dispatch, whose full corporate name is The Hudson Dispatch; 26Apr77; BB54071.


The Charleston single house: an architectural survey. By Gene Haddell. In Presecvation pcoqcess. Hat. 1977, p- 4-8) O Geoe Uaddell: 1aac77; BB54075.


Pay and allovances: the real pcoblea. (Id Sao oieqo Navy dispatch, Apr. 22, 1977, p. 12-13) ippl. au: G. a. Froeder. O G. a. Fcoeder: 22Apr77: BB54076.


Why Carter's let up on Arab boycott. By J. F. TerBorst. (In The Sunday neas, Detroit, nar. 27, 1977, p. 8E) Appl. au; The Evening Nevs Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening Hews Association, Inc. £ Universal Press Syndicate: 27Har77; BB54077.


Time to clean up your antenna. By nichael F. Rendlaud. (CB break) (In The Sunday neis, Detroit, Har. 27, 1977, p. IIP) Appl. au: The Evening Nevs Association, Inc., eaployec for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. £ Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 27Mar77; BB54078.


CB static: a letters column. By Hichael F. Uendland. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Bar. 27, 1977, p. 10F) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. 6 Universal Press Syndicate (in notice: The Detroit Evening News Association, Inc. & Onivecsal Press Syndicate, Inc.): 27Ilar77: BB54079.


Califano hit on college quota idea. By J.'F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit ne«s, Nar. 25. 1977, p. 6B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. & Universal Press Syndicate; 25Har77; BB54080.


Liz Taylor makes a different debut. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Bar. 23, 1977, p. SB) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. £ Universal Press Syndicate; 23llar77: 8654081.


Blood still soils Saint Patrick's Day •77. By J. F. lerBorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Har. 20, 1977, p. 8G) Appl. an: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. fi Universal Press Syndicate; 20Har77; BB54082.

8B540 83.

Texas CB'ers win TVI argument. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Har. 20, 1977, p. 101) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. £ Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 20«ar77; 8B54083.

88540 84.

Public to lose if Hatch act's repealed. 8y J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Har. 18. 1977. p. 48) Appl. au: The Evening News Association. Inc. , employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. £ Universal Press Syndicate; 18Har77; 8854084.


Substance noted in Carter symbols. By J. F. TerBorst. (In The Detroit news, Har. 30, 1977, p. 108) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association.

30Har77; BB54085.


Jail torture: cleric supports inmate charges. By Andy Danzo. Add. ti: cleric heard torture tales. (In The Weekend dispatch. Onion city, NJ, Apr. 23, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. 6 Hudson Dispatch (The Dispatch, whose full corporate name is the Hudson Dispatch); 23Apr77: BB54086.

Hard rock concert ban favored in poll. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Apr. 22, 1977, p. 1-2) Saint Paul Dispatch: 22Apr77; BB54087.


Joseph Wood Krutch. a voice for the deserts. (In High country news. Lander, WI, Har. 25, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au : Peter Wild. O Peter wild; 25Har77; BB5408B.


A Heartfelt tribute to Em Tunnell: the 14th man. By Dorothy H. auber. Add. ti: The 14th man: a heartfelt tribute to Em lunnell. (In Today's post. King of Prussia, PA, Bar. JO, 1977, p. 18) O Dorothy H. Uuber; 30aar77; BB54089.


.Piper "print" is matched. By Bobert 8. Whereatt. (in Saint Paul dispatch, Apr. 12, 1977, p. 1-2) saint Paul Dispatch; 12Apr77; B8S4090.


American textiles: an historical narrative; planners and profits, chap. 14. By Hildred Gwiu Andrews. (In Southern textile news, charlotte, NC, Apr. 11, 1977. p. 12, etc.) NH: compilation, interpretation £ editorial revisions. Mildred Gw in Andrews; nApr77; 885409 1.

BB5409 2.

Atom winter; the sky fell in on Bongelap. Written by William H. Pecx, illustrated by Eg David, Jr. (In Islander (Sunday news, Guam) Apr. 17, 1977, p. 4-10) William B. Peck; 17Apr77; 885409 2.


The African elephant. (In The Capital times, Hadison, WI, Apt. 25, 1977, p. 13) Appl. au : Caroline Beckett. Caroline Beckett; 25Apr77; BB54093.


5 cents- 10 centE-25 cents = $1,00- 0,000,000. By Clinton H. Fuller, Jr. (A History of the origin of the automatic coin laundry, pt. 7) (In New era laundry and cleaning lines. Apr. 1977. p. 18. etc.) o Clinton 8. Fuller. Jr.; 14Apr77; 8854094.


You gotta wanna'. By Frederick Harvin Hannah. Sr. (In The ailwaukee community journal, Har. 9-16, 1977, p. 21) C F. Harvin Hannah, Sr. ; 9Bar77; BB54095.


You gotta wanna'. By Frederick Barvin Hannah, Sr. (In The ailwaukee community journal, Har. 2-9, 1977, p. 9) C F. Barvin Hannah, Sr. : 2Bar77: 88540^6.


I'm terrific. By Harjorie Weinman Sharmat. illustrated by Kay Chorao. (In Cricket, Bar. 1977, p. 8-15) C Harjorie Weinman Sharmat £ Kay chorao; IOFeb77: BB54097.


Bars and the new Viking sagas. By Scott Christopher Hendrix. (Speaking of space) (In HFL Aviation and Space Society newsletter. Bar. 1977, p. 6-27) Appl. states copyright not claimed for illus. credited to U.S. Govt, sources (NASA) nor lilus. credited to Hartin-aar iet ta Corporation, e Scott Hendrix; 18Har77; BB54098.


Kids' talk. (In Sheridan Green "Scene 2", Har. 14. 1977. p. 3) Appl. au: Kay Adele Buri £ Janet H. Uauser. O Edu- cational Creations; 14Har77; 8854099.


Bad habits. By fiobert C. Bobinson. (The Trainer's spac ;) (In Saddle and bridle, Har. 1977, p. 16, etc.) Bobert C. Bobinson: 16aar77; BBS4100.


By fake husband: notes on a very strange marriage. (In Bs., Bar. 1977, p. 60, etc.) C Elaine Harkson Literary Agency. Inc.; 15Feb77; BB54101.


July 4th black centennial. (In The Voyeur, July 1976, p. 2) Appl. au: Bicky, pseud, of Bobert Tate. e Bicky. pseud, of aobert Tate; 20Jul76; 8854102.


Whatever the government decides, the future of sugar is not rosy. By Brian Sullam. (In Hawaii observer, Apr. 21, 1977, p. 11-13) O Brian Suliam; 21Apr77; 8854103.


Boundhouse, Longmont daily timt:s-call, April 1977. (In Longmont (CU) dally times-call. Apr. 2, 19 77, 40 page insert) O Times-Call Publishing Company; 2Api77; BB54104.


Ex parte line. (In Bes gestae. Apr. 1977, p. 143) Appl. au: Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. O Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 4Apr77: 6854 105.


And one herald angel. (In The Season's sun. Saint Louis, Jan. 1977. p. 4) Appl. au: Nancy A. Kreinheder. O Nancy A. Kreinheder; 31Jan77; B654106.


And one herald angel. (In The Season's sun. Saint Louis, Nov. 1976, p. 4) Appl. au: Nancy A. Kreinheder. e Nancy A. Kreinheder; 6Dec76; 8B54107.


The Fisherman and the dwarf. (In Times observer, Los Gatos. CA, Apr. 14, 1977, p. 5) Appl. au: Henry Bloes. Henry Bloes; 14Apr77 (in notice: 1976); 8854108.

BB54 109.

New approach needed to supplant the old fixture unit system. By Bilton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, cnap. 19) (In Contractor, Apr. 15. 1977, p. 50, etc.) O Hilton Snyder; 15Apr77; BB54109.


UD commuter house violates building codes. By Christopher fiobert Loynd. (In The Eeview, University of Delaware, Newark. Bar. 8. 1977, p. 1. etc.) Appl. au: Jeffrey Charles Gottsegen. C The Beview; 8Har77 ; 8854110.


In 1883 we were here — when the bullets flew and a reporter ducked. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Jan. 18, 1977, p. A- 1)1 Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Pubiishinq Corporation, employer for hire of John Wilds. O The States- Item; 18Jao77: BB54111.


In 1881 ue uere here — Mien the mayor made the qambiers pay for an aims house. By John Uilds, drauinq by John Chase. (In The States-item, Neu Orleans, Jan. 25, 1977, p. C-6) Appl. au: The Times- Picayune Pubiishinq Corporation, employer for hire of John Nilds. 8 The States- Item; 2SJan77: BB54112.


In 1866 we were here — when the governor said act, and the hanqman did. By John Uilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Feb. 8, 1977, p. B-8J Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Pubiishinq Corporation, employer for hire of John Uilds. e The States-Item; 8Peb77; BB54113.


In 1879 we were here — when fancy took fliqht in a New Orleans newspaper. By John Hilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans. Feb. 1, 1977, p. c-4) Appl. au: The Times- Picayune Pubiishinq Corporation, employer for hire of John Bilds. e The States- Item; 1Feb77; BB54114.


Political favoritism mars U.S. education fund. By Dana Hay, pseud, of Joan Hay Guiles. (In The courier- Journal and times. Louisville, KY. Jan. 30, 1977, p. D1. etc.) Larger version prev. pub. Nov. 1976. Nil: additions. Dana Hay; 30Jan77; BB54115.


The Party. By Adele Kenny Kookoqey. (In Indiana English journal, winter 1976-77, p. 63) C Adele Kenny Kookoqey; 21Apr77; BB54117.


Feel free to substitute your own "for instance." (In The Voyeur, Dec. 1976, p. 6-7) Appl. au: Sandra D. Sieqel (S. 0. G. Sieqel) O Sandra D. Sieqel: 23Dec76; BBSal 17.


Phil Ochs hanqed his self. (In The Voyeur, Dec. 1976. p. 3) Appl. a.u: Sandra D. Sieqel (S. D. G. Sieqel) e Sandra Dell Sieqel: 23Dec76; BB54118.


Learning to listen. By Hartha Thomas (nartha Thomas Sheppard) (Soundinqs) (In IITF-FH program quide. May 1977. p. 4-5) (9 Hartha Thomas Sheppard; 26Apr77; BB54119.


In 1895 we were here — wh'en the river wharves became a scene of slaughter. By John Hilds. drawinq by John Chase. (In The States- item. New Orleans. Apr. 26, 1977. p. A-15) Appl. au: The limes- Picayuue Pubiishinq Corporation, employer for hire of John Hilds. 6 The States- Item; 26Apr77; BB54120.


N-plant guards struck durinq terrorist alert. By Tim Jarrell. (In The Daily dispatch. Moline. IL. Apr. 28. 1977, p. 1-2} Appl. au: Holine Dispatch Pubiishinq company. O fioline Dispatch Publishing Company; 28Apr77; BB54121.


Leaky river; the story of a journey. By Catherine Ann Clarke. (In The Saratogian. Saratoga Springs, NY. Apr. 27, 1977, p.


NfiC trips "no secret" at N-plant. By Tim Jarrell. (In The Daily dispatch, Holine, IL, Apr. 27, 1977. p. 1-2) Appl. au: Holine Dispatch Publishing company. Q Holine Dispatch Publishing Company; 27Apr77; BB54123.


FBI probing Cordova security. By Tim Jarrell. (In The Daily dispatch, Holine. IL, Apr. 26. 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au; Holine Dispatch Publishing Company. C Holine Dispatch Pubiishinq Company; 26Apr77: BB54124.


Stayinq married. fly Patricia O'Brien. (In Good housekeepiuq. Hay 1977'. p. 126. etc. J 9 Patricia O'Brien; 19Apr77; BB54125.


A Bind to shake the world — 1938 hurricane recalled. By Everett s. Allen. (In Vineyard qazette. Bdqartown. HA. July 6, 1976. p. 5. etc.) @ Everett S. Allen; 6Jul76: BB54126.


Till death do us part. By fiichard Hatheson. (In Ellery Queen's mystery magazine, Sept. 1970, p. 32-33) 6 fiichard Hatheson; 2ajul70; BB54127.


How I stopped nagging and started teaching my children to behave. By Paul S. Graubard. (In HcCall's, Hay 1977. p. 90. etc.) Paul S. Graubard; 21Apr77; BB54128.


Date book. Heek of Har. 20-26. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Bar. 20. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. C Chronicle Publishing Company; 18Mar77; B854129.


This world, Harch 20, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Har. 20, 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Pubiishinq Company. 3 Chronicle Publishing Company: 1BHar77; BE54130.


Sunday punch, Harch 20. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Har. 20. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Q chronicle Pubiishinq Company; 18Har77; BB54131.


Sunday punch, April 17. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr. 17. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Pubiishinq Company. Q Chronicle Publishing company; 15Apr77: 8851132.


This world. April 17. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Apr. 17. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Pubiishinq Company. C Chronicle Publishing Company: 15Apr77; BBS4133.


Date book. Heek of Apr. 17-23. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Apr. 17. 1977) Appl. aui The Chronicle Pubiishinq Company. Q Chronicle Pubiishinq Company; 15Apr77: BBS4134.


1814 "invasion" at Babylon. By Balph Hausrath. (In Lonq Island forum. Apr. 1977. p. 64-68) NH: compilation fi additional material. & Ralph hausrath; 1Apr77; BBS4135.


Which kind of bird are you? By Florence Sharp. Add. ti: Which kind of a bird are you? (In Story friends, Jan. 16, 1977, p. 1-3) © Florence Sharp; 13Dec76; BB54136.


Verdi's masterpiece: Don Carlo. By Susan Lee Fogel. (In The American music teacher. Feb. /Har. 1977, p. 12-13) e Susan Lee fogel; 9Feb77; BB54137.


U.S. brings Agent Orange back home. (In Hiqh country news. Lander, HY. Har. 11. 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Justin Bavarskis (Glen Dodge) Justin Bavarskis. whose pseud, is Glen Dodge; 11Har77; BB54138.


Vacation in Europe, 38. (In Sunday herald news (Passaic, NJ) Apr. 3, 1977) Appl. au: Gardner Advertising Company. e Anheuser-Busch, Inc. ; 3Apr77; BB54139.


Poetry by: Harcello Butch Gallello. (In The Eagle, Pelham, NY, Jan. 6-12, 1977. p. IS) O Harcello Butch Gallello; 5Jan77; 8854 140.


Davis finds jail palataiile. By Carl Freund. (In The Dallas morning news. Apr. 19, 1977, p. lA) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News, e The Dallas Horning News: 19Apr77; BB54141.


Three-part Inventions. By Brian Horiarty. (In Temper magazine, 1976-77, p. 10-12) e Brian Horiarty; 25Apr77; BB54142.


Doctor accused in strangling death of baby born alive after an abortion. By Dexter Duggan. (In National right to life news. Saint Paul, Hay 1977, p. 1, etc.) National Bight to Life News; 27Apr77: BB34 143.


So little for so much. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowling Green. OU. Apr. 28, 1977, p. 10) Hillard Fox; 28Apr77; B354144.


The Bedwoods. By Kerstin Hagary. (In The Beporter, Stanford, CA. Apr. 22, 1977. p. 8) 6 Kerstin Hagary & Alan Hagary; 22Apr77; BB54145.


California vine line. By Alan Hagary. (In The Beporter, Stanford, CA, Apr. 22, 1977. p. 9) C Kerstin Hagary £ Alan Hagary; 22Apr77; 8854146.

BB54 147.

Ardea, the great blue heron. By Thomas E. Uuggler. (Hestwind Hoods, chap. 11) (In Hichigan out-of-doors. Har. 1977, p. 66-6 9) C Hichigan United Conservation Clubs; 26Feb77; BB54147.


The Beckoning. By Thomas £. Huggler. (Hestwind Hoods, chap. 12) (In Hichigan out-of-doors, Apr. 1977, p. 64-66) & Hichigan United Conservation Clubs; 27Har77; 8854146. BB54149.

A Dlffereot language for biology. Pt. 1. Br Daniel (laoesse. (Id Bertcand Eussell today, suaner 1977, p. 11-6) Daniel Manesse; 29Apc77; BB54149.


Ode to Gail Gray. By Veva Griffith. (In The windsoc (BO) cevieu, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 8, section 2) Veva Griffith; 17Feb77; BB54150.


Girtha. By Stephen U. lokeo £ Alfred Borelli. (In Height Uatchecs, June 1977, p. 59) O Stephen B. roken Alfred Borelli: 2Hay77: BBSUISI.


Blisters. By J. E. B. Ladouceur £ Nell Both. (In Fire neas. Saithtovo, HI. Apr. 25, 1977, p. 9) C J. £. B. Ladouceur S Nell Both (in notice: Ladouceur-BothJ : 25Apr77; BB54152.


Dixon avoids conflict after Keefe call. By Jeffrey Kunser & Hike Lawrence. (In The Quad-city times, Davenport, lA, Apr. 26, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Quad-City Tines, enployer for Lire. O The Quad-City Tiaes; 26Apr77; BBSIISS.


That night near Bethlehea. By Billy Grahaa. Based on the book. Angels: God's secret agents. (In Decision, Dec. 1976, p. 2) O Billy Grahaa: 28oct76: BB5«15i(.


From The Castle of crossed destinies. By Italo Calvino. translated by Uilliaa Heaver. (In TriQuarterly. vinter 1977, p. 210, etc.) Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovlch, Inc., eaployer for hire of Ullliaa Heaver. C on translation; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); BB511S5.


GroH beautiful flowering houseplants froa superaarket vegetables. By flillicent Selsaa S Deborah Peterson. (In Faaily circle. Hay 31, 1977, p. U, etc.) O Hillicent Selsaa & Deborah Peterson; JIIay77; BBS<|156.


Pilots talk about air crashes. By Hilliaa Stockton. (In The New lork tiaes magazine (The New lork tiaes) , Apr. 10, 1977, p. 11. etc.) Hilliaa Stockton; 10Apr77; BB51157.


The Happy brotherhood; a new Inspector Petrella story. By Michael Gilb-art. (In Ellery Queen's Hystery aagazine, aay 1977, p. 6-15) O Michael Gilbert; 7aar77; 8B51158.


New gaslight on Jack the fiipper. By Albert I. Boroaitz. (In The Arachair detective, June 1976, p. 175. etc.) Albert I. Borowitz; l5Jul76; BB51159.


The Mystery of Edwin Drood. By Albert I. Borowitz. (In The Arachair detective, Jan. 1977, p. 11. etc.) Albert I. Borowitz; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB51160.


Acadeaia's record of benign neglect. By Allen 8. Ballard. (In Change, Mar. 197J. p. 27-33) O Allen B. Ballard; lHar73: BB51161.


Coarade Chiang Ch'ing tells her story. By Boiane Hitke. (In Tiae, Mar. 21, 1977. Uitke; 11llai77;


All the good people I've left behind. By Joyce Carol Gates. (In Bedbook, flay 1977, p. 235-251) Joyce Carol Gates; 21Apr77; BB51163.


General health and conditioning. By fiobert C. Bobinson. (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle, Apr. 1977, p. 16. etc.) O Bobert C. Boainson (in notice: Bob Bobinson); 16Apr77; BB51161.


It's ae, T.y. 1 (In IV viewer, Apr. 23-29, 1977, p. 31) Appl. au; fllke Meehan. Mike Heehan; 23Apr77; BB51165.


It's ae, T.V.! (In TV viewer, Apr. 16-22, 1977, p. 32) Appl. au; Mike Heehan. O tiike Meehan; 16Apr77; BB51166.


The Challenge. (In The Crown messenger. May 1977, p. 3-6) O Fellowship of the Crown; 30Apr77; BB51167.


The Condition of education. By Hiilard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green. OH, flay 5, 1977. p. 8) O Hiilard Fox; 5May77; BB51168.


Chess-word puzzle. By Pal Benko 6 Charles Schafer. (In Chess life and levrew, Apr. 1977, p. 227) O Pal Benko; lApr77; BB51169.


The Dark ages. (In The Gilroy (CA) dispatch, Har. 18, 1977. p. 8) Appl. au: Jaaes Anthony Hargon (Tony Haroon) & Steve Uaraon. Tony Uaraou & Steve Baraon; 18Har77; B851170.


PSC director hired prxvate eye to spy on eaployes. By Virginia Ellis. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) tines, Jan. 26, 1977, p. 18-28) Appx. au: Tiaes Publisning Coapany. C Saint Petersburg Tiaes; 26Jan77; BBS1171.


Ethics probe links district judge to fraud case suspect. By Les Layton. (In Saint Paul dispatch, Apr. 7, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch. O Saint Paul Dispatch; 7Apr77; BB51172.


Spring rain; acrylic aonoprint on artists' fabric (hypalon) By Joyce K. Duke. (In A/E concepts in wood design, flac.-Apr. 1977. cover) C Joyce K. Duke; IApr77; BB54173.


Dallasites endorse right-to-die idea. (In The Dallas aorniog news. flar. 28, 1977, p. 1A) The Dallas Morning News; 28Mar77; 8B51171.


lou gotta wanna. By Frederick Marvin Hannah, Sr. (In The Milwaukee coaaunity journal, flar. 16-23, 1977. p. 7) O F. flarvin Uaiinah, Sr.; 16Har77; BB5117S.


lou gotta wanna. (In The Milwaukee coaaunity journal, Har. 23-30. 1977. p. 5) Appl. au: Frederick flarvin Hannah, Sr. — F. flarvrn Bannah. O F. Marvin Hannah, Sr. ; 23flar77; BB51176.


Horizons. (In The Voyeur, Mar. 1977, p. 3J Api>l. au: Eichard Charles frreaan (Brch Fireaanj C Bichard Charles Fireman (Bich Fireaan) ; 7Apr77; BB51177.


Tangents. (In The Voyeur, Apr. 1977, p. 7) Appl. au: Bichard Charles Fireman (Bich Fireaan) C Bichard Charles Fireaan (Blch Fireaan); 22Apr77; BB51178.


Mother. (In Tiaes observer, Los Gatos. CA. Hay 7, 1977. p. 8) Appl. au: Henry Bloes. O Henry Bloes; 7May77; B851179.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NJ) journal, Apr. 29, 1977, p. 16) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus Ken Bowden. C Jack Nicklaus C Ken Sowden; 29Apr77; BBSIISO.


Plan ahead for suaaer. By John D. Bloodgood. (Tour hoae: build to iaprove) Add. ti: your hoae: build and iaprove. (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post. Mar. 27, 1977, p. E-11) O John D. Bloodgood; 27Mar77; B851181.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Apr. 25, 1977, p. 53) Appl. au: Jack NicKlaus C, Ken Bowden. ti Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Eowden; 25Apr77; 8B51182.


Play better golf--with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal, Apr. 27. 1977, p. 20) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 27Apr77; BB51183.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco exaainer, Apr. 22, \'in , p. 51) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus S, Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Keu Bowden; 22Apr77; BB51181.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NI) journal, Apr. 20. 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 20Apr77; 8B51185.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NI) journal, Apr. 18, 1977. p. 20) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. C Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 18Apr77; BB51186.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Pottsville (PA) republican. Apr. 15, 1977, p. 11) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 15Apr77; 8B51187.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner. Apr. 13, 1977. p. 50) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus E Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 13Apr77; BBS1188.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus, (In San Francisco exaainer, Apr. 11, 1977, p. 53) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 1Upr77; 8B51189.


Play better golf — with Jack NicJclaus. (In Beading (PA) tiaes, Apr. 8, 1977, p. 27) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus E Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 8&pr77; BB51190.


Play better qolf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Neu Jersey herald, Netftoit« Apr. i|, 1977, p. 10) ippl. au: Jack Micklaus e Ken BOHden. d Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; U4pr77: BB51191.


Play better qolf — uith Jack nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (HY) journal, &pr. 6, 1977. p. 22) ippl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bovden. 6 Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bowden; 6Apr77; BB54192.


Play better qolf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal. Apr. 1. 1977. p. 16) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden. fi Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 14pr77; BB54193.


A House that's fun to live in: open floor plan is sure to please. By John D. Bloodqood. (Your honie: build and improve) (In Boston herald American, Apr. 24, 1977, p. A-24) John D. Bloodqood; 24Apr77; BB54194.


Open planninq. By John D. Bloodqood. (Your home: build and improve) (In Bridqeport (CT) Sunday post, Apr. 10, 1977, p. G-b) O John D. Bloodqood: 10Apr77; BB54195.


Ideal for a slopinq lot, home has a bonus on lower level. By John D. Bloodqood. (Your home: build and improve) (In The Boston herald American, Nar. 13, 1977, p. A-36) e Jonn D. Bloodqood; 13nar77; BBS4196.


Dennis the Henace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Har. 6, 1977) C Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate: 24Jan77; BB54197.


Dennis the Henace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Feb. 27, 1977) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 17Jan77; BB54198.


Dennis the Uenace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Feb. 20, 1977) C Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 10Jan77; BB54199.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Feb. 13, 1977) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate: 3Jan77; BB5»20a.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Feb. 6, 1977) 6 Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 27Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB54201.


Dennis the ttenace. by Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Jan. 30. 1977) O Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 20Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB54202.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Jan. 23, 1977) Ifl Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 130ec76 (in notice: 1977) ; BB54203.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham, (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Jan. 16, 1977) e Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 5Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB54204.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Jan. 9, 1977) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 29Nov76 (in notice: 1977); 8854205.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Jan. 2, 1977) iS Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 22Nov76 (in notice: 1977); BB5420b.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Dec. 26. 1976) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 15Nov76; BB54207.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Dec. 19, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 8Nov76; 8854208.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Dec. 12, 1976) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 1Kov76; 8854209.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Dec. 5, 1976) C Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 250ct76; BB54210.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Nov. 28, 1976) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; lS0ct76; BB54211.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Nov. 21, 1976) O Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 110ct76; BB54212.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Nov. 14, 1976) S Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 40ct76; BB54213.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Nov. 7, 1976) « Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 27Sep76; BB54214.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 31, 1976) 6 Field


Dennis the Henace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 24. 1976) S Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 13Sep76; BB54216.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 17, 1976) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 6Sep76; BB54217.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 10, 1976) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 30Aug76: BB54218.


Dennis the Menace. By Heary King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 3, 1976) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 23Aug76; BB542I9.


Deimis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Sept. 26, 1976) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 16Aug76; BB54220.


Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Sept. 19. 1976) C Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 9Aug76; BBS4221.


Dennis the Henace. By Henry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Sept. 12, 1976) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate: 2Aug7e: BB54222.


The Poet. By David Hood. (In The International Poetry Institute April newsletter, Apr. 1. 1977, p. 4) e David Hood; lApr77; BB54223.


Understanding I2t let-throuqh energy of current- limitinq fuses, pt. 3. By Hermann U. Beichenstein. (In Electrical construction and maintenance, Apr. 1977, p. 79, etc.) Prev. reg. BB36122, Oct. 1969 e BB36356. Nov. 1969. NM: new text 6 revisions. @ Hermann U. Beichenstein; 15Apr77; 8BS4224.


Denver forum. Section C. (In Denver (lA) forum, Dec. 28, 1976) Forum Publishing Company; 28Dec76; BB54225.


Hard-boiled eggs; a tale from Hungary. Betold by Tom fi. Kovach. illustrated by Imero Gobbato. (In Cricket, May 1977, p. 11-13) e on text; Tom B. Kovach; 10Apr77; BB54226.


Yellow cat considers moon. By Emilie Buchwald. drawing by Friso Henstra. (In Cricket, May 1977, p. 23) 6 on text; Emilie Buchwald; 10Apr77; BB54227.


The Crabbitts and the Lummmps. By Duane Averill-Plummer, illustrated by Fritz Heqner.. (In Cricket, May 1977, p. 34-39) © on text; Duane Averill-Plummer; 10Apr77; BB54228. BB54229.

The Tale of the aicd iiaqoii. By Nick Eaqler, lilustcated by Paul Galdone. (Id Cricket, Hay 1977, p. 68-77) C on text; Sick Enqler; 10Apr77; BB54229.


ALlisoQ's parrot. By Herschel CoziDe, illustrated by Quentiu Blake. (Id Cricket, Bay 1977, p. 78-79) C on tent; Uerschel Cozine; 10Apr77; BB54230.


Oallasites put barbecue first. (Id The Dallas aornijiq nevs, Apr. 4. 1977. p. 10A) e The Dallas Horning Bens; itApr77; BB54231.


Poll shows President winninq area approval. (In The Dallas aorninq news, Apr. 11, 1977, p. 1A) O The Dallas Horninq News; 1 1Apr77: BBS4232.


Concorde gets clearance to D-FU in opinion poll. (In The Dallas oorDinq uevs, Apr. 25, 1977, p. 1A) C The Dallas Horninq Neas; 25Apr77: BB54233.


Buyioq a puppy. By Leslie Norris, borders by Les Horrill. (In Cricket, Hay 1977, p. 40-4 1) C Leslie Horris; 10Apr77; BB54234.


Your boae and you. (lo Buy-lines press, Baldvin, MI. Hay 4, 1977. p. 61) C B-L Press, Inc.: 28Apr77i BBS4235.


Victia recounts brutal stabbing attack. Br Patrick J. Dunn. (In The Kansas City (HO) tiaes. Apr. 28, 1977. p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, cnployer for hire. The Kansas City Star (in notice: The Kansas City Star Coapany) : 28Apr77; BB54236.


Election crucial to city's future: vote Tuesday for qood school boards. By Albert Shanker. (Uhere ae stand) (In The Ilea York tiaes. Bay 1, 1977, section 4, p. 9) Albert Shanker: IHay77: BB54237.


Issue for Congress, High Court: aho should pay for union services? By Albert Shanker. (Hhere ae stand) (In The Uea York tiaes, Apr. 24, 1977, section 4, p. 9) Albert Shanker: 24Apr77: BBS4238.


Kids* talk. Ideas of portions froa the book Boaay, an eqg, and I, by Kay Adele Burl e Janet H. Uauser. (In Sheridan Green, "scene 2", p. 3) Appl. au: Kay Adele Burl C Janet fl. Uauser. O Edu- cational Creations: 6Bay77: BB54239.


Prospecting for prospects. By Jack Hiller. (In Herit shop contractor. Hay 1977, p. 20-21) Appl. au: Group Coaaunications, Inc. Group Conau- nications. Inc.; lHay77; BB54240.


fiock ausic and the hoae. By fiayoond Brice Kiaa. (In Faaily altar broadcast neas. Hay 1977, p. 4) B. Brice Kiaa: 1Hay77: BB54241.


A Tribute to a senior citizen. By Janes P. Flanagan. (lo The Signal, Sussex Couoty, NJ, June 1977. p. 5-6) e Jaaes P. FlanaqaD: 28Apr77: BB54242.


Corporate organizational documents and

By Alao B. Broaberg. (In Southaestern laa journal, special issue 1976, p. 961-1085) NH: additions £ revisions. C Alan B. Broaberq: 28Fcb77; BB54243.


Edging toward the abyss. Flagler's laa. Spoonerisas. (Ex. parte line) (In Bes gestae. Bay 1977, p. 193) Appl. au: Paul a. Buchanan, Jr. Paul 8. Buchanan, Jr.: 2Hay77: BB54244.


eOX feel the saae about Nixon's role. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, flay 6, 1977, p. 1-2) C Saint Paul Dispatch; 6Bay77: BBS424S.


I'a portable, you can take me or leave ae. (It's ae, T.V.') (In TV viewer, Apr. 30-Hay 6, 1977, p. 32) Appl. au: Hike Heehan. O Hike Heehan: 30Apr77: BB54246.


People turn ae on! (It's ae, T. V. !) (In TV viewer, flay 7-13. 1977. p. 31) Appl. au: Bike Heehan. flike Heehan: 7Hay77; BB54247.


Persiaaons for everyone. (In The North Aaerican pooona, spring ed. , 1977, p. 85-96/ Appl. au: Eugene Griffith e H. E. Griffith. O Eugene Griffith 6 H. £. Griffith; 5Apr77; 8B54248.


Journeys. By Bay Beere Johnson 2nd (Bayaond Seere Johnson 2nd) (In Fine print, Franklin (HA) High School, Apr. 1977, p. 7) O Bay Beere Johnson 2nd; 6Apr77: 685424^.


Gedenk. Add. ti: Beaeaber. English only. (In The shira bulletin. Apr. 1977, p. 3-4) Appl. au: Barbara A. Ciegl^r. O Barbara A. ciegler; 4Apr77: 8854250.

BB 54251.

Personal slants. From Jaaes Holt BcGavran. (In Ideas for better living. Bay 1977, p. 15) o Jaaes Holt BcGavran: Iaay77; BB54251.


All the good people I've left behind. By Joyce Carol Oates. (In Bedbook. Bay 1977, p. 235-251) O Joyce Carol Gates; 26Apr77: BB54252.


Survey: Veys ahead, but 23 percent uodecided. (In Sunday vorld-herald. Oaaha. day 8, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: David Thompson. Oaaha Horld-Berald Coapany; 8Bay77; BB54253.


E. E. Cuaaings at Harvard: studies. By Bichard S. Kennedy. (In Harvard Library bulletin, July 1976, p. 267-297) Appl. au: £. E. Cuaaings. od all prev. unpub. poems £ other writings of E. £. Cuaaings guoted therein: Nancy T. Andrews a. k. a. Nancy CuaniDgs Andrews: 15Jul76; 8854254.


Federal grand jury checking bird deaths. By Linda Schaffrina, Jin Steinberg £ Larry Hitchcock. (In The flidland (TX) reporter-telegram, Feb. 18, 1977, p. U-2A) The flidland aeporter-Telegraa; 18Feb77; BB54255.


Biniature roses. By Charles Barden Pitch. (In Bouse plants and porch gardens. Bay/JUDe 19 77, p. 4 8, etc.) 6 oo


text G photos.; Charles Harden Fitch; 1Hay77; BB54256.


Your Dotorcycie and you. (In Buy-lines

press, Baldwin. NY. Hay 11, 1977, p. 43) e B-L Press, Inc.; 5flay77: BB54257.


Keeping pace with God; a lecture on Christian Science. By Geith A. pliaaer. (In The Christian Science monitor. Apr. 22, 1977. p. 34-35) Appl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, employer for hire. O The Christian Science Board of Directors; 22Apr77 (in notice: 1976); BBS4258.


Like a terrible screaa. By Etta Bevesz (Etta Bevesz lieeks) (In Ellery Queen's Hystery magazine. Hay 1976. p. 89-98) O Etta Bevesz: 5Bar76; BB54259.


The Solitary pond. Late January. By John Updike. (In Quest/77, Bar. /Apr. 1977, p. 78) O John Updike: 3Har77; 6654260.


Carter backed on social security funding. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. Hay 13, 1977, p. 1-2) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 13Bay77; BB54261.


Beware. By Haurice B. Felde. (In The Hessenger, Louisville, KY, flay 1977, p. 13) O flaurice B. Felde; 2flay77; BBS4262.


(ox tales. By Uillard Fox. (in The Dally sentinel-tribuoe. Bowling Green, OH, Hay 12. 1977. p. 9) O ailiard Fox; 12Hay77: BB54263.


Parents' unioDS. By Millard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribuDe. Bowling Green, 08, Bar. 31, 1977, p. 8) O aillard Fox; 31aar77: BB54264.


aelfare reform. (In The Springfield (VA) independent. Hay 12, 1977, p. 4) Appl. au: Lyn Susan Thompson (L. S. Thocipson) C Bruce Gordon Kauffmann (8. G. Kauffaann) C Lyn S. Thompson e Bruce li. Kauffmann; 12Bay77: BB54265.


Boundhouse: Longmont daily times-call. Hay 1977. (In LongmoDt (CO) daily times-call. Hay 7-8, 1977, 40 page insert) & Times-Call Publishibg Company; 7Hay77: BB54266.

8854 267.

Alcohol, drug use. top national norms. (In Black and white, Halt Uhitaan Bigh School, Bethesda, BD. Apr. 29, 1977. p. A-6) Appl. an: John Bubino £ Chris Head. e The Black and Hhite; 3flay7 7: BB54 267.


Ticket fixing in Lumberton called "coaaon". By Dennis Patterson. (The Traffic ticket case, 1) (In The Fayetteville (NC) times. Bay 9. 1977. p. 1A, etc.) The Fayetteville liaes; 9Hay77: BB54268.


Hayor and Councilman adait fixing of tickets. By Dennis Patterson. (The Traffic ticket case. 2) (In The Fayetteville (HC) tiaes. Hay 10, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) e The Fayetteville Tiaes; 10Hay77: BB54269. BB54270.

SBI set to investigate ticket-fixing chacqes. By Dennis Patterson. (The Traffic ticket case, 3) (In The Fayetteville (BC) times. May 11, 1977, p. 14, etc.) e The Fayetteyille limes; 11!lay77; BB54270.


Statewide reform urged to curb ticket fixing. By Seth Effron & Steve Thomas. (The Traffic ticket case) (In The Fayetteville (NC) times. Day 12, 1977, p. 1A. etc.) e The Fayetteville Times; 12Kay77: BB54271.


Of imperfect love. (In The Voyeur, Apr. 1977, p. 11) Appl. au: Lane Phillips Vosbury. Lane Vosburv: 22Apr77; BB541272.


fieports kept secret, NBC told. By Tim Jarrell. (In The Daily dispatch, Moline, It, Bay 18, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Holine Dispatch Publishing company. Q Holine Dispatch Publishing Company: 16{lay77; 8851273.


Nuke plant security tightened. By Tim Jarrell. (In The Daily dispatch, Holine, IL, Hay 18, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Holine Dispatch Publishing Company. O Holine Dispatch Publishing Company; 18Hay77; BB54274.


Citibus drivers begin union push. By Kenry Clifton Avery 3rd. (In Uest Texas times, nest Lubbock ed.. Hay. 13, 1977, p. 1, etc.) C Best Texas Times; 13Hay77: BB54275.


Ties to Hafia triggered ousters. By Theodore A. Driscoll- (In The Hartford courant. Hay 15, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Hartford Courant Company, employer for hire. O Hartford Courant a.a.d.o. Hartford Courant Company; 15Hay77; BB51|27e.

BB5lt2 77.

Fronton seeker has history of shedding mobster ties. By Theodore A. Driscoll. (In The Hartford courant. Hay 15, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Hartford Courant Company, employer for hire. Q Hartford Courant a.a.d.o. Hartford Courant Company; 15Hay77; BB5II277.


Are you ready for the next big temblor? By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthquake survival) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 22, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 22Nov76: 8354278.


Simple steps can save lives. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 2) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica. CA, Nov. 23, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 23Nov7&; BBS4279.


Hazards abound at home, Hork. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 3) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 24, 1976, p. 1, etc.) O Fil Drukey; 24Nov76; BB54280.


Ensuring Hater supply essential. By Fil Drukey (felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 4) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov, 25, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Fil Drukey; 25Nov76: BB54281.


Careful planning may avert panic, indecision, fiy Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 5) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 26, 1976, p. 1, etc.) O Fil Drukey; 26NOV76; 8854282.


Take cover immediately during guake: knowledge of safe places essential No. 6. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 27, 1976, p. 1, etc.) O Fil Drukey; 27HOV76; BB54283.


First rule in temblor: don't panic. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 7) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 29, 1976, p. 1, etc.) 6 Fil Drukey; 29Nov76; BBS42B4.


Stay at home during aftermath. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthquake survival, 8) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Nov. 30, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 3aNov76; BB54285.


Ration water after big temblor. By Fil Drukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival, 9) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA, Dec. 1, 1976, p. 1, etc.) e Fil Drukey; 1Dec76; BB54286.


Foreign policy summitry revived. By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 27, 1977. p. 10-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Univcrsal Press Syndicate; 27Apr77; BB54287.


Carter puts his feet to fire on energy. By J. F. TerHorst (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 17, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 17Apr77; BBS4288.


Factory-installed CB's planned for •78 cars. By Hichael F. Hendland. (C8 break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 17, 1977, p. 7-F) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 3 The Evening Mews Association, Inc- -Dniversal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 17Apr77; 8854289.


It's time to heal the winter's ravages. By J. F. TerBorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 20, 1977, p. 6- B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association- -Universal Press Syndicate; 20Apr77; 8854290.


Energy plan shows system at work. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 22, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate; 22Apr77; BBS4291.


Two faults cause most 'break-ups'. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 24, 1977, p. 6-U) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Oniversal. Press Syndicate, Inc.; 24Apr77; 8B54292.


Nixon has day in court over papers. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 24, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. an: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 24Apr77; BB54293.


Ford seen in rerun for Oval Office. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 1, 1977, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. C The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 1Apr77; BB54294.


CB static. By Hichael F. Hendland. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 3. 1977, p. 10-H) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 3Apr77; 8854295.


Dummies endanger life-saving work of channel 9. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 3, 1977, p. 9-B) Appl. a.u: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer £or hire. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 3Apr77; 8854296.


Carter staff cut vow held veneered. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 3, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 3Apr77; B854297.


Foreign trade: will the shoe pinch? By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 6, 1977, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 6Apr77; 8854298.


Vance mission held not all in vain. By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 8, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 8Apr77; BB54299.


CB thieves find locks are real easy pickin's. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Apr. 10, 1977, p. 9-H) Appl. aur The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 10Apr77; BB54300.


Uorld is seen laughing — at the U.S. By J. F. lerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 10-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. ; 13Apr77; BB54301.


New attitudes swirl around Congress. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news. Detroit, Apr. 10, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer toL hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 10Apr77; BB54302.


Your car and you: tips to help you sell. buy, Baiatain, owo aod drive. (In Bu;-Lines Press, Baldniu, NI, Day 18, 1977, p. 5) B-L Press, Inc.; 12Hay77;



This norld, Harch 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaniner and chronicle, Har. 13, 1977) ippl. au: The Chronicle Publishinq Company. C Chronicle Publishinq Coapany; llaar77: BB54304.


Date book. Beek of Harch 13-19, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle. Har. 13, 1977) ippl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. C Chronicle Publishinq Coapany: 11Har77; BBS1I305.


Sunday punch, Harch 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, Bar. 13, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. Chronicle Publishing Coapany: llHar77; BB54306.


It's tiae to 'un-hatch* Federal workers: political rights denied under 1939 Ian. By Albert Shanker'. (ahere ae stand) (In The Hen York tiaes. Hay 15, 1977, p. E9) O Albert Shanker; 15aay77; BB5«307.


Cities, states need welfare help now: four years Is too long to wait. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New York tlaes. Hay 8, 1977, p. E9) C Albert Shanker: 8Hay77; BB54308.


The Young woaan who lived by the stars. Pt. 2. By Stella Terrill Hann. (Stories froa life) (In Unity, June 1977, p. 18, etc.) Appl. au: Unity School of Christianity. Stella Terrill Hann; UHay77; B85II309.


Can the design of water supply systeas be siaplified and codes be aodernized? By Hilton Snyder. (Snyder on ploabinq, chap. 1) (In Contractor, Hay 15, 1977, p. 72, etc.) Hilton Snyder; 15Hay77; 8854310.


The Secret year of Tennessee iilliaas. By Edward Shepherd Head. (In Hashington University aagazine, spring 1977, p. 9-11) Shepherd Head; 20Hay77: 8854311.


Thoughts on graduation. By Uillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowling Green, OB. Hay 19, 1977, p. 10) flillard Fox; l9Hay77: BB54312.


Brooklyn HOR fights S8P rip-off. By Harie Shear. (In Brooklyn HOtt newsletter. Hay 1977, p. 4-5) Harie Shear; 17Hay77; 8854313.


No holistic health care without chiropractic. By Hayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, Hay 7. 1977, p. 6. etc.) O Uayne B. Fiscus (in notice: B, a. P.); 7Hay77; 8854314.

88543 15.

Q-C aan aay get a top state post. By Hike Lawrence. (In The Quad-City tiaes, Davenport-Bet tendorf. lA, Hay 4. 1977. p. 3) Appl. au: The Quad-City Tiaes. eapioyer for hire. 6 The Quad-City Tiaes; 4Hay77; 8854315.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Sao Francisco exaainer. Apr. 21, 1977, p. 57) C Stanley B. Saith; 21Apr77: BBS4316.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Apr. 2, 1977, p. 30) O Stanley B. Saith; 2Apr77; BBS4317.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Sao Francisco exaainer, Apr. 7, 1977, p. 52) Stanley a. Saith; 7Apr77; BB54318.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Apr. 12. 1977. p. 27) Stanley a. Saith; 12Apr77: BB54319. 8854320.

Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco exaoiner, Apr. 9, 1977, p. 32) C Stanley B. saith; 9Apr77: 8BS4J20.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Heading (PA) eagle, Apr. 14, 1977, p. 51) O Stanley B. Smith; 1'4Apr77; 8854321.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Apr. 19, 1977, p. 27) O Stanley B. Saith; 19Apr77; 8854322.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Apr. 24. 1977, p. 89) O Stanley a. Saith; 24Apr77: BB54323.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Apr. 26. 1977. p. 27) O Stanley B. Saith; 2&Apr77; 8854324.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Apr. 28, 1977, p. 48) Stanley B. Saith; 28Apr77; BBS4325.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Hay I. 1977, p. 86) C Stanley a. Saith; lHay77; BB54326.


Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, Apr. 17. 1977. p. 61) Stanley a. Saith; 17Apr77: BB54327.


To Selenodroaion tes Konstantinoupoleos; pascbaiina kai eoerologiaka zeteaata. By George E. G. Harkis. Greek; title roaanized. (In The Tribune of G.A.P.A. . Jan. -Har. 1977. p. 15-17) e George E. G. Harkis; 16Apr77; BBS4328.


Punitive daaages in products liability litigation. By David G. Owen. (In Hichigan law review. June 1976. p. 1257-1371) C David G. Owen; 23Dec76; 8854329.

BB5433 0.

A Flow to reality froa Bay of Pigs through Viet Naa. (In Shelbyville (IN) tiaes-gazette, Har. 31, 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: Bobert a. Vannatta (Benry Hiller, pseud.) Bobert B. Vannatta, whose pseud, is Benry Hiller: 31Har77; BB54330.


Prepare to be stranded on road. By Fil Orukey (Felicity F. Drukey) (Earthguake survival — 10) (In Evening outlook, Santa Honica, CA. Dec. 2, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Fil Orukey; 2Dec76: BB54331.



Triaming the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Solleuberger. (In Uaverly (IL) journal, Nov. 7, 1975, p. 2) O Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger ; 7Nov75; BBS4332.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Sollenberger. (In Baverly (IL) journal, Oct. 31. 1975. p. 2) C Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; 310ct75; BB54333.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Sollenberger. (In Vaverly (IL) journal, Oct. 24, 1975, p. 2) Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; 240ct75; 8854334.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Sollenberger. (In Haverly (IL) journal, Oct. 10, 1975. p. 2) O Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; 100ct75: BB54335.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Sollenberger. (In Baverly (IL) journal, Sept. 5. 1975. p. 2) O Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; SSep7S; BBS4336.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Sollenberger. (In Uaverly (IL) journal, Aug. 15, 1975, p. 2) O Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; l5Aug75; 8854337.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Paiklnson Sollenberger. (In Uaverly (IL) journal, Aug. a, 1975. p. 2) O Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; 8kug75: BB543J8.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Sollenberger. (In Uaverly (IL) journal. July 18. 1975, p. 2) O Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; l8Jul75; BB54339.


Triaaing the wick. By Barbara Joan Parkinson Sollenberger. (In Uaverly (IL) journal, July 11, 1975, p. 2) O Barbara Parkinson Sollenberger; llJul75; 8854340.


The Average Aaericani bow do you coapare? (In Napa County (CA) record, Apr. 13 - 19, 1977, p. 11) Appl. au: Lowell Vern Smith. Lowell V. Saith; 13Apr77; BB54341.


Uhen a New Orleanian tried to prove that justice is color blind. By John Hilds, drawing by John Chase. (In 1692 we were here, 18) (In The States-itea, New Orleans, Hay 3, 1977, p. A-11) Appl. aui The Tiaes-Picayune Publishing Corporation, eapioyer for hire of John uilds. The States-Itea; 3Hay77; BB54342.


You gotta wanna. By Frederick Harvin Hannah, Sr. (In Hilwaukee coaaunity journal. Bar. 30-Apr. 6, 1977, p. 20) C F. Harvin Hannah, Sr. ; 30Bar77; BB54343.


The Lithia tiaes proudly introduces Greensprings, featuring Snick and Bittle. By Bichard Alan Taylor (In Lithia tiaes, Ashland, 08, Nov. 4, 1976, p. 12) Bichard A. Taylor; 220ct76; E854344.


Greensprings; featuring Snick and little. By Bichard Alan laylor. (In lithia times, ishland, OB, Nov. 18, 1976, p. 8) e Richard 4. Taylor; 5llo«76;



ill kinda niqqas. By Sevin Hilroy, pseud. o£ Bonald strothers. (In Stuff, Newark, NO, Bar. 17. 1977, p. 2) 6 Bonald Strothers, whose pseud, is Nevin Hilroy; 16Har77; BB54346.


Battle hymn. (In School of cultural irts newsletter, ttesthampton Beach, Ny, Feb. 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Jeanne Voeqe. e Jeanne Voeqe; 2afeb77; BB5«3«7.


Paw prints. By Buth Petrauskas. (In Nauqatuck (CT) daily news, Dec. 3 1, 1976, p. 3) Ruth Petrauskas; 13Dec76; BB54318.


Blisters. By J. E. B. Ladouceur 6 Nell Both. (In Fire news, Smithtown, NX, Apr. 11, 1977, p. 13) e J. E. B. ladouceur 6 Nell Both (in notice: Ladouceur-Both) ; llApi:77: 8854319.


Tuainq devices and intonation. By John Carruthers. (John Carruthets* Guitar workshop) (In Gaitar player, Har. 1977, p. 12. etc.) C John carruthers; 15Feb77; BB54350.


Prelude at Blackburn's Ford. . By Billiau C. Davis. (In civil liar times illus- trated. May 1977, p. 10-22) C Hilliam C. Davis; 30Apr77; BB54351.


Education and public policy. By John Bcademas. (In Educational researcher, April 1977, p. 4-7) Appl. au: Doubleday and company. Inc., employer for hire. Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 22Apr77; BB54352.


H8J Jove: a profile of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. HBJ Jove: HBJ qeneral hooks: a new publishing configuration. (In Publisher's weekly, Apr. 11, 1977, p. 16-17) e Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 11Apr77; 8854353.


Questions cloud Volker fund disbursal: charities here may lose out. By Harry Jones. (In The Kansas City (KS) star, Apr. 14, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The Kansas City Company, employer for hire. e The Kansas City Star Company; 14Apr77; BB54354.


The Devil in the mailbox. By Geraldine R. Hoqan. (In Both English Department newsletter. Hay 1977, p. 2-3.) e Geraldine B. Hoqan; 6(lay77; flB54355.


Uho owns Florida? By Elizabeth Bhitney. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times. Hay 15, 1977, p. 1B-2B) Appl. au: The Saint Petersburg Times. 9 The Saint Petersburg Times; 15May77; BB54356.


The Eockyf ellers. By Hans, pseud, of John R. Schneider £ Busty, pseud, of Hary Peeler. (In The Seode, Hay 1977, p. 8) Appl. au; Hary Tripp. 6 Hary Peeler, Hary Tripp & Jack Schneider; 16Hay77; BB54357.

nd electric Bangor (HE) daily news, flay 21-22, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Bangor Daily News, employer for hire of Halter Beck. & The Banqor Daily News; 21Hay77; BB54358.


Nixon Ty shows seen as 'exorcism.' By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. Hay 11, 1977, p. 12B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate; 11Hay77; BB54359.


Upgraded CB'ers soon discover joy of uncrowded ham bands. By Hichael F. Hendland. (C8 break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Hay 8, 1977, p. 9F) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, employer for hire. 6 The Evening News A^sociation- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 8Hay77; BB54360.


Hugh carter: presidential penny pincher. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Hay 8, 1977, p. 6E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate (in notice: The Evening Association, Inc. — Universal Press syndicate); 8aay77; B854361.


Ed cole: new ideas never alarmed him. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. Hay 6, 1977, p. 68) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate; 6Hay77; BB5436 2.


Skip? It's no problem if you're a ham. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Hay 1, 1977, p. 10K) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association — universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; HIay77; BB54363.


Redwoods bills take too big a bite. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Hay 1, 1977, p. 6E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc. , employer for hire, e The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 1Hay77; B854364.


Election day sign-up plan roasted. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, flay 13, 1977, p. 6B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 9 The Evening News Association, Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate; 13Hay77; BB54365.


Flaws seen lurking in energy plan. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Apr. 29. 1977, p. 6B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire, e The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 29Apr77; BB54366.


Alternate work patterns; a selective bibliography. By Irene S. laursen. (In News bulletin of the Boston Chapter — SLA, Hay/June 1976, p. 55-59) 6 Irene S. Laursen; 27Jul76; BB54367.


The Copyright act of 1976, a brief overview. By Raya S. Dreben. (In News bulletin of the Boston chapter — SLA, Har./Apr. 1977. p. 32-36) S Baya s. Dreben; 16Hay77; BB54368.


Gambling: Is it gambling, or is it grumbling? By Frank J. Adornetto. (Best bets) Add. ti: Panorama gambling: Is it gambling, or is it grumbling? (In Las Vegas panorama. Hay 13-19, 1977, p. 80-81J e Frank J. Adornetto; 13Hay77; BB54369.


The Miami connection and the CAB nomination. By Hartin Dyckman. (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) times. Hay 19, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishing company. 6 The Saint Petersburg Times; 19Hay77; 8854370.


In 1889 we were here when the bells sounded a knell for the lost cause. By John Hilds. (In The states-item. New Orleans, Hay 10, 1977, p. A-14) Appl. au: The Times- picayune Publishing Corpo- ration, employer for hire. The States-Item; 10May77; BB54371.


In 1892 we were here when the judge disappeared and a murderer was hanged. By Jonn Hilds. (In The states-item. New Orleans, Hay 17, 1977, p. E-5) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire. S The states- Item; 17May77; BB54372.


International Socialist review, June 1977. Editor: Caroline Lund S other editors. (In The Hilitant, New York, June 3, 1977, p. 11-22) Appl. au: Hilitant Publishing Association. Hilitant Publishing Association; 26Hay77; BB54373.


The Constitution and the moral order. By Hilliam J. Bennett. (In Hastings constitutional law quarterly, fall 1976, p. 899-918) Hilliam J. Bennett; 5May77; BB54374.


"Unmuzzling" the patent licensee: chaos in the wake at Lear versus Adkins. By J- Thomas McCarthy. (Ih The George Hashington law review, Har. 1977, p.- 429-493) J. Thomas McCarthy; 23Apr77; BB54375.


Why spend all that money on space? By Scott Christopher Hendrix. (Speaking of space) (In HFL Aviation and Space Society newsletter, Apr. 1977, p. 16-17J Scott Hendrix; 15Apr77; BB54376.


Symbolism on spaceships. By Scott- Christopher hendrix. (Speaking of space) (In Hangar Flyers Liars Aviation and Space Society newsletter. Bay 1977, p. 19-21) Appl states copyright not claibed for illus. credited to U.S. Govt, sources

(NASA) nor illus. to TBH Systems Group, Inc. S Scott Hendrix; 18Hay77; 8854377.


The Continuing series of "Where are we?" dy Frank Slattery. (In The Bounty boating news. Hay 1977, p. 5-7) The Navigation coach; 11Hay77; BB54378.


Desert climbers. By Kathryn Louise Boynton. (In Desert magazine. Hay 1977, p. 36-39) e on text; K. L. Boynton; 15Apr77; BB54379.


Yellow bellied marmot. By Kathryn Louise Boynton. (In Desert magazine, Apr. 1977, p. 12-13) e on text; K. I. Boruton: l5Hac77: BB54380.


Code 45. By Aitheada Jasu Davis. (Id Aaerican journal of nursing, Apr. 1977, p. 627-628) e A. Jann Davis: 10Apr77: BBS43 81.


Research and exploration of stone settings. Pt. 2. By Jonathan 0. Parry. (In Casting and jeuelcy craft, Har./Apc. 1977, p. 6, etc.) Jonathan o. Parry; 12aaT77; 8654382.


5 cents — 10 cents — 25 cents = $1,- 000.000,000: a history of the origin of the autonatic coin laundry. Pt. 8. By Clinton B. Fuller, Jr. (In Neu era laundry and cleaning lines, May 1977, p. 22, etc.) O Clinton a. Puller, Jr.; 16aay77; BB54383.


In 1917 ue were here when the aansions and the cribs alike vent out of business. By John Hllds. drawing by John Chase. (In The States- Itei, Hew Orleans, Nay 24, 1977. p. A-15) Appl. au: The Tiies- Plcayune Publishing Corporation, enployer foe hire of John Hilds. The States- Ite»; 24Bay77; BB54384.


Pornography problem puzzler in area poll. (lour opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, aay 20, 1977. p. 1) O Saint Paul Dispatch: 20aay77: BBS4385.


Poll says laetrlle should be legal, (lour opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, nay 27, 1977, p. 1) O Saint Paul Dispatch: 27nay77; 8854386.


Involuntary psychiatry. By Thoaas Szasz. (In University of Cincinnati law review, vol. 45. no. 3, 1976, p. 347-365) Thomas Szasz: 24Jan77 (in notice: 1976) : BB54387.


50% see energy disaster possible. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. Apr. 29. 1977, p. 1-2) Saint Paul Dispatch; 29Apr77: BB5433e.


Born tall. By Sarnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly. lopeka, KS, Bay 31. 1977, p. 17, etc.) e Garnet K. Tien; 311iay77; BB543 89.


The LED watch module. By Louis A. Zanoni. (In Uorological Times, aay 1977, p. 34. etc.) Louis A. Zanoni; laay77; BB54390.


Unsoundness of the joints, ligaments and tendons. By Bobert C. fioblnson. (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle, aay 1977, p. 26-32) C Bobert c. Bobinson (in notice: Bob Bobinson) : 16Hay77; BB54391.


What's the difference? By Eonald Strothers. (In Stuff, Hewark, »J, Bay 12, 1977. p. 2) e Sonald Strothers, whose pseud. Is Scvln Hilroy; IIHay/?; BB54392.


If I wuz u. By Kevin Bilroy, pseud, of Bonald Strothers. Add. tl: If I was u. (In Stuff, Newark, »J, aay 12, 1977, p. 2) Bonald Strothers, whose pseud, is Nevin Hilroy; 1laay77; BB54393.


State's office for Insurance being probed. By earl Golz. (Id The Dallas morning news, aay 8. 1977, p. U-2A) Appl. au: Tbe Dallas aoroing N'ews. The Dallas aorning trews; eaay77; 8B54394.


Black Eplscopalrans in Savannah: 227 years of black Episcopal worship in Savannah. By Charles L. Uoskins. (In The Savannah tribune, aay 25, 1977, p. 7) O Charles L. Hoskins; 25aay77; BB54395.


Opening the mikes to retired politicos. By Bose K. Goldsen. (On the tube) (In Ithaca (HI) new times, Bar. 31, 1977. p. 17) Hose K. Goldsen; 31aar77; BBS4396.


A Gradeschool lobby. By Eose K. Goldsen. (The show 'n tell machine) (In Ithaca (HY) new times, aay 26. 1977, p. 6) Bose K. Goldsen: 26Hay77; 8854397.


Electronic psych. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n tell machine) (In Ithaca (HI) new times, Apr. 28, 1977, p. 21) O Bose K. Goldsen; 2eApr77: 8854398.


Harry Longabaugh — the Sundance Kid, the early years. 1867-1889. By aary S. Garaan. (In Bits and pieces, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 1-9) C Bary S. Garmau; 2aaay77; 8854399.


aiuistry of taste. By Base K. Goldsen. (UD the tube) (In Itbaca (N¥) new times, Apr. 21, 1977, p. 21) Hose K. Goldsen; 21Apr77; BB54400.


The Pitchmen and the public good. By £ose K. Goldsen. (On the tube) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, Apr. 14, 1977, p. 19) e Bose K. Goldsen; 14Apr77: BB54401.


A Plug-in drug. By Sose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n* tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, aay 5. 1977. p. 17) 6 Bose K. Goldsen; 5Hay77; BB54402.


Sneaky smut seeps in. By Bose K. Goldsen. iln Ithaca (NY) new times. Bay 19. 1977, p. 4) Bose K. Goldsen; 19aay77; BB54403.


TV's Angels heralding porn. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times. Bay 12, 1977. p. 17) Bose K. Goldsen: 12aay77; BB54404.


Halking through the fire. By Laurel Lee. (In Family circle, aay 3 1. 1977, p. 59-66) Laurel Lee; 4aay77: BB54405.


Adam Youngblood. By Baiter K. Zakrzewski. (In The Gadfly, Troy. PA, aay 1977, p. 11) Nalter K. Zakrzewski; 7aay77; BB54406.


Love-Inn. (In Suncoast free paper, aadeira Beach, FL, vol. 6, issue 5, p. 3) Appl. au: Patrick Sterling. O Patrick Sterling; 20Aug76; BB54407.


family living for today and tomorrow. By Edward Lynn Gream. (In The aayfield (KY) messenger, Jan. 31, 1977, p. 4) 6 E. L. Gream (Edward Lynn) ; 31Jan77; BB54408.


International socialist review, aay 1977. Editor: Caroline Lund £ other editors. (in The allltant. New York, aay 6, 1977, p. 11 -22) Appl. au: aiiitant Publishing Association. aiiitant Publishing Association: 28Apr77; BB54409.


The Golden bird. By Ingrld V. Nolf , drawings by Pamela Sweet Distler. (In Cricket, June 1977, p. 35-41) on text; lugrid V. bolf; 10aay77: 8854410.


Skip a rope. By Dorothy Golub, drawing by Jean Gralley. (In Cricket. June 1977, p. 4-5) O on tent; Dorothy Golub; 10aay77; BB54411.


ay papa was a preacher. By Sonja S. Alexander, lllus. by Beth Krusn 6 Joe Krush. (In Cricket, June 1977, p. 4t-50> on text; Sonja S. Alexander; 10aay77; BB54412.


A Tale of two cows; a Chinese folk tale. Betold by aargaret Uau, drawings by Pauline Baynes. (In Cricket. June 1977, p. 84- «b) C on text; Bar gar et Bau; 10Bay77; BB54413.


To mama/tcom Leo. (In From a regional perspective, Feb.-nar. 1977, p. U) Appl. au; Francis B. Francois. O Francis B. Francois; 18«ar77; BB54414.


To mama/from Leo. (In From a regional perspective, A^r. 1977, y. 4) Appl. au: Francis B. Francois. Francis B. Francois; 8Apr77; BB5441S.


You gotta wanna. By Frederick aarvin Hannah, Sr. (In The Hilwaukee community journal, aay 4-11, 1977, p. 20) O F. aarvin Hannah, Sr.; 4aay77; Be5441b.


You gotta wanna. By Frederick aarvin Hannah, Sr. (In The ailwaukee community journal, Apr. 27-Hay 4, 1977. p. 4) e F. aarvin Hannah, Sr. ; 27Apr77; BB54417.


Litigants at large. By John Kennedy. (In Staten Island (NY) register, aay 2o. 1977, p. 11) John Kennedy; 24aay77: BB54418.


Barns aren't red anymore. (In The Voyeur, Dec. 1976, p. 10) Appl. au : Son A. Uoyt. d Don A. Hoyt; 23Dec76;



Winter Sunday: Central Parx. (In The Voyeur, Hay 1977, p. 9) Appl. au; Ellen Leddy. e Ellen Leddy; 2laay77; 8854420.


When Teddy Soosevelt got the jolt of his life. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In 1905 we were here, 22) (In The States-item, New Orleans. Hay 31. 1977, p. B-8) Appl. au; The Times- Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Wilds. The States- Item; 31Bay77; BB54421. BB54422.

The Chess hustler: maJcinq his nay in a less than ideal uorld. By Kent H. Keith. (Interactions) (In Hawaii observer. Hay 19, 1977, p. 27-2 8) 9 Kent H. Keith; 5Hay77; 8851422.


Where we're from. By S. Temp Sparkman. (In The Commission, June 1977, p. 15) G. Temp Sparkman; 20aay77: BB54423.


You (jotta wanna. By Frederick Marvin Hannah, 3r. (In The Bilwaukee community iournal. Hay 25-June 1. 1977, p. 8) 6 F. Harvin Hannah, Sr.; 25Bay77; BB54424.


Shotqun. By William L. Little. (In oracle. University of South Florida, Tampa. Hay 6, 1977, p. 4) 6 William L. Little; 6Hay77; 8854423.


Courtesans and nuns: a liberation lesson. By Catherine A. Lee. (In So-journer, Cambridqe, HI, June 1977, p. 14) e C. S. Lee; 1Jun77; 8854426-


Beal estate law. (In Oranqe County Bar issociation bulletin. Hay 1977, p. 5) 4ppl. au: Inez Helen Bose. Inez Eose; 25Hay77; 8B54427.


Business law. (In Oranqe County Bar Association bulletin. Hay 1977, p. 5) Appl. au: Inez Helen Hose, e Inez Eose; 25Hay77; BB54428.


Host take sour viewpoiot on saccharin ban. (In The Dallas morninq news. Bay 30, 1977, p- 1A) C The Dallas Morninq News; 30«ay77; 8854429.


Most unafraid to admit disbelief in superstition. News' instapoll shows. (In The Dallas morninq news. Bay 23, 1977. p. 4A) The Dallas Borninq Hews; 23May77; BB54430.


Host favor dress codes for schools. (In The Dallas morninq news. Bay 16, 1977. p. 1A) e The Dallas Horninq Hews; 16Bay77;



Host favor mail delivery cutback. (In The Dallas morninq news. Bay 9, 1977, p. 1i) e The Dallas Horninq Mews; 9Hay77; BB54432.


Hany irked at Carter enerqy ideas. (In The Dallas morninq news. May 2, 1977, p. 1A) a The Dallas Morninq Kews; 2Hay77:



Police probe new officer in assault. By Norma Adams Wade fi Bill Kenyon. (In The Dallas morninq news. Hay 27, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: The Dallas Horninq News. 6 The Dallas Horninq Sews; 27aay77; BB54434.


Discover offbeat Hiami. By Boris Dramov & Bonnie Fisher. (In The Hiami herald, Jan. 2, 1977, p. 1G-2G) e Boris Dramov £ Bonnie Fisher; 2Jan77; BB54435.


Beassessment of 1977 business. By Babson's Eeports, Inc. (Business and the stock market) (In Chelmsford — Westford- -Tynqsboro (MA) newsweekly. Apt. 28, 1977, p. 2, etc.) e Babson's Eeports, Inc.; 28Apr77; BB54436.


Besearch and development still on course. By Babson's Eeports, Inc. (Business and the stock market) (In Chelmsford — West ford — lynqsboro (HA) newsweekly, Apr. 7, 1977, p. 2, etc.) Babson's Eeports, Inc.; 7Apr77; 8854437.


Bubbly beveraqe outlook. By Babson's Eeports, Inc. (Business and the stock market) (In Chelmsford — Westford- -lynqsboro (BA) newsweekly, Apr. 14, 1977, p. 2) a Babson's Eeports, Inc.; 14Apr77; 88S443B.


Business and the stock market. By Babson's Eeports, Inc. (In Seymour (IH) daily tribune, Apr. 22, 1977, p. 2) e Babson's Reports, Inc.; 22Apr77; BB54439.


The Lookinq-glass tree; first ins- tallment. By Joan Aiken, illustrated by Shirley Hughes. (In Cricket — the magazine for children. May 1977, p. 80-88) 6 Joan Aiken; 10Apr77; 8854440.


Strivers' Bow: the good life in Harlem. By Stephen Birmingham. (In Hew York, Hay 23, 1977, p. 30-35) 6 Stephen Birmingham; 23Hay77; BB54441.


Sunday punch. Hay 1, 1977. Edited by San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Hay 1, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 29Apr77; BB54442.


Date book. Seek of May 1-7, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. May 1, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 29Apr77; BB54443.


This world. Bay 1, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. May 1, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. S chronicle Publishinq Company; 29Apr77; BB54444.


Sunday punch. Bay 15, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Hay 15, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing company. 9 Chronicle Publishing Company: 13Bay77; BB54445.


This world. Bay 15, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. May 15, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 6 Chronicle Publishing Company; 13Hay77; BB54446.


Date book. Week of Hay 15-21, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Hay 15, 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 13Hay77; BB54447.


Sunday punch, April 24, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr. 24. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 22Apr77; 8854448.


This world, April 24, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr, 24, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing company; 22Apr77; 8854449.


Date book. Week of Apr. 24-30. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Apr. 24, 1977) Appl. au; The chronicle Publishing Company. 8 Chronicle Publishing company; 22Apr77; BB54450.


I'm Eve. By Chris Costner Sizemore & Elen Sain Pittillo. (In Ladies home journal. Hay 1977, p. 92, etc.) 6 Chris Costner Sizemore 6 Elen Sain Pittillo; 21Apr77; 8854451.


let me say yes to new experiences. By Harjorie Holaes (Harjorie Holmes Bighell) (A woman's conversations with God) (In Woman's day. Hay 31, 1977, p. 46) e Harjorie Holmes Bighell; 3Bay77; 8854452.


Youth. IV dictate U.S. soccer future. From the book By life and the beautiful game, by Pele. pseud, of Edson Arantes Do Hascimento with Eobert L. Fish. (In The Tampa (FL) tribune-times. Bay 22. 1977, p. 8-D) O Licensing corporation of America; 22Hay77; 8854453.


Truck: on rebuilding a worn-out pickup in rural Hew England, and other post- technological adventures. By John Jerome. (In Bountain gazette, Jan. 1977, p. 16-20) O John Jerome; 15Jan77; BB54454.


Hussein's uncle bids for Johnson County stable. By Eick Atkinson. (lo The Kansas City (MOJ times. Hay 21, 1977. p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star Company, employer for hire. © The Kansas City Star company; 21Hay77; BB54455. -


BHCA bulletin. Bay 1977. Edited by Dennis H. Borgman 6 other editors. (In Auerican hairdresser/salon owner magazine. Hay 1977, p. 1H-16S> e Hational Hairdressers and cosmetologists Asso- ciation; 25Apr77; B854456.


Circles: a Washington story. By Abigail Bccarthy. (In Eedbook, June, 1977, p. 199-221) Abigail BcCarthy; 19Hay77;



241st anniversary of colonel Charles lewis' birth observed in joint comme- moration; held Bar. 11, 1977, in Bath county, Virginia. By Patricia Burton. (In Point Pleasant (WV) register. Bar. 19, 1977, p. 6, etc.) e Patricia Burton; 19Bar77; BB54458.


Y'know that tennis player who had the sex-change operation? (In The Flame, Seattle, Apr. 12, 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. Joann Baugerud; 12Apr77; BB54459.


Offstage whispers; memories of a Broadway press agent. By Harvey Sahinson. (In Playbill, Har. 1977) Harvey Sabinson; 1Hac77; BB54460. theatrical hoax. By Haoey Sabiuson. (In Playbill. Feb. 1977) C Uacvey Sabinsou: 1Feb77; BB54461.


Fair use and pernissiODs: a publisher's assessaeot. By Charles 1. Butts, Jr. (In news bulletin of the Boston Chaptec. Special Libraries Association, Har./Apr. 1977, p. 40-43) C Charles A. Butts, Jr.; 16llay77: BBS4462.


Orlqin o£ the drop letter charge. Part 3. By Calvet a. Bahn. (In S.P.A. journal. Mar. 1977, p. 433-436) Calwet 8. Bahn; 1Har77; BBS4463.


Oriqin of the drop letter charge. Part 2. By Calvet a. Bahn. (In S.P.A. ioucnal. Feb. 1977, p. 361-366) e Calvet H. Bahn; 1Feb77; BBS4464.


Origin of the drop letter charge. Part 1. Br Calvet a. Bahn. (In S.P.A. lournal, Jan. 1977, p. 279-286) 3 Calvet a. Bahn; 3JaQ77; BB54465.


A Philatelic salmagundi: flourning bands used in 1850's. By Calvet H. Bahn. (In Staap collector, Nov. 20, 1976, p. 38-39) O Calvet a. Haho: 20llov76; BB54466.


Original iak still exists: Philadelphia blue postal aarlciogs. By Calvet a. Hahn. (Id Staap collector, Jan. 22, 1977, p. 12-13) Cal vet B. Hahn; 22Jan77: BBS4467.


In today's seCBOn He Hill consider the epistle that the Corinthians alght have HCitteo to Paul. (In The Flaae, Seattle. Bay 10, 1977. p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Hauqerud. Joann Haugerud; 10Bay77; BB54U68.


Survey says voters prefer tax hike to layoffs to avoid deficit. By Christopher Jennenein. (The Coaaercial appeal poll) (In The Coaaercial appeal, Beaphis, flay 15. 1977. p.1) e Beaphis Publishing Coapany (The Coaaercial Appeal) ; 15Hay77; BB54469.


Strict construction in Sung China: the case of A TUD. By Albert I. Borovitz. (In Aaericao Bar Association journal. Apr. 1977. p. 522-528) C Albert I. BoroHltz; 14Apr77; BB54470.


tour guide to the heart of tiie fiockies. By Bichard Cutler. (In Suaaer fun '77 (The flountain aail. '^jlida. CO) Bay 6, 1977. p. 13-14) Afipl. au: The Bountain flail. O Tho Bountain flail; 6flay77; 8854471.


Laetrile — a cancer cure? (In The Tribune, aoaston ed. , flay 5. 1977, p. 4-5) Appl. au: 8. P. strube. Jr. 8. P. Strube. Jr.; SBay77; BB34472.


California vine line. By Alan Bagary. (In The aeporter. Stanford. CA, Bay 13, 1977. p. 7) C Kerstin flagary £ Alan flagary (in notice: Kerstin S Al flagary) ; 13flay77; B854473.


Opiaion ev recall. (?a

nly split c r opinion)

1 legislature (In Saint Paul

dispatch, June 3, 1977. p. 1) C Saint Paul Dispatch; 3Jun77: BB54474.


Parochiaid. By Hxllard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune, BoHling Green, OH. June 2. 1977, p. 9) O Uillard Fox; 2Juc77; BBS4475.


It's the principal of the thing. By Uillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. BoHling Green, OH. Bay 26, 1977. p. 7) BUiard Fox; 26aay77; BB54476.


The Looking-glass tree. Pt. 2. By Joan Aiken, dranings by Shirley Hughes. (In Cricket. June 1977, p. 51-59) C Joan Aiken; 10flay77; BB54477.


The Young Hoaan vho lived by the stars. Mo. 3. By Stella Terrill flano. (Stories frOB life) (ID Dnity. a nay of life. July 1977. p. 16. etc.) Stella Terrill flann; 10Jun77; BB54478.


Fireaen's overtiae pay snells. By Bobert T. Nelson. (In The Kansas City (BOj star, flay 27, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. O The Kansas city Star Coapaoy; 27flay77; BB54479.


Post-huaan intelligence. By Bobert JastroH. (In Natural history. June-July 1977, p. 12. etc.) O Bobert Jastron; 23Bay77; B854480.


Bepoct froa Bars. By Bobert Jastron. (In Natural history. Barch 1977. p. 48-53) O Bobert JastroH; 17Feb77; BB54481.


Shall we destroy our standard of living? in New fork's coapetition for business. By Albert Shauker. (Where He stand) (Id The sen York tiaes. flay 29, 1977. section 4. p. 7) O Albert Shanker; 29Hay77; 8854482.


All about aoney. testing and 'cures'; recent newspaper pieces aerit coaaent. By Albert Shaoker. (Uhere ve stand) (In The NeH York tiaes. flay 22. 1977, section 4. p. 9) O Albert Shanker; 22flay77; BBS4«a3.


Chinese shadoHs. By Siaon Leys. (In The New York revrew of books. Bay 26, 1977. p. 21-27) Appl. an: ?iking Penguin, Inc. on English language translation; Viking Penguin, Inc.; 26Bay77: BB54464.


Peering into the fog: the future of children's books. By John Bowe Tonnsend. Based on a talk delivered to aeabers of the Children's Book Couacil in NeH York on Nov. 10, 1976. (In The Horn book aagazine, June 1977, p. 346-355) C John Bove Toansend; 23flar77; BB54485.


Children, huaOr, and folklore. By Alvin Schwartz. Based on a speech delivered at the conference of the NCTE, Nov. 26, 1976. (In The Horn book aagazrne, June 1977, p. 281-287) Alvin Schwartz; 23aay77; 8854486.


Bock ausic and the hoae. By Bayaond Brice Kiaa. (In Faaily altar broadcast news June, 1977, p. 3) O Bayaoad Brice Kiaa; 1Jun77; 8854487.


The Frustrating fate of urban design in Hawaii. By Ihoaas a. Creighton. (In AIA journal, June 1977, p. 51-53) O Thoaas H. Creighton; 2Jun77; BB54488.


Geraany and the Geraan fila, 1930-1945: an annotated research bibliography. Pt. 2: articles 6 periodicals. By fiichard Alan Nelson. (In The Journal of the aniversrty Fila Association, spring 1977, p. 67-80) Bichard Alan Nelson: 6Jun77: BB54489.


The Gospel concept at Attica on Bother's Day, 1977. By Calvin L. Sherrell. (In The Buffalo criterion, flay 25-31, 1977. p. 7) O Calvin I. Sherrell; 25aay77; B854490.


Natch for wheel of fortune. (In The New tops. Bay 1977, p. 7) Appl. au: flarvin A. Silberaintz. O flarvin A. Silberaintz; 1SApr77: 8854491.


Vision of fluir saved forests. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae aachine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution. Apr. 24, 1977, p. 6-B) Doane fi. Hoag; 24Apr77: 8854492.


Tiny inventions the greatest? eraser on pencil. By Doane fi. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae aachrne) (In The Atlanta journal and constrtution. Bar. 27. 1977. p. 7-8) DOane fi. Hoag; 27flac77; 8854493.


Jesse Jaaes — a U.S. legend, killed by confidant. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae aachine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution. Apr. 3, 1977, p. 19-b) O Doane B. Hoag; 3Apr77: BBS4494.


Eerie instinct guides birds: swallows return. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae machine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution. Har. 20, 1977, p. 17-C) O Doane B. Hoag; 20aar77; 8854495.


UFO aystery still with us, ancient- -UDSolved. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae machine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution, Feb. 27. 1977, p. 4-B) Doane B. Hoag; 27Feb77; 8854496.


The Good old suaaertiae. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Apr. 17. 1977) O Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 7flar77; BB54497.


The Billionaire kid. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Apr. 24. 1977) Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 14Har77: 8854498.


The Spectator sport. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Bay 1, 1977) O Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 21Bar77; B854499.


Say it with flowers. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Bay 8, 1977) o Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field ueuspapei Syndicate; 28Har77: 3854500.


vanity fair. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis, the menace) (In Field nenspaper syndicated releases, Har. 13, 1977) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. field newspaper Syndicate: 31Jan77; BB54501.


Dealer's choice. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis, the menace) (In field neyspaper syndicated releases. Mar. 20, 1977) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field aeiispaper Syndicate; 7feb77: BB54502.


Pie-eyed in paradise. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis, the menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Mar. 27, 1977) 6 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. field Neyspaper Syndicate; 11Feb77; BB54503.


The Builder. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis, the menace) (In field neyspaper syndicated releases, Ipr. 3, 1977) e Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field neyspaper Syndicate; 21Feb77; BB5450«.


Knots to Mister liilson. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis, the menace) (In Field neyspaper syndicated releases. 4pr. 10. 1977) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 28Fcb77; BB54505.


The Ohio Public utilities Commission's self-help program — a possible solution to the natural gas shortage problem. By Timothy J. Battaglia S James L. Balthaser. (In Ohio bar. Jan. 31, 1977, p. 123, etc.) O Timothy J. Battaglia 6 James L. Balthaser; 31Jan77; BB54506.


"Pulling the disparate together": a note on the problem of order in Paterson. By Neil Baidyin. (In yilliam Carlos Billiams neysletter, spring 1977, p. 14-15) ippl. au: ailliam Carlos Billiams. 6 on passaqes from manuscripts of Hilliam Carlos Billiams; The Estate of Florence H. HilliamS; 12Mar77; BB54507.


Family night. By Terry Eeilly £ Mimi fieilly. (In Marriage and family living. May 1977, p. 29-30) 6 Terry £ Mimi Beilly; 11ipr77; BB54508.


Putting music into words. By Martha Thomas (Martha Thomas Sheppard) (Soundings) (In BlTF-fM program guide, June 1977, p. 4, etc.) e Martha Thomas Sheppard; 25May77; BB54509.


Perot firm's adviser also state aide. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news. May 29. 1977, p. 11) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News. 6 The Dallas Morning News; 29May77; BB34510.


Judge balks at consent agreement. By Earl Gol2. (In The Dallas morning news. May 29, 1977, p. 6i) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News. 3 The Dallas Morning News; 29May77: BB54511.


The Big campfire. The Bureaucratic way of life. (Ex parte line) (In Ees gestae, June 1977, p. 235) 4ppl. au: Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. e Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 2Jun77; BB54512.


Pugh partner tells of Fallis murder plot. By E. N. Earley. (In The Tulsa tribune. June 8. 1977, p. 1i, etc.) Appl. au: The Tulsa Tribune Company. 6 The Tulsa Tribune Company; 8Jun77; BB54513.


Joseph Panone: a different )cind of artist. By Thomas cleland, photos by Ted Bong. (In The statesman, Frank B. Kellogg Senior High School, Saint Paul, June 7, 1977, p. 1-2) a Thomas Cleland; 7Jun77; BB54514.


from doubt to assurance. (In The Crown messenger, June 1977, p. 3) Fellowship of the crown; 9Jun77; EB54515.


By father and the theatre; a continuing story. By Eleanor Preston Clarksou. (Goodbye, old house) (In The Village broadsider. Sandwich, MA, May 25, 1977, p. 11) O Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 25May77; BB54516.


Adam ioungblood. By Baiter K. Zakrzewski. (In The Gadfly. Troy, PA. vol. 1, no. 5, p. 9) e Baiter K. Zakrzewski; 4Jun77; BB54517.


I'm looking for a rich girl who is too proud to have her husband work. Add. ti: The Little people: I'm looking for a rich girl too proud to have her husband work. (In Exchange, Apr. 1977, p. 13) Appl. au: Gerard Amoyal Kavel. S Gerard A. Save!; 5Apr77 (in notice: 1975); BB54518.


Love is like a chess game: one stupid move and you're mated. By Gerard Amoyal Bavel. Add. ti: The Little people: love is like a chess game, one stupid move and you're mated. (In Exchange, Apr. 1977, p. 17) Gerard A. Bavel; 5Apr77 (in notice: 1975); 8854519.


Teamster probe by FBI revealed. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news, June 7, 1977. p. 14) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News. 9 The Dallas Morning News; 7Jun77; BB54520.


Library photocopying and the new copyright law. By Morris L. Cohen. (In News bulletin of the Boston Chapter. SLfl, Mar. /Apr. 1977, p. 36-40) O Morris L. Cohen; 16May77; BB54521.


Auditor looks into payments to attorneys. By Sam Attlesey. (In The Dallas morning news. May 19, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News. B The Dallas Morning News; 19May77; BB54522.


Homeless children look to Congress. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, May 15, 1977, p. 6-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening Sews Association, Inc.-Universal Press Syndicate; 15May77; BB54523.


CB-ham fight rages. By Michael F. Bendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Hay 15, 1977, p. 9-J) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association. Inc.-Univecsal Press syndicate; 15May77; BB54524.


By J. f. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. May 18, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening Sews Association, Inc.-Oniversal Press Syndicate; 18Hay77; BB54525.


Carter has big job tending party splits. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. Hay 20, 1977, p. 4-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 8 The Evening Neys Association, Inc.-Universal Press Syndicate; 20May77; BB54526.


Con men knoy CB'ers have good hearts. By Michael F. Bendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Hay 22, 1977, p. 8-f) Appl. au: The EVening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. e The Evening Sews Association. liic- Dniversal Press Syndicate; 22aay77; BB54527.


Change triggered Israeli upset vote. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, May 22, 1977, p. 6-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association. Inc., employer for hire, e The Evening Sews Association, Inc. -Universal Press Syndicate; 22May77; BB54528.


Loy profiles highlight Carter Cabinet. By J. f. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. May 25, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association. Inc., employer for hire. @ The Evening News Association, Inc.-Universal Press Syndicate; 25May77; BBS 4 529.


Doctor carter needs 93 to top Hoover. By J. f. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news. May 27, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc.. employer for hire. 6 The Evening Sews Association, Inc.-Universal Press Syndicate; 27May77j BB54530.


out of Zion: the birth of the Jewish state. By Sondra Gordon laagford. (In Morris Sussex Jewish news, Ledgewood, NJ, May 1977, p. 16-17) e Sondra Gordon Langford; 15Hay77; BB54531.


A Very small clue; a new detective story. By Elizabeth X. Ferrars. (In Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 1977, p. 73-78) 6 Elizabeth X. Ferrars; 6May77; BB54532.


The Shogun lesson. By Eose K. Goldsen. (In The Ithaca (HI) new times. Mar. 25, 1977, p. 19) S Eose K. Goldsen; 25Mar77;



Taking stands — standing together. By Anne Gyory. (In Schooling society, winter 1976-77, p. 3-19) S Anne Gyory; 14Mar77; BB54534.


Thank you Lord. (Poet's corner) (In The Star of zion. charlotte, NC, May 12, 1977, p. 5) Appl. au; Edmonia L. Lovett. e Edmonia L. Lovett; 12May77; BB54535.


The "Green Boom" story:" abuse, neatings routine at jail. By Andy Danzo. (In The Friday dispatch. Union City, SJ, Apr. 22, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. O Hudson Dispatch; 22Apr77; BB54536. BB54537.

The Search for oarkets. Prepared by C. A. Cardella. (In SBC quarterly, Fefc. 1975, p. Ill) Cardella and tssociates; 15Fei)75 (in notice: 1971); BB5II5J7.


Inspector Hector. By ternon E. Herschberger i Noruan Hichael Ledqio. (Id The Arthur (IL) qraphic-ciarion. Mar. 17, 1977, p. IK) C aarsha H. Ledqin; 17Mar77; BB51538.


Kariffl Sharif on falconry: Iran, and Yellou Eyes. ("Uelcome to our iiorld," instructor poster 9) Add. ti: Karis Sharif uith his bird, lellov Eyes, in Tehran, Iran; Instructor; welcone to our world. (In Instructor, Hay 1977, p. 69-76) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications. Inc., employer for hire. Instructor, solely owned by the Instructor Publications, Inc.; 12Apr77; 8851*539.


"Don't know" leadinq Virqinia candidate recoquitlon appears poor. By Tyler ahitley. (In The Bichmond news leader. Hay 23, 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: The Bichnond Mews Leader. O The Kicbnond News Leader; 23Hay77; BB5<t540.


Host are undecided on 2 races. By Janes Latiaer. (Bichnond trmes-dis patch Virqinia poll) (In Sichmond tines- dispatch. Hay 23, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Bichnond Tines-Dispatch. O Bichnond Tines-Dispatch; 23Bay77; BB545I11.


Circuit. (In The Voyeur. Hay 21, 1977, p. 2-3) Appl. au: eichard Charles Firenau (Bich firenan) O Blchard Charles Fireman (in notice: Bich Fireman); 2lnay77; 8854542.


Pereqina tions (sic), permutations, pervasions. (In The Voyeur, Hay 21. 1977. p. 6) Appl. au: Richard Charles Fireman (Bich Firenan) Bichard Charles Fireman (in notice: Bich Firenan); 2laay77: BB5454J.


Trout and creel. (In East west journal. Hay 1977, p. 72) Appl. au: Gary Allen. Gary Allen; 1Hay77; 8854544.


Roundhouse- Lonqnont Daily Times-Call. (In Lonqnont (CO) daily tines-call. June 4-5. 1977, p. 1B-40B) C Tines-Call Publishinq Company; 4Jun77: 8834545.


Teddy and the Iwiliqhts. By Charlie Horner (Charles J. Horner, Jr.) t Steve Applebaun (Steven Applebaum) , taken from an interview with Larry Billians. (In Yesterday's memories, vol. 3. no. 1. p. 20-23) e Charlie Horner £ Steve Applebaum: 10Har77; BB54S46.


Land of our people. (In The Bockaway (NI) record, June 10, 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: David F. O'Keefe. O David F. o'Keefe; 10Jun77; 8B54547.


Hiller is front runner in poil. By James Latimer. (In Bichmond tines- dispatch. Hay 22, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Bichnond Times-Dispatch. 6 Bichnond Tines-Dispatch; 22May77; BB54548.


You qotta wanna. By Frederick Harvin Hannah, 3r. (In The Hilwaukee coanunity


40!i disagree with Younq. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, June 10, 1977. p. 4) e Saint Paul Dispatch; 10Jun77; BB54550.


Ordeal at Vella Lavella. By Ualter Lord. (In American heritage, June 1977, p. 30-43) NH: text. e Halter Lord; 1Jun77; BB54551.


If the qoblins don't get you. Sy Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Tribune-review, Greensburg, PA, Hay 1, 1977, E4) O Constance L. Helaro; 1Hav77; BR54552.


Professional vandal confesses. By Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Tribune-review. Greensburg. PA. June 5, 1977, p. E7) Constance L. Helaro; 5Jun77; 8B54553.


Small claims court a real eye-opener. Qy Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Tribune- re view. Greensburg. PA, Hay 29, 1977. p. E8) Constance L. Helaro; 29Hay77; 8854554.


Look ma, I'm on television. By Constance L. Helaro. (Just zinqin' along) (In Tribune-review, Greensburq, PA, Hay 22. 1977, p. E6) C Constance L. Helaro; 22Hay77; BB54555.


Oiaioque oC love — black to black. By Frances Johnson Barnes. (In Pittsburgh, Honewood. Brushton news. June 15, 1977, p.

4) Frances Johnson Barnes; I5Jun77; BB54556.


Hypoglycemia. By Uayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In Peninsula bulletin, Palo Alto. CA, June 4, 1977, p.

5) Uayne B. Fiscus (in notice: B. E. F. ); 4Jun77; 8854557.


Born tall. By Garnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly, Topeka. KS, June 14, 1977, p. 17. etc.) Garnet K. Tien; 14Jun77; BB54558.


Eagles don't flock. By Uillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowlinq Green, OH. June 16. 1977, p. 10) O Uillard Fox; 1bJun77: 8854559.

B854 56 1.

In 1904 we were here when a mayor began his record stay in city hall. By John Uilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, llew Orleans. June 7. 1977. p. 8-4) Appl. au: The Tines-Picayune Publishinq Corporation, employer for hire of John uilds. The States-Item; 7Jun77; BB54561.


A 'Uhat's that?' stamp. By Calvet H. Hahn. (In Strictly US. June 1977. p. 173-176) Calvet H. Hahn; 1Jan77;

BB54 56 2.


Ploy. (In The Voyeur, Hay 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Howard Dennis Hotyl. e B. 0. Hotyl; 21Hay77; BB54563.


fiancher Hanuel Silva, soil conser- vationist Bed Hartin, Carter and farner Charles Kryder conplete tour. Photo by Joseph A. Prisina, Jr. (in The Fresno (CA) bee. May IB, 1977, p. A- 1) Ippi. au: HcClatchy Idewspapers d.b.a. The fresno Bee. 6 HcClatchy Newspapers d.b.a. The Fresno Bee; 18Hay77; BB54564.


Sirtha. By Alfred Borelli & Stephen H. Yoken. (In Ueight Batchers, July 1977, p. 63) Stephen H. Yoken £ Alfred Borelli (in notice: Al Borelli t, Steve Yoken) ; 1Jun77; 8854565.


Book review: The Thirteenth tribe, by Arthur Koestler. By Boy J. Katz. (In Haw tnorne-Glen fiock-fiidgewood shopper. Fair Lawn, BJ, June 1, 1977, p. 23) Boy J. Katz; 1Jun77; B854566.


Accessories of the Benington a/51 pistol. By Barrel a. Lulling 6 Eberhard B. Getbsch. (In The Gun report. July 1977, p. 20) 6 Darrel a. Lulling 6 Eberhard B. Gerbsch; 1Jun77; 8854567.


conan. (In Hediascene, July-Aug. 1976. p. 17) Appl. au: Barry Smith. C The Gorblimey Press; 140ct76; 8B54568.


61 lures uisconsin police chief. By Haggle Menard. (In The Quad-city tines, Davenport, lA, May 20, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. C The Quad-City Tines; 20Hay77; 8854569.


Hozelle. By Bobert Penn Warren. (Best seller of the month) (In Family circlt;, Feb. 1977. p. 22, etc.) O Bobert Penn Barren; 11Jan77; 8854570.


ny little girl. (In CS journal, vol. 1, no. J, p. 50) Appl. au: Hargaret H. J(}hnson. O Margaret H. Johnson; lDec76; 885H571.


The Margaret H. Johnson story: love — today and tomorrow. By Hargaret h. Johnson. (In CS journal, vol. 1, no. J, p. 50) 8 Margaret H. Johnson; 1Bec7r,, BB54572.


Hurrah. By Joy Libra, pseud, of Joy Bowser. (Black synphony "poetry and song of soul") (In The Pittsburgh courier. Nov. 27. 1976, p. 15) Joy Libra (J. 8.); 27NOV76; 8B54573.


IV violence backfires. By Bose K. Soldsen. (On the tube) (In The Ithaca (NY) new tines, Feb. 24. 1977. p. 17) e Bose K. Goldsen; 24Feb77; BB54574.


Hardsell in toyland. By Bose K. Goldsen. (On the tube) (In The Ithaca (NY) new tines. Har . 10, 1977, p. 17) O Bose K. Goldsen; 10aar77; B854575.


Congress, a legislative game. (In The Hachinist. Jan. 1977, p. 16) Appl. au: International Association of Hachiaists and Aerospace Uorkers. NH: updated text. O The Machinist; 2Jan77; BB54576.


A Eulogy to a cowpuncher like it was. Add. ti: ("Like it was") eulogy to a cowpuncher. (In Hardin (MX) herald, Aug. 22, 1974, p. 13) Appl. au: Daniel Edward Slough (Dan Slough) C Da n Slough; 22Aug74; 8854577. BB54578.

Salvationists, utilitaciaas and enviconmental justice. By fiic^ard Bond. (In Ramapo papers, vol. 1« no. 2, p. 1-38) Eichard Bond; 10ct76: BB54578.


The Host, the guest, and the visitor. Bt S- Temp Sparkaan. (In The commission. July 1977, p. 18) e S. Temp Sparknan; 1Wun77: BB54579.


The Hole of the christian. By Hilliam L. HendricJcs. (In The Commission, July 1977, p. 15-18) e Hilliam I. Hendriclts; 11Uun77; BB54580.


Findinq our fathers: the search for Jewish roots. By Dan fiottenberg. (In New York, Hay 2, 1977, p. HH, etc.) e Dan Bottenberg; 25Apr77; BB54581.


In 1907 ue were here when a rail-born& lyn.ch party came to the end of the line. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, June 14, 1977, p. C-«) Appl. au: Ihe Times- Picayunc Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Hilds. e The States- Item; iajun77: 8854582.


Play better golf — with Jack Sicklaus. (In aeadinq (PA) times. May 27, 1977, p. 48) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden. e Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden: 27liay77: BB54583.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner. May 25, 1977, p. 59) Appl. au; Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden: 25May77: 8854584.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. May 23, 1977. p. 16) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Niciiiaus e Ken Bowden; 23Hay77: BBS458S.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Geading (PA) times. Hay 20. 1977, p. 34) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden: 20Hay77: BB54586.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. Hay 18, 1977, p. 37) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus f. Ken Bowden: t8May77; BB5«5a7.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. May 16. 1977, p. 23) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden: ieilay77: BB54588.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. May 13, 1977. p. 32) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus b Ken Bowden: 13Hay77: BB54589.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. Hay 9, 1977, p. 19) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. e Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 9aay77; BB54590.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. Hay 6, 1977, p. 34) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus e, Ken Bowden: 6May77; BB54591.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Reading (PA) times. May 4. 1977, p.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. May 2, 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden: 2Hay77; BB54593.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. Hay 11, 1977, p. 33) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. e Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden: 11Ha777: BB54594.


Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. Hay 30. 1977, p. 19) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. C Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 3gHay77: BB54595.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. May 3, 1977, p. 30) e Stanley 8. Smith; 3Hay77; BB54596.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. May 5. 1977, p, 49) e Stanley B. Smith; 5May77; 8354597.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Hay 8, 1977, p. 75) O Stanley B. Smith; 8Hay77; BB 54598.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. May 10, 1977, p. 25) O Stanley a. Smith; 10May77; BB54599.

BB54 600.

Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Hay 12. 1977, p. 54) Stanley B. Smith; I2Hay77: 8654600.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. May 15, 1977, p. 92) C Stanley B. Saith; 15aay77; BB54601.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. May 17, 1977, p. 28) Stanley B. Smith; 17Hay77; BB54602.


Staa Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. May 19. 1977, p. 54) e Stanley B. Smith; 19May77: BBS4603.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In New Jersey Sunday herald, Sewton, Hay 22, 1977. p. 27) e Stanley E. Smith; 22Hay77; BB54604.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Hay 24, 1977, p. 31) e Stanley E. Smith; 24May77: BB54605.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Hay 26, 1977, p. 49) e Stanley a. Smith; 26Hay77; BB54606.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In New Jersey Sunday herald, Newton. Hay 29, 1977, p. 24) e Stanley S. Smith; 29May77; BB54607.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle. Hay 31, 1977, p. 26) C Stanley B. Smith; 31May77: BB54608.


Accident prone; or, Hhat happened next. By Alan John Percivale Taylor. (In The Journal of modern history, Har. 1977, p.

1-18) O Alan John Perciwale Taylor; 19AFr77; BB54&09.


The Bockyfellers. By flans, pseud, of Jack Schneider (John B. Schneider) £ Busty, pseud, of Hary Peeler. (In The Geode, June 1977. p. 8) C Hary Feeler £ Jack Schneider; 16Jun77; 8B54610.


Olomana: not old-school Hawaiian but a blend of old and new music. By Kent H. Keith £ Elizaieth M. Keith, photos, by Alexis Higdon. (In Hawaii observer. June 16, 1977, p. 26-29) C Kent Keith £ Elizabeth Keith; 2Jun77: BB54611.


To Selenodromion tes Konstantljioupoleos; paschallna kai emerologlaka zetemata. Ipo Georgiou K. Harkake (George £. G. Markis) Greek. (In The Tribune of G.A.P.A., Apr. -Hay-June 1977, p. 11-13) e George E. G. Markis; 15Jun77; BB54612.


EPA violations laid to Chemway. By Ternon Loeb. (In ilnston-Salem (NO) journal, June 16, 1977, p. 1-2) e Rinston-Salem Journal; 16Jun77; BB54613.


The New challenges to academic institutions Involve finances and red tape — higher education today. A report i>y Virginia Bollo Huber. Add. ti: Higher education today — the challenge of rising costs and more regulations. (In The Spokesman-review Sunday magazine (The Spokesman-review, Spokane) Hay 15, 1977, p. 13, etc.} e Virginia Bollo Huber; 15Hay77; BB54614.


The lulloch diary (1875-1910) ; an historical special. Pt. 11. Compiled £ edited by Gordon Keith. (In The Islands' sounder, Eastsound, WA, Hay 25, 1977, p. 8-9) NH: compilation, editing £ new text. (9 Gordon Keith; 2SHay77; BB54615.


His "crazy" dream is the world by sail. By Beau Cutts (Bobert Barren Cutts) (In The Atlanta constitution, June 6, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) O Beau Cutts; 6Jun77; BB54616.


Showing your horse, cy Hubert C. Bobinson. (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle. June 1977, p. 48-53) O Bobert C. Bobinson (in notice: Bob Bobinson); 16Jun77; BB54617.


Copyright 1977. By Joseph A. Greenleaf. (In Camera 35, July 1977, p. 61-62) e Joseph A. Greenleaf; 1Jun77; 8854618.


Optimism kept Christie going. By Kim Sexton. (In The Examiner, Independence, MO, June 9, 1977. p. 1-2) Appl. au: The Examiner Publishing Company. 6 The Examiner Publishing Company; 9Jun77; 8854619.


Boating rot the hammer welding way. (In Cars and parts, June 1977, p. 156-159) Appl. au: Everett Finley Smith (Everett F. Smith! O Everett F. Smith; 4Jun77; BB54620.


Kids' talk. (In Sheridan Green "scene 2", p. 3) Appl. au: Kay Adele Burl £ Janet M. Hauser. 6 Educational Creations; 27Kay77; BB54621. BB54622.

Oilaaii*s parole set this moDth. By Carl FreuQd. (In The Dallas DOCDiDq neus, June 11. 1977. p. It) Appl. au: The Dallas Horainq Neas. O The Dallas IIorDinq ileus: 11Jun77; BB54622.


It's ae, T.V.! (In IV tteuec. Bay 21-27. 1977. p. 31) 4ppl. au: Mike Ueehan. C dike Heehan; 21Hay77: BB54623.


It's Be. T.V.I (Id TV vievec. day 28-June 3, 1977. p. 9) »ppl. au: Hik.! deehan. dike deehan; 2aday77: BB51624.


It's ae. T.V.! (In TV «ieuer, June 1-10. 1977. p. 7) ippl. au: dike deehan. 5 dike deehan; 1Jun77: 6651625. BB51626.

It's ae. T.V.! (In TV wiener, day 11-20. 1977. p. 31) ippl. au: Mike deehan. O dike deehan; 11May77; BB51626.


Fanily niqnt. By Teccy Beilly £ Miai Beilly. (In Macciaqe and family liTinq, June 1977. p. 22-23) Teccy 6 dial Beilly: 23Kay77; BB51627.


Ganqland figure wrote of his links to Sinatra. 8y Jerauld E. Brydqes. (In Niagara gazette. Niagara Palls. NY. June 19, 1977. p. 1-4, etc.) »ppl. au; Niagara Gazette. O Niagara Gazette (in notice: Niagara Falls Gazette Publishing Coipany) ; l9Jun77: BB51628.


High road — low road--« gaae for two. (In The td ver tiser-gleaa , Guntersville. AL. June 23. 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: E. B. Billings. O E. B. Billings: 23Juu77: BB51629.


Faaily nlqht. By Terry Beilly 6 dial Beilly. (In darciage and faaily living. July 1977. p. 25-27) Terry 4 dial Beilly: 20Jun77: B651631.


dan must continue his guest. (In Palette. June 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: Gail Keener. O Gail Keener; 8Jun77: BB51632.


P5C aide says he's bisexual, blasts Askew 's stand on hoaosexuality. By Robert Hooker. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) tiaes. day 1. 1977. p. 16) Appl. au: Tiaes Publishing Company, eaployer for hire. 6 The saint Petersburg Tiaes; 1day77: BB51633.


Outlaw "New yorid of Islaa" carwing bloody scar in New Jersey. By dichael Checcbio. (New Nor Id of Islaa, 1) Portions based on prev. pub. news reports. (In The Press. Atlantic City. Mar. 11. 1977. p. 1. etc.) Nd: additions. C The South Jersey Publishing Coopany: 11dar77; BB51631.


Fireboab: boy dies and youth lives in fear. ey dichael Checchio. (New Horld of Islaa, 3) (In The Press. Atlantic City. Bar. 16. 1977. p. 1, etc.) The South Jersey Publishing Coapany: 16dar77; BB51635.


duslia "generals" use the state to get it together. 6y dichael Checr-kio. (New Horld of Islaa. 2) (In The Press, Atlantic City, Bar. 15. 1977, p. 1, etc.) NM: "uncovering of a secret crioinal meeting at a county jail 6 the widespread intimidation of witnesses at a criainal trial." The South Jersey Publishing Company: 15Mar77; 8B516J6.


The Power and the glory are in state prison. 6y Bicbacl Coecchio. (New World of Islaa. 5) (In The Press. Atlantic City. Mar. IB. 1977. p. 1. etc.) NM: "commando training in state prisons, criminal organization's population in state prison 6 underground activities in prison." <0 The south Jersey Publishing Coapany; 18dar77: B851637.


Detective aoves to top of the list- -aarked for death. By dichael Cliecchio. (New Horld of Islaa. 1) (In The Press. . Atlantic City. dar. 17. 1977. p. 1. etc.) C The South Jersey Publisning Company; 17dar77: 6651638.


Air pollution: our annual sumaer visitor. (In The Burke (VA) herald. June 17, 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: i.yn Susan Thompson (1. S. Thompson) 6 Bruce Gordon Kauffmann (6. G. Kauffmann) O I.yn S. Thompson & Bruce G. Kauffmann: 17Jun77: BB51639.


Park beer ban backed. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. June 21. 1977. p. 3) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 21Jun77: BB51640.


I am. you are. he is: the award- winning speech. (In The Toastaaster. June 1977. p. 19) Appl. au: Uilliaa P. Johnson. O Uilliam Pernell Johnson; IJun77; BB51611.


Dead tree aonuaent. By Bobert Huddleston. (In Federal tiaes. Uas- hington. DC, July 1. 1977. p. 10) O Bobert Huddleston (Bob); 27Jun77: 8851612.


Uho cares whose naae goes on top? Everybody! ey Harvey Sabinson. (Theater) (In The New York tiaes. day 22. 1977. p. D 7. etc.) Harvey Sabinson; 22day77; 6851613.


Business and the stock aarket. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, day 6. 1977, p. 2) O Babson's Beports. Inc.; 6Bay77; BB51614.


Business and the stock market. (In Seyaour (IN) daily tribune, day 13. 1977. p. 2) Babson's Beports. Inc.; 13May77; 6651615.


Business and the stock oarket. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune. Bay 20. 1977. p. 2) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 20day77:



Business and the stock aarket. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, day 27. 1977, p. 2) Babson's Beports, Inc.; 27day77: 8651617.


The Balden made of fire. By Jane yolen. (In The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction, July 1977, p. 117-119) C Jane Yolen: 13day77: 8851618.


Your ho Baldwin. ad you. (In Buy-Lines Press. June 15. 1977, p. 6 1) O B-L 9Jun77: BB51619.

BB51650. Your car and you. (In Buy-Lines Press. Baldwin, NY, June 15, 1977. p. 5) C B-L Press, inc.; 9Jun77; BB51650.


Your car and you. (In Buy-Lines Press. Baldwin. NY. June 8. 1977. p. 5) C B-L Press, inc.; 2Jun77; 8851651.


This world. May 8. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, day 8. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. d Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 6day77: 8651652.


Date book. Neek of day 8-11. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Bay 8. 1977) Appl. au; The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. O Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 6day77 ; BB51653.


Sunday punch, day 8, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 8, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 6day77; 6651651.


This world. Bay 22, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (Jn .San

Bay 22, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 20Hay77: BB51655.


Date book. Neek of Bay 22-28. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 22. 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishinij Coapany. chronicle Publishing Coapany; 20day77; B651bb&.


Sunday punch, day 22, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 22. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. chronicle Publishing Company; 20day77; 8651657.


Ibis world, day 29, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 29. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publisning Company. O Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 27day77; BB51658.


Sunday punch, day 29. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaoiner and chronicle, day 29. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 27Bay77; BB51659.


Date book. Neek of Bay 29-June 1, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, day 29, 1977) Appl. au; The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 27day77; 6851660.


Sunday punch, June 5. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle. June 5. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Conpany. © Chronicle Publishing Company; 3Jan77; BB54661.

This world. June 5, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. June 5, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. © Chronicle Publishing Company: 3Jun77: 8B54662.

Date book. Week of June 5-11, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, June 5, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle publishing Company. © Chronicle Publishing Company; 3Jun77; BB54663.

LeBarons like the Brady and Wild Bunch combined. Mo. 1. 8y Dale Van Atta. (In Deseret News. Salt Lake City. June 16, 1977, p. A-3) Appl. au: Deseret News. © Deseret News; 16 Jun77; B854664.

Wartime: memories of Yugoslavia. By Milovan Djilas. (In Dissent, spring 1977, p. 174-180) Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire of Michael S. Petrovich. BM: translation. © Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 1Apr77; BB54666.

UGE: the inside story. By John Kenneth Galbraith, illustrated for Horizon by Lou Myers. (In Horizon, Mar. 1977, p. 4-13) © John Kenneth Galbraith; 25Feb77; BB54667.

The crime of humanism: a Journey into soviet contradictions. By Lev Kopelev. (In Ouest/77, May/June 1977, p. 19-24) Appl. au: Anthony Austin. on English translation: Anthony Austin: 19Apr77; BB54668.

Will congress keep faith with schools?; House to consider HEH-Labor funds Wednesday. By Albert Shanker. (Bhere ye stand) (In The Den York times, June 12, 1977, section 4, p. 9) 6 Albert Shanker; 12Jun77: BB54669.

Minimum wage should avert poverty; President's proposals inadequate. 8y Albert Shanker. (Where we stand) (In The Ken York tines, June 5, 1977, section 4, p. 7) © Albert Shanker; 5Jue77; BB54670.

"Author of pictures": a study of Cumminqs' line drawings in The Dial. By Bushworth M. Kidder. Add. ti: Excerpts from E- E. Cumminqs' unpublished letters to his parents in "'Author of pictures": a study of Cummings' line drawings in The Dial." (In Contemporary literature, autumn 1976, p. 470-505) ippl. au: E. E. Cumminqs. © Nancy T. Andrews: 10ct76; BB54671.

China's war on the mind. By Simon Leys, pseud, of Pierre Byckmans. From Chinese shadows by the same author. (In Saturday review, June 25, 1977, p. 14, etc.) Appl. au: Viking Penquin, Inc. UH: English translation of Simon Leys text. C Viking Penguin, Inc.; 25Jun77; BB54672.

The Bicentennial. (Opinions and views of readers) (In Chicago metro news, June 5, 1976, p. 9) Appl. au: Thelma Hokins or T. Mokins. © Thelma Hokins; 5Jun76; BB54673.

The Times magazine handbook for military families. Editor: John Greenwald C other editors, art director: Ed Schneider. (In Army times, Washington, DC, May 30, 1977) Appl. au: Army Times Publishing company. © Army Times publishing Company; 23May77; BB54674.

Tender conscience. By Helen Nencka. (In Hartford (WI) times-press. May 5, 1977, p. 24) © Helen Nencka; 5May77; BB54675.

Water bond held changed by falls man. By Mike Brown. (In Niagara gazette, Niagara Falls, BY, June 26, 1977, p. 1 A) Appl. au; Niagara Gazette. Niagara Gazette (in notice: Niagara Gazette Publishing Company); 26Jun77; BB54676.

The Heart. (In San Carlos Christian church, San Diego, June 13, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Elmer Dean Jenkins. S Elmer D. Jenkins; 13Jun77: 8854677.

The Road to California. (Rage, reason, reaction) (In Los Gatos (CA) tines Saratoga observer, June 4, 1977, p. 8) Appl. au: Henry Bloes. Henry Bloes; 4Jun77; 8854678.

In 1919 we were here—when a "ghastly artistic misfortune" upset New orleanians. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, June 2 1, 1977, p. B-d) Appl. au: The Tines- Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Wilds. © The States- Item; 21Jun77; BB54679.