A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Lám or Nám

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Lám or Nám.

South; to go south.
Incessant chattering.
Name of a wood.
Blue; a plant which colors blue.
A single coverlet; garments; a collar or hem.
Male; the lowest of the give titles of nobility.
Mountain vapor or fog.
To look at; observe; see; inspect.
To grasp all one sees; to hoard up; monopolize.
An olive; name of a fruit.
A spring of water bubbling up.
To covet.
A baluster, or perpendicular rails; a cage; a fold.
A ship of war so built as to defend those within.
Greedy; voracious; ardent desire; robust.
An overflowing; excess; to exceed due bounds.