A Collection of Esoteric Writings of T. Subba Row/A Letter to Madame H. P. Blavatsky

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Corresponding Secretary to the
Theosophical Society.


After a careful examination of the private and confidential "Letter" addressed to the Fellows of the London Lodge by its President and one of the Vice-Presidents, I could not help coming to the conclusion that the writers of the letter have greatly misunderstood the relations of the Himalayan Brotherhood to the Theosophical Society, and the peculiar circumstances under which Mr. Sinnett's book on Esoteric Buddhism was written. Their criticism, moreover, of the doctrines contained in that work seems to me illogical, and quite uncalled for, as I have attempted to show in the accompanying observations.

In accordance with the order of the Mahatmas and the desire of the Council, I have in every case given full reasons for the conclusions I have arrived at. Now I have the honor to request you to forward these observations to the London Lodge for the consideration of its members, with such additional remarks as you may think proper.

Yours, &c.,
T. SUBBA ROW, c. t. s.

Forwarded to the London Lodge Theosophical Society, for
the consideration of its Fellows.

Head-quarters of the By order,
Theosophical Society, H. P. BLAVATSKY,
Adyar (Madras), India, Corresponding Secretary to the
January 27, 1884. Theosophical Society.