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A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1876)/Part 4

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Chapters (not listed in original)


  1. Now I have found the ground wherein
  2. Jesu, thy blood and righteousness
  3. Thee, O my God and King
  4. Oft I in my heart have said
  5. O filial Diety
  6. Arise, my soul, arise
  7. High above every name
  8. Into thy gracious hands I fall
  9. Happy soul, who sees the day
  10. O what shall I do My Saviour to praise
  11. O heavenly King, Look down from above!
  12. My father, my God, I long for thy love
  13. And can it be, that I should gain
  14. Arise, my soul, arise
  15. Glory to God, whose sovereign grace
  16. Jesus, thou soul of all our joys
  17. My God, I am thine
  18. What am I, O thou glorious God!
  19. Jesus is our common Lord
  20. Come, let us, who in Christ believe
  21. Thou hidden Source of calm repose
  22. Thee will I love, my strength, my tower
  23. Let all men rejoice, By Jesus restored!
  24. My brethren beloved, Your calling ye see
  25. My God, the spring of all my joys
  26. Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal
  27. Glorious Saviour of my soul
  28. Infinite, unexhausted Love!
  29. Jesus, to thee I now can fly
  30. See how great a flame aspires
  31. All thanks be to God
  32. All glory to God in the sky
  33. Meet and right it is to sing
  34. How happy, gracious Lord! are we
  35. When Israel out of Egypt came
  36. I'll praise my Maker while I've breath
  37. Praise ye the Lord! 'tis good to raise
  38. Eternal Wisdom! Thee we praise
  39. How do thy mercies close me round!
  40. Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine
  41. God of my life, to thee
  42. Fountain of life and all my joy
  43. Away with our fears!
  44. Young men and maidens, rise
  45. Happy man whom God doth aid!
  46. Let all that breathe Jehovah praise
  47. Father of all! whose powerful voice
  48. Son of thy Sire's eternal love
  49. Eternal, spotless Lamb of God
  50. Meet and right it is to praise
  51. Hail! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
  52. O God, thou bottomless abyss!
  53. Thou, true and only God, lead'st forth
  54. Glorious God, accept a heart
  55. Thou, my God, art good and wise
  56. Thou, the great, eternal Lord
  57. Good thou art, and good thou dost
  58. My soul, through my Redeemer's care
  59. Holy as thou, O Lord, is none!
  60. Blest be our everlasting Lord
  61. Great God! to me the sight afford
  62. Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love
  63. Father of me, and all mankind
  64. Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
  65. Father, in whom we live
  66. The day of Christ, the day of God
  67. Spirit of truth, essential God
  68. Hail! Father, Son, and Spirit great
  69. Glory be to God on high
  70. Jehovah, God the Father, bless
  71. Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord!
  72. Holy, holy, holy Lord
  73. Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
  74. A thousand oracles divine
  75. Father, how wide thy glory shines!
  76. O all-creating God!


  1. O may thy powerful word
  2. Soldiers of Christ, arise
  3. But, above all, lay hold
  4. In fellowship, alone
  5. Surrounded by a host of foes
  6. Equip me for the war
  7. O almighty God of Love
  8. Peace, doubting heart! my God's I am!
  9. Omnipotent Lord, My Saviour and King
  10. O my old, my bosom-foe
  11. The Lord unto my Lord hath said
  12. Worship, and thanks, and blessing
  13. Jesus, the Conqueror, reigns
  14. Who is this gigantic foe
  15. Shall I, for fear of feeble man
  16. The Lord is King, and earth submits
  17. Are there not in the labourer's day
  18. But can it be, that I should prove
  19. O God, my hope, my heavenly rest
  20. To thee, great God of Love! I bow
  21. Come, Saviour, Jesus, from above!
  22. Abraham, when severely tried
  23. Omnipresent God! whose aid
  24. O God, thy faithfulness I plead!
  25. God of my life, whose gracious power
  26. My God, if I may call thee mine
  27. Fondly my foolish heart essays
  28. To the haven of thy breast
  29. Jesus, my King, to thee I bow






  1. The thing my God doth hate
  2. O Jesus, let thy dying cry
  3. God of eternal truth and grace
  4. O for a heart to praise my God
  5. Thou hidden love of God, whose height
  6. Ye ransomed sinners, hear
  7. For ever here my rest shall be
  8. Jesus, my life! thyself apply
  9. Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord
  10. Where the ancient dragon lay
  11. Holy Lamb, who thee receive
  12. Come, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire!
  13. Jesus, thou art our King!
  14. O Jesu, source of calm repose
  15. Ever fainting with desire
  16. Jesu, shall I never be
  17. Lord, I believe thy every word
  18. Jesu, the Life, the Truth, the Way
  19. Open, Lord, my inward ear
  20. God of Israel's faithful three
  21. Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord
  22. My God! I know, I feel thee mine
  23. Be it according to thy word
  24. What! never speak one evil word
  25. Jesus, the gift divine I know
  26. O God of my salvation, hear
  27. I soon shall hear thy quickening voice
  28. O come, and dwell in me
  29. Father, see this living clod
  30. O God, most merciful and true!
  31. Deepen the wound thy hands have made
  32. What now is my object and aim?
  33. Give me the enlarged desire
  34. Jesu, thy boundless love to me
  35. Come, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire
  36. Saviour from sin, I wait to prove
  37. I want the spirit of power within
  38. Father of everlasting grace
  39. What shall I do my God to love
  40. O love, I languish at thy stay!
  41. Prisoners of hope, lift up your heads
  42. When, my Saviour, shall I be
  43. O great Mountain, who art thou
  44. Who hath slighted or contemned
  45. I know that my Redeemer lives
  46. Love Divine, all loves excelling
  47. Arm of the Lord, awake, awake!
  48. Prisoners of hope, arise
  49. O that my load of sin were gone!
  50. O Jesus, at thy feet we wait
  51. Since the Son hath made me free
  52. God of all power, and truth, and grace
  53. Father, supply my every need
  54. Holy, and true, and righteous Lord
  55. O God of our forefathers, hear
  56. O God, to whom, in flesh revealed
  57. O thou, whom once they flocked to hear
  58. Jesu, thy far-extended fame
  59. Saviour of the sin-sick soul
  60. Light of Life, seraphic fire
  61. Jesus comes with all his grace
  62. All things are possible to him
  63. O might I this moment cease
  64. Lord, I believe a rest remains
  65. O glorious hope of perfect love!
  66. O joyful sound of gospel grace!
  67. What is our calling's glorious hope
  68. None is like Jeshurun's God
  69. He wills that I should holy be
  70. Jesus, my Lord, I cry to thee
  71. Father, I dare believe
  72. God! who didst so dearly buy
  73. Thou God that answerest by fire
  74. Once thou didst on earth appear
  75. Now, even now, I yield, I yield
  76. Jesus hath died that I might live
  77. I ask the gift of righteousness
  78. Come, O my God, the promise seal



  1. Let God, who comforts the distrest
  2. Our earth we now lament to see
  3. Arm of the Lord, awake, awake!
  4. Lord over all, if thou hast made
  5. O come, thou radiant morning Star
  6. Jesu, the word of mercy give
  7. Messiah, Prince of peace!
  8. Eternal Lord of earth and skies
  9. True and faithful Witness, thou
  10. Messiah, full of grace
  11. Father of faithful Abraham, hear
  12. Almighty God of love
  13. Jesus, the word bestow
  14. God of unspotted purity
  15. O let us our own works forsake
  16. Father, if justly still we claim
  17. On all the earth thy Spirit shower
  18. Author of faith, we seek thy face
  19. Shepherd of Israel, hear
  20. Father of boundless grace
  21. Saviour, to thee we humbly cry!
  22. O let the prisoners' mournful cries
  23. Lamb of God, who bear'st away
  24. Jesus, from thy heavenly place
  25. Sovereign of all! whose will ordains
  26. A nation God delights to bless
  27. Father of all, by whom we are
  28. God only wise, almighty, good
  29. Father of Lights! thy needful aid
  30. Master supreme, I look to thee
  31. How shall I walk my God to please
  32. I and my house will serve the Lord
  33. Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
  34. Captain of our salvation, take
  35. But who sufficient is to lead
  36. Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
  37. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost