A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1876)/Supplement
Chapters (not listed in original)
- How blest is he who ne'er consents
- How are the Gentiles all on fire!
- Thou, Lord, art a shield for me
- On thee, O God of purity
- O Lord, how good, how great art thou
- Thee will I praise with all my heart
- O God, the help of all thy saints
- How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?
- O Lord, thy faithful servant save
- Save me, O God; for thou alone
- O that I could, in every place
- O God my strength and fortitude
- The spacious firmament on high
- The heavens declare thy glory, Lord
- Jesus the good Shepherd is
- My Shepherd will supply my need
- The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want
- The earth with all her fulness owns
- One thing with all my soul's desire
- I praise thee, Lord, who o'er my foes
- My spirit on thy care
- Blest is the man, supremely blest
- Through all the changing scenes of life
- High in the heavens, eternal God
- Almighty Maker of my frame
- Lord, let me know mine end
- Day after day I sought the Lord
- As pants the hart for cooling streams
- My heart is full of Christ, and longs
- God is the refuge of his saints
- God, our Hope and Strength abiding
- Clap your hands, ye people all
- Great is our redeeming Lord
- Great is the Lord our God
- Show pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive
- Through God I will his word proclaim
- My heart is fixed, O God, my heart
- Great God, indulge my humble claim
- Full of providential love
- O thou God who hearest prayer
- Earth, with all thy thousand voices
- To bless thy chosen race
- God of mercy, God of grace
- Jesus, Jehovah, God
- God of my childhood and my youth
- Great God, whose universal sway
- Hail to the Lord's Anointed
- In time of tribulation
- O Lord, how long shall heathens hold
- Of old, O God, thine own right hand
- How lovely are thy tents, O Lord!
- Lord of the worlds above!
- How pleasant, how divinely fair
- Pleasant are thy courts above
- Glorious things of thee are spoken
- By the holy hills surrounded
- Heavy on me, O Lord, thy judgments lie
- Call Jehovah thy salvation
- Thou who art enthroned above
- Sweet is the work, my God, my King
- With glory clad, with strength arrayed
- Jehovah reigns on high
- O Lord, with vengeance clad
- Come, sound his praise abroad
- Raise the psalm: let earth adoring
- Sing we to our conquering Lord
- God the Lord is King; before him
- All people that on earth do dwell
- Before Jehovah's awful throne
- Mercy and judgement will I sing
- O bless the Lord, my soul!
- O worship the King, All glorious above
- O render thanks to God above
- The Lord unto my Lord thus said
- O thou who, when I did complain
- From all that dwell below the skies
- All glory to our gracious Lord!
- Behold the sure foundation-stone
- To the hills I lift mine eyes
- Glad was my heart to hear
- Unto thee I lift my eyes
- If our God had not befriended
- Who in the Lord confide
- When our redeeming Lord
- In vain we build, unless the Lord
- Out of the depth of self-despair
- Out of the depths I cry to thee
- Thou, Lord, my witness art
- Lord, if thou the grace impart
- Remember, Lord, the pious zeal
- Behold, how good a thing
- Praise, O praise our God and king!
- In all my vast concerns with thee
- Whither shall a creature run
- In deep distress, to God
- Hear thou my prayer, O Lord
- Far as creation's bounds extend
- Sweet is the memory of thy grace
- My soul, inspired with sacred love
- You, who dwell above the skies
- Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him
- Praise the Lord! who reigns above
- Hail, Father, whose creating call
- Hail, co-essential Three
- We give immortal praise
- Father, live, by all things feared
- Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
- Infinite God, to thee we raise
- Messiah, joy of every heart
- Saviour, we now rejoice in hope
- The Lord Jehovah reigns
- God is a name my soul adores
- God, at thy command we rise
- Father of earth and sky
- Being of beings, God of love!
- Eternal depth of love divine
- Great God of wonders! all thy ways
- When all thy mercies, O my God
- God of my life, through all my days
- Begin, my soul, some heavenly theme
- This, this is the God we adore
- Far off we need not rove
- There is a book who runs may read
- The strain upraise of joy and praise, Alleluia
- O God of Bethel, by whose hand
- Hail, God the Son, in glory crowned
- O God of God, in whom combine
- Ere God had built the mountains
- Jesus, the infinite I AM
- His name is Jesus Christ the Just
- Jehovah's Fellow, and his Son
- Thou art the Way; by thee alone
- Christ, of all my hopes the ground
- We know, by faith we surely know
- Jesus, the first and last
- Join all the glorious names
- Christ, the true anointed seer
- Jesus, thou everlasting King
- Come, let us join our cheerful songs
- How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
- Jesu, the very thought of thee
- All hail the power of Jesu's name
- Thou great Redeemer, dying Lamb
- Hark the herald-angels sing
- Glory be to God on high, And
- Let earth and heaven combine
- Stupendous height of heavenly love
- Light of those whose dreary dwelling
- Come, thou long-expected Jesus
- To us a child of royal birth
- O come, O come, Immanuel
- Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
- O Saviour, whom this holy morn
- Jesus, thee thy works proclaim
- Lord we sit and cry to thee
- What means this eager, anxious throng
- Help us, Lord! each hour of need
- The winds were howling o'er the deep
- Lord! it is good for us to be
- Plunged in a gulf of dark despair
- When I survey the wondrous cross
- God of unexampled grace
- O thou, whose offering on the tree
- Not all the blood of beasts
- Thou very Paschal Lamb
- This, this is he that came
- 'Tis finished! The Messias dies
- All ye that pass by
- O thou eternal Victim, slain
- Rock of ages, cleft for me
- Saviour, when in dust to thee
- When our heads are bowed with woe,
- He dies! the friend of sinners dies!
- Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord
- In the bonds of death he lay
- The foe behind, the deep before
- "Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day,"
- Father, God, we glorify
- Hail the day that sees him rise
- God is gone up on high
- See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
- Sinners, rejoice: your peace is made
- Hail, thou once despised Jesus!
- Jesus, to thee we fly
- Trusting in our Lord alone
- With joy we meditate the grace
- Entered the holy place above
- Jesu, my God and King
- Earth, rejoice, our Lord is King!
- Rejoice, the Lord is King!
- Saviour, whom our hearts adore
- My heart and voice I raise
- Saviour, we know thou art
- Lord of hosts, our God and Lord
- Lord, if at thy command
- Thy messengers make known
- Omnipotent Redeemer
- Thou, Jesu, art our King
- Blow ye the trumpet, blow
- Sow in the morn thy seed
- Behold! the mountain of the Lord
- How beauteous are their feet
- Salvation! O the joyful sound!
- Saviour, sprinkle many nations
- Jesu, thy wandering sheep behold!
- Lord of the harvest, hear
- The heathen perish; day by day
- From Greenland's icy mountains
- Come, thou Conqueror of the nations
- Head of thy church, whose Spirit fills
- Hail, Holy Ghost, Jehovah, Third
- Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
- Creator Spirit, by whose aid
- Holy Ghost! my Comforter!
- Jesus, we on the word depend
- Father, glorify thy Son
- Branch of Jesse's stem, arise
- Thou art gone up on high
- Granted is the Saviour's prayer
- Our Jesus is gone up on high
- Away with our fears
- Sinners, lift up your hearts
- Eternal Spirit, come
- Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove
- Sovereign of all the worlds on high
- Why should the children of a king
- Pure baptismal Fire divine
- Spirit of truth! on this thy day
- Holy Spirit! pity me
- Gracious Spirit, dwell with me!
- Blest Spirit! from the eternal Sire
- Spirit divine I attend our prayers
- O thou who hast redeemed of old
- Regardless now of things below
- O thou that hangedst on the tree
- By secret influence from above
- The harvest of my joys is passed
- Ah! why am I left to complain
- Thou bidd'st me ask, and with the word
- Unclean, of life and heart unclean
- Lord, I believe thou wilt Forgive
- Long have I lived in grief and pain
- Why should I till to-morrow stay
- To-day, while it is called to-day
- Father, I stretch my hands to thee
- O sun of righteousness, arise
- How sad our state by nature is!
- O for a closer walk with God
- Infinite Power, eternal Lord
- Long have I sat beneath the sound
- Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
- Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched
- Return, O wanderer, to thy home!
- Art thou weary, art thou languid
- Weary of earth and laden with my sin
- With broken heart and contrite sigh
- Just as I am, without one plea
- O Lord, turn not thy face away
- There is a fountain filled with blood
- O blessed, blessed sounds of grace
- The God of Abraham praise
- Whom Jesu's blood doth sanctify
- Awake, our souls! away, our fears!
- Away, my unbelieving fear!
- Sometimes a light surprises
- Author of faith, on me confer
- Though God in Christ reveal
- How happy are they
- O God of all grace
- Vain, delusive world, adieu
- I know in whom I have believed
- I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
- Jesus, we steadfastly believe
- Lord, I believe thy mercy's power
- To God, the only wise
- O Jesus, full of truth and grace
- That health of soul I gasp to know
- Blessed are the pure in heart
- From trials unexempted
- Lead me not into temptation
- Vouchsafe to keep me, Lord, this day
- O God, who dost thy sovereign might
- Lord, who hast taught to us on earth
- Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
- Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
- From every stormy wind that blows
- Grant, O Saviour, to our prayers
- A Widow, poor, forlorn, oppressed
- Master, thy grace vouchsafe to me
- Christian! seek not yet repose
- Forgive my foes? it cannot be:
- Commit thou all thy griefs
- Away, my needless fears
- Unprofitable all and vain
- I seek the kingdom first
- The past no longer in my power
- Feeble in body and in mind
- Thy way, not mine, O Lord
- Thou doest all things well
- Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
- In every time and place
- My God, and Father! while I stray
- Father, I know that all my life
- Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
- It is the Lord! enthroned in light
- God moves in a mysterious way
- Since all the downward tracks of time
- Oft in danger, oft in woe
- Nearer, my God, to thee!
- When gathering clouds around I view
- Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow
- I will not let thee go, thou Help in time of need!
- Author of faith, appear!
- Head of thy church triumphant
- The name we still acknowledge
- Safe in the fiery furnace
- A safe stronghold our God is still
- Go labour on; spend, and be spent
- Their earthly task who fail to do
- Ye servants of God, Your Master proclaim
- Who Jesus our example know
- If but one faithless soul be here
- Two or three in Jesu's name
- Behold us, Lord, a little space
- Jesus, where'er thy people meet
- Lord, teach us how to pray aright
- Come, thou fount of every blessing
- Who can describe the joys that rise
- The Saviour, when to heaven he rose
- Disposer Supreme, And Judge of the earth
- Thou whose Almighty Word
- Teacher of hearts, 'tis thine alone
- Jesus, thy servants bless
- Bold in our Almighty Lord
- Not from a stock of ours but thine
- Jesus, the needy sinner's friend
- When thou hast disposed a heart
- The holy unconcern
- Speed thy servants, Saviour, speed them
- Let everlasting glories crown
- Father of mercies, in thy word
- Jesus, descended from the sky
- O how blest the hour, Lord Jesus
- Jesus I humbly seek
- To me, almighty Saviour, give
- Come, divine Interpreter
- Lord, with open heart and ear
- Saviour, I still to thee apply
- How large the promise, how divine
- See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand
- Lord of all, with pure intent
- O crucified, triumphant Lord!
- Father, our child we place
- Jesus, in earth and heaven the same
- The great redeeming, Angel, thee
- Jesus, Lord, thy servants see
- God of that glorious gift of grace
- Come, all who truly bear
- Let all who truly bear
- Come, thou everlasting Spirit
- Lamb of God, whose bleeding love
- Jesu, at whose supreme command
- Victim Divine, thy grace we claim
- "The promise of my Father's love
- Bread of heaven! on thee I feed
- Jesus, Master of the feast
- Bread of the world, in mercy broken!
- In memory of the Saviour's love
- Be known to us in breaking bread
- O God! how often hath thine ear
- God of truth and power and grace
- O how shall a sinner perform
- O happy day that fixed my choice
- Tremendous God, with humble fear
- Father, Lord of earth and heaven
- O thou faithful God of love
- Jesu, thou hast to hoary hairs
- Justly thou might'st, in helpless age
- In age and feebleness extreme
- Warned of my dissolution near
- Lord, it belongs not to my care
- Deathless principle, arise!
- Happy soul, thy days are ended
- Mine hour appointed is at hand
- The hour of my departure's come
- Happy who in Jesus live
- The saints who die of Christ possest
- I call, the world's Redeemer mine
- I know that my Redeemer lives, He
- Why do we mourn departing friends
- And must this body die?
- My life's a shade, my days
- Great God! what do I see and hear!
- Day of wrath! O day of mourning!
- The day of wrath, that dreadful day
- This is the field, the world below
- Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus
- Come, Desire of nations, come!
- There is a land of pure delight
- Jerusalem, my happy home!
- Give me the wings of faith to rise
- Where shall true believers go
- Sweet place; sweet place alone!
- Brief life is here our portion
- "For ever with the Lord!"
- O God, to whom the faithful dead
- O when shall we sweetly remove
- How happy every child of grace
- And let this feeble body fail
- Come, let us join our friends above
- The Lord of Sabbath let us praise
- Dear is the day which God hath made
- Saviour, thy sacred day
- Come, let us with our Lord arise
- Come let us join with one accord
- Great God, this sacred day of thine
- Welcome, sweet day of rest
- Sweet is the sunlight after rain
- O day of rest and gladness
- Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows
- May I throughout this day of thine
- We rose to-day with anthems sweet
- Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise
- Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ
- Awake, my soul, and with the sun
- O timely happy, timely wise
- Once more the sun is beaming bright
- O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light
- The day is past and over
- At even, ere the sun was set
- Through the day thy love hath spared us
- God the Father! be thou near
- Abide with me! fast falls the eventide
- Sun of my soul! thou Saviour dear
- Glory to thee, my God, this night
- Safely through another week
- Join, all ye ransomed sons of grace
- How many pass the guilty night
- Eternal source of every joy
- Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!
- Wisdom ascribe, and might, and praise
- The Lord of earth and sky
- Let me alone another year
- Ye worms of earth arise
- A few more years shall roll
- Lord, thou hast bid thy people pray
- In grief and fear, to thee, O Lord
- Come, ye thankful people, come
- We plough the fields, and scatter
- Thou, who hast in Zion laid
- In the name which earth and heaven
- On him alone we build
- O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills
- This stone to thee in faith we lay
- Great God, thy watchful care we bless
- Saviour, let thy sanction rest
- The voice that breathed o'er Eden!
- Father of all, thy care we bless
- Thou, Lord, hast blest my going out
- Lord, whom winds and seas obey
- Lord of earth, and air, and sea
- Lord of the wide, extensive main
- How are thy servants blest, O Lord!
- While lone upon the furious waves
- Eternal Father! strong to save
- The grace of Jesus Christ the Son
- May the grace of Christ our Saviour
- Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Bid
- Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Fill
- Come then, our heavenly Adam, come
- This day with this day's bread
- Father of earth and heaven
- Lord of all, thy creatures see
- Father of all, Who fillest with good
- Life of the world, come down
- Jesus, to whom alone we live
- O'erwhelmed with blessings from above
- Father, 'tis thine each day to yield
- For my life, and clothes, and food
- Meet and right it is to praise
- Being of beings, God of love!
- Give Him then, and ever give
- Father, through thy Son receive
- Blessing to God, for ever blest
- Be known to us in breaking bread
- And can we forbear, In tasting our food
- Away with all our trouble