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A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1876)/Supplement

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Chapters (not listed in original)


  1. How blest is he who ne'er consents
  2. How are the Gentiles all on fire!
  3. Thou, Lord, art a shield for me
  4. On thee, O God of purity
  5. O Lord, how good, how great art thou
  6. Thee will I praise with all my heart
  7. O God, the help of all thy saints
  8. How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?
  9. O Lord, thy faithful servant save
  10. Save me, O God; for thou alone
  11. O that I could, in every place
  12. O God my strength and fortitude
  13. The spacious firmament on high
  14. The heavens declare thy glory, Lord
  15. Jesus the good Shepherd is
  16. My Shepherd will supply my need
  17. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want
  18. The earth with all her fulness owns
  19. One thing with all my soul's desire
  20. I praise thee, Lord, who o'er my foes
  21. My spirit on thy care
  22. Blest is the man, supremely blest
  23. Through all the changing scenes of life
  24. High in the heavens, eternal God
  25. Almighty Maker of my frame
  26. Lord, let me know mine end
  27. Day after day I sought the Lord
  28. As pants the hart for cooling streams
  29. My heart is full of Christ, and longs
  30. God is the refuge of his saints
  31. God, our Hope and Strength abiding
  32. Clap your hands, ye people all
  33. Great is our redeeming Lord
  34. Great is the Lord our God
  35. Show pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive
  36. Through God I will his word proclaim
  37. My heart is fixed, O God, my heart
  38. Great God, indulge my humble claim
  39. Full of providential love
  40. O thou God who hearest prayer
  41. Earth, with all thy thousand voices
  42. To bless thy chosen race
  43. God of mercy, God of grace
  44. Jesus, Jehovah, God
  45. God of my childhood and my youth
  46. Great God, whose universal sway
  47. Hail to the Lord's Anointed
  48. In time of tribulation
  49. O Lord, how long shall heathens hold
  50. Of old, O God, thine own right hand
  51. How lovely are thy tents, O Lord!
  52. Lord of the worlds above!
  53. How pleasant, how divinely fair
  54. Pleasant are thy courts above
  55. Glorious things of thee are spoken
  56. By the holy hills surrounded
  57. Heavy on me, O Lord, thy judgments lie
  58. Call Jehovah thy salvation
  59. Thou who art enthroned above
  60. Sweet is the work, my God, my King
  61. With glory clad, with strength arrayed
  62. Jehovah reigns on high
  63. O Lord, with vengeance clad
  64. Come, sound his praise abroad
  65. Raise the psalm: let earth adoring
  66. Sing we to our conquering Lord
  67. God the Lord is King; before him
  68. All people that on earth do dwell
  69. Before Jehovah's awful throne
  70. Mercy and judgement will I sing
  71. O bless the Lord, my soul!
  72. O worship the King, All glorious above
  73. O render thanks to God above
  74. The Lord unto my Lord thus said
  75. O thou who, when I did complain
  76. From all that dwell below the skies
  77. All glory to our gracious Lord!
  78. Behold the sure foundation-stone
  79. To the hills I lift mine eyes
  80. Glad was my heart to hear
  81. Unto thee I lift my eyes
  82. If our God had not befriended
  83. Who in the Lord confide
  84. When our redeeming Lord
  85. In vain we build, unless the Lord
  86. Out of the depth of self-despair
  87. Out of the depths I cry to thee
  88. Thou, Lord, my witness art
  89. Lord, if thou the grace impart
  90. Remember, Lord, the pious zeal
  91. Behold, how good a thing
  92. Praise, O praise our God and king!
  93. In all my vast concerns with thee
  94. Whither shall a creature run
  95. In deep distress, to God
  96. Hear thou my prayer, O Lord
  97. Far as creation's bounds extend
  98. Sweet is the memory of thy grace
  99. My soul, inspired with sacred love
  100. You, who dwell above the skies
  101. Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him
  102. Praise the Lord! who reigns above





  1. Plunged in a gulf of dark despair
  2. When I survey the wondrous cross
  3. God of unexampled grace
  4. O thou, whose offering on the tree
  5. Not all the blood of beasts
  6. Thou very Paschal Lamb
  7. This, this is he that came
  8. 'Tis finished! The Messias dies
  9. All ye that pass by
  10. O thou eternal Victim, slain
  11. Rock of ages, cleft for me
  12. Saviour, when in dust to thee
  13. When our heads are bowed with woe,
  14. He dies! the friend of sinners dies!
  15. Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord
  16. In the bonds of death he lay
  17. The foe behind, the deep before
  18. "Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day,"
  19. Father, God, we glorify
  20. Hail the day that sees him rise
  21. God is gone up on high
  22. See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
  23. Sinners, rejoice: your peace is made
  24. Hail, thou once despised Jesus!
  25. Jesus, to thee we fly
  26. Trusting in our Lord alone
  27. With joy we meditate the grace
  28. Entered the holy place above




  1. O thou who hast redeemed of old
  2. Regardless now of things below
  3. O thou that hangedst on the tree
  4. By secret influence from above
  5. The harvest of my joys is passed
  6. Ah! why am I left to complain
  7. Thou bidd'st me ask, and with the word
  8. Unclean, of life and heart unclean
  9. Lord, I believe thou wilt Forgive
  10. Long have I lived in grief and pain
  11. Why should I till to-morrow stay
  12. To-day, while it is called to-day
  13. Father, I stretch my hands to thee
  14. O sun of righteousness, arise
  15. How sad our state by nature is!
  16. O for a closer walk with God
  17. Infinite Power, eternal Lord
  18. Long have I sat beneath the sound
  19. Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
  20. Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched
  21. Return, O wanderer, to thy home!
  22. Art thou weary, art thou languid
  23. Weary of earth and laden with my sin
  24. With broken heart and contrite sigh
  25. Just as I am, without one plea
  26. O Lord, turn not thy face away
  27. There is a fountain filled with blood
  28. O blessed, blessed sounds of grace


  1. The God of Abraham praise
  2. Whom Jesu's blood doth sanctify
  3. Awake, our souls! away, our fears!
  4. Away, my unbelieving fear!
  5. Sometimes a light surprises
  6. Author of faith, on me confer
  7. Though God in Christ reveal
  8. How happy are they
  9. O God of all grace
  10. Vain, delusive world, adieu
  11. I know in whom I have believed
  12. I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
  13. Jesus, we steadfastly believe
  14. Lord, I believe thy mercy's power
  15. To God, the only wise
  16. O Jesus, full of truth and grace
  17. That health of soul I gasp to know
  18. Blessed are the pure in heart
  19. From trials unexempted
  20. Lead me not into temptation
  21. Vouchsafe to keep me, Lord, this day
  22. O God, who dost thy sovereign might
  23. Lord, who hast taught to us on earth
  24. Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
  25. Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
  26. From every stormy wind that blows
  27. Grant, O Saviour, to our prayers
  28. A Widow, poor, forlorn, oppressed
  29. Master, thy grace vouchsafe to me
  30. Christian! seek not yet repose
  31. Forgive my foes? it cannot be:
  32. Commit thou all thy griefs
  33. Away, my needless fears
  34. Unprofitable all and vain
  35. I seek the kingdom first
  36. The past no longer in my power
  37. Feeble in body and in mind
  38. Thy way, not mine, O Lord
  39. Thou doest all things well
  40. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
  41. In every time and place
  42. My God, and Father! while I stray
  43. Father, I know that all my life
  44. Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
  45. It is the Lord! enthroned in light
  46. God moves in a mysterious way
  47. Since all the downward tracks of time
  48. Oft in danger, oft in woe
  49. Nearer, my God, to thee!
  50. When gathering clouds around I view
  51. Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow
  52. I will not let thee go, thou Help in time of need!
  53. Author of faith, appear!
  54. Head of thy church triumphant
  55. The name we still acknowledge
  56. Safe in the fiery furnace
  57. A safe stronghold our God is still
  58. Go labour on; spend, and be spent
  59. Their earthly task who fail to do


  1. Ye servants of God, Your Master proclaim
  2. Who Jesus our example know
  3. If but one faithless soul be here
  4. Two or three in Jesu's name
  5. Behold us, Lord, a little space
  6. Jesus, where'er thy people meet
  7. Lord, teach us how to pray aright
  8. Come, thou fount of every blessing
  9. Who can describe the joys that rise
  10. The Saviour, when to heaven he rose
  11. Disposer Supreme, And Judge of the earth
  12. Thou whose Almighty Word
  13. Teacher of hearts, 'tis thine alone
  14. Jesus, thy servants bless
  15. Bold in our Almighty Lord
  16. Not from a stock of ours but thine
  17. Jesus, the needy sinner's friend
  18. When thou hast disposed a heart
  19. The holy unconcern
  20. Speed thy servants, Saviour, speed them
  21. Let everlasting glories crown
  22. Father of mercies, in thy word
  23. Jesus, descended from the sky
  24. O how blest the hour, Lord Jesus
  25. Jesus I humbly seek
  26. To me, almighty Saviour, give
  27. Come, divine Interpreter
  28. Lord, with open heart and ear
  29. Saviour, I still to thee apply
  30. How large the promise, how divine
  31. See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand
  32. Lord of all, with pure intent
  33. O crucified, triumphant Lord!
  34. Father, our child we place
  35. Jesus, in earth and heaven the same
  36. The great redeeming, Angel, thee
  37. Jesus, Lord, thy servants see
  38. God of that glorious gift of grace
  39. Come, all who truly bear
  40. Let all who truly bear
  41. Come, thou everlasting Spirit
  42. Lamb of God, whose bleeding love
  43. Jesu, at whose supreme command
  44. Victim Divine, thy grace we claim
  45. "The promise of my Father's love
  46. Bread of heaven! on thee I feed
  47. Jesus, Master of the feast
  48. Bread of the world, in mercy broken!
  49. In memory of the Saviour's love
  50. Be known to us in breaking bread
  51. O God! how often hath thine ear
  52. God of truth and power and grace
  53. O how shall a sinner perform
  54. O happy day that fixed my choice


  1. Tremendous God, with humble fear
  2. Father, Lord of earth and heaven
  3. O thou faithful God of love
  4. Jesu, thou hast to hoary hairs
  5. Justly thou might'st, in helpless age
  6. In age and feebleness extreme
  7. Warned of my dissolution near
  8. Lord, it belongs not to my care
  9. Deathless principle, arise!
  10. Happy soul, thy days are ended
  11. Mine hour appointed is at hand
  12. The hour of my departure's come
  13. Happy who in Jesus live
  14. The saints who die of Christ possest
  15. I call, the world's Redeemer mine
  16. I know that my Redeemer lives, He
  17. Why do we mourn departing friends
  18. And must this body die?
  19. My life's a shade, my days
  20. Great God! what do I see and hear!
  21. Day of wrath! O day of mourning!
  22. The day of wrath, that dreadful day
  23. This is the field, the world below
  24. Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus
  25. Come, Desire of nations, come!
  26. There is a land of pure delight
  27. Jerusalem, my happy home!
  28. Give me the wings of faith to rise
  29. Where shall true believers go
  30. Sweet place; sweet place alone!
  31. Brief life is here our portion
  32. "For ever with the Lord!"
  33. O God, to whom the faithful dead
  34. O when shall we sweetly remove
  35. How happy every child of grace
  36. And let this feeble body fail
  37. Come, let us join our friends above


  1. The Lord of Sabbath let us praise
  2. Dear is the day which God hath made
  3. Saviour, thy sacred day
  4. Come, let us with our Lord arise
  5. Come let us join with one accord
  6. Great God, this sacred day of thine
  7. Welcome, sweet day of rest
  8. Sweet is the sunlight after rain
  9. O day of rest and gladness
  10. Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows
  11. May I throughout this day of thine
  12. We rose to-day with anthems sweet
  13. Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise
  14. Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ
  15. Awake, my soul, and with the sun
  16. O timely happy, timely wise
  17. Once more the sun is beaming bright
  18. O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light
  19. The day is past and over
  20. At even, ere the sun was set
  21. Through the day thy love hath spared us
  22. God the Father! be thou near
  23. Abide with me! fast falls the eventide
  24. Sun of my soul! thou Saviour dear
  25. Glory to thee, my God, this night
  26. Safely through another week
  27. Join, all ye ransomed sons of grace
  28. How many pass the guilty night
  29. Eternal source of every joy
  30. Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!
  31. Wisdom ascribe, and might, and praise
  32. The Lord of earth and sky
  33. Let me alone another year
  34. Ye worms of earth arise
  35. A few more years shall roll
  36. Lord, thou hast bid thy people pray
  37. In grief and fear, to thee, O Lord
  38. Come, ye thankful people, come
  39. We plough the fields, and scatter
  40. Thou, who hast in Zion laid
  41. In the name which earth and heaven
  42. On him alone we build
  43. O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills
  44. This stone to thee in faith we lay
  45. Great God, thy watchful care we bless
  46. Saviour, let thy sanction rest
  47. The voice that breathed o'er Eden!
  48. Father of all, thy care we bless
  49. Thou, Lord, hast blest my going out
  50. Lord, whom winds and seas obey
  51. Lord of earth, and air, and sea
  52. Lord of the wide, extensive main
  53. How are thy servants blest, O Lord!
  54. While lone upon the furious waves
  55. Eternal Father! strong to save
  56. The grace of Jesus Christ the Son
  57. May the grace of Christ our Saviour
  58. Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Bid
  59. Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Fill
  60. Come then, our heavenly Adam, come
  61. This day with this day's bread
  62. Father of earth and heaven
  63. Lord of all, thy creatures see
  64. Father of all, Who fillest with good
  65. Life of the world, come down
  66. Jesus, to whom alone we live
  67. O'erwhelmed with blessings from above
  68. Father, 'tis thine each day to yield
  69. For my life, and clothes, and food
  70. Meet and right it is to praise
  71. Being of beings, God of love!
  72. Give Him then, and ever give
  73. Father, through thy Son receive
  74. Blessing to God, for ever blest
  75. Be known to us in breaking bread
  76. And can we forbear, In tasting our food
  77. Away with all our trouble