A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'/Chapter 12/108

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[Sidenote: 108. Ainee again quoted and refuted.]

Ainee, the author of the commentary on the Hedaya, called Binayah, in justifying the war of aggression against the unbelievers, quotes two verses from the Koran,[1] and two traditions from the Prophet,[2] and says,—"If it be objected that these absolute injunctions are restricted by the word of God, 'if they attack you, then kill them' (II, 187), which shows that the fighting is only incumbent when the unbelievers are the aggressors in fighting, as it was held by Souri, the reply is that the verse was abrogated by another, 'So fight against them until there be no more persecution' (II, 189), and 'fight against those who do not believe in God.' (IX, 29)."[3] But he is wrong in asserting that the verse II, 187 was abrogated by II, 189, and IX, 29. There is no authority for such a gratuitous assumption. And besides, both these verses (II, 189, and IX, 29) relate to defensive wars as it has been already explained in paras. 96-99.


  1. Sura IX, 5 and 12. These verses have been discussed at pages 51-55.
  2. "The Jihád will last till the day of the Resurrection." "I have been enjoined to fight the people until they confess there is no god but the God." For these traditions see the next para.
  3. Vide Ainee's Commentary of the Hedaya, Vol. II, Part II, p. 790.