A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'/Introduction/38

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[Sidenote: The preceding objections not applicable to the Koran.]

38. All these objections more or less apply rather to the teachings of the Mohammadan Common Law (canon and civil), called "Fiqah" or Shara, than to the Koran, the Mohammadan Revealed Law. Our Common Law, which treats both ecclesiastical and the civil law, is by no means considered to be a divine or unchangeable law. This subject has been treated by me in a separate work[1] on the Legal, Political and Social Reforms to which the reader is referred. The space allowed to me in this Introduction, which has already exceeded its proper limit, does not admit a full and lengthy discussion of the objections quoted above, but I will review them here in as few words as possible.


  1. Reforms, Political, Social and Legal, under the Moslem Rule, Bombay Education Society's Press, 1883.