A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Hiltrudis

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Daughter of Charles Martel, was born in the year 728. After the death of her father, when she saw that her brothers, Pepin and Carlman, treated the rest of the family with great cruelty, she fled to her aunt, the Duchess of Bavaria, which title she assumed, when her cousin Odillo, enchanted with her courage and beauty, married her.

Five years afterwards, Odillo declared war against the Franks, but fell, badly wounded, a prisoner into the hands of his enemies. Hiltrudis disguised herself as a knight, and followed her husband to the court of her brothers, where she arrived just in time to assist at the Baptism of Charlemagne, whom she presented with costly jewels. She was recognised by her brothers, reconciled to them, and obtained the liberty of her husband. She died in the year 769, and was buried in Osterhofer, by the side of Odillo.