A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Scacrati-Romagnli, Orintia

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4121092A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography — Scacrati-Romagnli, Orintia


Was born at Cesena, and, from her girlhood, has been distinguished for intelligence. In youth her beauty was remarkable; this, added to her highly cultivated mind, made her society sought for in the most brilliant circles. She was endowed with great penetration into character, tact, and discretion. Circumstances led her to a country life for some years; she there devoted herself to literature, and wrote several dramatic pieces. She afterwards established herself at Rome, where she enjoyed the admiration of all, and the esteem of a large circle of friends. To foreigners she exercised a generous hospitality, and her name is known to many illustrious travellers of other nations. Her works, in four volumes, were published in 1810.