A Dictionary of Hymnology/A charge to keep I have

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2168065A Dictionary of Hymnology — A charge to keep I have1908John Julian

A charge to keep I have. C. Wesley. [Personal Responsibility.] 1st pub. in his Short Hymns on Select Passages of Holy Scripture, 1762, vol, i., No. 188, in 2 st. of 8 l. and based on Lev. viii. 35. It was omitted from the 2nd ed. of the Short Hymns, &c, 1794, but included in the Wes. H. Bk. 1780, and in the P. Works of J. & C. Wesley, 1868–72, vol, ix., pp. 60, 61. Its use has been most extensive both in G. Brit, and America, and usually it is given in an unaltered form, as in the Wes. H. Bk. No. 318; and the Evang. Hymnal, N. York, No. 320. The line, "From youth to hoary age," in the Amer. Prot. Episcop. Hyl, No. 474, is from the Amer. P. Bk. Coll., 1826.