A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Ménestrel, Le

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From volume 2 of the work.

1684354A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Ménestrel, LeGeorge GroveGustave Chouquet

MÉNESTREL, LE. This weekly musical periodical, of which the first number was issued Dec. 1, 1833, originally consisted of a romance occupying 2 pages, with printed matter at the back; increased in 1840 to 4 pages of musical information and criticism; and since Dec. 1858 has contained 8 folio pages on fine paper, besides music. Its great success is due to the editor, M. Jacques Heugel, who during the last twenty years has inserted contributions from almost every musician of note in France, including MM. Barbedette, Blaze de Bury, Paul Bernard, Gustave Chouquet, Félix Clément, Oscar Commettant, Ernest David, Octave Fouque, Edouard Fournier, A. de Gasperini, Eugène Gaultier, Gevaert, Léon Halévy, G. Héquet, B. Jouvin, Adolphe Jullien, Lacome, Th. de Lajarte, A. de Lauzières, Marmontel, Amédée Méreaux, A. Morel, H. Moreno, Ch. Nuitter, A. de Pontmartin, Prosper Pascal, Ch. Poisot, Arthur Pougin, Alphonse Royer, J. B. Weckerlir., and Victor Wilder. The Ménestrel has also published, among others, the following works afterwards printed separately:—articles on Schubert, Mendelssohn, Haydn, Chopin, and Weber by Barbedette; Blaze de Bury's 'Meyerbeer'; B. Jouvin's 'Auber' and 'Hérold'; de Gasperini's 'R. Wagner et la nouvelle Allemagne'; Méreaux's 'Les Clavecinistes et leurs œuvres'; Bertrand's 'Les Nationalités musicales dans le drame lyrique'; Héquet's 'A. Boieldieu'; Marmontel's 'Les Pianistes celebres'; and Wilder's 'Vie de Mozart' and 'Jeunesse de Beethoven.'

[ G. C. ]